Nick Cannon's "much love to the lambs"
Nick Cannon has added another blog post in his official website. This time, he thanks Mariah Carey's fans for all their support. He also talks about his thoughts on those who dissaprove his persona. Lambs, you guys are the best. You guys stick up for Mariah and always have. If you noticed in my post to the "haters", I never mentioned the word lambs because I know you guys are the real true definition of fans. Lambs are actually more than that, you guys are literally Mariah's family. You don't know how much she loves you all and how happy you have always made her. You all have rolled with her through everything.
So when we got married I was surprised that I was marrying into a worldwide family. And just like in any marriage, some family members embrace you, some don't, and some take time to invite you in. It's like one big version of "Meet The Parents" lol. So I appreciate all the lambs who have embraced me and the ones who haven't yet, I am totally okay with that. I understand. Some in-laws never get along. But I want my site to be an open forum for you to voice all your opinions. A great man once said, "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will die for the right for you to say it." I encourage and welcome criticism, especially when done with respect.
Again the only issue I had was the few people who were making vulgar and slanderous comments about my wife. I will never allow anyone to disrespect Mariah in my presence. And I believe I have personally reached out to everyone who was making those type of comments and nipped it in the bud. Again to the lambs, you guys are stone winners. Thank you for loving and supporting Mariah past, present, and future.
P.S. Wait until you guys hear the new album. Stone groove smash hit wonders! (And no, I would never be worthy enough to be featured on a Mariah record, don't worry.) Lol. (