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About Andrew from the UK:

Discounted singles (103,240) by Andrew from the UK
Er, "I'll have she's having" springs to mind. Remember, Normie: it's just vodka - it's not love.
(Tuesday 22 August 2023; 22:08)
this is a reply to message 103,233
Discounted singles (103,228) by Andrew from the UK
I must be missing something here. "Discounted singles"?

My first question would be: "Discounted from what?" People can sell whatever they want at any price in a free market society. As on a bell curve, items are sold at the lowest price that will shift more units that at a higher price that will shift less if it would make more profit to do so? I don't recall in Woolworths of Tower Record or any other music store in the UK at the time there being a standard fixed price for a single.

And, in any case, my second question would be: "Who, in their right mind, buys a hardcopy single because of the price? "Way back when, back in the day, all songs were on the radio and music television channels before they hit the music stores. I had rarely gone to one not knowing what the new single releases sounded like - or, if I had, I would generally (elongated) know what the single was going to sound like dependent on the artist. It's not as if people bought My All not knowing what a Mariah Carey ballad would sound like. The argument is absurd.

My third question would be: "If it were so easy to get to No.1 on the Billboard Hot 100 by discounting a hardcopy single in the music stores - that is, if the high charting led to further purchases at full price, even: why didn't everyone do it?" There is something so dubious about this "Mariah only got No.1 because of discounted singles" argument that it smacks of disingenuousness somewhere.

Unless I am gravely mistaken. But the trouble with entertaining Mariah critics in this talking point is that they're arguing something that can never be won and so they can chip away at her with it. But it can be argued on a test of objective reasonability. Yes, I imagine some persons did throw it into their baskets because it was cheap, as some people are so inclined - but so inclined in *those* numbers? I would tell anyone suggesting that as a reality to not waste my time.
(Sunday 20 August 2023; 09:32)
this is a reply to message 103,225
The Price Sisters and Melonie - underrated gems (103,212) by Andrew from the UK
Everything Fades Away is one of the best unreleased Mariah songs ever. All I've Ever Wanted followed by Everything Fades Away is just magical. Listening to them on repeat now in bed as I used to many years ago. She should have released All I've Ever Wanted. She ought to have received a Grammy for the vocal performance on it. It's perfection.
(Friday 18 August 2023; 23:43)
this is a reply to message 103,210
Nodules (103,211) by Andrew from the UK
Guess what a doctor would say if you presented with nodules on your vocal chords: a) don't drink alcohol b) don't smoke cigarettes or marijuana c) do vocal exercises d) all of the above? When writing about Mariah's nodules there is an air of deception if the context seems to to solely blame nodules on the chords and deflect from Mariah's own behaviour. For, put simply, she has not looked after her voice.
(Friday 18 August 2023; 23:25)
Perfection (103,191) by Andrew from the UK
Here's a question for you, William: if you could have AI-generated versions of Mariah's entire catalogue sung in the debut album voice, would you want it?
(Wednesday 16 August 2023; 09:23)
this is a reply to message 103,183
Perfection (103,190) by Andrew from the UK
Isn't it funny: we (mostly) all once have opined that it would be magical to hear Mariah's later songs in her original, unstrained voice - and AI has the ability to give us that. But now that it's here and possible, I am not certain I want it done. Moreover I am quite surprised nobody has thought to do it yet. AI for the advancement of medical science, I am all for. But we cannot allow art, literature, music and film to be computer generated: it takes away the core of what it is to be human and to express that condition in ways that touch others' (dare I say) souls. To create art in whatever medium is to stir emotion, to convey a feeling, to record an event in a way that is interpreted by the consumer of that art in a myriad of ways, dependent upon their own characteristics and experiences. A computer may have intelligence and extraordinary abilities but it cannot draw pr paint on cave walls, it cannot look to the stars and feel awe at the majesty of the expanse and the wonder of light, it cannot comprehend with humility the insignifance of the blip in time in which human civilisation has rise and will eventually fall, it cannot love or know loss. Or can it? I recall there was once a Queen musical called We Will Rock You which ran at the Dominion for about 10. It was shockingly awful. The story, however, is pretty on point now: the future was a fascist utopia above ground with rebels under ground (I know, groundbreaking, huh?). In the future utopia so-called "real music" is banned with music consumed by what the World Government would program. Instruments are banned. Since instruments are quite literally merely tools for expression and creation it is not hard now to envisage a world in the not-so-distant future where instruments, including the voice, are merely programmed and human creation seen as a threat to order. Perhaps the modern era we thought we lived in will very quickly will be looked upon as somewhat absurd and rather silly. "You mean, they actually acted back then? The painted stuff? You mean, they 'sang' in studios and recorded it?" It's a nauseating thought.
(Wednesday 16 August 2023; 09:21)
this is a reply to message 103,185
Hair (103,180) by Andrew from the UK
In saying that, YouTube just put My All from Divas Live on and I can't stop laughing at how ridiculous that hair is - she looks completely bizarre.
(Monday 14 August 2023; 13:21)
Perfection (103,179) by Andrew from the UK
The AI voice is incredible. I would likely not have known the difference. But you are right: knowing it's not real takes away the essential aspect of listening to and being a fan of an artist - especially in Mariah's case as somebody that writes and produces the music, too. Who gets passionate about a computer? YouTube fed me If Only You Know/Somewhere Over the Rainbow (1998) and You and I (2002) so it redeemed itself. But this AI world needs strict regulation - very quickly. The SAG are right to strike, musicians alike should down tools to negatively impact the Western economy until a regulatory framework is introduced whereby it is unlawful to reproduce someone's image and voice using AI without consent. No good - let me say again - no good can come from any of this.
(Monday 14 August 2023; 13:12)
this is a reply to message 103,176
Firecracker Loverboy (103,162) by Andrew from the UK
It would be truly amazing if someone could overlay the Loverboy video with the Loverboy Firecracker track.
(Friday 11 August 2023; 16:13)
this is a reply to message 103,139
Were I Mariah's manager (103,128) by Andrew from the UK
1. I would organise a massive 2-night concert for December 2024 to celebrate "Merry Christmas 30". I would put it at the new Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London (where Beyonce just performed and Jay-Z is now rumoured to want to buy) and livestream it around the world. 60,000 people for 2 nights is perfectly doable. Not just Christmas songs, but obviously featured. That would make headlines, especially if, as looks possibly, Jay-Z would own be the stadium's owner.

