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About Luke from United Kingdom:
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Re: Simplicity is beautiful (72,966) (72,971)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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I've just been watching that on repeat and then had to buy it. I was thinking the same thing. Even if the label doesn't give Mariah the money to create those types of visuals why can't she just invest in good videos herself? It wouldn't be that expensive lol probably cheaper than some of the diamond necklaces she has.
(Monday 20 February 2017; 23:59)
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Live I Don't (72,729)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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I think I like it more than the studio version. Her little laugh is everything at 3:16 lol. 
(Thursday 16 February 2017; 9:36)
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Re: New radio call in (72,556) (72,569)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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I agree with what you say that stars should be prepared for the cons of fame and celebrity but that doesn't make what goes on and what is said right. People go through things and hard times in their lives even them. I think it's unfair for us to expect Mariah to have her shit together 24/7. We only see the tip of what is going on in her life. I don't care what Mariah is wearing as long as she isn't hurting anyone, why on Earth should that give anyone the right to say things like that? Until she wears a sign on her head saying comment on my tits please, I won't agree with it. On one hand you say women shouldn't be subjected to remarks like that. But because Mariah is famous she should just sit back and let blokes say things about her like that or degrade her? I think we should be in a place where people like Mariah can still amaze people with her voice/talent, yet still be able to dress and live her life the way she wants to. It's not surprising some of these stars lose their minds when so many of us treat them like robots or animals, and that's just us. I can't imagine what it's like dealing with the twats that run that industry.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 9:32)
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Re: New radio call in (72,547) (72,552)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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That just doesn't sit well with me lol. What you're implying is we should all conform and dress a certain way so nobody says anything offensive to us? That women in particular should stay covered up so as to avoid sexual remarks or advances from men? I didn't realise we still lived in the 19th century.
(Sunday 12 February 2017; 15:46)
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Re: New radio call in (72,543) (72,545)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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There's no need for comments like that though, especially during an interview. So what if she wants to flaunt her body and be proud of what she has. I don't think she should have to change herself or alter the way she dresses just to stop men making degrading comments like that to her.
(Sunday 12 February 2017; 13:19)
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Re: Refinery 29 article (72,409) (72,411)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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I wouldn't want another either but if she does I hope she sees season 1 for the cheese fest that it was and takes the reins. Since she's working on singles it would be good to focus on that and her voice. I'd replace Stella and the rest of the steaming turds for real people that she works with like Trey and Big Jim.
(Thursday 9 February 2017; 10:41)
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Re: Refinery 29 article (72,397) (72,408)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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Agreed. So happy she said she would prefer another season of MW to lean towards music more. Fingers crossed.
(Thursday 9 February 2017; 9:29)
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Re: Full song (71,971) (71,979)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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Thanks for posting that. I actually really like the song as a whole and I like that she didn't really do her usual over the top climax. Compared to Infamous I like YG than I do Jussie. I'm not too sure on this video she has planned though lol I hope there's some sort of storyline to go along with it, one which doesn't involve Brienne Tanaka of House Thirsty.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 16:21)
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Re: The name of the song (71,734) (71,741)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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Lol. What about My Precious?
(Sunday 29 January 2017; 1:21)
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Re: This is new (71,690) (71,702)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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(Saturday 28 January 2017; 11:29)
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Re: Bryan's World season two (71,662) (71,666)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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You're right, I just think Stella underestimated how thirsty he is. To me it's almost like Mariah herself feels awkward doing some of the scenes lol.
(Friday 27 January 2017; 10:44)
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Bryan's World season two (71,659)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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So Bryan's World season two is apparently likely to happen. Yay. I could cope with one season as a little side venture but it's awfully acted. Who is Mariah kidding when she says "I don't know when I'm going to do a tour like this again so it's nice to be able to document it." When the whole thing hasn't even been about the tour but rather the build up of Bryanna Twinkletoes and the rest of drivelling squad. This is getting silly now. I hope she's stops trying to sugar coat it by calling it a "docu-series" and just starts being honest and calls it for what it is.
(Friday 27 January 2017; 0:41)
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Re: Mariah Wonderwall (71,633) (71,653)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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Yeah just not in the right order. I wish she'd sung that instead of him but oh well.
(Thursday 26 January 2017; 19:33)
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Re: Mariah Wonderwall (71,624) (71,629)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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Yes Andrew I know what song it was haha.
(Thursday 26 January 2017; 0:34)
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Mariah Wonderwall (71,622)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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I know this is random but I saw a Mariah fanpage post this video on Instagram the other day and I thought the song she was singing was Wonderwall by Oasis. When I listened to it again I knew it wasn't because the lyrics were different but I then imagined her singing it and how amazing it would be. Especially in that same tone. I don't know why she doesn't sing like that more often, it sounds so emotional and pleasing to the ears.
