
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Andrew from the United Kingdom: Banned forever!

Re: Fave five The Rarities songs (96,001) (96,003) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
1. Firelover Crackerboy
2. One Night
3. Out Here On My Own
4. Cool On You
5. Mesmerized

I never understood labels' obsession with an upbeat track followed by ballad. Ruins momentum I think.
(Wednesday 7 October 2020; 13:45)
Re: The Rarities - track by track review (sorry) (95,937) (95,956) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Oh Big Willy, have you lost your mind? One Night is effing brilliant. It absolutely ahould have been on Daydream heading up the cassette B-side (after I am Free, before When I Saw You) or it could have been a good closer after Looking In. I love love love this track.

Here We Go Round Again is, likewise, a stone groove winner and a brilliant album opener. How could this not make the album but nonsense like There's Got To Be A Way could?

But Firelover Crackerboy is absolutely the best. I would go as far to say as it is one the best things Mariah Carey has ever recorded. It has unique momentum and bounce. When she uses full voice for "ride" for "take me for a ride" I had a mini orgasm. I know 100% I will be playing this song every day for the foreseeable future.

The Rarities is a brilliant album.
(Sunday 4 October 2020; 15:00)
Firelover Crackerboy (95,917) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
The original Loverboy is abso-friggin-lutely a brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant song. It's happy and bouncy, has great momentum and feels like an event.

Honestly, this is genius. She should have stuck to her guns and used this version. I love love love it. Loverboy [now] belongs in the same list as Emotions, Dreamlover, Fantasy, Honey and Heartbreaker.
(Friday 2 October 2020; 15:17)
Re: Wayward Child (95,862) (95,879) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Someone wise just accurately ripped Rolling Stone Magazine and possibly with intent to making clear that their decision making process unreliable. (He's a pretty targeted, effectual and enjoyable writer, here.) Go with me, it is relevant.

Mariah herself is happy that Caution was well-received by critics, for example. Her truth; that's fine. But I wonder why.

A detractor's approval means something - in perspective. It is nice. But I am wary of getting overexcited by compliments because the person who made them has historically been critical.

In the same way I want to shake Mariah and say "These [censored] ripped apart your equally-as-good - if not better - work, because it wasn't fashionable to like you back then." I want to say "Ignore these tits as the criticism was not based upon truth." I will take your nicety with appreciation but also a pinch of salt. As in: you couldn't tell how much I love Mariah in all I have written in 7 years? Bullshit, surely. Even people who hate me here would probably not deny that I adore her. And they don't work in mental health lol I forget - do you? You've never mentioned.

I do appreciate the olive branch, however. And Eddie may tell you I wouldn't bother with a pisstaking essay if I didn't actually mean well. Maybe Housepartt with Bobby-A and I Friday. It may help ensure he has both hands visible on the desk.

I hope you are enjoying the memoir. I hope you enjoy Firecracker (seriously, I cannot think about anything else, now).

Bitches be emulating me daily.
(Thursday 1 October 2020; 01:35)
Re: Wayward Child (95,865) (95,878) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Bobby-A, I am tempted to say yes. Lets videocall. But Houseparty. Not Zoom. It would probably need to be around 11pm for me and 6pm for you, if you are United States East Coast? However:

I will not take a bubblebath,
I will not watch you crazy laugh,
I will not vidcall in the nude,
And you should be wearing pants, too, dude.
I am a Mariah Carey fan
I love MC, Andrew I am.
(Thursday 1 October 2020; 01:14)
Re: I am stunned (95,869) (95,877) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
William, I am really pleased you liked it. I was worried, listening to it, that you would not. It isn't the song direction many and you had hoped for. But it is rather wonderful how it is done.

Gonna need the notes on print to audible differences. I'd actually like the spreadsheet and any other PDF'd spreadsheet you have made.

If not, not to worry. I am glad you got from it what you needed.
(Thursday 1 October 2020; 01:07)
Re: Roger Friedman (95,867) (95,876) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Yours is perhaps the most important message here.

Thie is not intended to be an autobio with receipts as some numpty just inferred here. It is a memoir. It is a story about a development of a person that Mariah wants to tell about her life.

It is Mariah's perspective on her story.

I have finished Sing Sing.

I get why people are dissatisfied. I get it. I wince often. This is not self-reflection for Mariah to heal herself. This isn't Mariah trying to figure out her own mistakes. This is Mariah saying "This is how I felt, people behaved this way, and I was the one that wrote very valuable pieces of music and it was me people worshipped and thanked."

