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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

The band is back together (50,644) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Ha. Turns out MC and JD are back in the studio working on new music. I'm not mad, but it has to be more to it since they opted for L.A. over NY and Atlanta. Hmmm. Mariah's still managing herself quite nicely. She seems to agree with herself swimmingly these days. We like that. OAN I want a club banger to rock out to this summer. Or a readily stripped down ballad. Honestly, just surprise us with a totally new wall of sound. But never the less, I'm excited and if Jermaine likes it, then I (usually) like it too.
(Thursday 5 March 2015; 0:55)
Mariah's in session recording in L.A. / Nikki love (50,604) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yay for new music. 19th #1 coming at you. I wonder who she's collaborating with. I'm only excluding Jermaine since he's based in Atlanta. So, who do we know on the WC that has Mariah leaving on a jet plane, Michael Bolton? Shout out to Nikki, lamb of chops, for an excellent post. Mariah always gets a disproportionate amount of criticism and I'm glad you took the time to put it in actual numbers.
(Tuesday 3 March 2015; 23:34)
Abraham (50,551) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
There is now conclusion.
(Sunday 1 March 2015; 12:03)
We are Lambily (50,550) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's a two way street, a symbiosis. We, hardcore lambs, feel just as connected to Mariah as she does to us. I am spiritually closer to her than some of my own kin. Make of that what you will, but it's not really up for debate. Ever heard of the term Lambily? Sure, most of us have never even met her IRL to say we "know" her but sharing physical space isn't all it takes to know someone intimately. Listening and communicating is where it's at. I've been listening to Mariah since before I was a teen and in turn she has communicated a lot of the things that I needed to hear. I probably wouldn't have survived my teens without her music. No one else has that claim on me and for that we will always be boned. I'm sure many of you have a similar emotional connection to her or else you wouldn't be here. Mariah got through to us by being compassionate, not by showing us so called "tough love". Also, I am of the opinion that Mariah knows about MCA and knows to come here at least every once in a while. Why wouldn't she? This site is a lamb staple and as active as it's ever been since it first started. I doubt that she's an actual poster but who knows?
(Sunday 1 March 2015; 11:58)
Lol Abraham (50,541) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I don't know if you even remember this but you once (end of last year?) out of nowhere practically threatened to have my head because of some affront I had supposedly committed against Diane Ernestine Earle Ross in my commentary. I never responded since I hadn't been posting about her and just assumed you had me mixed up with another poster. Come to find out, you're a regular bloodhound when it comes to The Boss Lady. Now I see you must have interpreted something I wrote as shade towards DR. That's hilarious in seven different languages because I Stan for her IRL and I would never. Never. Ever. So, at ease peacock, we're cool.
(Saturday 28 February 2015; 22:59)
Lee, Fifth Harmony's "Like Mariah" medley / Simon Cowell (50,539) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Simon Cowell on his favorite Fifth Harmony song and their recent succes." You beat me to it. Isn't it amaze? Not 5 months ago I was on another board raving about 5H and their vocal abilities mirroring Mariah's. I had no idea they would pay homage to her in such a big way on their album or their tour. They are stanning hard for her, campaigning in interviews on the low for her to make a cameo in their 'Like Mariah' video. Make it happen Simon. Mariah, bring the girls on stage in Vegas to perform with you, they already have their harmonies down and everything. Make my wish come true, all I want in Vegas is 5H and you
(Saturday 28 February 2015; 22:39)
The dress? Me. I am team blue and black (50,514) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah is obviously blind as a bat. See, I can call her on her bullshit. I just choose my battles and this is not one I am backing down from. Mariah, I you but you need to check your eye sight. Same goes for all you lambs who are team white and gold. This debate is the perfect metaphor for this board tbh. We will never see eye to eye no matter how hard some of us try.
(Saturday 28 February 2015; 1:44)
Jon (50,493) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
YME was a poor choice for lead single as it wasn't distinct enough on its own or really representative of the major theme on MIAMTEC. It's deceptively melancholy and yet they were trying to sell it as a Valentine's anthem. It smells like self sabotage. The video worked against it too because even now I don't ever reference it, almost like it never happened. It was a complete waste not to have Mariah interact with Trey Songz, especially if they had chemistry. Reminds me of her early videos where she wasn't allowed to have hot guys in her videos lest Tommy pitch a fit. DIDT of course wouldn't have worked as first single for Rainbow because it was too dark as a single period. Let alone as a figurehead. Obsessed is a perfect example of a snarky yet upbeat diss song that works and unsurprisingly it did well because the video was original in concept and funny. Who would have thought Mariah would be caught dead in a beard?
(Friday 27 February 2015; 16:44)
Lamb: Did I Do That? (50,491) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Me too. It's supposedly about Derek Jeter but I guess even Tommy fits the bill. It's one of her most difficult songs to sing because she literarily doesn't breathe for like half the song. It's just snarky goodness and so obviously rap influenced. Mariah broke the diva mould once again with that one. Who does that? Genius.