2. I would have a list of support acts longer than my arm so that the entertainment was 6 hours long. And they would be acts from Mariah’s career: Westlife, Busta Rhymes, etc. Finishing with Mariah for 2 hours in a massive professional production culminating in the biggest firework display this side of the Big Bang.

3. I would use these stadium concerts to lead to a Rarities 2 release and promo in January 2025 the imagery from which I would use to promote Mariah headlining the Glastonbury Festival Legends Sunday in June 2025 (that Elton John smashed this year).

4. This would be a precursor to a 2-Year Global Farewell Tour which would begin on October 03 2025 to celebrate Daydream 30 and finish September 10 2027 with the final concert in Madison Square Garden to commemorate Butterfly 30.

5. The tour would cover each continent and take in main arenas but have smaller outdoor concerts in famous worldwide locations: Place de la Concorde, the Colloseum, the Parthenon, Cristo Redemptor, Machu Pichu, the Griffith Observator - possibilities are extraordinary - and what a famous farewell tour it would be.
(Thursday 3 August 2023; 08:53)
Mariah's version (103,127) by Andrew from the UK
Since we are in confessions mode, let me stand up and confess: My name is Andy. I am a Mariah Carey fan. And... I like the Loverboy video. I know I should not, I really do know that. And I try to be a good boy and say no to watching it, but it's just so colourful and pretty. And hilarious. It's addictive and I just can't stop. I'm a mess. But maybe now that that is out, I can move on with my life, find some sort of normalcy and try to accept a world where the We Belong Together video is a thing that I'm supposed to like. Like girls. But not as fun to throw things at.
(Thursday 3 August 2023; 08:19)
this is a reply to message 103,118
Mariah's version (103,116) by Andrew from the UK
Fair. I remember thinking that the production quality of that video was great but the MTV Europe performance quite shambolic. It was the Loverboy video that had me thinking "WTAF?" But here a thing: I *do* remember wishing that Heartbreaker Remix was not a remix at all but had dropped the Heartbreaker theme and been a stand alone song called something else. I felt exactly the same about My All / Stay A While. They sound so standalone I wonder why they weren't individual songs and capitalised upon.
(Tuesday 1 August 2023; 13:09)
this is a reply to message 103,115
Caution (103,114) by Andrew from the UK
I think it now wise for everyone to hope that Caution was Mariah's last album of new material. I am glad people are now more honest about the damage to Mariah's voice but I do not think nearly honest enough. To be blunt: Mariah Carey is a bad singer. There is little point of talking about "current voice" or opining on things Mariah can do to improve how she sounds: her voice is irreparably damaged to the point where she sings badly - if she can even sing at all.

