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About Andrew from the United Kingdom:
Banned forever!
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Re: George (94,343) (94,344)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Grown ups are talking. Shush.
(Monday 8 June 2020; 21:51)
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Re: Migrate (94,317) (94,342)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Bill, quick, make a list.
(Monday 8 June 2020; 19:40)
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Re: George (94,333) (94,341)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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"Always funny how people trying to justify a murder by bringing up irrelevant and alleged crimes of the victim."
Not one person here tried to justify his death. In fact, it was categorically condemned and the prosecution of the accused advocated.
"This is a beautiful movement that have reached the world."
If you think that death, assault, injury, criminal damage, arson, people losing their businesses, people losing their jobs and homes, and the increased spread of Covid-19 is a beautiful thing, then I would say your definition of beauty borders on disturbing.
"Police needs to be held accountable for their brutality."
Individual police officers do indeed need to be held accountable if they cause unnecessary injury and/or death.
"We need a better system, not cops who abuses its citizens."
So the statistics such as 18.5x more white officers being harmed by black males than the reverse is lost on you. Al Gore once released a documentary with a fantastic title: "An inconvenient truth". How inconvenient truths are now. Let us live in a world of irrational emotion based upon the outward demonstation of internal angst and dilemma. What fun.
"If you are more worried about buildings than human lives than you are apart of the problem."
Straw man, much? It is not just buildings being damaged, but all of the injurious results mentioned above. And war memorials are being defaced. Those boys actually faced brutality - and insanity - on a scale now hard to comprehend. Their memorials do not deserve to be defaced by the great unwashed and I condemn it.
"Martin Luther King jr said, 'The riots are the language of the unheard.'"
Violence is not an answer. Hammurabi's code of an eye-for-an-eye has long since been abandoned. The Bible itself, a book so many American's cling to for comfort, comprises the New Testament to undo the damage of that ridiculous principle laid out so vociferously in the Old Testament. As Jade rightly suggested, two wrongs do not make a right. India did quite well at ending British Imperial rule with peaceful resistance. Inciting people to further commit unlawful acts will not lead to a good place. Especially when the narrative is driven my maniacal ideologues who have no interest in equality of opportunity, but rather equality of outcome which is neither plausible, nor desirable.
(Monday 8 June 2020; 19:40)
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Re: Andrew, George Floyd and MCA (94,335) (94,339)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Your post is bizarre, mate. Let me suggest the following:
1. You start a movement in the United States to pack up the police but the judiciary, instead. If emotion has primacy over reason and logic, advocate the removal of judges and allow relatives of victims to decide guilt and punishment. See how that works out.
2. The next time (although I hope there is no such event) that you are the victim of violent crime, do not call the police. Tell your attacker, an attacker statistically likely to also be a black male, that you have no attention of using his "post-Civil War slave masters" to punish him and wish him well on his merry way as you lay in peril.
3. Accept that terms like "post-Civil War slave masters" to describe police officers are pure hyperbole, unhelpful, grounded in spite and will irrationally fuel anger towards people who have dedicated their lives to serving and protecting the very citizenry you would incite to harm them. In that, accept that your words skip over any formal analyses, and, very much more so than my own words, may likely lead to injury and/or death. But, not to worry. As long as Jesus forgives.
I think this topic is exhausted.
(Monday 8 June 2020; 19:16)
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Article: Mariah crashes "Schitt's Creek" performance of "Hero" (94,327)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Just lost my schitt. This is awesome. Just finished the second season of this show today - it's the best show, ever. This is amazing. Mariah looks and sounds great.
(Monday 8 June 2020; 01:00)
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Re: Mariah’s most poignant political gesture ever (94,323) (94,324)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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"Andrew, your Klan robe is showing from underneath your dress."
Nothing I said involved the notion of racial supremacy and I do not believe it shameful for a man to wear a dress, or to identify as trans, as you evidently do. Were I to want to wear a dress I would do so proudly. And I would look fabulous, sweetie.
"You should reserve your bleachy comments about U.S American issues."
Unless I am mistaken you mean "bleachy" comment to mean a comment from a white person. Not only are you clearly sexist/transphobic you are also racist. And only two sentences in lol going well.