(Friday 27 February 2015; 16:08)
Mariah's influence on Rihanna (50,488) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
As always I find myself having to break down the simplest of statements just because some of these posters can't ever let me get away with making sense. A large part of Mariah's success with #1 singles comes from her being very prolific, that's just basic math. Rihanna is really the only mega star of her generation who copied that trait, releasing albums back to back. Ergo, she now is now biting at MC's heels, at least when it comes to #1 songs. There is no secret sauce here so I don't get why you got your pantries in a twist as I also never claimed Rihanna had no other influence, like Madonna, aside from Mariah who have informed her artistry. Just like Mariah has been influenced by dozens of her predecessors and contemporaries. But it's clear you are willing to be deliberately obtuse just so you can post gibberish in the name of "Mariah Ain't Shit". And since when isn't Mariah Carey, much like Franklin, Labelle, Streisand and Ross a supreme vocalist, songwriter, producer and actress in her own right? What kind of fool?
(Friday 27 February 2015; 15:49)
Otti, videos as album promoters (50,447) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The Butterfly videos are always gonna be my favourites as as well. She was just bursting with creativity on all fronts during that era. I wish she'd do more videos like that, where she can really display her ability to emote and tell a story. I'm not giving up on MIAMTEC getting more videos than YM, which was such a strange choice for first single, you just know it was the label's decision. If she's gonna release a #1's again, why not promote MIAMTEC by including videos as a bonus? Wasn't there talk, just a few months back, of Thirsty and YDKWTD being filmed? That's the whole purpose of videos: to promote the single and in turn whatever album the song is on. But I get that the MIAMTEC is caught between a rock and a hard place with all the things that have transpired in Mariah life both personally and professionally this last year that continue to conspire against its success. Maybe we'll at least get concert videos at some point. She used to be famous for those, remember?
(Friday 27 February 2015; 0:18)
Barbra Streisand's Longevity (50,427) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
When Mariah was asked who she modeled her career after back in her debut days she mentioned Barbra Streisand specifically as someone who was still relevant decades into her career trajectory. And Barbra is still here. Just like the vocal powerhouses Aretha, singer-songwriter and Patti, businesswoman, Diana, the first black female mega star. Not to mention Stevie Wonder, unparalleled musician. Barbra, actress, producer and singer in equal measure, is even more elusive than Mariah, she hardly ever does live concerts because of stage fright, but she still sells albums in a steady pace. So it's no coincidence that Mariah is still here. She has learned to take from the best of her idols to fit her own career choices and artistry. Just like any talented aspiring or even established artists look to her for inspiration instead of as irrelevant. Notice how someone like Rihanna still credits VOL as the spark that lit her fire and ambition to make music. It's no wonder she is the closest one to Mariah's #1 records. Game recognises game, right? Mariah is an icon and a living legend at this point. It doesn't mean she should rest on her laurels, it just means she has paid her dues. She is beyond demanding attention. Mariah commands it.
(Thursday 26 February 2015; 16:57)
Heartbreaker, you've got the best of me (50,415) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
That video is in league with MJ's short films. I have a soft spot for badass Mariah, Not to mention the musical dancing. The fight scene is so ratchet and so iconic now but I remember being flabbergasted the first time I saw it. Floored, much like Bianca. It could totally be made into a movie, starring yours truly.
(Thursday 26 February 2015; 1:23)
Attention mean girls: WTF? (50,392) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So now I'm Regina George huh? Just put me in a burnbook and be done with it already. I'm not editing my post even if I could. For the record I'm not asking you or anyone else to magically not want Mariah showing up to every Tony, Oscar and Emmy award show. I'm simply stating that historically Mariah doesn't prioritise these shindigs. Unlike many of those red carpet staples she actually works, i.e. writes all her own songs, sings and produces them. Not to mention she is prepping for Vegas while knee deep in a draining divorce with a guy whose theme song is "Thirsty". But yeah, she should totally make an effort to get on the best dressed lists of tabloids instead of rehearsing, writing, taking care of her babies and herself. Also, if you only want certain posters to respond to your comments then please specify who. Not that this is an open forum and the email was invented when Music Box came out or anything. Stop trying to police intelligent thought and opinion. I don't know why you think Mariah Carey is suddenly gonnna become this other person. She's not about that life. I reiterate a point I already made in a previous post: If and when Mariah is recognised as an artist or part of a project she invariably shows up and shows out. The fact that Mariah has stayed relevant for 25 years without being a "red carpet darling" is a feat in and of itself. Who else can say that? My reading comprehension is legendary, I read fools on the daily and they don't even know it.