Knowing me, after all I have posted in 7 years, you think I might have a problem with that. But I don't.

They sold her out, dutifully. Her family sold her out. Fellow women, like Lopez, sold her out. I do not begrudge Mariah the book she has written. I wish her response to Oprah had been:

"Because [censored] them. That's why."

And, Eric, if you made that word "smurf", you are doing injustice to fair intent of comment. I have asterixed it but if you must alter please just put "[censored]". We are all adults here. Except for we_are_lambily. But she is way past lights-out.

I have no doubt that people whom I believe have crossed and cheated me believe or make pretence that I have done wrong (and I am owed, myself, awe and respect and much money from people whom I consider lucky to have known me). So be it. My view of my interactions here don't seem to match with the opinions held herein, either.

But a nice man named Martyn Hakan Hett once defended me from a spurious attack here in his inimitable way of... being intelligent emotionally:

"This is his truth," he wrote, if I recall correctly. And the maturity of that open-natured heart stuck with me and I honestly try to remember it when, what I perceive to be untruths, which I find vulgar, confront me. Is it just perception?

The Meaning of Mariah Carey is Mariah from Mariah's perspective. It is not an autobiography. It is a story about one person's passion. And I love it.

There are many things I do not like about what I am hearing. Trust, lambs and fans, I could go hard on this.

But it is Mariah's truth. Even if her truth with hindsight is not completely accurate, my own truth about myself would not be. But you cross examine a witness to hear a lived experience.

Mariah wanted to emphasise *her* drive through turmoil, *her* work to get a record deal, *her* bravery against psychological bullying, *her* making hiphop mainstream due to her childhood, *her* justification in shunning people who she believed toxic. I like this. I like that Mariah is justifying why we owe her awe.

I do have issues with it. Maybe later, after The Rarities, I'll think of the glaring annoyances to record them here. (I should say as I write this the All That Glitters section is playing and I have serious issues already.) But, honestly, right now, I am with Mariah and thrilled with her telling me her story. I can't help telling Alexa or Spotify to play songs when she sings. I am so thrown to my childhood. I was singing Beautiful Ones out loud at 2am. (Sorry, Randy lol.)

This is absolutely wonderful. I feel 14 again, consumed in awe. Awe for this spectacularly talented woman to whom I owe my life. I genuinely do. It is hard hearing how Mariah was sad when she made me happy.

Proctors Theatre was the sound I heard from the kitchen and left my mother mid-sentence to walk to the living room and stare at the TV and ask my brothers who this person was only to have both brothers themselves offer they couldn't believe it either. "This woman loves her music," said my eldest brother, Jonathan, during the AYNAF adlibs. Never forget it. It was he who lifted me up and held me the first time we saw Mariah sing Hero together.

I ruined that stolen VHS as I played it every day, always AYNAF before school. My brothers and I adored it. When Fantasy: MSG came out, I felt like I was cheating on Proctors Theatre. I would watch it after MSG out of guilt. (I would fake sickness to my mother and skip school to watch both VHS tapes - and once for Around The World: but I hated it.)

Why am I banging on like this is my own memoir? Because I hate Mariah for bookending the Proctor's Theatre concert with negativity. I hate her for it. That was an angel appearing to me. We were in awe. My life was saved.

I honestly would not have lived without Mariah and Hero, of course. I believed, when I was kid, that she was sent to make me live.

But I slept last night on Mariah's retelling of the Schnectady thabsgiving special. I know it off by heart. I know where she moves and when. I know the fake reshoot sections. I can do all hand and leg movements with my back to the screen (I showed my partner in 2003 and was met with "Oh my..."). This was my childhood.

But I woke up to realise and decide that my own truth, as Martyn called it, does not detract from Mariah's truth; and I am honoured to finally know the truth behind that concert. Mariah is flawed but not stupid. She knows that concert is pinacle in opening her artistry to new people. And she changed how we view it forever.

If Mariah needs me to know that she was desperately sad during it, I need to understand that my truth is not the right one. And appreciate that truths, even if from a bias perspective, are important.

I am watching Proctor's Theatre now rather than listen to All That Glitters, because I get to look into Mariah's eyes now and hear her thoughts. I get to appreciate that my brothers and my adoration of beautiful music, tone and physicality came at a price for the person who instilled it in us.

