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About Will from England: You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife

Tie in with Vegas (51,724) by Will from England
I too was disappointed with the noticeable lack of new tracks. However, once I calmed down and thought about it, I realised that the people who will buy this album, will be the ones going to see her Vegas shows. Her promo for this album are the shows. That's it. She's not doing this specifically for the lambs (unlike her previous #1s, which was a "thank you"). She's trying to entice the wider public to become interested in her, and her back catalogue. The only reason to include a new song is just to get some more talk about the compilation album. I wouldn't be surprised if they marketed "Infinity" as being the exclusive song on the album, instead of "plus one new song". She's already tried the "this is for the fans" thing on her last two albums, and they didn't exactly work. So, why not try and re-ignite the public's interest by putting on shows of her 18 #1s plus a new compilation CD with said #1s on it. Yes, the majority of the lambs have the songs. But I'm willing to bet the Vegas audience won't. This is for the shows and the GP, not for the lambs. She already has our attention.
(Monday 13 April 2015; 17:32)
"#1 to infinity" cover (51,659) by Will from England
I love it. I love the cover. I love the title. It's so simple. She's not done "simple" since TEOM art, and the E=MC2 title. Hawt.
(Sunday 12 April 2015; 23:54)
Tide (51,247) by Will from England
I'm quite aware that this is not directly MC related, however, I just wanted to hear your thoughts on the new music streaming platform that Jay-Z and co have just launched. Would you sign up for it, if artists like MC began to withdraw their songs from other streaming services Spotify like Taylor S did a few months ago (a move that I applaud by the way), if it meant they could get a bigger royalty cheque elsewhere? To me, it means that more artists are getting more control over their songs, and finding the best ways in which they can share the creativity with the world, whilst also making sure that they're getting paid properly, which is a good thing. I dislike services such as spotify because (from my own experience from publishing), if you release material that is a part of a service in which the listener (or reader) only has to pay a subscription amount, and not pay the full price for the product, then you know you're going to be paid dust for it. Great for the listener, bad for the artist. With Tide, the concept suggests that it would be more equal ground. Can't wait to read more about how it actually works. Looking forward to reading your thoughts.
(Tuesday 31 March 2015; 2:17)
Back in the sling (51,148) by Will from England
I'm not surprised at all. This is an injury that clearly she was never going to 100% fully recover from. Doctors did not even think she would regain use of her arm, so that should indicate just how bad the whole thing was. Plus, it explains why she has insisted on keeping the glove, to remind people that it may still be very tender, even after all this time. For her, it's not a fashion statement, it's a necessity at this point and I suspect that the glove will be around for a very long time. Anyway, I hope she can get back to the stage where she doesn't have to use the sling again.
(Friday 27 March 2015; 0:14)
Terna (51,047) by Will from England
*face palm plus smh*
(Thursday 19 March 2015; 13:30)
This is just funny (51,014) by Will from England
Out of all the theories that this board has come up with, the illuminati has the be the funniest, and the most ridiculous one I've ever heard of. This is what you get when you read too much into a situation/picture. Has it not crossed people's minds that the mystery woman could just be Mariah's new publicist/art director/something along those lines? There are so many plausible and realistic explanations for who this woman is, rather than jumping straight to (most likely) wrong (and yet hilarious) explanations.
(Wednesday 18 March 2015; 15:32)
Hypnotised (50,983) by Will from England
It's killing me that Mariah is teasing us about a demo she made when she was a teenager. And with all these demo leaks on YouTube, am I the only one who thinks that they could be including early demos, plus new music she's working on currently, as part of the new compilation album? And on a completely different subject, it's amusing to me that the Song Legacy Music twitter page has tweeted more about Mariah than IDJ during her last two albums.
(Tuesday 17 March 2015; 13:49)
Philip (50,718) by Will from England
That's funny because she talked about that on her Facebook page (the Veep thing). Still knows how to poke fun at herself.