"[Y]our ridiculous post."
My post was not ridiculous but rather ridiculing - ridiculing the ongoing exaltation of a man who, whilst undeserving of death, was a smackhead, violent career criminal.
"That song speaks directly to the kinds of people who watch police brutality and go on and on for weeks about how terrible it is but in a real situation would never do anything to intervene or change the calculus of the situation since that would threaten their lives."
Since I very recently stated I occasionally get into hotspots for trying to stick up for people I can offer here that I would probably not do so if the aggressor was carrying a loaded firearm (although they are thankfully mostly unlawful here). That is unless one of them was a smackhead, violent career criminal jabbing said firearm into the pregnant stomach of an innocent women he was robbing before she was pistol-whipped to the floor. Then I hope I might be brave enough to offer to take her place.
So, the smackhead, violent career criminal gets "Languishing", the woman whose unborn child he threatened to shoot before he pistol-whipped her around the head for drugs money gets "Close My Eyes". Cool. What about the white police officers who are 18.5x more likely to get shot by a black male than they are to shoot one? What do they get? "One Sweet Day"? What about the incredibly high number of black homicide victims, over 90% of whom are killed by other black people? "Bye Bye"? There is a lot missing from the narrative that is being pushed. And whilst the new mantra seems to be an if-you're-not-with-us-you're-against-us kinda thing, I am reminded once more of the hypocrisy of most militant movements. Anti-fascists, indeed.
"As the Floyd family send George home..." said Mariah. You would think him Mother Theresa's protégé. He ought not to have been unlawfully killed. That much is certain and the person who did it must be punished with a significant prison sentence. But I am not certain this victim should be portrayed as an angel returning to heaven as seems to be the widespread case. From what I've read, he's gonna have a hard time getting in.
(Sunday 7 June 2020; 20:12)
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Article: Mariah Carey shares heartbreaking song (94,322)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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So this will make me popular but I think the sentiment could do with being expressed: linking Languishing to what is going on is a stretch and not a good one. Why? Why was this necessary? Whilst I feel sorrow at George Floyd's death is he to be exalted? I wonder if Mariah has a song for the woman whose pregnant stomach he jabbed the barrel of his loaded gun into as he and his compadres robbed her house before beating her around the head? What song for her? "Close My Eyes"?
(Sunday 7 June 2020; 00:17)
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Little Fires Everywhere (94,321)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Watching this on Amazon Prime Video startjng Reese Witherspoon and Keery Washington. It's set in the late 90s and Honey is featured prominently in Episode 4. Good surprise. Check it out.
(Sunday 7 June 2020; 00:06)
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Re: Migrate (94,317) (94,320)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Ah but *which* single should it have been? I think it should have been first. In fact I think the singles were suited to running order:
Migrate Touch My Body Cruise Control
The desperate need to have a ballad released tends to ruin the pace of a release. People want fun.
(Saturday 6 June 2020; 13:59)
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Re: What More Can I Give? (94,310) (94,315)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Exactly my point, made more clear and fresh that I could have.
The point of the argument is sound. And I invite anybody to debate that institutional racism must not be confronted right now.
But all these absolute tits have done is detract from what was a good movement. And, in that, the moment, I fear, is lost.
(Thursday 4 June 2020; 23:01)
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Re: What More Can I Give? (94,312) (94,314)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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"Hello Andrew, first of all, I wish to say I am sorry for assuming that you were English. In Germany, "English" or "England" is commonly used to refer to all of the UK which is of course ignorant and I should have know better."
Having studied German, I would say "Ich bin Englander" over "Ich bin Britischer" as it is somewhat idiomatic. It is not important but I used it to make a point about moral subjectivism.
"With that being said, I will disregard what you said about me demanding others to feel insulted."
I was being facetious about people who swim nightly in dreams of intersectionality and offense, i.e., the modern left. It was a joke so please don't take it seriously.
"...[A]nd also the insinuation that I have problems with people's nationality, race, and sexuality. You don't know me thus I won't take it personally and come on, I'm a male person on a Mariah Carey fanpage, so I am queer. (Not to say that there aren't straight male lambs.)"
