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About Will from England: You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife

PJW (38,703) by Will from England
If and when you decide to sing Hero with broken ribs, a recently dislocated shoulder and a chipped shoulder bone, let us know and we'll see how you fair. Ok?
(Tuesday 16 July 2013; 13:00)
Looking In (38,691) by Will from England
I wouldn't so far to say that she forgot the lyrics. A song so personal to you, especially with what she went through at the time, you wouldn't forget something like that. No, I think she just got to the part of the song that really struck a note with her and just couldn't sing that part. I have to say though, it's the first time I've seen her breakdown during a performance since she sang Petals during the Rainbow tour. Very touching moment for us all.
(Monday 15 July 2013; 23:46)
Lee, Stephen (38,656) by Will from England
Really? Just really? It's not like in 2008 where she wore a band-aid on her hand for like half a year after JJ bit her. The photos look like it hurt a lot.
(Sunday 14 July 2013; 2:26)
BET (38,649) by Will from England
Well, it turns out that Mariah was going to premiere a brand new song that had just been finished, but it was decided that the #Beautiful remix should be performed instead last minute. Lol, I think even she's trying to move onto a new song. I really hope she does the new song for the concert tomorrow. If not, expect another "Hero" performance lambs.
(Friday 12 July 2013; 20:03)
Get well soon Mariah (38,616) by Will from England
Get well soon honey. I never dislocated my shoulder, before but from the stories I've heard, it's not pleasant. If she does go on and perform, and her arm is in a sling (you know it will be styled to have rhinestones on), who will do her hand-fluttering? It's not a MC performance without her hand getting its own spotlight lol. Since the topics below mentioned a body double for Obsessed (which should have been a tad obvious, Mariah's good, but she can't be in two places at once, even in a video), maybe she can bring in an hand-flutterer double lol. No, but back to seriousness, get well soon Mariah.
(Tuesday 9 July 2013; 0:39)
Stephen (38,611) by Will from England
Sorry to disappoint, but it looks like it's another remix video. 7 Well, at least no one can say that she hasn't tried to continue to keep the song going and promote it to the best of her ability, and not let it drop off the face of the earth. She released the single, performed it more than once, along with 5 remixes (some re-sung) and released three videos for the song. I do think this video has to be the last one, so she can concentrate on finishing the album sooner rather than later, and release it before the end of the year. August has to be the month that she releases the album, any later and the momentum that she has gained from #Beautiful will be lost and she'll be back to square one. She has the public's attention now, so she can't miss the opportunity.
(Monday 8 July 2013; 17:42)
Unreleased (38,603) by Will from England
I really love There For Me. It's such a beautiful melody and her voice on that song is subtle yet has the something that just makes you stop and listen to that song.
(Sunday 7 July 2013; 11:29)
Back to the album title / America The Beautiful (38,582) by Will from England
So Nick mentioned the rumoured-yet-somewhat-confirmed album title just before Mariah performed #Beautiful (which by the way, was fantastic, as was Hero). Is he just playing along at this point, to keep the talk of the album going and waiting for Mariah to confirm the title herself? Now, was it just me, or was that version of ATB a new version that she performed? That whistle note she did certainly was a different one to what she did last time she performed that song.
(Friday 5 July 2013; 18:10)
Lip synching (38,514) by Will from England
The lip synching won't ruin her career. Stop being so dramatic about the whole thing. This isn't the first time that she has lipped, and there is no question that it will be the last. Plenty of other performers (regardless of how well they can or cannot sing) lip. Celine Dion lips many of her performances, but do you see her career crashing down around her? No. True, she isn't out and about like Mariah, but my point still remains. I'm sure Whitney lipped a few times as well. Beyonce is another and yet she is still somewhat going strong. This is nothing new and yes, I'm sure Mariah is very much aware of what is being said. The intro to that performance was a brand new vocal from her, that she had to record, so to me, that shows that she can still very much sing. And besides, what would you rather have: articles saying how her voice cracked and that she cannot sing at all, or having just small articles that says that she lipped. We've heard the snippets of her singing acapella on different songs. She can still sing. This whole thing seems to have started after her voice cracked during MJ's funeral, and everyone jumped on it like it was gold. That's my theory in any case. As long as there are no TV cameras around, I bet she can sing like there is no tomorrow.
(Monday 1 July 2013; 15:55)
Jeezy mix (38,471) by Will from England
Yes, yes, yes. Finally, a good remix of the song. Redone vocals, a relevant rap from Jeezy, what more could I ask for? This is the one she should have released first out of the ones that we've had so far. Now it's just one more to go. But so far, this one is the stand out one for me. Great.
