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About Andrew from the United Kingdom: Banned forever!

Re: Andrew (94,126) (94,158) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Having mastered words, have you yet learned the meaning of the word "verbose"? You do not sound clever. You sound like Joey Tribianni discovering a thesaurus whilst writing a letter. And whilst you are checking that, please also remind yourself of the word "pretentious". You silly thing. But of course you arent here anymore to read this or indeed reply. You have minced away to greener pastures. Good luck.
(Thursday 21 May 2020; 18:46)
The debut era (94,113) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I don't particularly like the debut era, I never have. I discovered Mariah upon the release of Music Box. I went back to MTV Unplugged and loved it (obviously) and to Emotions which I thought was decent enough. But the debut album and era? As people would say in the 90's: totally naff. I didn't like the album cover or some of the other photography, I didn't like her outfits, I didn't like her hair (all in all I think Mariah is shot to look like a prostitute on the streets at night a lot), I didn't like some of the songs (There's Got To Be A Way and Prisoner are just cringe), I thought the production was very mid 80's (and has definitely not stood the test of time - having known Love Takes Time and Someday from Here is Mariah Carey I was shocked to hear the production on the album), I don't like the way she sings the songs live ("Treated me kind-ahhh, sweet destinyyyyy-ahhh"), and so on. And she is way too thin.

So there's my little moment of joy to ruin the anniversary lol. But I am sure some people must agree with me. For me, Mariah started properly as a star with Emotions and as a superstar with Music Box. The debut era is a hideous mess best left alone.
(Saturday 16 May 2020; 15:08)
Re: First vision (94,108) (94,112) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Reads like an infomercial for kids: say no to crystal meth.
(Saturday 16 May 2020; 14:19)
Re: Through the Rain/Make It Happen (Rise Up NY) (94,094) (94,095) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
FFS. I just rewatched it close up. Yes, you are right, it is dubbed. In many places she is evidently not moving her mouth in a way, or breathing at times, possible to coincide with the sound.

For once I don't know what to say. I just feel overwhelming pity.
(Thursday 14 May 2020; 15:36)
Re: Through the Rain/Make It Happen (Rise Up NY) (94,086) (94,091) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
You are right if you think that Mariah's voice has degraded further in the last few years. It has been nasal for well over a year or two now and aside from sounding strained it sounds scratched. However, if she can maintain it at where it is at least she can sing songs so I am hopeful for that as, I hate to say it but, any further degradation from this point and there isn't going to be anything left.
(Wednesday 13 May 2020; 16:11)
Re: More Doja - Mariah fan remixes (94,081) (94,090) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
All the money in my pocket vs all the money in your pocket that if someone had used the word n***** instead of f***** there would be uproar here. Isn't it funny how it's easy for individuals or groups of people to push their supposed victimhood status whilst brushing over their victimisation of other individuals or groups. That's why you should never taken anybody seriously and shrug your shoulders at indignation. Everyone is mostly a hypocrite.
(Wednesday 13 May 2020; 16:05)
Re: Through the Rain/Make It Happen (Rise Up NY) (94,069) (94,074) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
That was absolutely amazing. I still have tears down my face. I do not know what just happened.
(Tuesday 12 May 2020; 13:14)
Re: Loverboy Firecracker (94,058) (94,061) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I think everyone is missing the main point about the Firecracker sample: it's just plain awful.
(Monday 11 May 2020; 16:25)
Re: Did Mariah have an affair? (94,037) (94,039) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
It was just an observation - one that I have made before. Clearly not bringing down "every" post you write. Chill, Bill.
(Friday 8 May 2020; 13:37)
Re: Did Mariah have an affair? (94,032) (94,036) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I may be the sole fan in this but I have never cared who what song may be about. When people argue over whether a certain song was about Luis or about Tommy, for example, I cringe. Why care? I want Mariah to write songs that are universal, that everyone can identify with, and thus, be popular. She used to write confident, universal lyrics (now arguably a lot less mature). Underneath The Stars may just be about something she did, but it is a pretty generic story about childhood adventure using non-specific detail. "Dreamlover come rescue me" is about as generic pop as it gets. To try to associate that with something in reality is quite bizarre. And if actually it was about her not being happy with Tommy - I don't wanna know about it. Who would? Why attach horrible memories to good songs? I like Mariah's music and I like her voice. Some people get really way too involved in her and her life.
(Friday 8 May 2020; 11:48)
Re: CB tour (94,033) (94,035) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I think my point has been sufficiently made.
(Friday 8 May 2020; 11:38)
Re: CB tour (94,027) (94,031) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
"I can't tell you how many times I have played the YouTube videos. Praise the Lord for the bootleggers of old."