My brothers eventually took me to a Mariah Carey concert in London in 2001 (my father even driving us and being shamed when I pointed out he was singing along to Hero in the car - poor man, although I gave him Star Trek). We all went together 7 to 8 years after they stole that VHS and we fell in love with her. We didn't much like the Rainbow Tour. It wasn't good. But I hope Mariah went back to The Dorchester happy after it. And I hope she knew she was loved. And I cried when she appeared, my macho brothers and I danced like fools, and I cried once more at the end in total thanks for her being my saviour and companion in lonely times, and for the song that was the original mainstream "It Gets Better" message. I was picked up by a brother to hear that message, by a brother who understood why she was owed awe.

This is an awe certain reviewers would do well to consider first before taking cheap shots out of perceived historical offence.

I hope Mariah, for all of her faults, is [censored] happy.

Cheers for 2020.
(Thursday 1 October 2020; 00:52)
Re: Roger Friedman (95,858) (95,861) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I have not heard the rest of the book but I have read this article. And laughed out loud.

I am a Mariah Carey fan and, also, quite possibly, one of the most critical. So if this obnoxious tit Roger is reading this:

Roger, I challenge you to a public debate about Mariah, big boy. You vs me. I am that equipped with knowledge and have passion free from prejudice I will do it with 5 minutes adamvance warning. You can quote anything I have ever posted and I, you.

And I would still wipe floor with you, you smurfing tit.
(Wednesday 30 September 2020; 00:11)
Wayward Child (95,860) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I stayed up until 6am but gave up. The audiobook arrived at 7am. I have finished Wayward Child.

What a brilliantly performed audiobook, thus far. Mariah does really well. The singing moved me. The Art Of Letting Go being sung in relation to Patricia threw me. I felt blindsided.

i am a bit ashamed to admit I cried very shortly into the audiobook. I felt humble. I felt like I was a voyeur and Mariah should not have had to reveal these personal things. I felt it unfair she has had to explain the source of her pain. I felt sad that the young girl I adored in my emotionally unsettled youth was explaining her own emotionally unsettled youth. I just wanted to hug her and thank her for giving me what her musical idols had given her. Maybe I haven't said thankyou enough. Mariah Carey saved my life when I was a kid. It was not the case that somebody else would have filled the role had she not been there. It was her and her alone.

i feel humble.
(Wednesday 30 September 2020; 00:03)
Re: The Rarities - first week sales (95,845) (95,847) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Skyoooze me? William Shatner is warp speed to Number 1.

Does anyone know when Audible preorders arrive?

It's past 0001hrs and I still don't have it. I even kicked off (I know, out of character, right?) on email and they wouldn't be specific. I am literally here with champagne waiting.
(Tuesday 29 September 2020; 01:07)
Big Willy Style (95,842) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
So, William, what is the game plan? Have you the spreadsheet ready to go? Do you have a USB for backup should the file become corrupted? Have you chosen the font? Are you using Mariah's Friz Quadrata? Are you going to read through quickly once and then start your analysis? Are you dedicating a certain amount of time per section? Do you have a copy of the book for annotations and a spare to keep unopened to prevent spine crease and/or to keep out of sunlight to prevent page discolouration? Will you read with dust jacket on or off? Do you have tweezers or non-powdered gloves to page turn?

If you have ever seen Red Dragon with Ralph Fienes and Anthony Hopkins, the main antagonist, Francis Dollarhyde, rips up and actually swallows the painting of the Red Dragon. I keep imagining you doing this with Mariah's book, lol.

Don't drink too much red wine, now.
(Monday 28 September 2020; 21:03)
Re: Chick songs (95,833) (95,840) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Um, if Mariah performed these songs in a concert I'd ask for a refund. Whilst it's totally crazy and yet fun that she took part in this, the music is shit. It sounds like 80's British punk or grunge (or some other word that makes music instantly sound unappealing). This is more Courtney than Alanis. Still it is cool that Mariah did things in secret for fun.
(Monday 28 September 2020; 19:06)
Re: Chick - Someone's Ugly Daughter (95,813) (95,822) by Andrew from the United Kingdom

(Monday 28 September 2020; 02:37)
Re: Columbia Records/Sony (95,806) (95,820) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Eric, mate. Mariah? Barbra? You 100% sure you're straight? Robert Anthony is looking pretty butch to me right now.
(Monday 28 September 2020; 02:31)
Re: Cool On You (95,803) (95,818) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
"This is her closure song that was replaced by For The Record."

Please cite source or link to evidentiary support.
(Monday 28 September 2020; 02:26)
We Belong Together "clones" (95,801) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Could any one of the numerous people who state or infer that Mariah has made several/numerous/dozens-of clones of We Belong Together please relate:

1. The names of all the songs they believe fall into this category
2. The specific attributes of the songs that place them in this category
(Sunday 27 September 2020; 17:22)
Re: October 2nd (95,784) (95,791) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
"Besides new album releases from Bon Jovi, Dolly Parton and William Shatner, and YG, MC may be #1 the following week on the Billboard 200. It would be so nice for this to happen."