(Sunday 30 June 2013; 0:25)
Ok, so it's not the title / second remix (38,440) by Will from England
If the quote is accurate, Mariah said that The Art Of Letting Go isn't the title. But it has something to do with the Babydoll chorus/bridge. So it could just be about anything at this point lol. But after looking through the lyrics, my fav choice is "Have A Little More Wine". I guess it's back to the waiting game. As for the second remix, I'd take that one over whatever the first one was. It was nice to hear her sing Spanish again.
(Friday 28 June 2013; 12:18)
#Beautiful remix with A$AP (38,400) by Will from England
Moving swiftly on to the other (touch wood) re-sung mixes.
(Wednesday 26 June 2013; 23:21)
Showbiz article picture (38,374) by Will from England
When/where was that picture taken? I assume it is a photoshopped product.
(Tuesday 25 June 2013; 22:13)
The push back (38,363) by Will from England
I am a little disappointed, but I want the quality album that we all want and love, so I don't mind waiting a bit longer for it. Plus it would make sense since there's been little chatter about the album cover etc. If anything, this has made me more excited for the album, because it shows she really wants a quality and memorable album. I suspect it will be released near or around the beginning of the world tour, so she can promote the album at the same time. For any lambs who really are distraught by this, TEOM was pushed back and look what it turned into.
(Tuesday 25 June 2013; 13:29)
Urban Islandz (38,309) by Will from England
They clearly want to stir up some trouble here, it's noting but just some people taking those photos out of context and creating a false story. Very sad.
(Thursday 20 June 2013; 0:52)
Remix (38,302) by Will from England
If you go to MDJ and view the video footage, at the end you can hear a snippet of #Beautiful as they drive by in the car. So I think it's safe to assume that it's a remix of the song. Or as someone posted below, an extended version of the song. But I don't think we'll have to wait long to find out.
(Wednesday 19 June 2013; 10:26)
Mus (38,289) by Will from England
The title was somewhat confirmed by Jermaine in a tweet. As for the album cover that has been passed around, I think it is a fan made version, just based upon the photo that Mariah posted on Instagram.
(Tuesday 18 June 2013; 19:18)
Remix on the way? (38,281) by Will from England
Seeing how Mariah seems to be filming a new video with Miguel, it's more than likely that she's readying to release the remix. The timing of this release hopefully will keep up the momentum of #Beautiful until the new single is released and then the album.
(Tuesday 18 June 2013; 13:31)
The Art Of Letting Go (38,276) by Will from England
The title sounds far more intriguing than MOAIA IMO. When I heard the title for that album, I was like "hmmm, sounds interesting", but with this one, it really caught my attention as a serious standout title. It's so different to her other album titles, even when compared to TEOM or even MOAIA. Very excited for this era.
(Tuesday 18 June 2013; 1:00)
Rashidi Rahim Rick / Hot97 (38,140) by Will from England
No.The performance was very good IMO. Those high notes at the end were more than just live. I thought she looked very TAOM esque with those sunglasses. Yeah, she had a couple of rough patches but overall, it was very good.
(Monday 3 June 2013; 9:32)
Lee (38,041) by Will from England
Yeah, that was the West Coast version. And it did sound better, I have to admit. So could it have just been GMA's fault this time?
(Saturday 25 May 2013; 22:37)
GMA (38,017) by Will from England
Well, I can't defend that performance of #Beautiful. The editing/backing track (whatever that was) was more than just a hot mess. I saw a live feed and at first, I thought that the audio was a bit messed up. But then I saw the tweets and I became more disappointed. I did not see the two previous performances, but you know, I'm not really bothered with those two songs, since it's #Beautiful that should be the perfect vocal performances, not two old hits.
(Friday 24 May 2013; 15:31)
The UK (37,967) by Will from England
For a Mariah song, I'm surprised yet very pleased, that #Beautiful is remaining consistent on the UK iTunes and Official Singles charts. It's been quite happy in the Top 20s and jumping 12 places to be in the Top 30 songs, in both respective charts. And without any promo. That's pretty good for Mariah.
(Wednesday 22 May 2013; 9:11)
Daily Mail (37,919) by Will from England
You know something is wrong when the Daily Mail and its readers support Mariah (the majority of them anyway) and lambs don't. I'm still not getting why some people thought that the performance was bad? As I said before: the vocals were on point and the editing wasn't. It is as simple as that.
(Saturday 18 May 2013; 14:57)
Idol performance (37,891) by Will from England
Oh c'mon it wasn't that bad. The vocals were on point, it was the editing that was not. It was dubbed, but not lipped. We can tell by now whether Mariah is lipping or not, and during that performance, she wasn't. The whistle at the end of #Beautiful was, excuse the pun, beautiful and clear and was not lipped from the track. Granted, they could have chosen different songs for a medley (I mean, whose idea was it for VOL to go into MIH?), but after that it was fine. MA was great, it was lovely hearing her sing VOL after so long, Hero was on point, MIH was on point again and WBT stole the show. Overall, I loved it. And that dress? Stunning.
(Friday 17 May 2013; 16:10)


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