(Sunday 8 March 2015; 14:06)
Promoting on TV shows (50,446) by Will from England
My impression was that you had to be invited/asked to be on the TV shows. When you're a hot item that viewers would want to tune into the show to actually see them. Mariah is not a hot item at the moment. If she had had a hit with MIAM, I'm almost certain that shows would be lining her up. Whether she's agree to be on them is another matter. All she has to offer really is Vegas, and nothing much else to talk about. And even if she did want to talk about, I doubt she would reveal much about it, except maybe her disdain for singing songs she has never liked. She has already done this on Ellen. Why waste a TV segment on someone in all honesty does not have much to talk about? She won't talk about Idol, she won't talk about the divorce, I doubt she will talk about her children, she barely talks about anything else.
(Friday 27 February 2015; 0:03)
Adam / Mariah and Celine (50,444) by Will from England
Whenever I see any documentary on Celine and Vegas, it has never been more clear to me how different Celine and Mariah are, in terms of personality. Celine has always remained humble and loving, and is also keenly aware of how to care for her voice in terms of using saline solutions and using a vocal coach still (as we have seen from a video below). She (Celine) has always kept people who keep her grounded, close to her. She also is more funny, relatable and more interactive than Mariah by lightyears. Mariah, not so much. Once upon a time, all it took was just some vocal rest, lemon and honey and she would be fine. She has never had any vocal training/used a vocal training. Yes, she had her mother for a while, but she needs a new professional who will take no nonsense from her, and make her do exercises. Side note: do you think if Patricia said something to Mariah, Mariah would listen to her? What I think Mariah is trying to do, is to create an illusion around herself as being mysterious, but it is not working. If you ask me, I think Celine can have the title of "diva", without being difficult. Mariah consistently passes the blame to lateness to the people around her, and barely takes responsibility for being late. Remember her appearance on Ellen just after she married Nick, about that joke about "As a 12 year-old, how am I expected to get it together?" She may be in control of her life, but she's made more, and more wrong choices so far. Another main difference between Mariah and Celine, is that one actually listens to the people around her. Remember, no matter what people say about MHWGO, Celine did not want to do it, and look what it did for her. Mariah's risks about going against what is advised, worked to an extent (Honey, Fantasy, Dreamlover) but now she needs to listen to more people about what could potentially work. Performance wise, Mariah and Celine differ again. Celine is a performer. She picks costumes that are flattering and are stage friendly. Also (if you see the video that Adam linked to), she actually makes a point to change quickly and keep the show going. Mariah tends to disappear backstage for periods of time to change into inappropriate gowns that are certainly not stage friendly. She picks out the clothes that look more good on her, than are more practical. Remember in TAOM documentary, that she was lamenting that she was not allowed to change after ABMB and they went straight into Honey? She said something along the lines "I think the audience appreciated we kept the show going." When she was in Zimbabwe, or wherever it was, when she left the stage, there was just nothing and the momentum was lost. Celine's shows at least has something between costume changes to mask the amount of time it takes between Celine leaving the stage, and re-entering the stage. It's all timed for her and it's clear that it is a well oiled machine. Everyone know what to do. Mariah's again seems haphazard.
(Thursday 26 February 2015; 23:13)
Vision Of Love (50,006) by Will from England

Check out her full performance of VOL at the Jazz and Blues festival below.
(Tuesday 10 February 2015; 14:01)
Nathan Morris (49,816) by Will from England
I 100% agree with what he said. Mariah has to choose to be Mariah Carey again. It's up to her on whether or not she can bring it all back together, and show the world how wrong they are about her. Mariah saved my life with her music, and all I want for her is to rise up again and fight back. But we must also remember that she would have to first admit that something is wrong. The last time that happened, it was during Glitter. And for her to openly say that something is wrong, I'd imagine that is something very difficult for her to do. I don't think she has ever once said "Ok, that was a mistake" except for marrying Tommy. She has (reluctantly) said that Sony did right when they focused the public's attention on her voice, and not her image. Even with Glitter, she didn't say outright it was a mistake to do (I don't think). She is a very strong, independent woman who has a history of disliking of being told what to do, and what not to do regardless of whether it benefits her. She didn't want to put LTT on her first album. Hell, she didn't even want to record new songs for TEOM (ILT and WBT) and look at the result when she did. But she gave in because she was so young at the time and it was her first album. Now though, she's in her 40s, had a successful career with all the awards to boot, I think it will be very difficult for her to hear. This isn't a diva thing, it's a human with insecurities thing.
