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About Will from England: You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife

Album (43,148) by Will from England
So, I woke up, looked at twitter, and died. Yes to all. The album cover, the tracklisting, the meaning behind the album title, everything. I cannot wait to pre-order it. And as the for the people who are still a bit disappointed, all I can say is "sucks to be you". You've got everything you've been complaining about, and yet there is still no pleasing some people. Of course Mariah's Other Twins would be out, what's so different about that? Anyway, 27/5 cannot come soon enough (neither can 2/5 for that matter lol). Really looking forward to hearing "Cry." and "Faded". They sound like they're going to be just the type of deep lyrical MC songs that we've been wanting. Also, George Michael cover? Didn't see that one coming.
(Thursday 1 May 2014; 16:29)
Well, it's official (43,002) by Will from England
I haven't got the slightest inkling of what's going on anymore. The following basically sums up the last few days of album related news:
Billboard - "It's a surprise release."
IDJ - "It's not a surprise release."
Mariah - "It's an all-at-once release."
IDJ - "It's not an all-at-once release."
Mariah - "It's coming May 6th."
IDJ - "It's coming anytime after May 6th."
Mariah - "The album info will be released at the same time."
IDJ - "We have no idea what's going on. Neither do you."
Jermaine - "The album is done."
Mariah - "That's what you think dahling."
That's what this has essentially boiled down to.
(Monday 28 April 2014; 22:21)
Angelo (42,906) by Will from England
Mariah isn't in control over what gets released as a single or not. She has, countless times, regretted over the fact that Migrate was not a single. I even think she told a lamb that directly through twitter. She had to fight to get a song like CTTA to be a single, and when she eventually won, Sony didn't fully support it. I wouldn't be surprised if it has been the same with each album she has put out. Wasn't The One supposed to be a single, but the label decided to change it to "Boy" because it was more "radio friendly"? If she's had to put "finishing touches" or whatever, I would not be surprised if she came out to say that the label asked her to go back to the studio. And if I remember correctly, LA Reid asked her to do exactly that with TEOM (which in turn yielded WBT etc.). I guess with other artists, like Rihanna maybe, the "struggle" isn't so profound, since she (Rihanna) doesn't write or produce her songs, so it's all up to the label. With Mariah, it's a whole other ball game. These songs are personal to her because she writes them, so naturally she would have more input on what she wants to be released. It's just that the label ignores her sometimes/most of the time.
(Saturday 26 April 2014; 0:15)
QueenMc / album title (42,905) by Will from England
Considering how Mariah herself said that the album would be named after a "personal possession of mine that's part of an entity that I've had almost all my life", I highly doubt the album is called "Heavenly Existence". If it is, then I will take back my words. I also highly doubt there will be another single prior to the album being released. I reiterate what I said before that sentence.
(Saturday 26 April 2014; 0:10)
Stevie Wonder (42,819) by Will from England
Well, at least Mariah revealed that he is indeed part of the album, just playing the harmonica on one of the songs though lol.
(Wednesday 23 April 2014; 9:02)
Ryan (42,794) by Will from England
I've seen the tweet about the press release stating that the album is indeed going to be released on May 6th (can be found here), but couldn't see anything about it being released anytime between now and May 6th.
(Tuesday 22 April 2014; 19:30)
Julian (42,767) by Will from England
I just checked the release date on Amazon UK, and it's still showing 6th May. However, the price has increased to £22.99, from the £15 that it was a couple of weeks ago. Naturally, this could all change. Could she be doing the staggered release strategy? I also just checked Amazon US and the release date there has been completely removed, stating that one has not been set.
(Tuesday 22 April 2014; 0:22)
Presales (42,631) by Will from England
Yeah, we had something similar on Amazon UK, where they had Mariah's TBA album up for presale. It should be noted that it was quickly removed after a few hours. One thing I've also noticed is the high price. It was priced in the UK at being £15 or something like that. The Dutch presale seems to be at a similar pricing (£16 or so). So that's around the same price for a film more or less. Of course, whether or not these presales are legit or not is another matter, but there does some to be consistency. Anyway, hopefully we shall find out soon.
(Tuesday 15 April 2014; 12:28)
Album title (42,623) by Will from England
If you missed the part two to Mariah's interview with ET Canada, she revealed that the album does at last have a name, but decided not to share lol. Which hopefully means that we'll be hearing something soon. Personally, I think she'll say something on the 20-day mark.
(Tuesday 15 April 2014; 0:56)
Thumbs down (42,597) by Will from England
What with all these thumbs down for harmless messages?
(Sunday 13 April 2014; 16:06)
Tony (42,480) by Will from England
It could just be a side note for how to pronounce a single line in a song lol. Not to overdo it. Oh well, we shall find out soon.
(Friday 4 April 2014; 11:18)
Radio programmers/"listening party", my two cents (42,475) by Will from England
Ok, so it wasn't a listening party, but I do think it was a smart move. Think about it, Mariah needs radio to get the single to lift off, and what better way to get some ground in that area, than to hold an event where she can interact with different DJs from everywhere at once and get on their good side? As we all know, radio too has an age thing about what music should be played, so Mariah has to work extra hard to get DJs to play her new songs. So by holding a little party for various DJs around the country, maybe it may get them inclined to play her new songs, so that it can get plenty of airplay around the country. It may have not been quite what anyone really expected, but none the less, it was a smart move. And think about it, with all these DJs and their phones plus other people, do you really think Mariah would blast out brand new music for it to be leaked? Nuh huh, Mariah's going to wait for the right time and let it out slowly and controlled. In 2 days, it was be exactly one month before the album is released, Mariah has time to drum up some promo, but she will still need radio on her side.