(Wednesday 25 February 2015; 14:00)
Jaker20 at the Oscars (50,380) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Joker, you must be a joker. Why on Earth would Mariah go to the Oscars this year? I mean, she didn't even go to the Grammys or any other award show this season. She's laying low and working on her shit. I'd rather she focus on that than do the "who are you wearing?" schtick. Mariah isn't and will never be thirsty for gratuitous fame, she usually only shows up to support projects she is part of anyway. Plus she has toddlers, I'm sure they keep her busy. Vegas is only a May away, and her appearance on Empire before that will tide us over nicely I predict. This is the Elusive Chanteuse era, didn't you get the memo?
(Wednesday 25 February 2015; 0:19)
I miss Mariah's eyebrows (50,352) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The ones she had on the debut album. I wonder if she can still grow them like that. I'm obsessed with thick brows, always been. Just a random thought. At ease.
(Monday 23 February 2015; 19:12)
Mariah 25.0 (50,351) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I really want a new Mariah documentary. I could care less about any "sit down" interviews with Barbara, Oprah or Diane. They will shade her just for ratings. But an HBO documentary or mini series about her in any shape or form would be stellar. Mariah is at her best when she can be herself anyway, unfiltered. It's something I wish Musical icons like MJ and Whitney had done to make sure they are on record addressing all that goes along with being a living legend on their own terms. It could be cathartic for her if done right. Give her a reason to reflect over the dichotomy that is her life so she can regroup. I'd pay good money for that DVD. A film or miniseries is much more timely than a book as she is only 44 years old. Either way, I'm happy she isn't courting the press, she obviously doesn't need to. People (read Thirsty) are up her butt anyway. NTT.
(Monday 23 February 2015; 18:54)
The Jazz & Blues Festival 2015 live compilation in Jamaica (50,275) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End

Setlist (some performances are missing):
1. Fantasy
2. Touch My Body
3. Emotions (missing)
4. I'm That Chick (missing)
5. Triumphant (Get 'Em) (a capella) (missing)
6. Make It Happen
7. Vision of Love
8. My All
9. Honey (So So Def remix)
10. Heartbreaker (remix)
11. Shake It Off
12. I'll Be There (The Jackson 5 cover with Trey Lorenz)
13. Rock With You (Michael Jackson cover by Trey Lorenz, Mariah singing back up, missing)
14. #Beautiful (with Trey Lorenz)
15. Always Be My Baby
16. We Belong Together
Apparently parts of the concert are missing but I still appreciate the lambs that filmed the clips and the one who edited it all together. My faves were MIH, VOL, IBT and WBT because Mariah brought so much passion as well as raw vocals to them with some of the most honest adlibs you'll ever hear from her. She's really the consumate jazz singer.
(Wednesday 18 February 2015; 20:24)
Shelly (50,273) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
No worries, I totally understand wanting more of Mariah all day every day and getting regular reassurances that she's fine. So I know it comes from a of place. But we can't expect her to be "on" 100% of the time. Mariah's a perfectionist, not perfect. And like you I also want her to produce a documentary film about her creative process as an artist, as per my MC 2015 wish list. Hopefully Vegas will be the backdrop to many of the things we all woulld love to see her do as she continues to grow as an artist. Good things come to those who wait.
(Wednesday 18 February 2015; 19:42)
The Elusive Chanteuse sends subliminal messages (50,251) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I don't think this moniker is all accident all the time. But barring a reality show I don't really understand how Mariah could possibly share more of herself than she already has, especially now when she is divorcing and undoubtedly trying to protect her children from bearing the brunt of any negative fallout. Never mind the fact that she is bleeding out and crying throughout MIAMTEC. It's stylised heartbreak but heartbreak none the less. Not many people would be brave enough to bare their soul and share with the whole world such heartache. Who else on Mariah's level, right now, is writing lyrics as raw as: "Kept praying inside, let him love me for who I am. Please My Lord"? I'll wait. And as I wait, so will those of you who don't appreciate just how transparent and accessible Mariah has been ever since she left Tommy. If you really can't figure out Mariah's raison d'etre from her consistently showing you through her music, interviews, actions and reactions all through her career then it's not Mariah. It's you. Give her heart a break.
(Wednesday 18 February 2015; 0:23)
Tobby on Lee Daniels directing MC's next video (50,136) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Who knows? I'm guessing the song would have to impact him on such a personal level Lee would be the one who offers to do it. I personally enjoy the videos Mariah directed or co-directed the most, especially during the Daydream/Butterfly eras. In any case Mariah is supposedly making an appearance on Empire, aside from that Elusive big blowup of her in an earlier episode, so I expect Lee will direct her in whatever projects he is involved in. But hey, why not her next music video?
