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About Andrew from the United Kingdom: Banned forever!

Re: Someday Live Debut (94,664) (94,667) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
If there were a live recording of the Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour and this was released, I would die, also.

Best party night of my life. And most professional and well crafted concert Mariah has ever done, in my humble.
(Tuesday 21 July 2020; 21:53)
Re: Nick (94,659) (94,663) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
"Now this post was troublesome."

It must have been so for you. You failed to recognise many of the points made.

"For the record, the free world is currently being led by a man who retweets antisemitic tweets and calls Neo Nazi groups 'good people'. He wasn't cancelled either."

For the record, the "free world" is a propaganda term from the Cold War. The UK is a perfectly free country and your president is not mine. And, yes, politicians do get cancelled. At the ballot box. You will have the opportunity to get rid of that man in November.

"[I]t is alarming to read a non-minority person post about how that group is the truly disadvantaged."

Your intersectionalism is as pathetic as it is non-intellectual. You think that a non-Jew cannot comment on the oppression and hatred towards Jews and Israel, which is loathsome. You're becoming a joke. Anti-semitism is racism. And I am anti-that. That's what you want, isn't it? See how your arguments start to fall because you blindly inject them with your own racism?

"I draw a line however at you attempting to validate or invalidate the Black Lives Matter movement. How dare you assume to speak on the true intentions of/or the hearts of people who you don't know, nor have you walked in the shoes of?"

I read the BLM manifesto; I went to a protest/riot and listened to people there speak; I have read books; I formulated an erudite opinion based upon the facts as they presented themselves.

"If anyone wanted to read Fox News dog whistles on race and BLM, we wouldn't be here on this board for an escape."

My posts are relevant to Mariah, news on this board or significant news in the world on which people comment. I and many others use this board for continued commentary on many things - it prevents it from being about lists and which is the best song from Memoirs on a daily basis which makes it run dry. Mariah Carey's ex-husband being caught up in a racism storm soon after marching against racism is worthy of commentary. You may not want Fox News opinions. You believe that all people should hear only the opinions you want them to hear? Commie.

"I was very offended when I read your other post as well."

It seems you are one of the professionally offended who believes causing offense himself is justified based upon his own privileged position to speak as a person of color; white people be damned, clearly.

"You are on a fan page of a woman of color who herself supports the movement."

Mariah's opinions are her own: they are mutually exclusive from my own. If you'd read the message, I support people marching and protesting against actual injustice. I do not support a cultural Marxist or communist approach to anything. Which is what the BLM organisation has become.

"I think the light bulb that went off for me today"

It doesn't sound like there was ever a light on so far. But I shall keep reading anyway, with a due sense of exhaustion and dread.

"To you, and the rest of the Adult Contemporary crowd, she is a POC who should shut up and sing. And not just sing, sing perfectly, the songs you want, dressed in the euro-centric way you want to see her."

For "adult contemporary" read "white. For "euro-centric" read "white". You have extrapolated racism from nowhere and this is in itself borne out of clear racism. The exhaustion and dread was justified.

"[I]t is your entitlement that gives you the gaul to do so in the first place."

Having an opinion is indeed an entitlement in the "free world". Well done; You finally made some sense. However, to see someone having an opinion as showing "gaul" is rather funny. Your post is, thus, full of "gaul". But you are privileged to speak. Damn all the white people. White people be damned lol.

"One shouldn't apologize if one doesn't mean it."

I apologised to Licia. I don't apologise to people lightly. To you I do not apologise. You clearly are a racist and subscribe to the politics of nonsense.

"And if I am honest I actually think you look pretty attractive."

I think this solidifies your strangeness and should make anybody upvoting you think twice about the mentality of the person with whom they are agreeing. This is weird. And creepy af. Do you think this type of commentary or behaviour acceptable in your liberal brave new world? It is not, I would say. It is viewed as sexual inappropriateness. Shame on you. Rapist.

"And if the webmaster would ever let me post my pic, you would see I was a handsome brotha myself."

