Thursday 27 June 2013

New song: "Beautiful (Hermosa)" (Spanglish remix)

Mariah Carey keeps on releasing remixes of her R&B hit "#Beautiful" as "I'm sorry" treats to fans for her abrupt and surprising announcement of postponing the release of her fourteenth studio album "The Art of Letting Go" indefinitely. The album was supposed to hit stores worldwide July 23, but now only God knows when. From the tweets she posted earlier this week, one can deduce Mariah (and possible the label too) wasn't that happy once listening to the final result of the album, and/or felt a couple of "real hits" need to be recorded before launch. Either way, these "#Beautiful" remixes she's releasing serve to calm our rage somewhat, right?

If she released the "urban" remix yesterday featuring rapper A$AP Rocky, Mariah now unleashes the Spaniglish version of "#Beautiful", which has been re-titled to "#Hermosa", which means "beautiful" in Spanish. So, is this good? Well, let's get the positive out of the way first. Mariah sounds so good, and so sultry in Spanish. She's actually recorded a few songs in Spanish in the past, like a re-worked version of her hit "My All" in that language, called "Mi Todo". Will MiMi ever record a full-length album in Spanish? Let's pray all together! Now, as for Miguel, he sounds like a mess in "#Hermosa". He didn't make his Mexican heritage proud this time, NOP. His pronunciation was weird as heck. Actually, the entire production of "#Hermosa" is messy. The newly added ad-libs/whispering are annoying, and the jumping from Spanish to English in the verses were a chaos.

(Direct Lyrics)

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