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About Jamie from UK:

Go MC (101,509) by Jamie from UK
Mariah Carey debut album is number 3 on the UK Hip hop/R&B album chart this week. Pure vintage.
(Saturday 22 October 2022; 01:25)
Just a thought, let's be kind (101,400) by Jamie from UK
I've just watched an ABC documentary about Whitney Houston. Both Brandy and Narada Micheal Walden were being interviewed and they both said that it really hurt Whitney that she could no longer sing like she wanted too. Just made me think that maybe we're a little hard on Mariah at times with her voice change. We are lucky to still have her with us and making music. I'm sure it upsets her too that she no longer has the voice she had. Just a thought. Let's be kind.
(Tuesday 4 October 2022; 20:49)
Re: Mariah Carey UK merch (101,345) (101,347) by Jamie from UK
I'd give it a bit longer than 11 days.
(Tuesday 27 September 2022; 15:49)
Re: Global Citizen - Welcome back MC (101,314) (101,319) by Jamie from UK
Yes she was good. I just wish she wouldn't ramble so much when she's talking. She jumps from one thing to another. It's probably a lack of confidence, it's like she has to say something else in the middle of a sentence to justify what she's saying, like she's talking to herself in her own head. If you watch the unplugged sessions she's very calm and collected when she speaks, I wish she would learn from these early performances how to command herself on stage as she had great presence. But otherwise a great vocal performance and great to see her back on stage again.
(Sunday 25 September 2022; 16:57)
Re: Toni Braxton (101,149) (101,151) by Jamie from UK
I thought she had said we were getting a Butterfly remake?
(Tuesday 6 September 2022; 14:21)
Re: MC hurry up (100,867) (100,869) by Jamie from UK
Just listened to the album, it's garbage, just a load of mush mash beats with Beyoncé using filthy language and not even singing more just talking over the beat. I was half way through the second song before I realised there had actually been a change in song, it all sounds the same.
(Sunday 31 July 2022; 15:21)
Re: GOATS and Lambs (100,635) (100,638) by Jamie from UK
Well said Bill. Absolutely perfect
(Friday 1 July 2022; 22:13)
Re: BET performance (100,599) (100,604) by Jamie from UK
Did you hear that crowd? They loved her. Go MC.
(Tuesday 28 June 2022; 07:42)
Re: What if that's just Mariah? (100,551) (100,553) by Jamie from UK
I disagree, Mariah has always been eccentric, us day oners remember her playing around in videos such as AYNAF remix vid. Even the AIWFCIY video she's playing around. I don't accept that she was merely acting back then. Yes maybe some of her at home moments on her home videos might have been staged but she was still together and down to earth, and when she played around it was in context to the moment and you didn't think "What is she doing?" Tommy could dress her how he wanted but you can't hide your natural personality for that long.

She had grace, composure and a coolness that you simply can't act out. I don't think it's a case of us day oners disrespecting her now, we are still fans and wouldn't be on this forum if we weren't, we can just see a huge change in her and simply don't think it's for the better. Do I dislike her now? No not at all. But I just think the composed Mariah who I knew was a better version of herself, who the public liked and someone who people could relate to. I accept people change, I've changed myself gradually over the years but I've not had a complete personality change.

Mariah still has that wow factor and a huge legacy behind her, I just think with the right people, the right look and if she dropped the diva/erratic behaviour act people could warm to her again and even if she never wrote or sang another song again she'd bow out gracefully and with dignity or if she chose to write and sing quality music she could gain new respect. Old lambs and newer lambs have a common connection we all want what's best for Mariah, and why wouldn't we. I just think us oldies find it difficult watching YouTube, one minute you're watching CLG then ID comes on and she's in a car in lace underwear and you're thinking what the hell happened?
(Wednesday 22 June 2022; 19:14)
Re: BET Awards (100,535) (100,537) by Jamie from UK
But aren't you also speculating by saying that she won't be doing anything. Who knows what is coming up?
(Monday 20 June 2022; 21:41)
Re: Expectations vs reality (100,523) (100,531) by Jamie from UK
I hope she is working with Patricia again, she looked fly in that era. We need another pink dress in time square moment.
(Sunday 19 June 2022; 21:13)
Re: Songwriters Hall of Fame website (100,464) (100,467) by Jamie from UK
Hate to break it to you but Mariah was actually born in 1969. It's only since she was launched that they said she was born in 1970. Probably to make her sound younger. But her official documents say 1969.
(Thursday 16 June 2022; 23:04)
Re: Collaborations (100,451) (100,453) by Jamie from UK
I need an album to give me, the kind of music that lasts always. I want something that's up lifting, to take me away, oh yeah yeah.
(Wednesday 15 June 2022; 20:49)
Re: The Roof with Brandy (100,430) (100,434) by Jamie from UK
Hey Bill, sorry worth for late reply. I saw it on @chartMariah on Instagram.
(Sunday 12 June 2022; 00:39)
The Roof with Brandy (100,430) by Jamie from UK
When is this gonna be available for download? I also saw today that Angels Advocate is finally gonna see the light of day.
(Saturday 11 June 2022; 14:39)
Re: Just an opinion AIWFCIY (100,407) (100,408) by Jamie from UK
You are not alone on that one Bill.
(Monday 6 June 2022; 22:55)
Re: AIWFCIY (100,390) (100,395) by Jamie from UK
They've already said it's nothing to do with similarity's until production etc it's mearly the title he's going for. Which really won't stand for anything as there's lots of songs with same titles but completely different sounds. Headlines are there to make the whole situation sound more serious than it actually is. Next minute Mariah will be suing Enrique for using the word Hero on a song. Yeah sounds stupid doesn't it, just like this guy clearly is.
(Sunday 5 June 2022; 21:39)
MC Instagram post (100,383) by Jamie from UK
I loved how humble Mariah sounded on her post about MTV Unplugged on Instagram. She sounded so grateful and reconnected. And was nice for her to acknowledge all the talented people involved in the show.
(Thursday 2 June 2022; 21:04)
Big Energy Remix (100,332) by Jamie from UK
Big Energy Remix has climbed back up the UK charts this week back to 21. Hoping it breaks into the top 20 next week. It's been quite steady on the chart here, it dropped last week but looks like it's still hanging around. A video would defo boost sales here.
(Friday 27 May 2022; 18:57)
BBE UK iTunes (100,209) by Jamie from UK
So BBE remix has consistently been in the top 10 on uk iTunes since its release generally staying at #6 it just crept up to #4.
(Saturday 23 April 2022; 17:23)
Re: Mariah Carey Masterclass (100,178) (100,185) by Jamie from UK
Thank you.
(Saturday 16 April 2022; 09:34)
Re: Mariah Carey Masterclass (100,172) (100,176) by Jamie from UK
How do I watch this in the UK? I looked YouTube but can't seem to see it? Apologies I'm old school. Can anyone help?
(Friday 15 April 2022; 19:54)
Re: Mariah Carey at the BBC (100,116) (100,127) by Jamie from UK
I really enjoyed watching that last night. A great mix of performances and interviews. She truly is a mega star.
(Monday 11 April 2022; 10:51)
Re: Mariah Carey at the BBC (100,116) (100,122) by Jamie from UK
Ah, I was wondering why Greatest Hits album was in the UK top 20 on iTunes. Just back from ATL this morning so will watch that tonight.
(Sunday 10 April 2022; 19:17)
Where's Bill? (100,063) by Jamie from UK
Was looking forward to Bill's take on the remix, noticed he's not commented? All ok Bill?
(Wednesday 30 March 2022; 22:02)


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