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About Will from England: You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife

JCS, Mariah in Israel (55,005) by Will from England
I don't think she had much choice in the matter lol. She has to cover up when out in public in Israel.
(Wednesday 1 July 2015; 17:32)
Mimi L. (54,915) by Will from England
Haha, no worries. I agree with what you said about WW, it's just in this case, she was voicing my thoughts and concerns for once lol.
(Friday 26 June 2015; 16:25)
Wendy Williams (54,901) by Will from England
Wow, never thought I'd see the day when I'd be agreeing with what WW says. Look, I've already voiced my concerns about how little we actually know about James except for what has already been reported. I hope he turns out to be ok. But these reports of him being obsessed with Mariah, playing her music loudly and continuously on his floating mansion etc. sounds way too much like Nick, and how they started out (if the tabloids are accurate of course). Just because someone appreciates your art, does not mean that they will appreciate the person that you are and love you for that. Again, I hope he turns out to be ok, and everything is smooth sailing, but I reiterate what I said previously: Mariah, stay cautious.
(Thursday 25 June 2015; 23:58)
Pacifier (54,803) by Will from England
A small point, but aren't Roc n' Roe too old for pacifiers at this point? What's the usual "weaning off the pacifier" period?
(Tuesday 23 June 2015; 1:56)
Packer (54,786) by Will from England
Look, I don't know the guy. From what I can tell, he has a lot of money, a successful businessman and has been around the block a few times in the marriage department, with women who seem to be the opposite of MC. It's great to see her happy, but I hope she is cautious.
(Monday 22 June 2015; 12:59)
Shelly (54,406) by Will from England
Whilst I would absolutely love to hear unreleased tracks, I don't think that should be the next project. Maybe in a few years time.
(Tuesday 9 June 2015; 1:16)
Abbey Road sessions (54,021) by Will from England
Listening/watching her impromptu performance of ILT makes me wish Mariah would do something similar to Kylie Minogue, who re-visited her hit songs and stripped them right down and re-invented them. I think she released that album maybe a couple of years ago? Wouldn't it be incredible for Mariah to do something like that?
(Monday 1 June 2015; 23:19)
Re-read (53,876) by Will from England
Ok, so I've been away for a couple of days, and seeing the recent messages that I feel are in reference to what I said, I must clarify what I said. I in no way called Mariah ungrateful. What I did say, was that to a non-lamb, someone who is a) not aware that she has previously said she hates her videos, b) just a casual listener to her music, c) stumbles across the videos of her ranting on her past videos, it might come across as her seeming to be ungrateful, and picking on the small details of the videos, details that would not seem significant. I know she hates the videos. I know that they are not her favourite videos. The difference with how I found out, was through some obscure interview that she may have done, that a non-lamb would not know about. Instead, they are on her main channel which the general public would be looking at. That is my only concern. Of course she can be honest on her commentary, and I know she is having fun. But is it wise to post them on her main YouTube /Facebook page? Again, to reiterate, I am not (all capitals) calling her ungrateful. I'm sorry if my last message caused this reaction, because that was not my intention.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 0:28)
Marissa (53,826) by Will from England
I agree. She is focusing on small details about the videos. True, they may be huge things for her, for a regular viewer, who may not be a lamb who occasionally watches her videos, it comes across as being, and I dislike saying this but I cannot find another suitable word, ungrateful. Again, that's how it would come across to a non-lamb. Yes, she can be as honest as she likes, but as least try and find something positive about the videos? I honestly have never noticed the eyelash glue thing or the hair breaking, and I don't think I'd think to look for them next time I watch those videos.
(Friday 29 May 2015; 0:22)
Looking back videos (53,820) by Will from England
Wow, she really hates her early videos. I hope they get more positive later on.
(Thursday 28 May 2015; 21:27)
Damion (53,726) by Will from England
Well, The Mail has released a little non-story about Damion (aka Damizza) and Mariah, and he wasn't exactly nasty when talking about Mariah. I don't know if this was included in that book he released a while ago though. Link is here.
(Sunday 24 May 2015; 1:55)
Top 3 #1s (53,640) by Will from England
#1 Without You - A UK #1 so I'm including it in my list. This was the very first Mariah Carey song that I ever heard. And it still bewitches me every time. Her vocals and her runs are perfect, and I'm still left in awe whenever I hear it.
#2 Don't Forget About Us - I love the background vocals on this song, they're so hypnotic. Also, I love the sass she puts into the little rap, then all the belting and high notes that follow.
#3 Touch My Body - This was released around the time I really began to discover Mariah's catalogue, and finding out who she was as a singer and songwriter. I began to connect with her, her story, her lyrics and it began a healing process for me. Also, it holds special memories around that time that I fondly remember. So, not the actual song, but what it represents for me.
(Thursday 21 May 2015; 21:22)
Jimmy Kimmel (53,522) by Will from England
Perfect performance. Better than the BBMAs. She belted out the last part of VOL like it was nothing, and the high note at the end of Infinity was most certainly live. Did she have some backing track? Yes. Was it 90% live? Yes. Overall, her voice is better than what it was a few months ago. It sounds thicker and rich, compared to how it sounded thin and stuck in a high part of her chords. I don't know the terminology, I'm no expert. Side note, I laughed at the Infinity clip. It was just too funny, with her slamming the door on all those guys. I think the video is going to be the tongue-in-cheek video like TMB. Also, her response to "Do you watch Wives With Knives" was perfect. A good start to the week.