(Friday 4 April 2014; 1:04)
Funny Mariah pop-ups (42,288) by Will from England
Well, this weeks certainly has been good to me on two occasions regarding Mariah. Firstly, during a lecture about how artists use science to convey messages and ideas, my lecturer decided to use E=MC2 as an example. I can tell you honestly, I have never been that excited in my whole life. I didn't even realise at first what was going on until my friends turned to look at me (because they know I'm crazy ) to get my reaction. And the second was, I finally saw the remix video for YME on a chart TV show. I have no idea what show it was, all I know is, is that in my very little corner of Wales, her video was playing in a pub and that made me very, very happy indeed. And you know what? I loved the video even more. At no point did I feel embarrassed that it was playing or think "Oh God, put them away Mariah." I just sat there, and enjoyed the video for what it was.
(Saturday 22 March 2014; 9:03)
Edward (41,666) by Will from England
Number two on that track list just made me laugh out loud. One can only hope lol.
(Monday 24 February 2014; 13:12)
Video boring? (41,509) by Will from England
I saw this comment on another website, that the video was "boring", and it lead me to think about all her other videos (specifically her early videos), and wondering about how they would be received today. VOL could be classified as boring at first, because all she is doing is standing around/sitting on a windowsill and singing. Nothing much going on there. LTT, all she's doing is wandering up and down and beach in a swimsuit. IDWC, sitting around in an abandoned house. Emotions, singing amongst friends and posing in a car sums that video up. CLG, beautifully shot, but nothing going on. OSD, singing in a studio. TGIFY, singing to an audience (same goes for ISB) etc. etc. My point is, is that YME is not the first Mariah music video that has no storyline, nor do I doubt it being the last. Yes, it would have been nice to have a storyline and to have seen more of the rainforest (as someone pointed out below), however, it's not like as if it's Mariah's first non-storylined video. It's beautifully shot and tastefully done. That's my two cents anyway.
(Wednesday 19 February 2014; 20:05)
Flop? No (41,426) by Will from England
For the people saying that "You're Mine" is already a flop (somehow after only, what, three days?), let me ask you this: how long did it take for WBT to climb the charts? How long did WBT take for it to get some recognition? It debuted at #81 on the Hot 100. It didn't start out high on the charts. And look at what it became. I think people are jumping the gun a bit here. I don't expect it to debut high on the charts, but that does not mean at all that it's the end of it.
(Monday 17 February 2014; 21:18)
Mariah Daily Journal part 2 (41,112) by Will from England
Well, looks like MDJ is back from whatever was going on behind the scenes. Yay to new updates and for it to stick around for a long time!
(Tuesday 11 February 2014; 12:26)
Mariah Daily Journal (41,107) by Will from England
Ok, I'm confused now. The YouTube Channel for MDJ is still being updated (they just posted a video about all the news that Mariah has been on recently). Is it being shut down or not?
(Tuesday 11 February 2014; 9:05)
So much excitment (41,084) by Will from England
So, Mariah just basically told every singer, who have been labelled "the next Mariah Carey", exactly why they will never be exactly that. Wow. She pulled her receipts for everyone to see. As for the single cover, love it, fits the theme very nicely. It's cute. And I really like that the release date was moved to 48 hours from now. And now for the really exciting news: the album release date. Just a couple of months from now we will (finally) get the album. I'm loving how she's still not going to say what the name of the album actually is.
(Monday 10 February 2014; 19:09)
Ryan (41,072) by Will from England
If there is any possibility of that being true, then that would indicated that she already has multiple versions of the song ready to be released. A ballad version, then the uptempo as you mentioned. Personally, I don't think that's the case.
(Monday 10 February 2014; 15:08)
Mimi L. / I Will Always Love You (41,025) by Will from England
Lol, no that's British journalism at its best, especially since it's the Mail.
(Sunday 9 February 2014; 13:07)
BET Honors (41,023) by Will from England
Of course Mariah bring out her other twins during the performance lol. But seriously, I'm very excited by what the song could potentially sound like! And the timing for some of the promo is working out very well. This week is gonna be MC week.
(Sunday 9 February 2014; 12:40)
Mariah Daily Journal (41,001) by Will from England
I've just seen some news on Facebook that MDJ is going to shut down soon. Is there any truth to this? Very sad if it does go.
(Friday 7 February 2014; 23:09)
No (40,999) by Will from England
Oh no, please tell me I did not just see someone actively try and get lambs to listen to an alleged leak. I did not just see that. Thank you Eric for removing the link! Whether or not it's a Mariah song, I don't particularly care for people who try to distribute leaked material.
(Friday 7 February 2014; 21:29)
You're Mine (40,986) by Will from England
Yeah, I was thinking about that whilst writing out my last message. Seems more likely. Plus, there are now rumours that she'll be performing the song on The View.
(Friday 7 February 2014; 11:16)


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