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About Lee TS from USA:

Article: Is Mariah Carey pregnant? (56,238) by Lee TS from USA
Would be funny if it's true.
(Monday 24 August 2015; 17:17)
Diane Warren (55,947) by Lee TS from USA
So Diane is probably well known for her sentimental balladry that takes you to a place when music felt its truest. Christmas movie much? Maybe they can create a #1 together since Diane's always had a gripe about Mariah having more than her, oh dear. No, I'm actually excited for this collabo. Let the harmonies flow.
(Wednesday 12 August 2015; 1:25)
Re: Old is gold (55,909) / Clevver (55,913) by Lee TS from USA
I have to agree about I'll Be Loving You Long Time. I still don't get why it didn't pop off to become a bigger hit. The song is so fun and summery and the video was perfect. Although it was basically her in bathing suits and pose, pose, pose. She looked smoking hot and super gorgeous. I still love her in the water with her hair flowing along that gold lake thing. Yeah Mimi I saw the Clevver segment and was glad they mentioned the song, but did you catch how they didn't even play a snippet of Mariah singing? Oh well. I kinda paid more attention to Kylie turning 18 and getting that Ferrari haha. Totally different topic but I wonder if M will wear gowns to direct the movie, that would be hilarious.
(Tuesday 11 August 2015; 12:20)
Re: Israel interview (55,883) (55,886) by Lee TS from USA
Thanks for sharing Mimi, it was a nice interview and the interviewer asked some good questions. It's going to sound silly but I liked Mariah was attentive and sweet. I think she should've covered up a little bit though for it being broadcasted in Israel, but I may be ignorant and they're more open, I don't know. Let's hope she brings the love, light, and vocals to Israel.
(Monday 10 August 2015; 13:01)
Justin (55,812) by Lee TS from USA
I love you Mimi but I disagree about Justin. His verse was so generic, the lyrics were weak and his singing was such a try hard. He tried it. But it's a no dahling. To my surprise I actually liked French's part, it brought something new to the song. I do agree about the mixed mashed up thing. Maybe she should've gave JD a page for a proper remix. The song is not horrible but not memorable. It proves one thing though, I hope she doesn't work with Eric Hudson again, maybe his parents will do. Catch the shade.
(Saturday 8 August 2015; 14:15)
Why (55,807) by Lee TS from USA
Triumphant part deux.
(Saturday 8 August 2015; 12:28)
Honestly Giovanni (55,737) by Lee TS from USA
I know we miss the hot and skinny Mariah but now it seems like you're insulting her. It's cute to pick and tease her a little but no need to hammer it on in. Saying only her hair was nice is so, I can't even know what to say. She literally looked like a doll. You have to cut her some slack, ever since her arm injury she's been having trouble to keep her shape. She was flawless from head to toe. The only thing I would probably change would be her earrings, she's worn those so many times that some nice diamonds would've added an extra pow. She might not have serve body but she served glam-more dahling.
(Thursday 6 August 2015; 7:15)
Walk of Fame (55,730) by Lee TS from USA
Wow, how stunning was she? Mariah looked every bit of the star and what a wonderful way to recognize all that she's achieved (so far). She was perfection. I couldn't get over how Rocky was so attached to her, even though he was acting out a little bit the pictures are the cutest. Him resting his head on her booty has to be the cutest thing ever, reminded me of the Lion King. I loved everything about her today, she looked expensive and brand new. Buckle and Roque always get her looking right. Although a little disappointed about Infinity remix, it sounded good in the background. I hope she has a good time celebrating today.
(Wednesday 5 August 2015; 23:52)
Look at her (55,695) by Lee TS from USA
Look how confident she was here walking Jack, in her freakum dress and all. It's so ridiculous yet funny and I can't get enough of the twirls. This is diva and gone with the wind fabulous. Come back Mimi.
(Wednesday 5 August 2015; 8:58)
Skinny Mariah (55,657) by Lee TS from USA
I miss her too, I miss her Barbie legs.