(Saturday 14 February 2015; 19:15)
B on McCartney, RiRi and Kanye's collabo (50,133) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I agree 100% B. It's by design specifically to get a #1 song and propelling Rihanna closer to eclipsing Mariah's #1's but also Paul is a Beatle lest we forget. Billboard would change the rules for him if he actually manages to score a #1 song as a featured first. We all know it. But it's par for the course. Everybody wants to make history so I'm not mad. It's a very calculated move though and I'm personally kinda over the stunt collaborations that don't make sense musically. Mariah didn't ever have to resort to that for any of her #1's. Her collaborations were organic, based on mutual appreciation between artists and many times turned into true friendships. Look at Mariah's relationship with John Legend. She was championing him long before he was a mainstream artist. I hope he's joining her onstage in some capacity in Vegas. They have good chemistry. My point is, Mariah is really her own biggest competition. She has to beat her own record once before she even ties with the Beatles. It's gonna happen too. Just wait. Happy Valentine's Day MCA. You too Mimi.
(Saturday 14 February 2015; 18:39)
Luke and Mariah's Elusive Grammy Academy support (49,951) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's not whether or not Sam Smith is warranted 4 Grammy awards for his album, it's whether or not Mariah should have had more than 5 Grammy's after 25 years of releasing stellar work continually. Just the fact that the Grammy Academy didn't make it their mission to feature Mariah in this year's show is very telling. They simply do not want to celebrate her if they can get away with it. Grammy recognition and awards are known to boost album sales. It makes me period that Mariah has managed to sell albums in the 200 millions with very little support from the Grammy institution. MIAMTEC which is Mariah at her best IMO, better than TEOM, didn't even get a single nomination. That's highly suspicious to me but also expected. Mariah knows this already, 3 of her Grammy's are the blood of rocks. In fact, I'd venture to say she's more likely to win a prestigious acting distinction before the Grammy's give her any proper recognition, let alone a new Grammy. It'll be an Emmy, Tony, Oscar, SAG Golden Globe or what have you and I am totally here for it. Hopefully she'll just stop submitting her work for consideration all together. She should start giving out her own awards for musical excellence, like ABBA's manager Stig Anderson did in 1989. Today the Polar Music Prize is one of the most prestigious in the world, it's like winning the Nobel Prize. Just a thought.
(Monday 9 February 2015; 12:39)
Read my lips: Mariah Carey is a live performer first, a lipsyncer 25th (49,943) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
There's no contradiction at all anywhere in my post because, like I already wrote, Mariah is great at lip syncing when it comes to music videos (especially high speed playback) but obviously there's a lot of editing involved. What she doesn't do well at all is lip sync live and that's because she simply has never bothered perfecting that craft on stage, why would she? Her voice is literally the show. Mariah hasn't made it into a career like some performers have because she would rather sing live whenever she can. Even in her first onscreen role in "The Bachelor" where she played the opera singer Ilana it was very obvious that she wasn't singing. It was a comedy so I'm sure it became part of the gag even if it wasn't meant to come off that way. My point is, it shouldn't take a genius to see the correlation of Mariah being a bad lip syncer and Mariah being mainly a live performer. She's not Milli Vanilli and I for one am glad I don't have to wonder about when she is singing vs when she is lipping. Mariah is human just like most of us. You creatures who were born perfect, with no sick days, bad news days or simply bad luck days wouldn't understand the type of pressure a human heart withstands daily. Lucky you who can control the elements and only have sunny days and rainbows. What's it like in your world? It can't be that great because I've never seen a more [censored] crowd. It borders on amusingly ridiculous. I bet when Mariah reads your comments she just laughs. I do.
(Monday 9 February 2015; 1:17)
And since when is being a bad lip-sincer not a good thing? / loss of hearing speculation (49,917) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So now Mariah is such a disaster as a singer she can't even fake it anymore, huh? Some of you must be born without any traces of fun in your DNA because Mariah is the master of lip syncing. She's so good at it she can sing double the speed without batting an eye. Any "making the video of" is proof of that. I don't see what the big deal is that she can't do it as well as others live, I like that Mariah is such a bad liar and lousy at being fake. Some singers are so good at it they have the public fooled 90% of the time. It's why they can undertake massive tours year after year making more money on selling concert patrons ridiculously priced tickets. How do you manage to always sound the same no matter what? Something that might be actually screwing with Mariah, and this is pure speculation on my part, is loss of hearing or some other ear problem. It's not as farfetched and ludicrous as Mariah being on drugs and drunk since 1996. And let's not pretend she hasn't always avoided doing lengthy tours for most of her life because she understands the limitations of having a fragile voice and the need to preserve it for recording instead of wasting it trying to prove to haters she can still sing as well as ever. Mariah didn't get where she is by listening to everybody who had something negative to say. She got here by listening to positive reinforcements and encouragement. The Lambily you Mariah, make like it's 8th grade and don't pay the haters any attention.
(Sunday 8 February 2015; 3:03)


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