(Friday 6 February 2015; 12:56)
Fantasy (49,520) by Will from England
She must be counting her lucky stars, that more people aren't picking up on that Fantasy video yet. Could you imagine what could happen to her if that video got the coverage her Rockefeller performance did? She can kiss any chances of getting proper respect in the industry goodbye. Vegas residency? I can see the headlines now "Mariah Carey fails to sell out Caesar's Palace" or "Number of refunds for Mariah Carey residency rise". Strong comeback for next album? Not a chance. I don't know if there were major technical errors, but at this stage of the game, and for somebody who has had 25 years in this industry, there should not be any. Or at least anything as disastrous as that. Does she even turn up for rehearsals such as this anymore? Mariah needs somebody, who will take no nonsense and get her to listen on what to do next. The diva image has been played out since TEOM (which is where this whole thing started), and don't get me started on what she wore on stage. That white number was the only good thing she wore, along with the Meteorite dress she wore months ago. She wanted to wear a gown on Ellen, yet she looked 100x better in that blue number and everyone liked it. She needs to learn to listen to other people more, and realize that even though she may have had 25 years, other people may have better opinions/ideas on what to do. Please, let there never be another "Fantasy" performance like that ever again. Or the ABMB performance for that matter. Just no. Vent over.
(Sunday 1 February 2015; 1:26)
Monark (49,162) by Will from England
Because Mariah has never, to my knowledge, ever referenced anyone by name in a bad way in her songs. She alludes about whom she may be talking about or what she is feeling or the actual situation, but never outright. For me, that's why it is more ok for her to do. She isn't using her art to take down people by name. She doesn't use it to take cheap shots at someone. When the album first came out, we were all wondering "Is she talking about Nick?", "What is she talking about in this line?". When she does reference someone by name, it is always in a positive light. At the end of the day, she knows whom she is talking about in her songs, whilst we're all left playing the guessing game. And to be perfectly fair to her, when the album came out, we had no idea that things had gone so wrong behind the scenes. Whether Nick heard the album prior to it being released, I don't know, but I doubt he was blindsided by some of the songs on there. Whilst this, this came out of nowhere.
(Wednesday 14 January 2015; 15:38)
Nick / my thoughts (49,137) by Will from England
He can say what he likes, but his actions will forever speak louder than his words. That's all I've got to say on him. As for Mariah, my heart goes out to her. She married someone whom she thought was like her, would love her like she thought she loved him, gave him a family despite the health issues it cost her. She made him a part of her life, in ways that we, as fans, objected to. She stood by him, cared for him and supported him. And for this to happen. What can I say? "So many I considered closest to me, turned on a dime and sold me out, dutifully" has never been more relevant to her life right now. What she could be potentially writing right now, regardless of whether or not she's recording it, I can't begin to imagine. Thoughts with you Mariah.
(Monday 12 January 2015; 21:55)
Vegas (49,040) by Will from England
Should this prove to be true, I think this will be good for Mariah. Here's why: she can spend time with her kids, whilst being able to perform for the fans/the general public. It would mean limited travels for her, which I think she would be prefer, as it would mean spending less time away from her children, rather than embark on a world tour. I think TECS was a tester for her, to see what it would be like to do a huge tour, whilst looking after her kids at the same time. Remember, this is the first time she's ever had to do this. Plus, there is an element of re-building her public image, get people talking about her as a performer/singer, rather than the continuous diva demands etc. Mariah does not spend a lot of time on stage, and when she has recently, it has been hit-or-miss. Spending time on stage, in Vegas, could set her up greatly for her next album, should she choose to record and release another body of work. Her Christmas show (which had zero promotion, yet was still sold-out, much like some of her TECS shows) proves to me that she can have a sustained period of just singing. And she gets better as she goes along. She's taking more risks vocally, she experimenting with what she can do, she's not hiding that she can belt or do her runs. What she needs (desperately needs) to do, is try and find a way around her apparent TV appearance fears, because that's where she falls short. No TV cameras is pitch perfect performance. TV cameras is uh oh.
