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About Will from England: You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife

Re: What does Adele's success mean for Mariah? (58,747) (58,785) by Will from England
What Adele has managed to achieve, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, is something that I don't think can be replicated in our lifetimes. She is selling (capital letters) music with a basic promotional tour, interviews (both TV and radio), outstanding performances etc. Her music is selling itself at this point. Her songs may lack originality in some cases, but they are easily memorable and catchy. I was "singing" along to SML (TYNL) after the first listen without even trying. Plus, they are so different compared to the Miley, Taylor, Beyonce, Rihanna and KP songs that dominate radio. They are simple, mature songs without being too clever or over the top. Plus, she has people around her who tell her if the music is not good. Mariah can write beautiful songs that speak to the heart, however they are not ones that can easily be sung along to in a car. What does this mean for Mariah? I hope it shows her, once again, that music can sell itself if it is done right. That if she can craft a song (be it ballad or uptempo) that has power lyrics, a simple (yet driving) melody, whilst showing off her pipes, she can rise again. AIWFCIY, WBT, Beautiful are proof enough about what can work.
(Thursday 31 December 2015; 0:02)
Charmbracelet (58,583) by Will from England
Is it just me, or has she dug out her charmbracelet from the CB era?
(Sunday 20 December 2015; 19:13)
Sweet Sweet Fantasy (58,418) by Will from England
When I woke up this morning, I never imagined that the next day, I would be very seriously within a chance of seeing Mariah live for the first time ever. I have always dreamed of seeing her, but school and money issues always stood in the way. Now, I actually have no reason not to see her. I'm feeling all the emotions right now. She is more than just an idol for me (there aren't enough characters to go into all of that) and to get the chance to potentially see her is just overwhelming me.
(Monday 14 December 2015; 19:10)
Glittering mic (58,309) by Will from England
Loving the videos that are surfacing from her Beacon show(s). As a side note, am I the only one who kinda misses the glittering mic plus mic stand? It was so Mariah.
(Wednesday 9 December 2015; 23:29)
Little reminder (58,040) by Will from England
That Mariah can choose not to do anything. She can travel the world at leisure, relax in the Bahamas all she wants, play with her dogs and kids, get married, and just quietly exit from the music and public scene. She doesn't need to do anything. With all this negativity that has been surrounding her both privately and publicly from the fans and media, I'm surprised she hasn't decided to do so already. She doesn't need to sing, record, act, direct, create so much as a upmarket loo brush for the rest of her life. But she chooses not to do that. She chooses to still appear in public, whether it be a parade or TV or whatever because a) it makes her happy and b) it can make someone else happy to see her. Clearly not everyone, but someone. If all she could do was lip on the parade, then she has no choice but to (especially if they are not equipped to be able to have live performances, there's literally no point whining). And a little more research would have saved a lot of needless words being typed , and me a lot of reading. So let us be thankful that Mariah still chooses to be a part of our lives in one way or another, and not try and diagnose the non-existent problems she doesn't have. I find it hard to believe that all lambs have degrees in medicine or clinical psychology, because this isn't Tumblr. It seems she's responded to the comments over her behavior in past interviews, and has adjusted as such to match our expectations. Now we're not happy again.
(Friday 27 November 2015; 18:06)
Re: Good Morning America (57,926) (57,931) by Will from England
You know it's going to be either the Christmas film or her MAC lipstick. There's nothing really else to promote right now, other than the Beacon shows and Vegas but they're further down the line.
(Monday 23 November 2015; 0:04)
Adele (57,492) by Will from England
I know this is an MC board but this can't be ignored lol. Adele released her new single with minimal fuss and bother and everyone is excited about it. The best part? It's a heartfelt ballad of MC proportions with huge belting vocals and memorable lyrics that got me crying/lip syncing along after the third listen. Nothing clever or fancy, no huge productions, no fuss, no drama or overconceptuatlised video. And everyone is talking about her after one day, and the album has not even been released. I know Mariah doesn't pay attention to current trends, but I hope she takes notes for her next album.