Bobby-A, there are a few things in life I truly love and amongst them are Mariah Carey and Star Trek. So forgive me, but I may genuinely, actually, be rooting for William smurfing Shatner, here. Legend.

"Scotty, I need Number 1 now or we're all dead."

"Captain, there's an enemy album closing in."

"Open hailing frequencies."

"Hailing frequencies open, Sir."

"Spock, what is that hideous noise?"

"I'm not sure, Captain. A weapon of seemingly immense pain. Sensors show it's called.. Save The Day. Shall we raise shields, Captain?"

"No. Computer, set auto-destruct."

A Mariah Carey/William Shatner joke on the MCA messageboard. Bet you thought you'd never see the day. But that may be enough wine for tonight.
(Sunday 27 September 2020; 02:17)
Re: Mariah approved spoilers (95,780) (95,789) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
"I want it to feel like when I was 3 and the Butterfly album came out."

The only thing that came out when you were three was you. The butterfly was not even a glint in his caterpillar dad's eye when you were that young.

Interestingly, after pupa, butterflies only live for a matter of months; some, only weeks. There is a butterfly that survives only a day after chrysalis. I often think this one of the beautiful messages of the butterfly symbol:

You may wait a lifetime for your inner beauty to be recognised; you may wait a comparative age for your day in the sun - and it may just be that it is only one day in the sun. But always hold on. Always. Your day will come and it sure as shit will be worth it.
(Sunday 27 September 2020; 01:44)
VH1 / So Graham Norton (95,776) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
When I went to see Mariah on So Graham Norton (the old C4 version of his show before it soon switched to the BBC) I remember the two of them discussing that Mariah had recently been voted 2nd best voice of all time behind Freddie Mercury. I am sure it was VH1 and an in-print magazine that did a joint vote but I cannot recall. Neither can I find it on clips of the show.

Second place behind Freddie Mercury is probably a just position for Prime Mariah's voice. I could argue that she should be first but Freddie is Freddie. Listen to Love Of My Life if you dislike your heart being in one piece.

What I did find on a clip of the show, which I missed all these years, is me: at 06:42, clapping along in a dark tee, with impossibly straight curtained hair. In my defence I was 20 and it was fashionable back then. Well. Ahem. I may have been clinging on for dear life. But I still got laid a lot.
(Saturday 26 September 2020; 15:58)
Re: Article: Mariah tells Oprah Winfrey why she wrote her memoir (95,760) (95,775) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Save The Day is an awful video, in my opinion - an opinion which you think I should not express. Rightio.

To quote a question you once posed: "What do this tell me about my Mariah devotion?" Well, it suggests, much like your English, it is overzealous and ill-thought-out.

You ought not to tell people to "shut up". It can often turn a bark into a bite.
(Saturday 26 September 2020; 14:26)
Mariah's memoirs (95,753) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Could people stop discussing any revelations of the content of the memoir until it is out? I am sure I am not alone in not wanting spoilers (the term being quite apt in that they spoil the actual experience).
(Friday 25 September 2020; 15:29)
Article: Mariah says Derek Jeter "was a catalyst" in her divorce (95,737) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Word on the wire is that Derek Jeter has two other children: a lesbian called Minn and a fat one called Binn.

Maybe that joke is too British for an international audience.
(Thursday 24 September 2020; 23:38)
Article: Mariah tells Oprah Winfrey why she wrote her memoir (95,728) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Love the hair, love the make-up (little too heavy on the eyes but she just won't let go of this little comfort blanket), love the dress, love the look. How is this the same person that filmed that Mean Girls quiz or that God-awful STD video? She looks a mess in those. She looks stunning here. Beautiful.
(Thursday 24 September 2020; 17:09)
Re: The Meaning of Mariah Carey (95,710) (95,727) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Nobody should watch this. The video has been called The Meaning Of Mariah Carey for clickbait. It is a lie, preying upon people's excitement for self gain. Don't reward liars.
(Thursday 24 September 2020; 17:06)
Re: BBMA 2020 (95,723) (95,726) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I do think it's hardly something to be celebrated when you beat people of a much lower calibre. Imagine Meryl Streep's reaction to winning an award in a category in which Kristen Stewart, Chloe Grace Moretz and Cole Sprouse were the fellow nominees.
(Thursday 24 September 2020; 16:50)


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