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About Will from England: You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife

"Be Mine"? (40,984) by Will from England
So, according to ABC, Mariah is due to appear on The View next Wednesday to promote her brand new single: "Be Mine". Whether or not that's the single title is debateable, however, I'm excited that she's appearing on TV again!
(Friday 7 February 2014; 8:29)
Stephen (40,965) by Will from England
I've been thinking this for a while as well. She's recorded so many songs for this one project, it would seem such a shame that a lot of them will go to waste and that we'll never hear them. And also, referring to what she said during WWHL (I think?) about how if this were her last album, that she wants people to hear it the way she wants people to hear it. At this point, a double album would seem the best thing. Oh well, guess we shall see!
(Thursday 6 February 2014; 0:57)
February 14th / that video (40,929) by Will from England
Yeah, I find it strange that after constantly touting that she will release the new single on the 14th, we've had nothing yet. It's only just over a week away! As for that video, she has the kind of money we all dream of, and yet insists on filming videos through a potato lol.
(Sunday 2 February 2014; 15:57)
Change of album title (40,851) by Will from England
I know this has been beaten to death already, but I just wanted to throw in my quick two cents. I do find it slightly amusing how some lambs think that by simply changing the name of the album that all the delays, single releases, dodgy performances etc. will simply be erased be detached from the album, simply because it has a different name. Mariah could name it "Dem Babies Chemically Toxic Farts" and it still would be tagged with the dodgy promo and singles that it has had over the past two years. I, personally, think she should keep #Beautiful and TAOLG on the album. Both are perfectly good songs. And as for the whole Nas collab thing, I'm not that familiar with his a lot of his work (I know he worked on the TGIFY remix and that was good), but as long as the song(s) is/are good, then I will take anything at this point.
(Wednesday 29 January 2014; 23:34)
Covers (40,637) by Will from England
Hm, exciting news! I wonder which songs she'll cover.
(Sunday 19 January 2014; 14:58)
Edward (40,593) by Will from England
I can't remember which interview she said it in, but she said she didn't want any snippets of the song to be released. So it makes sense that the music in the snippet video would be different to the actual song. And yeah, I was very confused when I first heard the song, because (as I'm sure most fans were expecting) to hear what was in the video.
(Thursday 16 January 2014; 17:22)
Webmaster (40,547) by Will from England
I did! It's just I went straight to the message board, posted, then saw. But I'm glad I'm not the only one.
(Tuesday 14 January 2014; 10:41)
The pip announcement (40,545) by Will from England
I am not going to lie, but am I the only one who was a teeny, tiny bit disappointed with the "pip announcement"? Of course, it is a very sweet gesture, to give a fan something that has so much personal (and musical) history and it's for a good cause at the end of the day, and I'm not going to bash her for that. I mean, to get anything that personal from Mariah is a nice and generous gift to the fans. But with a single (and album) coming out over the next few months, one would have expected the "pip announcement" to be about that or at least album news. Especially if you hold back the news for two days. My thought is: why hold back this news for two days? Why not just announce it on the day that she said she had a pip announcement? Again, I'm not bashing her for promoting a charity event, it just seems to me that to say you have a "pip announcement", wait for two days, just for that, seems a bit OTT.
(Tuesday 14 January 2014; 10:25)
Merry Christmas (40,308) by Will from England
Merry Christmas to all the lambs, and to your families, hope you all had a festive day!
(Thursday 26 December 2013; 0:28)
Last ever album? (40,287) by Will from England
I think she was speaking hypothetically about whether this could be potentially be her last album. Out of context, it does sound a bit of a "did she just say that?", but in context, in the way she was describing (what I thought was) how she was approaching this album in terms of how she wants it to be heard (a concept album in effect), then it would make sense. But if it isn't hypothetical, then I wouldn't blame her if this was her last for a while. She's got two kids to look after now, as she said, she has to look after them for life. If this really were to be her last album for a long time, I can appreciate how she really wants it to be right, and delaying the album, I can understand that.
(Monday 23 December 2013; 22:18)
Beyonce (40,203) by Will from England
Ok, can I just say this? I've been wanting Mariah to do exactly what Beyonce just did: drop an entire album on iTunes for us all to hear and buy without all the mess and fuss. Can you imagine that? No more waiting, no more speculation of when the album could be coming out, no more delays. We just go to bed one night, and wake up to find the album there ready and waiting. This one move has generated more headlines/gossip column pages etc. than Gaga or anyone else, without her doing anything except record the songs and videos. No gimmicks, no shock tactics (except the release), she just released the music. Come on Mariah, give us the album already!