I get no pleasure in saying shit like this, truly. It used to make me somewhat sad and that in turn led to anger. But I do recall many years ago blaming Mariah for the decay and I will stand by those words. Given that she has hardly sung a live note above Middle C in well over a decade, there is some wonder to be had at exactly what she has been doing. I can hazard many guesses and they would involve things that none of us should do if we want to not damage our voice. Save for deepthroating Donkey Kong, alcohol and smoking are just about the worst things you can do to your voice. And given Nick Cannon's ability to spread his seed into an array of vapid women, all three vices I would suggest may had their way with Mariah's throat.

And this is what really used to piss me off amongst a handful of other things: Mariah Carey ruined her own voice. She didn't take care of it. Neither did Whitney Houston. I would like to think that were I to have been blessed with pipes like that I would have done everything to protect them. But like modern youth vilifying people long since dead for behaviour once considered the norm but now understood to be wrong, it is very easy to make judgement on behaviour when you do not appreciate or even understand the context. Were we to have lived another's life, would we have behaved the same or would we have applied our superior attitude or morality and succeeded where they failed? It is very easy to cling on to virtues when your back is not against the wall.

Whether Mariah's personality shift and the negative behaviours that ensued are a direct cause of her losing the ability to sing, or the other way around - or whether the issues were hardware or software - I can say that I have made my peace with the fact that she probably ought to have done a lot more to look after her voice and it is time to stop singing and promote a legacy.

I do feel extremely, extremely sorry for Celine Dion who famously looked after her throat, knowing full well that she had been handed the winning ticket, only to now face losing it in, what can only be described as cruel clutch of circumstance. Marcus Aurelius wrote that we should receive things without pride and let go of them without attachment. How very hard that is with the things you love most in the world, eh?

