Saturday 7 September 2013

Mariah Carey bolsters student's self-assurance

It's Tuesday night, 8:00 p.m. and where am I? People who don't know me might think I'm studying or reading. Others who know me might expect that I'm playing my ukulele. However, those who really know me will answer without a doubt, "She's watching her favorite TV show, Pretty Little Liars."

If you are unfamiliar with the show, it follows the lives of four high school girls who receive threatening text messages from someone known as the letter "A". Of course the girls never tell anyone about the threats because common sense is so faux pas. As the show progresses, you quickly learn that no one can be trusted.

I know, I know, a 20-year-old college student watching an overly dramatic teenage soap opera with more twists and turns than the Ninja rollercoaster at Six Flags; pretty embarrassing. The show is filled to the brim with teenage angst, and everyone in the town is insanely attractive. Some of you might wonder, "If it's so embarrassing, why in the world is she putting this out there for all of UGA to see?"

The answer to this question lies within a phrase that my best friend and mentor taught me: "Screw you, I like Mariah Carey." Now, you are probably wondering what Mariah Carey has to do with any of this. The answer lies in a story told not too long ago by my mentor.

Basically, when my mentor was beginning college, she felt the need to justify everything about herself. She had to give reasons for why she liked certain things, felt certain ways and held certain beliefs. She couldn't find the strength to stand up for herself even in her own mind. Long story short, she was a self-conscious wreck.

One evening, she was listening to the radio with some friends and Carey's latest hit started to play. As she started singing along, someone said, "How could you like this song?" Immediately, she started to say things like, "Well, she's cool, I guess, and it's fun, kinda." My mentor's best friend then stopped her and told her to simply say, "Screw you, I like Mariah Carey." That day my mentor learned that she didn't have to justify her answers and that her opinions mattered.

Not too long ago, I was in a similar situation. I was extremely unsure of myself and second guessed my every move. I could only function if everyone around me was happy with me, even if I was not. My friends gave me the nickname, "doormat", because I would let everyone walk all over me. I didn't even know how to stand up for myself, and the thought of angering someone with my opinions nauseated me.

My mentor noticed this behavior and gave me one of the best pieces of advice that I have ever gotten, and now I am sharing it with you. Only you can make yourself feel inferior. You will never get anywhere in this world unless you take the time to stand up for yourself. Your opinions matter. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

So the next time anyone tries to make you justify your opinion, don't just sit there and take it. Simply turn to them, look them in the eye and say, "Screw you, I like Mariah Carey," with a big smile on your face.

(The Red and Black)

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