(Saturday 24 October 2015; 0:42)
Lipsynching Mariah (57,266) by Will from England
I don't mind her lipping every now and then, since it helps to preserve her voice. Celine has been lipping for years and if you listen/watch her latest performances of MHWGO at Vegas, you can hear her singing live and belting out those notes like there's no tomorrow. I also strongly recommend her "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" performance, it's truly a spectacle. So, if Mariah needs to lip to keep her voice intact, then lip away. If she can get her voice back to the MCIIY album then I'll be happy. I'll also be curious to hear the audio from her China performances coming up.
(Wednesday 14 October 2015; 0:37)
Re: Success of other artists (57,182) (57,184) by Will from England
I also feel that there was more of a demand for Janet's music, rather than Mariah's. I don't listen to Janet's music, as it's not my kind of music, but am I right in saying that it's been a while since her last album? She's been out of the limelight rather than Mariah who has been in the tabloids for one reason or another. And I think there is an important lesson to learn here. You don't have to be in the public eye 24/7, like I think most of us thought for Mariah recently, for the public to remain interested in your work. Janet has kept a low profile and worked on her album privately, without announcing anything until everything was ready. She released her album, classy videos (I did watch NS) and the results speak for themselves. If the music is good, the videos are good, and you have no delays, then you can have great results. She has defied the age thing in the music industry with this album and even though I'm not a fan, I'm pleased for her success.
(Friday 9 October 2015; 21:12)
Performances during the MIAM era (57,131) by Will from England
With regards to the performances, don't forget "Meteorite" (the delay was not her fault), her Jimmy Fallon/New Year's Eve performances with TAOLG, the Macy/AI/Hot Summer Jam/GMA/Hurricane Sandy concert/BET Awards (remix version) performances of #Beautiful on top of the two that were already listed. Two performances leading up to and during the MIAM era? Nope. Spread out overall, but she performed.
(Tuesday 6 October 2015; 22:53)
Re: New pic (57,082) (57,085) by Will from England
I think the last time she drastically cut/changed her hair was during the Glitter era.
(Saturday 3 October 2015; 11:28)
Packer interview (56,973) by Will from England
An interesting interview with Packer from a couple of years ago.
(Tuesday 29 September 2015; 14:25)
Re: One Direction (Billy) (56,910) (56,919) by Will from England
There's no copyright over a song title, just the content, hence why there are so many songs with the same title. I'm sure it's just coincidence in this case.
(Sunday 27 September 2015; 12:06)
Re: One Direction (56,912) (56,918) by Will from England
I was thinking that too when I heard their new song was called "Infinity" lol. Two very different songs story wise but both equally good I think. Also, there's a part of me that really wants those two to work together. Compared to JB and 1D, I'd prefer 1D.
(Sunday 27 September 2015; 12:03)
5 Questions (56,729) by Will from England
1) You have achieved so much over the last "12" years, from making music history to acting to products to being a fantastic mother, what else is on the horizon for you?
2) When writing deep songs such as "Petals", "Looking In" and more recently "Camouflage", do you find yourself just stopping and saying "This is too deep, am I comfortable releasing such a personal song?" And has this stopped other songs from being put onto past albums?
3) Referring back to "Camouflage", with such a complex song vocally, how do you decide where to place an ad lib? Because when listening to the song through earphones, you can hear small whispers of ad libs in one or the other ear that are placed perfectly, and I'm intrigued to find out how this process occurs, and when you feel that the song is complete, in terms of these ad libs.
4) With a career that has experienced such great triumphs, naturally there will be some disappointments along the way. Aside from your soundtrack album, what would you say is the one disappointment that stands out. It could be from a single not doing as well as you had hoped to an album being mishandled.
