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About Lee TS from USA:

Mariah's manager (54,854) by Lee TS from USA
This is going to sound horrible. But what is up with her being in Mariah's latest Instagram photo? I don't know but she doesn't fit in the picture, it's very Hollywood big players and whatnot, and there she is who produces ratchet television. It looks like she's trying to align herself with, I don't know, it just looks very awkward and opportunistic of her. I guess I would want more of a behind the scenes type of manager for Mariah, but instead it almost look like she wants to be the star of the show. Or maybe it's just her face I don't like. Anyway, I hope she actually gets the job done and not just leeching off Mariah's fabulosity.
(Wednesday 24 June 2015; 16:08)
Baby (54,853) by Lee TS from USA
Seriously, the wetblankets brigade? I know Big Brother debuts tonight but that was silly and a bit immature of you. All the wetsuits posts weren't even mean or offensive to Mariah. If you know Mariah, she'll give any excuse to wear a bikini for the heck of it. Whether she's walking a dog in the snow or on the top of her roof celebrating with sparklers in hand. Anyway, like I've posted before I think a bikini frolicking on the beach moment is over due. My favorites would probably be her covering herself with a magazine or the CB era calendar.
(Wednesday 24 June 2015; 15:25)
TMZ reporting marriage / Janet / Tori Kelly (54,843) by Lee TS from USA
Please no if the marriage rumors are true, she does not need to rush into another situation so soon. Slow your roll and take the time to get to know the guy. And I never found Mariah to be the "desperate type" (NTT) needing to be in a relationship or marriage, if anything I thought she always kind of repel the idea. Janet is receiving an icon award from BET, I think it would be really cool if Mariah presents her the award. It would be very fitting from one icon to another. Yes to working with Tori Kelly, a very talented girl and I can't get over how good her hair is. Her curls itself reminds me of young Mariah haha. Again Mariah, I know you only wanted but don't give your all if he doesn't stay after the night.
(Wednesday 24 June 2015; 11:44)
Latest picture (54,821) by Lee TS from USA
On her Instagram posing with Packer and Ratner. Now that's how you slay. She looks flawless from head to toe. The curls are on point, the boobs got some color from the sun, and the dress screams fabulous diva. She's living it up and it shows. That's how you tell Nick to eat his heart out. Mariah on fleek.
(Tuesday 23 June 2015; 16:51)
Rocky tough guy (54,805) by Lee TS from USA
Oh dear this is going to sound horrible. I know Mariah is all about Dembabies and pacifiers but she needs to rip that pacifier out of Roc. He needs to tough guy it up and not hold onto that thing. Close the door and lose the binky. In other news, it's fun to see Mariah working them boobs in front of Packer haha.
(Tuesday 23 June 2015; 5:05)
Nick Cannot (54,792) by Lee TS from USA
I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to actually defend him. Nick never dated up a storm after the separation and if he did, the two have already separated. But what I can respect is he never made anything public, it was always rumors/gossip of him being spotted or him being pictured next to someone random. He never made anything official or declare, "This is my new babe. Now cry me a river Mariah." It wasn't until the same day Mariah made it public with Packer that Nick was out with a new chick. And it sounds crazy but I rather him being all, "Mariah will always be the love of my life, I'm forever indebted to her," than the people selling her out left and right. When you think about it, if he does rap about blank checks that's hardly anything. And I forget but I kind of agree when a fan says gloves are off since Mariah came out with Infinity. It's a diss song in every other line wrapped up in a fun melody. Lambs are using "everything you own boy you still owe" every chance they get on his instagram. Anyway, seems like both are happy and moving on with their lives even if Nick is being corny like fritos with the subtle shade.
(Monday 22 June 2015; 17:05)
Packer (54,783) by Lee TS from USA
I think money does matter especially at this point in her life, she's a single mom with two young children, she can't be going out with no scrub. No but it does take care a lot of any hidden agendas or whatever. But still, I don't think Packer being a billionaire is going to impress Mariah all that much. I'm sure she has respect for him being successful and established in his field, but his money isn't going to get him her goodies. As much as Mariah does the "woe is me" moments, the diva's been living in the lap of luxury for more than half her life now. Luxuriating on a yacht in Capri is nothing new to Mariah, she's done that plenty of times over. Sorry, but it's true. Sure Packer can shine some opulent diamonds for her but I'm sure Mariah's trips to Joan Boyce over the years afforded herself a timeless collection. And I don't think Packer wants fame because from what I read so far he seems to like his privacy but I don't know. I hope they're enjoying and getting to know each other, Mariah deserves some adoration and attention from a man.