(Tuesday 4 August 2015; 4:04)
There wasn't even a script dahling (55,636) by Lee TS from USA
I hope Christmas movie is a project where she is heavily involved crossing every T and dotting every I. Let it not be rushed and released just because. I need more of an Angela Bassett moment and not a Wendy Williams joke. Like she wished, I hope there are powerful players in TV movie land to make this successful. But yeah, let it be festive and maybe even become a new classic. I hope she will stand her ground and give good direction, this is going to be her baby and her name. The critics and public will be ready to pounce and pan her. I hope she doesn't star in it but a cameo would be cute, like a Salvation Army woman ringing the bell in front of Macy's or a cashier selling Christmas decorations. Yes she can provide a song for a scene or even the theme song but that should be it, she needs to remain a director first and not wear too many hats. I hope she can get some big stars to appear in it, let's see what kind of pull Mariah has haha. Talking about movies, if only Mariah was involved with Packer earlier maybe they would've used her version of Without You in the new flick Vacation.
(Monday 3 August 2015; 2:26)
Justin French (55,579) by Lee TS from USA
This is just eww. Justin is douche at its finest, how is his apology tour going? He probably believed his own hype and it got to his head. I liked his Baby song because it was cute and catchy, even Boyfriend. But his voice to me has not been able to recover since puberty, unlike Usher he has not been singing well. It scratches and sounds all type of awful and it's cringe worthy when he tries to riff and run. I rather a One Directioner lay down some vocals for a feature because they can actually sing. And French? What has he done that's worthy to rap on a Mariah record? He ain't worry about nothing because he ain't nothing until he dated a Kardashian. Sorry they're like lessors and bottom feeders. Just no all around. Well whatever they do cook up I hope it becomes a hit because we are thirsty for some relevance. Let it be fun, young, and a banger.
(Friday 31 July 2015; 23:46)
That face, no flaw (55,561) by Lee TS from USA
Do you guys think she did something to her face? There's something about it that I can't quite put my hand on. I know she said stars don't squint so she doesn't get any lines but I wonder if she's done something. [censored] She probably uses an extremely expensive skin cream that is secreted by some rare exotic animal haha. Just for comparison because they're close in age, even JLo has obvious lines in her forehead when she gets expressive. I want to pinch Mariah's cheeks though, she's always had those.
(Friday 31 July 2015; 7:44)
The Wiz (55,558) by Lee TS from USA
Rumors are Beyonce got Mariah's role. That's a wrap on that idea, M didn't even have a chance.
(Friday 31 July 2015; 5:03)
Stage presence (55,557) by Lee TS from USA
I don't think anyone is expecting Mariah to bust out some choreo. Her Honey body roll is the most we will get from her. But what she can do is work on commanding the stage. Look at the MSG concert, she was incredible. Hate to say it but M moves like an old lady on stage, very slow and stoic. I wonder if the Christmas movie she's directing was the original big New Line Cinema deal, two Christmas movies seems a bit redundant no? I do want a big movie project from her and more character roles.
(Friday 31 July 2015; 4:58)
The shade of it all (55,556) by Lee TS from USA
Lol moments.
(Friday 31 July 2015; 3:28)
European tour (55,529) by Lee TS from USA
So she's changed representation and planning to tour Europe next spring. How fun. I hope she's received well with a lot of support.
(Wednesday 29 July 2015; 22:22)
The dancers (55,501) by Lee TS from USA
I feel so bad for the girl dancers, the costume department had them looking bleak if there ever was a time to use a Mariahism. It's like they're not allowed to look any type of cute, from a boring black frock to popcorn girls to a silly maid outfit. The boys get to shine, dressing up to dressing down. You can always depend on Beyonce, JLo and Janet to have the hottest dancers.
(Tuesday 28 July 2015; 12:03)
Packeriah (55,480) by Lee TS from USA
They are becoming a bit much and it's kind of yuck. They should keep their business private and if they happen to get pap that's fine. Their private photos should remain private. I mean just for the sake of the relationship if they want it to work. I think Nick got the idea Mariah, you got yourself a billionaire. Cheers, toast to you. Can you imagine if it was the other way around? The lambs would be on the attack. Didn't think Mariah would be sporting another heart necklace after she gave her first one away. I wonder if it's really true about the reported price, that is some expensive gift for such a tiny little thing. Anyway, I hope she enjoys a little time off and puts in the time to give Israel a fabulous show. Only amazing vocals allowed.