(Wednesday 25 January 2017; 23:04)
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Re: Charmbracelet on replay (71,438) (71,468)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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Talking about Charmbracelet I shamefully only just found out about There Goes My Heart last week and can't stop listening to it. I love this album, for me it really standouts. To be honest the whole era did. Mariah really pushed herself to the limits and stopped caring about what people thought of her. That's what I miss, the Mariah that isn't afraid to get messy hair on stage and flip it from side to side like she did while on tour lol. She looked amazing during this era. Like a new found confidence radiated from her.
(Thursday 19 January 2017; 23:24)
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Re: The missing chanteuse (food for thought) (71,334) (71,336)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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Why would that be her last album when she's been recording? I think the reason she hasn't released anything is because it no doubt annoyed her that that album was just swept under the rug pretty much and everything went tits up. I'd imagine she doesn't want to release good music until she knows the time is right so it doesn't go to waste.
(Monday 16 January 2017; 11:57)
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Re: Docu-series (71,191) (71,200)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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Definitely. Like background info on her work and how she looks after her voice and how her voice operates. Also that outfit is everything. She looks like someone from a royal family, so classy and elegant.
(Thursday 12 January 2017; 17:18)
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American Idol (71,061)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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Now don't come at me for making an excuse about NYE and what happened lol but I had a thought that it might have been connected to what Mariah has said in the past about AI. She's always been vocal about it and how much she hated it and isn't Ryan Seacrest involved with AI? It made me wonder if they pulled some strings to humiliate her in some way. We all know that business is about power and the more power you have the bigger shitstorm you can create. Look at Tommy, on of the most powerful guys at Sony. I still think he could have ruined Mariah but didn't out of some kind of respect for her talent and no doubt because he loved her. Patricia even said she thought he could end her career. Rockefeller sent Mariah a message because she didn't turn up the day before by leaking her mic feed. This could be another message. Then again it could just be a mistake from either party.
(Monday 9 January 2017; 17:45)
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Re: Voicemail (71,040) (71,047)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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I actually thought the same thing. I didn't even think it was Mariah at first because it sounded nothing like her. I didn't bother saying anything because I just thought it was me being nit-picky lol. She must be able to seriously manipulate her voice to sound differently, because I could barely recognise her if that's how she normally speaks.
(Monday 9 January 2017; 14:24)
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Re: Anthony (70,735) (70,750)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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She needs to get rid of all the dancers in my opinion. There's nothing classier than Mariah standing next to a piano with 3 backup singers dressed in sleek black by her side. The dancers are obviously there for distraction and because there's some weird insecurity going on. Anyone would think her legs are broken the amount of times they lift her. Sure does love levitating for someone who has busted her arm and ribs from falling off stage.
(Wednesday 4 January 2017; 13:34)
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Re: Re: Crustella Deville (70,698) (70,703) (70,708)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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I know how you feel. I'd love her to go back to making an album once a year but I also want her album releases to be thought out. Lets just hope these TV endeavours are short and sweet lol.
(Tuesday 3 January 2017; 15:41)
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Re: Crustella Deville (70,695) (70,698)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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I do remember Mariah saying in an interview that there were other creative avenues that she wanted to explore. I'd imagine this is it. People need to stop thinking Stella has Mariah on a leash and that all this could quite possibly be a lot of Mariah's ideas.
(Tuesday 3 January 2017; 12:34)
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New Years Eve performance (70,520)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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This is so sad to watch. I actually thought Emotions was a joke because how can she forget the words to a song she sings at every tour/event. I remember when Mariah once said she'd never lip-sync. I wonder if she actually reflects on what's happened after things like this go down or if she just ignores it, she surely can't feel good about having to lip-sync. Also those dancers are doing my head in. Why doesn't she just sew them to her body à la American Horror Story. If she didn't have the vocals up to scratch then she needs to not sign up for events like this. I'd rather her disappear and release albums for fun compared to committing juvenile muck-ups like this 26 years into her career. Bloody Nora.
(Sunday 1 January 2017; 11:25)
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Danielle (70,140)
by Luke from United Kingdom
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I don't get the hype around Danielle. She does good beach waves and that's it lol. I want Mariah to get a hairstylist that will do bangin' hairstyles that are all different. To me she just plays it safe. Anyone can do beach waves. Mariah's wigs are more interesting than Danielle's generic waves that she does on all of her clients. Not too bothered about her leaving to be honest.
(Tuesday 20 December 2016; 15:56)
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