Please post links to the "bootleg" videos of the London show of the Daydream tour. I would certainly love to see them as I am sure would others here.

"And also, the concert was filmed. There were tripods set up at the front with cameras on them and photographers present."

There are certainly cameras for the video screens in the arenas to show what's happening on stage for the people in the cheap seats (or as we can now call them, the not-daylight-robbery-of-the-poor-by-the-rich seats).

"Every concert by big artists is filmed and recorded for posterity."

Please provide your sources for this.

"But you can try Andrew, but you can't take that away from me."

I am not trying to, William. I'm trying to tell you to keep it to yourself now.
(Thursday 7 May 2020; 20:45)
Re: CB tour (94,025) (94,026) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
That is not the best vocal she ever gave and the concert was never filmed. That you enjoyed it is good. But it was one hour of singing 25 years ago. You need to go to some more shows, dear, so you have something else to talk about.
(Thursday 7 May 2020; 16:53)
Re: CB tour (94,023) (94,024) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Ha, I did try going to the Emancipation signing in London but I had to give up when the ambulance arrived and took me to hospital. I did stand outside her hotel at 2am waiting for her to come back, and when the car came, she woke up and came over to speak to the ten of us. I always regretted missing that signing, though. Although I could have given her meningitis and she might have died. Probably for the best, eh. (And these young queens who've followed Mariah since MIAM tell me they're the real lambs.)

Anyway, Eric, I think your story is *way* better than seeing Mariah at a distance on stage 25 years ago for an hour and a half. Much, much better.
(Thursday 7 May 2020; 13:39)
Re: CB tour (94,020) (94,021) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Quite certain that going to a concert in 1995 isn't the greatest thing that could ever happen. Your remembering one and a half hours of Mariah as a blip on stage 25 years ago, or my being ten meters away from her with looking at me in the eye, waving to me and saying "I love you, too." If I could experience either one of them right now, it would be the second one. And I think you would as well. And you know it.
(Thursday 7 May 2020; 13:00)
Re: CB tour (94,012) (94,013) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
On March 19 2003 I went to see Mariah Carey film at The Graham Norton Show. When she sang Through The Rain at the end, advantaged by my being seated in front of the stage section I jumped up first and shouted "I love you, Mariah." She turned to me, did her little finger wiggle wave and said "I love you, too."

So *my* story beats *your* story and I'm gonna bring it up every time you bring yours up.
(Thursday 7 May 2020; 00:00)
Re: Ariana Grande butterfly tattoos (94,007) (94,010) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I'm not sure that is quite right. I think Ariana getting a butterfly tattoo is fine. I think if she uses it in any regard as a symbol of her own person or her career then that is bad form. It would absolutely be an intentional sleight and I would expect Mariah to get another meme on.
(Wednesday 6 May 2020; 20:22)
Re: Ranked album covers/photography (94,004) (94,009) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Clearly photoshopped album covers:
#1's (but 2 airbrushed legs)
Rainbow (Barbie)
Glitter ("shouldn't overpower the airbrush")
Greatest Hits (of the delete pixel key)
The Emancipation of MyImage
Me. I am Mariah. The Photo-shopped Cartoon.
Caution (Cartoon)

There is no "accusation". If I look at a picture of the sky, I do not "accuse" someone of making it blue. It *is* blue. Somethings just *are* and no amount of suggestion or untruths stops that from being. It is what it is.
(Wednesday 6 May 2020; 20:17)
Re: Ranked album covers/photography (93,987) (93,988) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Thank-you for yet another lecture, Professor Obvious. What with your lectures and We Are Lambily constantly listing Mariah's achievements we are all very well informed of the bleedin' obvious and will likely do well in our exams.

