Mariah Carey birthday |

Saturday 27 March 2021

Mariah Carey birthday

Songbird Supreme, Mariah Carey celebrates her birthday today (March 27). While there are as many as 19 No 1 hits on Billboard, Mariah is the only singer in the world after The Beatles to hold this huge record. While the singer is often remembered for her iconic "All I Want For Christmas Is You" song, there are so many iconic tracks that she has registered under her kitty. A brilliant singer of recent times, Carey is an artist par excellence.

With a huge fan base who worship her religiously, Mariah Carey's fandom has only seen a steep rise since her debut into the world of music, She's an icon who believes in speaking her mind and has rarely cared about what others have to say about her. It took years for her to get acquainted with people especially after everything that she had to endure as a child but nothing stopped Carey from flaunting her talented self.

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