(Monday 22 June 2015; 10:53)
No more wetsuits (54,769) by Lee TS from USA
I don't get why she's wearing one on a yacht in Capri or if she's just wading in the water on a beach. Come on Mariah, don a bikini and show us skin like you love to. It's summer and the perfect excuse to show them boobs, butt, and legs.
(Sunday 21 June 2015; 9:37)
About Walter (54,750) by Lee TS from USA
Walter and Mariah had something magical and their work will live on, they shared one moment in time and it'll always be nostalgia for the both of them. What I do appreciate from Walter when he shares his stories about Mariah, he always brings out the musician out of her. Sometimes I forget that's the core of who she is, not just some singer or big 'ol diva but a true musician who writes her own songs and has an ear for sound. And it's not like he's just singing her random praises, but that is how he recalls his time and experience with her. Like when JD talks about Mariah, I don't get that from him, he tends to take more credit or doesn't really talk about her genius. I liked when Miguel said Mariah was very "smart" in her music, or the Westlife boys saying she actually pushes the buttons in the studio, and when Marc Shaiman describes her as "music" in human form. I also say yay to a new Babyface collaboration even though he tried to emulate Mariah through Ariana on her debut, or Missy who I believe still has a lot of music in her, and maybe even a new Carol King song.
(Saturday 20 June 2015; 12:55)
New loves (54,748) by Lee TS from USA
It's so interesting to see the contrast in how both Mariah and Nick debut their new loves. I think this is the first time for both to confirm new relationships with the public hand holding. Mariah does it ever so glamorously in Capri while Nick is on a high school first date. They're both hitting it where it hurts with Mariah being wooed by a billionaire and Nick charming a young woman. But alas I hope they both find happiness and can be great at coparens to Dembabies.
(Saturday 20 June 2015; 9:12)
Packer (54,738) by Lee TS from USA
So does this mean the divorce is finalized? Because according to some people it's not appropriate to date if she's still married. That would be disrespectful to Nick. Anyway, I'm glad she's looking to be having fun and being wooed with some love and affection. The guy seems appropriate in age and bankroll, just saying. Of course she would be pictured on a date in Italy, very diva dahling, very diva haha.
(Saturday 20 June 2015; 1:38)
Janet (54,708) by Lee TS from USA
Can you hear Mariah's inspiration in the Janet snippet? Cute tune.
(Thursday 18 June 2015; 3:23)
This_is_qhm (54,671) by Lee TS from USA
I just love reading your posts.
(Tuesday 16 June 2015; 14:29)
The creativity of the lambs are (54,641) by Lee TS from USA
You know how it goes. This is a cute cartoon version of Infinity.
(Monday 15 June 2015; 3:23)
Popularized (54,630) by Lee TS from USA
In the same token Mariah popularized butterflies and rainbows, mental breakdowns, whistle squeals, lip syncing, and photoshop to the point of catfishing. That post was so shady, for real like hot cable TV. There was nothing nice about the current lot. Mariah is a goddess but she's not literally God and is far from perfect.
(Sunday 14 June 2015; 6:18)
Game of War (54,604) by Lee TS from USA
This is so random and totally out of left field. If she's gonna do a commercial I hope she looks her best. From what I can tell, Kate Upton is selling sex to the geeks and gamers of the land. Mariah's going to need to get her body right and snatched with the boobs being large and in charge. Maybe she'll even play some sort of butterfly character. Don't know about this lambs, so random if true. But hey, get your coins girl.