Eric does not stop people putting their picture up. Try posting a picture in a lower resolution for a smaller sized file. However, I do not care what you look like. You have subscribed to a self-righteous liberal politic in which you get to silence people that disagree with you based upon their immutable characteristics. Basically, white people.

"For the same reasons that conservatives lose many of us, the generalizations and the vitriol."

This is the best part. Again, white people have to shut up, they are all privileged. Sound like a vitriolic generalisation, doesn't it?

"If there was anything to apologize to me and any other POC on the board"

I am not apologising to you. I see you for the idiot that you are.

"Intelligence is useless if it is used to destroy and tear down. How much farther could you reach pretty boi, if you used that intelligence to build something up."

Thankyou for requesting that I be positive and engaging whilst calling me a name designed to objectify and belittle me. Are you starting to realise what you are yet? Are you capable of being "illuminated"? You are a hypocrite. And not a very clever one, for you subscribe to an intersectional politics designed to do, and justify with piety the very thing it proclaims to not.

"I would ask you if you are open to understanding what intrinsic bias sounds like"

Yes, I just read it all through you ridiculous post. Illuminated, further?

You either failed to understand where I was coming from or you, most likely, chose to ignore it because the white boy was stepping out of line. Essentially, Nick Cannon, the black man who went on a black lives matter protest to rally against discrimination and injustice offered very negative and fallacious stereotypes of white people and Jews which could incite hatred and violence to a community that lives in constant fear of it. And instead of the same anger turning on him, he is forgiven. In fact the "black community turned on" him for apologising. And rather than address the issues I raised, you decided to claw back to the "white man bad, everyone else good, so shut up" point of view. You are not clever enough to debate me.

Let me some up your long, ridiculous post: "Shut up, white boy. But I think you're hot."

Let me sum up my response: "No, you hypocrite. And eeeeeew, what a creep."

(Tuesday 21 July 2020; 16:31)
Re: Nick (94,653) (94,658) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
What I was getting at was the BLM manifesto in itself, not people marching because they believe the need to protest for equal rights or, in this case, equal treatment by persons instructed by the state.

I, of course, do not believe that all black people are criminals and so on. My facetiousness was aimed at what many people who march and riot advocate and the hypocrisy of Nick Cannon and anyone who hops a bandwagon, regardless that it is not going to their destination of choice.

Nick Cannon is alleged to be a racist, an anti-semite. By recent blanket, unquestionable application of principle, that must surely be the case, no? Now whether he *actually* is or not is equivocal. Things said in haste, or under duress, or without proper forethought (and so on) do *not*, in my view, necessarily represent what that person is inside, should they retract and apologise. But herein lies my issue.

Where is the moral outrage (not even faux moral outrage) at what he said? Where is the cheering of the cancel culture? I was wrong to say I enjoyed him being cancelled. It is actually abhorrent to me. It is a modern day witch trial instigated by those who seek to exert authority and control without question. It is immoral and wrong. But a black man broadcasts anti-white, anti-Jewish things and the moral outrage fades away to a apologetic comments on his behalf. Why? Imagine he was white/Jewish agreeing with and advocating hate (and ridiculously wrong opinions) toward black people. The outrage would have ended him there and then. There would be no coming back. But “Nick has hopefully learned his lesson”? Well, I hope he has. And I hope that he isn’t as much of a fucking bellend as he sounds (but we all probably think, on the balance of probability, he is, no?) And I hope that mistakes that, at the end of the day, didn’t really cause a serious degree of harm, can be forgotten.

But I seriously question where the moral outrage from the professionally offended has gone? The “black community” have “turned their back on him” for apologising? Where is the moral outrage at this? Nevermind, y’all. Let’s pray for Nick. But not the other people who live and die by the drumhead judgement of a warped liberal ideology.

You wanna know a group of people who have seriously suffered throughout very recent history and still actually face quite serious discrimination and violence on a daily basis? Jews. Where is everyone's outrage for them Jewish lives matter. Hypocrisy is rife.