(Thursday 8 January 2015; 19:30)
Camouflage (48,510) by Will from England
I can't remember if I have posted about this song before, but can we all, just for a moment, give this incredible song a standing ovation and bask in this utter brilliance? It's the best song (and most personal I think) she has ever written since Petals (and there was a part of my that doubted her ability to match that song lyrically, my mistake). I love just having this song on repeat, with my earphones in and just lay back and try and pick out all the background vocals, lines, whispers, one liners that she placed ever so subtly, but executed with perfection. My absolute favourite part is near the end, where she layers her vocals so many times that it just creates a whole wall of emotion, simply through her lyrics. No showing off. There are not many (if not that, any) artists out there who do this the way Mariah does, and create a complexity and intricacy to their songs. Most just ad-lib/belt at the end and that's it. But with Mariah, she puts time into her ballads, to create a musical event that you really have to just sit back and just wonder at it all.
(Sunday 14 December 2014; 23:19)
X Factor UK (48,361) by Will from England
Mariah has been getting a lot of love on X Factor UK recently. I've never heard/watched her songs been sung so many times outside of "Mariah Carey Week" back in 2008.
(Sunday 7 December 2014; 1:25)
The Talk (48,279) by Will from England
These ladies got it right.
(Friday 5 December 2014; 14:29)
NBC Tree Lighting (48,168) by Will from England
Whilst I am sceptical of the accuracy of the article, the Daily Mail is reporting that she will be performing live instead of a pre-recorded performance. Anyone else seen this?
(Wednesday 3 December 2014; 18:41)
H.A.T.E.U - Remix ft Oj Da Juiceman, Big Boi, Gucci Mane (48,023) by Will from England
Shout out to this fantastic remix from Memoirs that sadly never really saw the light. I love that she re-sang that song and the whistle notes in the background. It's just great and I love it. But I wish it was available to buy.
(Sunday 23 November 2014; 11:40)
Matteo (47,964) by Will from England
She's just murmuring the lyrics as she is writing them down. For "Faded" it's just "It was overcast that, and I was feeling some kind of way" whilst for "You're Mine" it's just "I can't seem to give you up, you're mine". As for "Money" I thought she said "I can't leave it like that", which makes me think that she may have originally ended the album on "Camouflage" before recording new songs post-shoulder injury.
(Tuesday 18 November 2014; 17:41)
William (47,431) by Will from England
I think it's something more to do with the fact that there seems to be some disfigurement on her hand. If you take a look at the aquarium photos, with Mariah pointing up next to Monroe, you can see that between the thumb and index finger, there is a "gap" (for lack of a better word), where there should be some muscle. Whilst I do believe there still could be some residual nerve damage there (I mean, who knows at this point), Mariah may just be wanting to cover that up.
(Tuesday 14 October 2014; 16:47)
One hour audio (47,103) by Will from England
If you click here, you can listen to an hour of audio from the show. Sounds a lot better than what has been filmed so far.
(Saturday 4 October 2014; 20:59)
May (47,077) by Will from England
I must say, this is the first I'm hearing/seeing about a backlash to those Aquarium pictures lol. Even the Daily Mail readers had more positive comments about Mariah than usual, which is very strange because those readers are usually the first to jump on the "I Hate Mariah Carey And All That She Is" bandwagon.
(Saturday 4 October 2014; 10:01)


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