(Friday 13 December 2013; 11:00)
Today interview (40,185) by Will from England
I'm watching it for the third time and I love it even more. Mariah didn't have to do diddly squat (i.e. waking up to receive the cameras, opening up a private area of the house). I didn't see any rambling. She gave long answers yes, but it's better than her sitting then and giving one word answers. To me, it was a very relaxed interview of two (I don't know if they're friends or whatever) women just talking, gossiping, catching, laughing and just playing up for the camera. If this was a Barbara Walter's interview or Oprah, yeah it would seem odd, but this wasn't one of those moments. Does Mariah have a drinking problem? Eh. I don't know, and neither do any of you to be quite fair. As for Rihanna getting her 13th number 1. I can't say I can name any of them, but food for thought: has she had Song Of The Decade twice in a row, or got the song that has had the longest run at number 1, or the talent of a songwriter/ singer/ producer/ composer rolled into one or a song that still tops the charts 20 years after it was initially released? Didn't think so. To be quite frank, Rihanna is nothing more than a fast food record resturant: she churns out single after single, that the public quickly eats up then forgets about. By musical standards, TAOLG is better and more soulful than anything Rihanna has ever released. Am I worried? No, because Mariah has got one thing that Rihanna doesn't and that's the ability to make records that can stand against time, not just a few months.
(Wednesday 11 December 2013; 22:13)
The voice (40,109) by Will from England
It's amazing how very different it sounds compared to her first live performance post pregnancy (Plot Your Escape 2012). She sounded so fresh, confident and her voice packed a punch. Her Christmas special was vocally fantastic and showed she could still belt. What the hell has happened since then? Has she spent such much time in the studio belting, whistling etc. that it's taken its toll on her voice? I know, she has practically lived in the studio etc. but if that was the case, shouldn't her voice be more than warmed up, especially after all the recording she has done? I'm not an expert on vocal cords so any clarity on the matter would help. I've noticed she can barely hold a belting note, often sounding out of breath or her voice breaking or it sounding a bit thin at the end or struggle to reach those notes. I'll give the National Tree Lighting performance a C- because she knew it was a bad and that she's capable of much better, so I'm hoping it's the wake up call she needs to bring her A++ game to the next one. It certainly hasn't been the year for stellar Mariah Carey performances.
(Sunday 8 December 2013; 11:06)
One Child (40,041) by Will from England
Since we are officially in the Christmas season, can we take a moment to appreciate the masterpiece from MCIIY that was "One Child"? As far as I'm concerned, it's the best Christmas carol-esque/Christmas themed song she has ever written. The composition, the lyrics, the vocal display she put on that record, the child choir. It's such a simple song yet packed with a power only Mariah could bring to a song like that. It's a divine song to just sit back and marvel at. I was so pleased when she performed that song at the White House, and secretly hoping/wishing that she performs it this year at Rockefeller Centre.
(Sunday 1 December 2013; 17:01)
Randy (40,023) by Will from England
That's such an interesting interpretation and certainly changes the way that the song can be understood! It hadn't crossed my mind either that it could have been about IDJ.