So apologies for my facetiousness, as it has not had the effect I intended. Black lives do matter. And I won’t downgrade the importance of that statement by declaring all lives matter. But let us act as if they do and point out the hypocrisy of selective application of fundamental principles. Otherwise we live in an even more dangerous world than originally thought. And it's particularly exhausting.

If it means anything, you have my apologies if I upset you.
(Monday 20 July 2020; 22:44)
Re: Nick (94,647) (94,650) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
It is the popular go-to: make yourself out to be a victim. So, discovered to be an anti-Semite and lost your job and reputation? Claim you are suffering mental health issues. Very good way of saying the backlash gives you the boo-hoos and you'd rather it stopped.

Imagine if it was thought that people who commit crimes should not be sent to prison because the people who caught them were meanies and it upset them. Oh wait, that's right. Nick was on a march with idiots who want just that.
(Sunday 19 July 2020; 15:26)
Re: Mariah's current look (94,611) (94,645) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Bill, I hope one day someone loves me the way you love Mariah.
(Saturday 18 July 2020; 16:06)
Re: See ya, Nick (94,609) (94,644) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Brad; isn't it funny? They all come crying, Nick and others, that black lives matter and how they are the victims of bigotry. Mention Jews and/or gays, and you start to see true colours appear.
(Saturday 18 July 2020; 16:05)
Re: MC30 every Friday (94,603) (94,607) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I would bury myself before agreeing that Dreamlover is a ballad, also.

I do not even think Mariah the Queen of the Ballad anymore, however. She seems to have abandoned the format in the early-to mid-noughties.
(Wednesday 15 July 2020; 15:39)
Dear Nick (94,602) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
"Anyone who knows me knows that I have no hate in my heart nor malice intentions."

I think you mean "malicious" intentions. Clearly by your own standards you surely have so-called "hate" as you seem to have 'affirmed' that Jews are "factually wicked"?

"I do not condone hate speech nor the spread of hateful rhetoric."

You do not condone other people but when it's you doing it, it's okay?

"We are living in a time when it is more important than ever to promote unity and understanding. Until then..."

Until when? I thought the time was now? Are you faint? Did your latest baby mama not pack your lunch for you?

"I hold myself accountable for this moment."

You were actually fired for *not* holding yourself accountable, i.e., admitting wrongdoing and apologising for it.

"My intentions are only to show that as a beautiful human species we have way more commonalities than differences"

A beautiful human species? As in... Homo sapiens? Don't try to sound clever. It sounds about as impressive as when you rap. Or tell jokes.

"We All Family."

No we *are* not. I would hate to be related to you - you who mouths off about Jews like a little kid to impress the big boys when they are around then attends BLM riots to cry victimhood. O the irony. The hypocrisy.

I hate cancel culture but I will forgive myself this one, this time. This time is just tastes too sweet.
(Wednesday 15 July 2020; 14:31)
Re: MC30 every Friday (94,599) (94,601) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
And basing this on what? You have figured it out using what evidentiary support? Or is it just a meaningless, nonsensical guess? Hope not. Please show your evidence and how you have come to this rather specific prediction. Would just love to read it.
(Wednesday 15 July 2020; 14:21)
Re: Hopes for the memoir (94,582) (94,586) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
That's a good take on it. I would possibly caveat by saying that

1. Mariah is free to alter (and for "alter" read "significantly lower" the keys and arrangement of songs without any shock admissions. I think people would simply and quietly understand that she is older and things change. I doubt anyone would even notice. Also,

2. Although it may allow her freedom to not nervously use lip sync, I think the narrative that is altered is the overall summation of her career. Once she admits to it she is no longer "the songbird supreme" but "the singer that lost the voice" and it is forever undoable. You can spend hours making dinner but add too much salt at the end and the whole thing is ruined. And,

3. Someone stated that she has another 10 years left in her career. I don't think so. Her voice has seen significant and accelerated decline in recent years that I just don't see another ten years of it.