Hold on a moment, if you use race, nationality and sexual orientation against someone you cannot just dismiss it and ignore the hypocrisy here. I appreciate the olive branch sentiment and I do not wish to pursue antagonism, but this is the one of the issues of the time - those who proclaim to be the arbiters of morality actually turn out to be the worst offenders. If I made comments, as you have, against people based upon immutable characteristics I would be annihilated.
I could claim a faux moral outrage myself at you insinuating 1. that I am a homosexual and 2. that all male Mariah Carey fans are homosexuals. On the latter, the majority might - factually - be, but that approach is offensive according to the liberal ideology. Eric, the person I see you once thanked for providing the facility of this Mariah Carey board (alas, it is a Mariah Carey board...), is straight. How do you think he feels with your asserting that most people who like Mariah Carey are homosexuals? Why does sexuality have any bearing on it? Where is your enlightened sense of morality now? Nobody should care. Right? But, of course, straight white males aren't entitled to emotion. All internal battles that have worth are prescribed.
"I found what you wrote very interesting and I agree with it." I generally try to write sense with fact and rationale. I have been educated in varying ways a couple of times by people such as Jade and Randy whom I consider to be friends. I do not consider myself important. People seem to believe I am a nasty person for being brutal in honesty and taking the piss in quips. Whilst I have softened a lot in my approach in the past few years, I will not kow-tow to emotional argument that does not advance rationale.
"What I had a problem with and where my anger came from was that your original post lacked "a rational conclusion that relies upon detail and thought" as you put it, and I hate to say, but this is often the case with what you post. You often post such crude and hurtful things, Andrew, and you often come across as very bitter and arrogant and full of resentment (and it has gotten you banned from this board or has made other people leave this board). And that original post to me was yet again so superficial and over-generalizing and lumping everyone into one category and so little differentiated."
What I post is the truth as I see it. And I can defend my position. I fell out with Eric over a post about Mariah's weight. I attempted to post that I believe she had increased the size of her breasts as her weight increased. However it was written I still believe it. it is not an insult but rather an observation of what I see as a truth. I want to live in a world that is honest and understandable, not driven by others with political objectives. If people leave the board because of me then they need to get a grip. Or just don't read my posts. I maintain that you do not have the right not to be offended. However, I do try my best these days to word things in a way that will be less offensive and more appreciated by others, even if they still do not agree. Perhaps, I am slightly less mature in that way than others who wizened to that much earlier.
"I think now is a time to only say things if you have things to say and otherwise amplify the voices that need to be heard."
I take issue with this, also. I will amplify any objections to discrimination. I find unnecessary discrimination, at the least, morally reprehensible. I find objecting to unfairness, at the least, absolutely morally obligatory. I have a reputation amongst my friends for interjecting in arguments and violent arguments that have nothing to do with me in public because (not being a very built person) I have words, intellect, empathy, a lack of fear and an ability to calm at my disposal. And I also feel nauseous at the idea of weak people being hurt. That being said, I have been hurt several times as a result of trying to be the arbiter of peace, even once being cut with a knife and once being subsequently pursued by members of a gang before other people I knew sorted it out for me and we made peace. I am not a "white person in an ivory tower". Far from it. Last year I stood in the centre of Woolwich at 1am telling a gang member with his boys behind him he would have to stab me first because I wasn't going to let him hurt someone who was clearly mentally unwell and didn't know what he was saying. Swear down. Ivory tower?
The idea that people have of me here does not bother me because it is the antithesis of what I am. As the years go by I become less combative. You only need look back 6 years on this board to see the difference.
"So thank you for giving this detailed answer and showing that you actually care and are aware."
I have written many long posts here attempting to rationalise debates. I obviously care but I will not kow-tow if I do not think something right. That being said, I hope this is the last long post I have to write. All I originally meant was that people and communities are abusing protests about racial injustice for their self-serving ends. Which they are. Sorry you do not like my delivery. I don't much like yours.