(Saturday 13 June 2015; 1:14)
Time of your life (54,565) by Lee TS from USA
Remember that little commercial jingle? I wish she would've made a complete song out of it, it had #1 written all over it. It's so fun, bouncy, summery and such a bop. She needs to work on more fun songs like that to make you feel all good inside. Take a minute to enjoy the sunshine.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 6:23)
Infinity (54,563) by Lee TS from USA
I wonder how long she is going to keep singing the song. Mariah has a tendency to ignore songs that doesn't do well. YME, TAOLG, the whole Glitter album just to name a few. For what it's worth I still like the song. It would've been nice if Infinity brought Mariah back on top for the noatalgia and to cash in on new receipts. Just a hopeful dream.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 5:55)
B / no break (54,562) by Lee TS from USA
Yes you keep mentioning Mariah being relevant enough to score another hit etc. but to me, you're putting your own spin on it. #Beautiful was 2 years ago, long gone and forgotten and it didn't make that much of an impact. I don't think most people remember that song whereas Blurred Lines reign supreme that summer. Sales are definitely down and music isn't selling the way it used to, but even in this climate Mariah's sales are terrible. Artists may not be crossing the million mark as easily but they're still selling way above and beyond Mariah's numbers. I don't know where you get Infinity is doing ok, if selling 30k (i don't know, rough estimate) with 2.7 million views and never heard on radio is ok then I guess. So if Mariah keeps pushing to release new music then maybe she should just do free mixtapes for the lambs. I mean, we just want new music right because nobody is buying it. 45, 46, 47, 48 - same difference she's already faced ageism and considered old. We can look to Madonna to continue trailblaze if she can achieve great mainstream success. Ageism doesn't only affect female singers, look at Usher.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 4:21)
No new material needed (54,504) by Lee TS from USA
At least not right now. It wouldn't make sense and I don't see it succeeding. I'm sure she's always working on new music but right now she can't afford another failure. She would be made fun of and be called a washed up has been relentlessly. I think maybe she should wait until summer or late 2017 for a new LP release. She needs to teach the lambs a lesson for letting everything flop, lol no jk. But we need to miss her for a little bit and have the public forget her for a minute. Look at Janet building anticipation for her return. For now work on the shows, the Christmas movie, and fashion projects. Not too much stressful situations.
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 1:47)
Stylist (54,474) by Lee TS from USA
I think it's the Wilfredo fellow who's her current stylist. I guess he doubles as a stylist besides designing beautiful jewelry. He's usually seen with a lint roller by her side and tugging and fixing her outfits. With Mariah's latest ensemble I figured she was going to the zoo, you know that's her usual attire to such things lol jk. You can tell when it's usually an Alaia based on the stretchy fabric and fishtail finish. What I am glad though is she ditched the funeral dresses from MIAM era. I want to see more color from her. And it's really great to see her enjoy herself and Dembabies, that's what I want to see. Her being happy, not worrying about a performance or a promo obligation. I have to say Rocky seems to exude more of a diva behavior than Roe, they're the cutest, Mariah's got a handful from Roc alone.
(Wednesday 10 June 2015; 3:14)
Lighting emergency 911 (54,340) by Lee TS from USA
For being such a stickler when it comes to all things beauty lighting, I am horribly disappointed in Mariah for allowing this horrid of a mess be shown to the world. She's seen here with the Balmain guy who hangs out with all the young hollywood starlets. It's great to see her living it up and enjoying herself while in Paris. And I think she should probably finish beauty school and get those hours in because obviously she can't do her own makeup. The horror lol.
(Monday 8 June 2015; 1:31)
A diva thing she does that irks me (54,310) by Lee TS from USA
I think Mariah is the only celebrity on earth that needs to be escorted for every step she takes. It makes you think, can she not walk on her own or too splashed out to find her own footing? Like seriously it looks ridiculous. If you can't walk in heels change your shoes dahling but the blue ones did look really cute. Anyway, I wonder what she's doing in Paris.
(Sunday 7 June 2015; 5:44)
The girl is bipolar (54,309) by Lee TS from USA
Just look at her indecision to stay with one ensemble according to Daily Mail. Just for laughs but no it's nothing to mock or made fun of. I don't know what's going on with her family but they're pretty messed up. Could money really motivate Morgan that much to severe ties with Mariah? Because I don't see her inviting him to Aspen for Christmas anytime soon. But also I don't know if he's lying or just revealing some truths. Call me a goat or whatever but the alcohol I believe. While celebratory in splashes, I don't know why but I'd imagine while she hoped to be kidnapped from Sing Sing she also turned to drinking to escape the reality. And if she does have a problem with the champagne flute, it makes perfect sense to the health of her voice. We love Dembabies but her being a mom doesn't immune anything, Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston were both parents. Ugh, I don't know. But if Shawn says she's fine, then ok. So I just looked at Shawn's twitter and for his birthday cake his friends included what appears to be an inside joke about him having a drinking problem, oh dear. Last thing though, you can't pick and choose what to believe. If everything Morgan says is false, then him saying Nick was in it for the come up is false too. Back to Daily Mail, they exposed that Mariah has super powers, being in NY and Paris simultaneously.
(Sunday 7 June 2015; 4:43)
Mariah performs for Walmart (54,228) by Lee TS from USA
Watch from the 3:10:00 mark, hr 3 minute 10. I'm watching it now.
(Friday 5 June 2015; 18:38)


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