Now, I am not saying that this is 100 per cent correct. You may indeed be right. But were I Mariah's manager I would have to hope for the best (which is your prediction) and plan for the worst (which is above). And I would also have to decide how to steer the gossop about the train for vocal decline, i.e., her own behaviours that you alluded to. For then she is "another Whitney" in the tabloids, potentially.
(Tuesday 14 July 2020; 14:43)
Re: The cover (94,583) (94,585) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Ha Dreambracelet made me laugh. I would say Daybracelet fits more but I think that's what we_are_lambily has to wear when allowed outside once a week.
(Tuesday 14 July 2020; 14:31)
Re: The cover (94,566) (94,581) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I like the cover with the earthen tones, on point make-up and tits not hanging out. It is a little on the over-airbrushed side, e.g., her neck looks ridiculously long she has not had that thin a face or waist in a long time. However, the image is not as cartoonish as most of her concoctions. It lopks classical. If there were an accompanying album, this would be one of the best coverart images she has put out. Your avatar looks like Daydream meets Charmbracelet.
(Monday 13 July 2020; 17:36)
Re: Hopes for the memoir (94,570) (94,580) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
30 years of a 50 year career is not a "short period of time". And yes, Mariah has achieved a lot, but not in the last 10 of those years.
(Monday 13 July 2020; 17:09)
Re: Hopes for the memoir (94,554) (94,579) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
"And that's probably it. If however it's a compilation of her sound bites and press releases since 1990, I'll be pissed."

It will be a whitewash that reveals very little. It is not in Mariah's nature to go off-brand and she won't risk libel actions against her.

And I must agree with Chicago when he questions the virtue of some of the potential reveals. If Mariah does admit to vocal decline then that is forever and ever the story and she loses control of the narrative of her career.

Were you to have controlled the content of the book it would probably be an amazing read. Alas, I feel like you are setting yourself up for major disappointment. Let's hope not.
(Monday 13 July 2020; 17:05)
Re: The Meaning of Ridicule (94,548) (94,578) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
O, Belgium, it is perfectly fair to suggest what Mariah should and should not include in the book. Cynicism is a belief that people act self-servingly and a manner of questioning everyone's motives. I am not doing that here, I don't think. I am probably being negative and depressing but reality often is.
(Monday 13 July 2020; 16:59)
Re: The Meaning of Ridicule (94,545) (94,577) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Hush, little girl. If you can't keep up with the conversations, best not to join in at all. Shouldn't you be in English class, learning proper syntax and grammar?
(Monday 13 July 2020; 16:52)
Re: The Meaning of Ridicule (94,540) (94,543) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I am afraid you are incorrect, Belgium. "Meaning" in "The Meaning of Mariah Carey" is not an adjective, but a noun; a noun that I would say means the importance / value / significance of something, or a conveyance of an idea that something represents or signifies. Unwrap the title with that in mind and you may see exactly from where the nausea people will undoubtedly feel toward it will come. Or simply, let us rewrite it now and see:

The Importance of Mariah Carey
The Value of Mariah Carey
The Significance of Mariah Carey
The Idea Represented by Mariah Carey

Suddenly, when you understand the English the title is a little... uncomfortable, right? Mariah certainly has a knack for trying to influence what people think about her rather than showing herself as she is and trusting people to see truth in beauty. And I think therein lies the problem with the book before it has even been sent to the presses. If this is not an honest recounting but a further pushing of the same old tired narratives with little honesty about the subjects to which the fans (and perhaps public alike) want answers, that is to say: vocal degradation, the truth about "the violent times", what actually happened during her breakdown (and admitting that it was one), the fabrication of the James Packer romance, her #MeToo moments, and so on, then it will be just another wasted project.

Given the BLM riots, I would say that this book, if it did not have it before, will have a heavy emphasis on racist incidents from Mariah's youth. It will make the book a hot topic and will be easy for Mariah to make relevant in promotional interviews. And it is fair for Mariah to share these stories as they are her truths.