5) The music industry is changing so rapidly in order to keep up with the internet (with streaming services from outside companies etc.), and the shift in interest from album sales to single-song digital sales and online views (YouTube/Vevo), what would you say is more important to highlight, in terms of judging the success of a "modern day music artist": the album sales or the single sales/online views (YouTube/Vevo)?
Bonus Question 1: And with that in mind, do you feel it is more difficult for both legendary artists, such as yourself, and newcomers to the industry to get their music heard, appreciated for what it is, and bought?
Bonus Question 2: Does music have less substance to it? As in, it's no longer about what the artist is saying, but more about the BPM and the addictiveness of the music?
(Thursday 17 September 2015; 23:08)
Re: 5 Questions (really 10) (56,700) (56,702) by Will from England
When she's singing "little sister and little brother", I believe she's taking about Tommy's kids. I recall she mentioned it in an interview long ago that they became really close.
(Thursday 17 September 2015; 0:22)
Vevo/YouTube channel (56,607) by Will from England
For anyone who has not yet noticed, Mariah's team has uploaded her "Here Is Mariah Carey" performances onto her YouTube channel, along with more MTV Unplugged performances, ISB/PI video and TGIFY/MIL videos.
(Friday 11 September 2015; 23:40)
Re: Mariah lately (56,501) (56,525) by Will from England
There's been an increase in positive Mariah press lately, due to her being out in public with her kids or going on dates. The DM readers have been more positive in their comments lately, which is a rarity considering the things they've written about Mariah in the past.
(Tuesday 8 September 2015; 12:59)
Re: Discography (55,946) (55,968) by Will from England
When my sister found a couple of old vinyl copies of Mariah's singles (ATYNAF and Hero), the discography was the first place I went to to check up on them. I'm so pleased that it is back. It is honestly the most reliable source of MC singles/collectables there is.
(Wednesday 12 August 2015; 20:10)
TMZ version (55,811) by Will from England
Ok, TMZ have a far better audio file that has not been edited for YouTube. Link is here.
(Saturday 8 August 2015; 13:12)
Remix (55,810) by Will from England
Well, the HQ audio seems has been edited so it cannot be flagged for copyright on YouTube. It seems to have been slowed down, so I shall wait until I hear the version Mariah releases before passing my thoughts.
(Saturday 8 August 2015; 13:09)
Re: Remix (55,746) (55,748) by Will from England
It sounds like she added/changed the final verse a little bit? And I think she re-sang the first verse. Looking forward to hearing it properly.
(Thursday 6 August 2015; 18:28)
Nice (55,747) by Will from England
Very nice update Eric. Loving the new layout.
(Thursday 6 August 2015; 18:15)
Walk Of Fame (55,729) by Will from England
Mariah looked beautiful, elegant and like a true star. It's a pity Roc was having a very off day behaviour wise, but it's understandable for his age. Mariah can't exactly be in mother mode when all the cameras are on her. I am surprised though that Mariah's own mother was not there (from what I could tell). Mariah literally had no close family member with her and you would have thought that Patricia would have made a rare appearance for her daughter's honouring. Oh well. I hope all is well behind the scenes family wise.
(Wednesday 5 August 2015; 23:19)
M from Asia, songwriting (55,546) by Will from England
I agree that since her fall, she has exercised more caution when on stage. And after nearly falling over walking through the crowd during Heartbreaker and the boat, I completely understand. I would too if I was told I would have lost the use of my arm after a fall like that. As for the songwriting, are you kidding me? Camouflage and Cry are her deepest songs since Petals and Close My Eyes. There is a raw honesty there that she has not put into her songs for a long time and it was refreshing for me to hear that she can still write songs like that, without having to go into a driving beat like Side Effects. I am still in awe of her writing ability, and I marvel at it. She is still light years above all the Katy Perry, Taylor Swift etc. abilities to write a heartbreaking ballad that actually carries emotion and maturity.
(Thursday 30 July 2015; 20:36)


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