(Tuesday 19 May 2015; 13:12)
BBMAs (53,463) by Will from England
Even Mariah breathed a sigh of relief after that high note. Just look at her face post-high note, she's clearly thinking "nailed it, now I can relax". But I think it was a lovely performance, and an touching tribute to her 25 years of being in the business, and nicely encapsulated what her Vegas show is all about: from VOL to Infinity. That's it. As for some comments about her standing still. What's new? She's never been a great mover on stage. She leaves all the movement to her hand and vocal chords. Plus, she was on a high platform, and given what happened last time she was on a high platform, I doubt she would want to take the risk of losing her footing on live TV. Overall thoughts: a solid performance, a couple of shaky moments (the second "is more than just a made up dream" at the end, her breath control was out at that point, but a quick recovery), but a nice re-introduction to all the young people watching the show as to who Mariah Carey is, and why she should be respected.
(Monday 18 May 2015; 13:01)
LA Times interview (53,294) by Will from England
Another outstanding interview with Mariah. She (finally) talks about the problems with IDJ and what happened with MOAIA, MCIIY and MIAM. It may not go into great detail, but it's better than nothing. Is she referring to the JLo thing from years ago, when the Firecracker sample was used? Brilliant interview.
(Thursday 14 May 2015; 16:46)
Daily Mail interview (53,133) by Will from England
When Eric posts this interview, you must (all capitals) read this interview. She has not done an in-depth interview like this for a while. She may not talk directly about what went on with Nick, she does talk about her emotional state, and it is heartbreaking. Side Effects has a whole new meaning now. Love you much Mariah. She needs our support now more than ever. Enough with the bad talk. I'm (and many others it seems) sick of all the needless knitpicking.
(Saturday 9 May 2015; 1:43)
TMZ audio (52,925) by Will from England
Her voice. I just can't. So many feels right now. Cannot properly form sentences to describe how I feel. Not enough words. Love Takes Time. Someday. Perfection.
(Wednesday 6 May 2015; 13:10)
David from Australia (52,669) by Will from England
During one of the post extravaganza interviews, Mariah was asked about potential special guests. Boyz II Men came up and she murmured something like "I don't know if we're friends."
(Friday 1 May 2015; 13:20)
Video concept (52,382) by Will from England
Since they were using clips from Honey, would it be a stretch to think this would be the part 2 to that video?
(Monday 27 April 2015; 17:51)
Love / hate (52,334) by Will from England
So, when I first listened to the song this morning, I was half asleep and decided that to appreciate the song, I would need to be more awake. I bought the song, and proceeded to have it on repeat. After a while, I began to get into the song. Then I stopped playing it, just to see what my reaction would be when I started to listen to it again. And my reaction was the same: "What?" It's trying to be so many things, that it loses it's identity. It's trying to be WBT plus Faded plus TAOLG plus YM(E) plus TMB plus DFAU (replace the Infinity bridge with "don't baby, don't let it go", it's the same melody) plus UOMF plus MILG plus Prisoner plus Angels (Interlude) (the chimes in the background) plus OOC. Melodically, it bounces between a rap-esque record to a classical ballad and is not the easiest song to follow. When she is singing clearly on the chorus, it's great both lyrically and vocally. But for the first verse, you need the lyrics video to understand what she is saying. Which is a pity because they are clever lyrics (referencing that tea ad with Kermit the Frog anyone?). The second verse and bridge are fine. And there's a part of me that is split over the "to infinity" run. That should have been an overlying vocals instead of one shot. Overall, it's a good song, that may make the top 15. But #1? The video will have to be out of this world to get it to the top. What does play in its favour, is that it is different. Whether it is a good different, remains to be seen. Fingers crossed.
(Monday 27 April 2015; 13:23)
Midnight / 5am release time (52,261) by Will from England
Well, the release time has been set (confirmed just now by Mariah), let the excitement begin.
(Sunday 26 April 2015; 20:19)
Mimi L. (52,220) by Will from England
Haha, thanks. I knew I had to be wrong on that front lol.
(Saturday 25 April 2015; 22:26)
Smile (52,205) by Will from England
Just a thought that came into my mind: excluding #Beautiful (mainly because that was a screenshot from the video), when was the last time a Mariah single cover featured her smiling? It has always been a moody/sultry pout. All I'm coming up with is "Someday" but that can't be right lol. Excluding screenshots from the videos in general.
(Saturday 25 April 2015; 12:06)
Perfect time (52,181) by Will from England
As someone mentioned a few messages ago, now is the perfect time for Mariah to release new music. As that person said, the promo for 1989 for TS is over, KP has nothing coming out soon, Rihanna's song sank faster than it took to write it (has she got an album out already/soon?), nothing from the Sam Smith/Adele department, Beyonce has been quiet, Britney has Vegas, Frozen mania is finally over/coming to an end. There is literally nobody in major music that has new stuff coming out, that I can think of anyway. Now is the time for Mariah to come out swinging hard. She's losing the weight, her single is coming out in three days, Vegas. The stars are aligning for this, so I hope her team takes full advantage in this rare opportunity. She's been more active on social media than she has ever been, talking to the fans, RTing. And Sony/Epic? They've tweeted more about her in the last few weeks than IDJ has done over the past few years (well, since Twitter was invented).
(Friday 24 April 2015; 17:51)
David from Australia (51,725) by Will from England
You beat me to it lol.
(Monday 13 April 2015; 17:35)


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