I will, however, try to be courteous even if I do not respect your viewpoint. I think that's a great place to start. And I apologise if I have ever fallen short of that. Which I am oft reminded that I have.
Go boldly.
(Thursday 4 June 2020; 22:58)
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Re: What More Can I Give? (94,304) (94,308)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Of course it is morally outrageous. But one wrong cannot make morally justifiable another wrong. And criminals using the morally sound purpose of the protests as a screen for their criminality should be punished.
Anyway, What More Can I Give was mooted by MJ as the sequel to We Are The World. Unfortunately, it's just nowhere near as good a song.
We Are The World at Pavarotti and Friends is still my favourite group performance thing of all time. Mariah's high notes are possibly the most thrilling she has ever done (alongside the performance with Patti Labelle). I listen to it every week.
(Thursday 4 June 2020; 15:55)
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Re: What More Can I Give? (94,299) (94,306)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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"And here we go again with the moral blabla by a privileged, white, English man. Must be great to sit up in your ivory tower."
By referring to my race to dismiss my opinion you are a racist. If you do not think yourself one I can assure you that the law and anyone with a reasoned mind would disagree. You also assume my nationality of which you are mistaken. I am not an Englishman. I could take offense, as you would probably demand everyone do as a hobby, but I am not precious and you do not matter, so I will not.
"So if you don't understand this, Andrew, inform yourself and don't just again spurt out your opinions that can be very hurtful and inappropriate and blame those who have no other means of expressing their rage."
Reading a liberal leftwing journalist is not tantamount to being "informed". I have lived my adult life in Greenwich and Woolwich in South East London which is multi-ethnic and diverse and I studied antidiscrimination law in university (a university degree I worked two jobs to pay for). Tour approach is simply to paint anyone who doesn't agree with your way of thinking a certain way. Your arguments are easy to dismiss.
I do not believe that rage is expressed by somebody putting on a mask and running through the smashed window of a GAP and running home with the latest fashionwear. I believe that many people use genuine protests to commit crimes that they long to commit anyway. This is all counter-productive as it tends to remove sympathy for those protesting the actual injustice.
"[W]hile you will never know what a black person goes through."
You do not have to have a particular characteristic to recognise injustice. Even the suggestion of that is laughable and idiotic as well as the idea that all black people lead insufferable lives and all white people have it easy. I know white people who don't have a pot to piss in, and I know and know of black, Asian and minority ethnic people who have great wealth and nice lives. Your blanket approach is basic and simply not founded in any reality but serves only to let you to live a life of easy sanctimony.
"And if you have nothing constructive to say, please, for once, shut up."
Nothing you have said here is constructive. In fact, it seems that you have issues with people of a certain race, nationality and sexual orientation. It is quite typical of a left wing libertarian to make the argument so basic as to lose any semblance of the possibility of rational conclusion, and then to enact the very same disgraceful behaviour they would claim to detest upon those who try to reach a rational conclusion that relies upon detail and thought.
That a man is intentionally and unlawfully killed by a police officer is morally distressing. That this unlawful killing should be fuelled by hatred of one or many immutable characteristics such as skin colour is even more morally outrageous. Justice must be served and the police officer, having been arrested for this crime, will likely spend the rest of his life behind bars in solitary confinement for his own protection.
There is clearly a problem with disproportionate suffering of police brutality in the US between people of different races which has many contributing factors and requires deep multi-varied analyses. That people wish to protest this and highlight it is a moral good. But change, I fear, will not be quick, and people cannot keep burning down the communities in which they and others live. Lawlessness cannot prevail.
Thus, those who are assaulting police officers, committing arson, causing damage, breaking and entering, and stealing for their own gain are committing crimes and must, themselves, be brought to justice. Burning down businesses endangers lives and costs people their livelihoods leading to unemployment, homelessness and destitution. I feel no sympathy for the person at home trying on the latest fashionwear or watching the latest television freshly looted whilst employees look on wondering how they are going to put food on the table, firefighters risk their lives to protect people, police officers who have done no wrong are assaulted and brave people use their time on the front lines of the protests trying to highlight to their government a need for a genuine proactive and results-laden approach.
