Saturday 28 September 2002

Mariah speaks openly on Johannes B. Kerner

Mariah Carey on the death of her father

The death of my father - that was a very hard time for me. I went straight to the mourning service. That was several weeks ago now. I think of him. We were not very close for a while, but then that changed. We became very close the last few years. That he died, was a shock for me. He had cancer. He was not operable any more. He died on July the 4th, on the American Independence Day. He wanted liberty and he died on the Independence Day. We were able to became friends a short time before he died, I'm very lucky and I am grateful that I had this opportunity.

Over her marriage with Tommy Mottola

"There was a very big passion between us. For me it was overwhelming. But I was never someone who should be married. My parents got separated when I was little. I did not want to be crushed, I still wanted to be with my friends, I wanted to do the things I like. I do not have anything against him. But I made it in such a way, because he wanted that. Okay, we had a big wedding. "If you want it, I want it too." It would have kept longer, if we had not married. I was not so far and did not want to be someone's wife, those times were nice and I was protected by a 50 year old man. In the garden, I did not sit with the adults. We had a marriage contract. I did not leave with anything - only what I had before."

Over her nervous breakdown

I was at the end. The whole "nervous breakdown" to call it like that was totally exaggerated. The following happened to me: I worked two months straight, 20 hours a day without break. If you make that longer and not reasonably eats and sleeps, you do not hold out. Simply only work. I left Sony at that time. I had the new company and not yet the support around me. I did not have the people around me, which said: "Mariah, you worked now 14 hours on the piece. As it would be now with something to the meal?" I simply forget that. I did not to worry anyone about me, and I also. I neglected myself. The star was for me in the foreground. But I neglected the human in me, no question. And then I was so exhausted and finished that my physical health was at the end. I was finished. No one understood that. Nevertheless always there was Mariah - full energy. When I visited my mother, I was so finished. I had no more energy at all. And I was physically finished. I begun to be scared and therefore I called 911. That's the whole story. My mother did not know, how she should react with the fact that I was suddenly weak.

What she learned from her defeat

I now have a contract locked: sound as I need much sleep, to relax and eat. You must regulate that somehow. I even make contracts and I force myself to keep them. I really thank God for everything that I had experienced. I am now a much more spiritual person. I went through and come through and I learned very much about me. For example, what you may not allow for yourself. We must actually take our position for ourselves. Also with my father this year. I learned, how valuable the life is and how quickly it can go away. I am different than one year ago. I have priorities: Camera and Hollywood are one - the music business. But the most important is not in the life. Humans are much more important. Humans are more important than career!


Many thanks to Heroes Of Mariah.

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