The albums must end with Caution. There is no good to be gained from any further exposure of the decay. Absolutely none at all.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: totally loving revisiting the Dreamlover original. Still can't find a live version of her singing the ending like the record, so if anyone knows of one I'll loving you long time.
(Tuesday 1 August 2023; 04:28)
Mariah's version (103,111) by Andrew from the UK
This is interesting. I wonder why you believe that since Heartbreaker Remix specifically Mariah's personality has been different? To pinpoint that specific moment in time would not, I think, have occurred to me. I did always think it looked like she had just had new veneers put in: her mouth is held closed a lot and when it's open her facial structure looks very different.
(Tuesday 1 August 2023; 03:40)
this is a reply to message 103,107
Time for lists lol (103,056) by Andrew from the UK
Your statement is false. I won't call it a lie because you are not being discourteous. Play nice, now.
(Friday 21 July 2023; 22:57)
this is a reply to message 103,046
Emotionally stiff (103,042) by Andrew from the UK
I would like to associate myself with your sentiments somewhat. However, people are of course entitled to express opinion but lies must be challenged If I were, for example, to claim that Aqua's Barbie Girl is a direct copy of Meat Loaf's Bat Out of Hell - that is flatly denying obervable reality. Any suggestion that "It's their opinion and they're entitled to it" is rather problematic because it assumes that a lie can be justified under the umbrella of individulism and self-expression. In any case, it's just planily stupid - and it very much is, so I am declaring it - to say that everything else on Daydream is a copy of Fantasy and One Sweet Day. Now if someone wants to state such a thing and provide, then, evidence to support the hypothesis, that's an argument, that's good, that can be debated in an attempt to discover truth. I recall a few years ago asking to no response what people meant on this board by declaring "everything Mariah realsed since 2005 is a copy of We Belong Together." I asked, if they meant, the harmonies, the theme, the style, the phrasing, the melody, the... whatever. I still don't know. I can't hear We Belong Together in Touch My Body which was refreshingly different for Mariah. I can't hear it in Obsessed. Nor can anyone who isn't deaf of very hard of hearing or just stupid for stupid's sake hear Fanasy or One Sweet Day in Looking In. The claim is false, there is nothing to support it as it stands and any attempt to dress it up as an opinion is at best unhelpful and at worst just stupid. Lies ust be challenged. Flatly denying observable reality is lying. Now somebody may not like the rest of the album, and that's fine. I would support them in shouting it from the rooftops, were they so inclined. But some eivdence to support my rather excellent argument: it's a positively stupid claim given that, as I understand it to have been, Underneath The Stars was the first song written and recorded for Daydream. So unless Tommy Mottola had a time machine (which I am namng the Time-y Mottola), as Judy Sheindlin put it: "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining." Peace out.
(Friday 21 July 2023; 01:35)
this is a reply to message 103,041
Emotionally stiff (103,035) by Andrew from the UK
We interrupt this crazy with news just in: criticizing a music artist is absolutely okay. Anybody on Earth wanting praise and adoration must accept that there will be critiques and criticisms along with it. Anybody who asks "Do you like the ensemble?" many times over must be prepared for the answer to be no and reasons given. If it made Mariah "happy" to take her clothes off I salute that. We all need to be happy and it's not easy to achieve. But her fans and followers were not looking for the nakedness and girly attitude from her. By Rainbow she was doing interviews in skimpy bikinis, bouncing around in videos with her bra-less breasts knocking left to right and on stage crowning herself the winner of her own beauty pageant every night on tour. People didn't want that from her, I would offer, so they starting turning away. She had the right to do so just as they had the right to. It's okay. I am just making observations which I am absolutely 100% qualified to do. Just as I am absolutely 100% sure that the any claim made to the extent that the other tracks on Daydream are copies of, or attempting to emulate, "Fantasy" and "One Sweet Day" are, well, absolutely absurd and total tosh. And I know you're going to get a lot of opposition to spouting such spurious nonsense. Daydream means a hell of a lot to almost everybody here.
(Wednesday 19 July 2023; 18:09)
this is a reply to message 103,032
Time for lists lol (103,030) by Andrew from the UK
David: Randy is my friend outside of this board. He will understand the humour as will others, like Eddie, for example. I am sorry you do not. Alas, you do remind me that one can't say boo to a goose 'round here for fear that someone so precious starts screaming "hate" and why I did not miss it. Talking of being an unreliable witnesss: I have not posted on this board in two years. Two years. If every two years is how often you visit the board, you have quite some entitlement to demand how it is run. In the interest of harmony, I offer you my sincerest of apologies for having triggered you.
(Wednesday 19 July 2023; 11:23)
this is a reply to message 103,028
The list to end all your listing (103,027) by Andrew from the UK
Rather than random songs (and in defence of Mariah 90s power ballads) I'm going to go with the best (simple short) lines from the best ballads - especially and specifically because of the melody and how they're delivered. Essentially: the bit in the song I look forward to when listening to, and singing, it.