(Thursday 4 June 2020; 15:38)
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Re: Producers / this_is_qhm (94,283) (94,285)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Like Bruno Mars and The Smeezingtons?
(Wednesday 3 June 2020; 15:14)
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Re: What More Can I Give? (94,274) (94,284)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Perhaps it could be renamed "What More Can I Loot?" in honour of all those people and communities who have shown their true colours by using a tragedy to steal and generally act lawlessly under a banner of supposed protest.
(Wednesday 3 June 2020; 15:11)
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Re: There's got to be a way live (94,253) (94,260)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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If you had to choose one moment in history in which to be born, and you didn't know in advance whether you were going to be male or female, which country you were going to be from, what your status was, you'd choose right now. The world has never been healthier, or wealthier, or better educated, or in many ways more tolerant, or less violent, than it is today.
(Sunday 31 May 2020; 16:24)
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Re: Article: Fans spent $6,000 to push Glitter to number 14 on iTunes (94,212) (94,216)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Why do you respect his opinion? Respect is not owed - only courtesy is. He does not have an opinion, he has a teenage girl attitude that his editor obviously thinks makes him a "personality" or contentious enough to be "edgy". I could forgive everything if he was interesting but he is not. He is clearly a twat.
Do not hand out respect lest it be earned. Be courteous. And when someone is discourteous back, tell them to [censored] off. Trust me, I'm well versed in all of this.
(Tuesday 26 May 2020; 22:06)
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Article: Fans spent $6,000 to push Glitter to number 14 on iTunes (94,211)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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I am bit surprised that this person is allowed to act as a journalist. His or her writing smacks of an embittered teenage girl writing in her angsty diary. The "article" is poorly written, pointless in content and actually seeks to mock and degrade a part of its readership. What sort of editor allows this? What sort of editor allows this and feels pride in their output? A crap editor, for certain. Or, perhaps, just another queen that never grew out of the teeny-tantrum faze. Either way, this is really awful "journalism". Does the composer of the piece really believe people will think him or her smart? Clever? They should lop the top of the "l" off and make that their new logo: gutter.
(Tuesday 26 May 2020; 17:01)
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Re: Everything Fades Away (Remix) (94,188) (94,200)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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This song should not be remixed. It is absolute perfection as it is.
(Monday 25 May 2020; 19:57)
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Re: Martyn (94,197) (94,199)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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It isn't intended to be self-promotional but thanks for the nice message - that is sweet of you, in return. That period three years ago was devastating, not least how I and we here found out but that such a warm light was extinguished so nonsensically. It made me realise that almost all things should be done with good humour.
I think it is important to remember people, that they were here, that they walked among us, informed us, annoyed us, humored us or just simply were. Martyn's death and life affected me greatly once and, I think, a large many other people. And I choose to remember that he was here and he was one of us.
Till the end of time.
(Monday 25 May 2020; 19:56)
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Re: Andrew: Policer of Thoughts and Inventor of English (94,182) (94,191)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Nice one.
(Saturday 23 May 2020; 13:59)
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Re: Andrew: Policer of Thoughts and Inventor of English (94,161) (94,178)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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"Millenias" is not the plural of "millenia" as "millienia" is already the plural of "millennium". You asked for it, sweetheart.
(Friday 22 May 2020; 18:37)
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Re: Glitter (94,164) (94,166)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Glitter's now streaming? Well, that makes the day a little brighter.
(Friday 22 May 2020; 12:44)
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Martyn Hett (94,165)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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Three years ago today Martyn went to an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester where he sadly lost his life in a terrorist attack. A lifelong fan of Mariah and an avid follower of, and contributor to, this message board, Martyn had a zest for life, a fantastic sense of humour and was an all-round nice guy. The world is surely worse off without him in it.
Maybe take some time to think of him today - and all the other young people that lost their lives on that dark day three years ago. And let's be thankful that we still go on with ours, may they be long and happy, mindful of how quickly and easily they can be taken away.
(Friday 22 May 2020; 12:43)
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Re: Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour (94,135) (94,159)
by Andrew from the United Kingdom
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The Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour was truly great.
(Thursday 21 May 2020; 18:48)
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