(Wednesday 27 November 2013; 22:01)
Underrated Songs (40,014) by Will from England
These are my personal underrated favs from each of her albums:
1 - Mariah Carey: Prisoner and Alone In Love
2 - Emotions: Till The End Of Time
3 - Music Box: Everything Fades Away and Just To Hold You Once Again
4 - Daydream: Looking In and When I Saw You
5 - Butterfly: The Roof, The Beautiful Ones and Close My Eyes
6 - Rainbow: After Tonight, X Girlfriend, Petals and Crybaby
7 - Glitter (yeah, I know it's a soundtrack album, but I still love it): Reflections, Lead The Way and Never Too Far
8 - Charmbracelet: I Only Wanted, Yours and You Had Your Chance
9 - The Emancipation Of Mimi: I Wish You Knew
10 - E=MC2: Migrate, Side Effects, For the Record and Love Story
11 - Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel: Languishing and Ribbon
(Wednesday 27 November 2013; 14:03)
Open to interpretation (40,001) by Will from England
I know I may be a bit late with this "two cents" about how to interpret TAOLG, but better late than never! The song could be just about anything you want it to be, depending upon your situation. It could be about letting go of a loved one, it could be about letting go of a relationship that just isn't working anymore, it could be about letting go of a situation that still hurts you to this day or it could be about letting go about somebody who was a nasty piece of work in your life. She left the song so open lyrically, and never went into specifics, that you can flip it onto your own life at any point. From her point of view, yes, I do think it is about Tommy and why not? "Cause somebody you used to know, is flinging your world around, and they watch as you're falling down." To me that is a clear reference to 2001, where everything went wrong. For her, she could be talking about letting go of TEOM era and trying to replicate that success ("Go to Mimi on your contacts, press delete"). That one is a long shot, I know. Could some of it be in reference to Nicki? Maybe a line or two, but nothing more. I said when the song first came out, that I was on the fence, but now, after having my own little moment, and having the song on solid repeat, I love this song. I don't care if it doesn't chart, because to me, it doesn't need validation on the charts. It's a simply great, heartfelt, moving song that is a wonderful relief from the horrors that is considered a) music and b) popular.
(Tuesday 26 November 2013; 14:00)
enwar00 (39,948) by Will from England
Are you for real?
(Friday 22 November 2013; 15:28)
Christopher (39,851) by Will from England
I don't think that the plays on Facebook count towards where the single is positioned on the charts. As far as I am aware, it's only the YouTube/Vevo plays that count.
(Saturday 16 November 2013; 12:41)
Ms. Giselle (39,825) by Will from England
When Nick got her Cha Cha, she had returned from the dentist and was still a little bit under whatever they gave her. It wasn't anything serious, and that wasn't the first time that she mentioned it. Maybe it was the View or somewhere like that when she talked about the story. Look guys, at 3.30 am, when you're tired, and you've been working hard on the album, recovering from an arm injury that still isn't at 100%, and someone tells you that there was a mistake about which version of the song that was uploaded, I would have flipped a table or two. To have some newbie screw up and release a version of a song that you consider to be incomplete and not finished, along with the fact that the song is very personal to you and you want people to experience the version you consider complete, and not being told until two days later I think is quite a good reason to be "on the floor of the bathroom at 3am". She obviously cares about this song quite a bit, enough to have it released even if it is not a commercial single or whatever and for someone to (in her mind) ruin the moment may have just deflated her just a bit. As for the Fallon interview, I did not see any behaviour that would give me cause for concern. It was Mariah just being more Mariah. I guess over the years she's been more restrained in how much of her personality that to see her going off on tangents may be slightly alarming. Breakdown? I think Mariah knows what to do to avoid that at this point.
(Friday 15 November 2013; 15:25)
Version 2 (39,802) by Will from England
Yeah, that "brand new sound engineer" won't be getting another job for a while. And to be honest, I only hear slight differences between the two. But I guess for Mariah, they must be huge differences.
(Thursday 14 November 2013; 18:42)
Split (39,715) by Will from England
I'm a bit split over the song. Vocally, she knocked it out the park at the end. Lyrically, I thought it was a bit clumsy here and there, and it felt a bit, out of place? Though it does have some highlight moments ("press delete" lol). Musically, loving the retro feeling to it, and the simplicity about it. Refreshing to hear something that isn't techno/EDM or whatever. It's certainly not a song you can sing along to or dance for that matter, more like lay back in your chaise lounge/sofa/park bench, have a "splash", hit play and just listen and marvel at it. Will it chart high? Maybe not on Billboard, but certainly with the lambs it will. It doesn't sound like something that you would hear on the radio, and I don't know if that will play in its favour or not. We shall see.
(Monday 11 November 2013; 18:46)
Buble (39,703) by Will from England
Very excited to see Mariah and Buble duet together in just a couple months. Should be fantastic. We're now under 48 hours away from the new single.
(Sunday 10 November 2013; 9:42)
Q&A (39,680) by Will from England
Do you think Mariah would answer that very question about working with Walter again, if loads of lambs asked her during the listening party? Just a thought. With only four days to go, getting more and more excited.
(Wednesday 6 November 2013; 23:52)
Brad Catoe (39,657) by Will from England
That's what I thought when I read that message!
(Monday 4 November 2013; 15:39)


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