Wait, you are setting exams, too, right? I hope this studying isn't all for nothing.
(Tuesday 5 May 2020; 10:41)
Re: Ranked album covers/photography (93,981) (93,983) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Anyone who wants to WhatsApp, please email me

Group hug.
(Monday 4 May 2020; 22:59)
Re: For Andrew (93,972) (93,980) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
A couple of years ago someone I was seeing created a FB for me with my picture. I've never accessed it. She got dumped. I assume now it still exists. Although I do wonder how you found it.

I don't use social media as a specific choice. I am, however, open to WhatsApp friendships which I think are more personal and mean more as I have made a few good friends saying hello over text and call when we want to check in. Not least Martyn and Jadakiss who I actually met, who is - not joking - as beautiful as Mariah. Jade is Mariah's twin.

Email me and I can send you my number.
(Monday 4 May 2020; 21:38)
Re: Ranked album covers/photography (93,977) (93,979) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
I have documented it here but as a quick recap: I first came across Mariah when I was in the kitchen with my mother and I heard a voice coming from the living room. I walked into it, quite mesmerized I saw Mariah filmed at Proctor's Theatre in Upstate NY and I couldn't speak. The most amazing voice I'd ever heard was coming out of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I could not believe it. I had, until then, adored Kylie, if you please. That a woman so beautiful could sing this way floored me. I thought this was the reason the Earth was created. I became obsessed.

I had Music Box on cassette until 1996. Aside from the lyrics showing through the whiteness and being dastardly I don't think it shows Mariah's "beauty" as you rightly labelled it. It's two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Well, forgive me if I cancel the clown.

There is something about how she looks, as equally as there is something about the tone of her voice. It is the reason I vociferate about the [censored] (Eric's gonna block that word but I mean it) awful cartoon album covers she does, and why I hate her airbrushing and why I hate her tilting her head like the good people of New Zealand are doing Morse code through the core of the planet. It is nonsense. She is beautiful.

Few of us on Earth are as blessed as someone like Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey is beautiful. Music Box does not show it. Daydream did revealed it more. The Butterfly spin helped.

I long for the day when Mariah looks after her body more, owns her own image and gives me what she used to be. Unbridled beauty. We should all be so lucky to have that. I think she's wasting it in the name of gluttony and, well, a mental unwellness that could be helped.
(Monday 4 May 2020; 21:30)
Re: Ranked album covers/photography (93,976) (93,978) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Never in my life have I seen that. I like it. I am not sure it's "iconic".
(Monday 4 May 2020; 21:26)
Re: Ranked album covers/photography (93,967) (93,970) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
Thou art true, squire. The spinning-around-eyes-closed Butterfly image is absolutely amazing and was actually the cover of the first releases in the UK. I bought it. My brother stole it and took it with him to University. I had to go and buy the CD with the Mariah-looking-bored cover. I subsequently killed him.
(Monday 4 May 2020; 13:52)
Re: Funeral (93,959) (93,969) by Andrew from the United Kingdom
You want "pain" to be "expressed" at your funeral? So assuming everyone goes to your funeral upset enough already, you programme the thing to make them feel even worse? Nice.

Why would you not want something uplifting and comforting played at your funeral? What a way to go, making everyone even more depressed. Play this and remind yourself and everyone around you that life isn't all that bad. It's always darkest before the dawn.
(Monday 4 May 2020; 13:48)


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