Friday 28 June 2013

Mariah Carey hangs out on a haystack and it looks silly

You having fun on that haystack there, Mariah Carey? The divalicious singer was spotted lounging on some hay while pre-recording part of the performance for her Macy's July 4th Spectacular. So, she's saying that hay is American? Not really sure I get the whole reason behind that, other than the fact that you can find hay in America? Guys, I just can't with Mariah. Also, why is she laying down but her duet partner Miguel has to creepily walk around her?

I mean, I guess if that's the type of thing they're going for. And is anybody else really amused by Mariah's outfit? Personally, I think she should have worn her Disney wedding dressand hung out on a haystack. Seems much more Mariah.

(Socialite Life)

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