PopCrush's official field guide to artist fan names | mcarchives.com

Tuesday 28 August 2018

PopCrush's official field guide to artist fan names

Once upon a pre-social media time, fan names were typically reserved for the devoted followers of iconic rock bands like the Grateful Dead (Deadheads) and Kiss (Kiss Army), while the term "groupie" broadly applied to music fanatics who would literally follow an act from city to city.

Then, the '80s and '90s gave rise to snail mail-based fan clubs, where fans of an artist or group could pay a membership fee to receive official, exclusive merchandise, like badges, T-shirts and special newsletters. These days, however, fandoms have largely moved online, mobilized by social media and the ability to connect in a direct, personalized way with their idols on sites like Twitter.

The rise of cyber-based fan communities in the 21st century has also brought with it an explosion of individualized fan names, with diehard supporters of artists from Justin Bieber to Hayley Kiyoko taking on the mantle of their faves - in this case, Beliebers and Kiyokians, respectively.

These days, fans of almost every single pop artist or band have a name they call themselves. But just what are Mariah Carey's fans called? Or Britney Spears' fans? Or Fifth Harmony's fans? Below, check out a list of fan names - from the ultra-creative to the super-cringey - for dozens of popular artists and groups. Which do you fall into?

Avril Lavigne - Black Stars
Avril's fans didn't make it complicated with this Hot Topic-approved fan name.

Mariah Carey - Lambs
We're still not quite sure why they're not called Butterflies.

One Direction - Directioners
The pinnacle of creativity.

Carly Rae Jepsen - Jepsies
From her nickname as Carly "Slay" Jepsen to that epic sword meme, they should probably be called Carly's Slayers.

Miley Cyrus - Smilers
Just like Miley's childhood nickname

Iggy Azalea - Azaleans
She didn't crash land from outer space in "Pretty Girls" for nothing.

Meghan Trainor - Megatrons
Maybe Meghan's a robot in disguise?

Charli XCX - Angels
Charli's Angels. Get it?

Little Mix - Mixers
Simple but finite.

Demi Lovato - Lovatics
Points for creativity.

Fifth Harmony - Harmonizers
I mean, it's even on Urban Dictionary.

Rihanna - Rihanna Navy
She did star in Battleship.

Adam Lambert - Glamberts
Honestly, it's the perfect name for fans of the modern glam-rocker and pop star.

Britney Spears - Britney Army
Unfortunately, there's another global pop music force that's claimed the word "Army" for its fandom, but we'll get to that soon enough.

Justin Bieber - Beliebers
There's nothing a Belieber beliebs in more.

Selena Gomez - Selenators
We feel like Love Songs would have been cuter, but also we have no idea what "Selenator" is supposed to mean, so...

Hayley Kiyokians - Kiyokians
To be fair, Hayley did try to change this one, but the fans were not. having. it.

Bruno Mars - Hooligans
Don't believe 'em? Just watch.

Taylor Swift - Swifties
They've been known to engage in battle with other fans on Twitter, so watch out for this group.

Lady Gaga - Little Monsters
You know the drill: put those paws up.

Katy Perry - KatyCats
Kitty Purry is shook.

Ed Sheeran - Sheerios
He approved it himself on Twitter back in 2012.

Nicki Minaj - Barbz
They've even been profiled by Rolling Stone.

Kesha - Animals
It's not rocket science: it's right there in the title of her debut animal.

Camila Cabello - Camilizers
Probably could have gotten more creative with this one.

Beyonce - Beyhive
No shade for this one: Beyonce is literally the Queen Bee.

BTS - Army
We're pretty sure this powerful globe-spanning community could overthrow a small country.

Ariana Grande - Arianators
Another weird one, but Ari's fans are so tight with each other - the pop star herself - that it doesn't really matter what they call themselves.

Shawn Mendes - Mendes Army
Again, there can only be one fan "Army". Why not call themselves the Stitches?


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