10. Free enough to fly... / Oh once I was so all alone

9. Close to me, oh I need you close to me, holding me close to you, how can I get close to you?

8. If you were my own to caress and hold / I would shower you with love and drown within your soul

7. And you have opened my heart and lifted me inside / By showing me yourself undisguised

6. Precious love burning so deeply shining completely for you

5. Guardian angel I sail away on an ocean with you by my side

4. Blind and unguided into a world divided and you're thrown where you're never quite the same

3. And love will be there, yeah to light the way, yeah

2. If a you should ever find someone new / I know he better be good to you, you, you

1. In... every single one of you... oh yes, it does, oh yes, it does, I know it does an ero lies in you (live version)
(Wednesday 19 July 2023; 00:41)
Time for lists lol (103,026) by Andrew from the UK
Oh, I'm sorry, Randy. I didn't know it's always the "news" for which you're looking out for inspiration. The 1997 voice change and the choir on Through The Rain in the news often, then, are they? I've got a list - and you're on it. Why don't you, get the.
(Wednesday 19 July 2023; 00:13)
this is a reply to message 103,023
Emotionally stiff (103,022) by Andrew from the UK
I believe Music Box was savaged by critics because they just didn't like Mariah: young girl marries the much older, much less attractive, boss of the record company. For love? There's no way to know other than to go off Mariah's representations but given that she is a very unreliable witness/narrator, to say the least, it's dubious. It seemed, to many, like a shrewd calculated move by a conceited climber, so to speak. And the critics went off her. She responded with Daydream and she sat at the Grammy's next to Tommy Mottola looking like a spare at a wedding. What was going through her mind on that night, I wonder? Whatever was going through her mind when she married Tommy, whether for her career or for love, it was a gobsmackingly stupid thing to do for a whole host of reasons that I don't just see in hindsight - I saw them back then as I am sure many here did. But Music Box is a masterpiece of power balladry and bubblegum pop and should stop being disparaged by everyone just because they think it's cool to do so. Admittedly, there is infinitely more nuance to the vocal performance on Daydream, but, c'mon, you aren't really going to claim that Mariah would not have sung Daydream just like Music Box had the pipes not started, er, overheating - which I think must have been the reason Mariah took her clothes off in 1997 and not put them back on since: to cool down. It just made matters even worse, because critics and many fans alike never really forgave the sudden emergence of Long Island Barbie. It's frustrating to think of what could have been had she made different choices. I don't think Mariah as naive as people make out she was. She took several gambles and they backfired. So yes, Music Box was pop-crafted power schmaltz balladry but Whitney did exactly the same and critics loved her.
(Tuesday 18 July 2023; 13:58)
this is a reply to message 103,010
Emotionally stiff (102,998) by Andrew from the UK
Celine is an awesome vocalist. You know I love me some Celine, mate. But when she does her soft cooey emotional soft voice, I cringe. Perhaps it is the Britishness in me but it makes me very uncomfortable. And watching her do it on stage doubles the pain with her faux-emotional staring into the distance.

Whitney never got this nonsense. But listen to her records and find emotion in them. She bellows everything. Her contributions to The Bodyguard sountrack are obnoxious bellowing. Where was the criticism of Whitney bellowing IWALY? She shouts the whole bloody thing. And Run To You. And I Have Nothing. There's no emotion in these songs at all.

Mariah, no cringey over-emoting and no over-shouting.
(Wednesday 12 July 2023; 00:28)
this is a reply to message 102,985
Emotionally stiff (102,997) by Andrew from the UK
If this were your last day on Earth, in whatever dreams may come after, who of the people in your life would you think: "Hmmm he never told me that he loved me nor how he felt about me, so he probably didn't love me at all"? Probably nobody, right? Nobody of any consequence to you, possibly, anyway.

I would offer, humbly, that it is of little consequence that you didn't tell him that you loved him nor what he meant to you - but of great consequence simply that you *did* love him and that he *did* mean so much to you. Such powerful emotion is a rarity in life and a gift given to you by special people even if it is unrequited or unspoken.

Death is as big as life is little. I hope you find release, William, and live a long and happy one.
(Wednesday 12 July 2023; 00:15)
this is a reply to message 102,995
Languishing (102,996) by Andrew from the UK
I always thought Mariah had somewhat diminished that power and poignancy of Languishing by calling it an interlude. I recall many others here many years ago feeling the same.

Maybe Mariah means (in one fell swoop with just one word) in a song about damage to your person caused by the emotional abuse you received from a lover long ago is not forever. That is to say: the misery must be seen as an interlude in your life. That it is not what makes your story. That it is only what interrupted it.
(Tuesday 11 July 2023; 22:19)
Pride (102,959) by Andrew from the UK
Hi Steve, I had ended the post with a message to anyone reading in France which would have slightly elevated the tone but fear it was not included due to my having written it in French. So, in English: to all the people who may be reading in France I am thinking of you and hope you are staying safe.
(Tuesday 4 July 2023; 01:03)
this is a reply to message 102,957


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