(Monday 27 July 2015; 18:45)
Jhud (55,455) by Lee TS from USA
I could never really get into her music. She can definitely blow with the big vocals, but she doesn't translate well to pop/mainstream music. She's very church-y in the way she sings. She's only good for that one Dreamgirls' song and doing tributes in awards shows. Maybe she can do a tribute when Mariah decides to do a Divas Live moment dedicated to her ala Diana Ross 2000. Jhud can definitely do MIH then and Beyonce doing WBT. Ariana and 1D can do One Sweet Day. Kelly Clarkson doing VOL. Fiftth Harmony doing ABMB. Aretha doing TMB. Christina doing Vanishing. Britney doing Honey. Maroon 5 doing Heartbreaker. Taylor doing Dreamlover. Lol just for laughs.
(Saturday 25 July 2015; 13:10)
She wants to have his babies (55,453) by Lee TS from USA
That I don't believe. She seems allergic to getting pregnant and really turned off by her experience. The only way I can see her possibly wanting to have another baby would be freezing her eggs and hiring a surrogate. I can't imagine her putting her body through that again, she makes it seem traumatizing and such a nightmare. Plus, I mean, are her eggs still viable? I would think they're probably bit scrambled by now. I did wonder if she would want more kids if she goes into another relationship, but Packer already has his small children and she has hers. It seems they're plenty of little ones for a big family. I mean it would be awesome if she has another baby, another little girl would be cute, more chances of inheriting the talent. I can totally see Nick having more babies since he's a young guy and always expressed of wanting a big family. And I don't think she takes having babies lightly, she's very aware of the responsibility.
(Saturday 25 July 2015; 10:11)
One song (55,441) by Lee TS from USA
I think mine would have to be Without You. It's so dramatic and sad, just the way I like my Mariah. Lol no but she really brings the song to life. Every note, every breath is just astounding. No one can sing that song like she did, not even her today. I think Never Forget You was probably her version to the original. It would be nice if she would perform the song in Vegas on a random night for the international lambs that goes to see her, it is technically a #1.
(Friday 24 July 2015; 17:45)
The comeback (55,412) by Lee TS from USA
She handled that so humbly that it was disgusting. It was almost like she was apologizing for it like, "Oops I'm sorry." Even during that one interview with I think his name was Tigger or Tiger on BET when he was baiting her to say something. The closest thing was probably her saying she didn't know where she went but if they want to call it a comeback. I really want to see her on top again, I totally took TEOM for granted. I didn't think it was that big of a deal and of course she would be #1, where else would she be? Even when #Beautiful peaked at #15 and doing over one million I felt it failed. But now when all we can get is a debut on somewhere in the mid 80's I'm like woah. I think now if we can get a hit song we would be more appreciative. I think Mariah would definitely be able to enjoy it more. I remember going to TAOM concert and sat next to this little girl who was probably like 8 years old at the time. I think the only song she knew was WBT and I remember her telling me how she loves Mariah and thought she was so pretty. I want that to happen again where young fans learn about her because they discovered Mariah themselves, not by parents forcing Mariah down their throats. I'm sure there are lamb parents out there who only allows Mariah to be played. I never really cared for or knew Cher until Believe came along. I hope Mariah gets her Believe moment.
(Wednesday 22 July 2015; 23:25)
LC / Mimi L. / Harper's (55,409) by Lee TS from USA
Oh wow that sounds ton of exciting. Yeah I was thinking of Marilyn and that would totally bore me. I think Mariah has kind of hit the limit with paying homage to the beauty icon. Roe can play the baby white grand piano to the tune of I Still Believe in the designated bathroom in her penthouse. Enough. We need more different visuals from her than the usual. Something she can definitely take note from Beyonce and JLo who aren't afraid to ugly it up. So I was watching all the rare clips from the AP channel and Mariah was such a babe. At the peak of her beauty she was so, ok going to sound vulgar, but she was oh so bangable. Not that she's my cup of tea but what a shame she was such a prude. I would be dating all the boys in the land haha. I never thought I would actually say this but I want her to feel her sexy again and show the body in them skimpy outfits, whereas I always wanted her to cover up and be more ladylike as a kid. I remember cringing when watching Heartbreaker and that video today is nothing but tamed. My how things have changed. I still remember my cousin's girlfriend screaming slut slurs when Honey was playing on TV and I felt so ashamed. Anyway, I hope the Bazaar shoot turns out amazing.
(Wednesday 22 July 2015; 22:07)
Harper's Bazaar (55,400) by Lee TS from USA
Any guesses which historical figure/legend Mariah will transform into? Too easy.
(Wednesday 22 July 2015; 9:20)


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