But she should be careful; the world does not want to hear rich celebrities painting themselves as victims of society. Mariah is among the richest celebrities of the world. The system has hardly failed her. In fact, it took a girl who had a voice and propelled her to stardom so should she make the theme of the book about constant victimhood it may not wash well with people. Mariah certainly pursued her dream for a couple of years through sweat and toil, but was literally handed to music executives and carried to stardom from there on the back of her (quite unique) singing and songwriting capabilities. A lifetime of hardship this was not but, rather, a life of luxury, free of the basic survival worries felt by almost every other human on the planet. If this book does not relate truth, but, rather, the narrative Mariah wants people to believe, then people will see through it and she better have some more resilience to deal with the backlash.
(Friday 10 July 2020; 14:44)
Book cover (94,532) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
The photograph they chose is great, however. She doesn't have the tits hanging out.

I wonder if she even mentions her numerous breast augmentations. A hundred says she won't. Another hundred says this book will be a whitewash. It is not in Mariah's interest to give her critics ammunition and she never, ever goes off-brand. She won't cause beef with other people in case they reveal things about her which are off-brand, also. This book, especially given the violently vain title, will be Mariah reminding everyone of the promotional narratives about her that have been pushed over the years. It will be an interesting read. But this is a promo tool. Nothing more. At least it has "meaning".
(Friday 10 July 2020; 01:57)
Re: This picture of Mariah is everything (94,526) (94,530) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I saw the photo in the news section where she has a double chin and thunder thighs. She is overweight. I don't want to attack her for it. I want her to lose weight and be the best she can be. Why do all other celebrities manage their weight and image and Mariah cannot?
(Friday 10 July 2020; 01:50)
The Meaning of Ridicule (94,529) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
What an absolutely horrific, nauseatingly self-referential, hideously verbose title. But then Mariah is brilliant at those, isnt she? The Meaning of Mariah Carey? What a terrible title for an autobiography. These books are supposed to insightful with people revealing themselves with humility, endearing themselves to the reader, offering a message of inspiration, hope or, yes, resilience. Your autobiography's title referring to yourself in the third person and declaring that said person has a "meaning" in the world is just beyond hilarious. Mariah is already pillioried for vanity and this title will be mocked and ridiculed in reviews and by the public alike. She may as well call it "Why I Am So Great".
(Friday 10 July 2020; 01:47)
Re: This picture of Mariah is everything (94,505) (94,508) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I like the photo. But - and I know this isn’t a popular viewpoint - Mariah is, once again, overweight. I don’t get it. She has a gym, has plenty of time and can afford a live-in personal trainer, dietician and cook. She obviously knows how unbelievably beautiful she is when she is a healthy weight as she likes to photoshop herself to her that image. So why not just do it? Other celebrities maintain their body image. Mariah is one of only a handful that do not and it does her a disservice.
(Wednesday 8 July 2020; 16:55)
Re: Mariah (94,503) (94,507) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Say no to drugs, kids.
(Wednesday 8 July 2020; 16:50)
Re: When Mariah lipsyncs (94,480) (94,494) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Everything about Mariah lipsyncing is awful. It mostly seems that she is petrified something is going to go wrong and that she will be caught out. And if and when that happens she can claim that she wasn't really pulling a fast one over on everyone because only an idiot or blind person would believe she was really trying in the first place.

I have to hand it to her though. To get on stage every day living in fear of the moment the playback has to kick in, and know you can't wait to hear if it does but that you just have to go along with it, takes a lot of guts and risks a lot of shame.
(Friday 3 July 2020; 20:16)
Re: 4th of July (94,489) (94,493) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Fourth of July vs Underneath the Stars? That is too close a call. Underneath the Stars perfectly captures the playful nervousness of youth in stolen moments of time, whereas Fourth of July is a calmer, walmer, more festive celebration of a more mature, but still somewhat youthful, romantic escapade. They are both brilliant.
(Friday 3 July 2020; 20:03)
Re: Ranking Mariah Carey albums vocally (94,486) (94,492) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Have to disagree: the pre-MTV Unplugged voice was not as emotive as the post-MTV Unplugged voice. Music Box and Merry Christmas were velvetty perfection, power and beauty combined. The vocals seem less tense, more relaxed and fluid.
(Friday 3 July 2020; 19:54)


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