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About Lila from United States: I love Mariah
I love to travel, dance, and eat.

Re: The remix (81,418) (81,426) by Lila from United States
It is a dumb rule. I always thought that rule was instated because they didn't want artists to have too much success off of the diversification of one song. Another hoop to jump through. Pettiness really.
(Sunday 18 March 2018; 21:07)
Re: Videos (81,390) (81,393) by Lila from United States
"Nick is a good parent and that makes people crazy, it makes them angry that he's not just what they expected him to be. He's present in his kids lives and that's what matters." Besides his color, I definitely think this is what's setting off a lot of fans with these videos. I don't think most care about Nick teasing Rocky about his boots. Looking around at most of the negative comments, it seems to me that they really have this idea in their head of Mariah as a single parent or that For Hire is the kid's father and he's helping to raise the kids. No lie. A loser whose living off of their mother's money, that's who they think should be a father figure to them. To them, since Nick doesn't post a lot of pictures or videos with the kids, he's not with them, especially since he, and I know this is a sin, works. The vids that Nick has put up look to be across at least two days in a row, so they most likely stayed the night and these are so soon after his being with the kids at the Aquarium; it's bursting their bubble. So, now that their illusion that Nick is never around is damaged, they have to latch onto something else. And at the end of the day, Nick isn't crazy about Rocky's Uggs but he looks to have the right to choose what he wears seeing as he's worn them more than once in Nick's presence. That's all that matters. And looking at the vids, he didn't care about his dad's jokes nor took them seriously. He obviously has more humor and fortitude than many grown adults.
(Wednesday 14 March 2018; 22:55)
Re: Videos (81,352) (81,362) by Lila from United States
She is such a sweetheart and so adorable. Nick already said she's not allowed to date until 40. Never gonna happen but so cute. They are so adorable and make me want to have a kid. Then I'll go to work where I'm always with kids and I'll be like on second thought maybe I'll wait. Cute but so much work. Kudos to my mama for making it through.
(Monday 12 March 2018; 15:59)
Re: Rumor check (81,227) (81,235) by Lila from United States
If it's anywhere in the ballpark of being true then I doubt they're paying her not make music. However, it wouldn't be far fetched if they kept her on label but weren't worried about her putting out music. There are a few articles on the net talking about artists whose labels have blocked them from releasing an album for one reason or another.
(Friday 2 March 2018; 21:09)
Re: Roc and Roe are really smart (81,188) (81,207) by Lila from United States
That's so funny because I've seen the page Ribbon linked before. There was a back and forth going on under one of the pics at the time I saw it so I stayed and read the comments with my imaginary popcorn, as you do. Whoever was running it was holding their own and eventually just got blocked by the other person because after a few minutes the whole convo disappeared and the user was laughing about it.
(Wednesday 28 February 2018; 18:08)
Re: Mariah singing at Floyd Mayweather's birthday bash (81,201) (81,206) by Lila from United States
True. Plus it was just a party. No one was expecting a big performance but like Edward said and I agree, her confidence is more than likely shot. Therefore, if she can't control every aspect, she's not even going to try.
(Wednesday 28 February 2018; 17:51)
Re: Mariah Carey: Just Be Good To Me (from Japan) (81,058) (81,064) by Lila from United States
Oh no, choking on the two step? Just stay seated then.
(Wednesday 21 February 2018; 17:42)
Re: Mariah Carey: Just Be Good To Me (from Japan) (81,031) (81,055) by Lila from United States
As long as you can two step, that's all that matters. I can only two step but I do it with confidence, and it's gotten me through me an awkward moment.
(Wednesday 21 February 2018; 02:27)
Re: Mariah for SuperBowl (80,806) (80,821) by Lila from United States
Yes. Simple and sensible.
(Tuesday 6 February 2018; 15:41)
Re: Mariah's most inspiring song (80,660) (80,662) by Lila from United States
We are here on that. I've never met anyone else that finds Anytime You Need A Friend as inspiring as I do. It's definitely my runner up to FLAB. I also love love love My Saving Grace.
(Friday 26 January 2018; 22:06)
Re: Mariah's most inspiring song (80,632) (80,655) by Lila from United States
I agree with that. I think it always changes depending on what you're going through and what type of encouragement you're needing at the moment. However, from a general standpoint Fly Like A Bird always does it for me.
(Friday 26 January 2018; 17:07)
Re: The Lambily braincell (80,546) (80,551) by Lila from United States
"It's not the picture itself that causes issues, it's the possibility that Mariah is about to embark on the same tired, worn-out routine that she has pulled for years, and the picture is a marker for this." Basically. If Mariah didn't have the history that she has, so many wouldn't be so skeptical. However, she does and this picture feels like the demarcation of the same old same old. A picture is a worth a thousand words; they communicate. No picture will ever completely be just a picture. When there are pictures that show Mariah acting as the Mariah XYZ person wants her to be, it's never just a picture then. I stick by my original assessment of it. It says "I came to play around," not "I came to put in work". It's not like it's my fault that Mariah continually chooses to poorly present herself or misrepresent herself at inopportune times. I can only say what I ascertain from it. Again, though, hopefully for the ones hyped about it, she's working on something seriously and that's also good.
(Monday 22 January 2018; 14:22)
Re: Studio pic (80,521) (80,524) by Lila from United States
"She probably spent 5 hours getting ready to look amazing in that studio pic and she looks drunk." This. It makes no sense. The way she's dressed, diamond chandelier earrings, didn't bother to take the leather jacket off, the unnecessary scarf over top, hair done perfectly, then that unnecessary wine glass, and the strategically placed crocodile Hermès Birkin bag in the corner. Did you come to sing or did you come to hang? If you're going into the studio, where you plan to spend a couple hours, putting in work, why would one need any of that? It's not like anyone's filming. For all the ones excited hopefully she is seriously working on something new and I would love for her to be working on something good but this is just another case of oddities for me.
(Sunday 21 January 2018; 00:22)
Re: Studio pic (80,520) (80,523) by Lila from United States
"She's had breast implants, she's had them in the closet, she's let them out..." Okay that line took me out lol.
(Saturday 20 January 2018; 23:53)
Re: She's back (80,500) (80,503) by Lila from United States
I'll be when all of that is posted up on iTunes with the preorder button below it.
(Saturday 20 January 2018; 01:47)
Re: Stella is back or is Stella back? (80,466) (80,479) by Lila from United States
You'd think only being able to name Mariah exiting her apartment and going out to dinner with her pet would've lead to the answer of yes. It would be amazing that the paps would be stalking her every move and word spreading yet we never get pictures from other moments. She and Nick just took the kids to the museum and yet we didn't get any pap pics of that. In fact, we never do. We never see Mariah going about her regular life on a daily basis.
(Friday 19 January 2018; 02:11)
Re: Stella is back or is Stella back? (80,451) (80,455) by Lila from United States
There or not, Stella was just a symptom of the actual problem and that's Mariah. Seems there was a cool down period and now she's starting back up with the nonsense. I was hopeful but with the remnants of stupid left behind, I should've known not be too hopeful. Let's just hope this isn't leading too far back down the rabbit hole as she took us the past few years.
(Thursday 18 January 2018; 14:16)
Kidspace / MLK / pics (80,429) by Lila from United States
Awww loving the pics and vid of Mariah, Nick, Beth, and the kids at the Kidspace Children's Museum for MLK Jr. Day. They’re so cute. I do like that they always do fun educational things for the kids.
(Tuesday 16 January 2018; 03:52)
Re: The ring (80,418) (80,427) by Lila from United States
It would be great for Mariah to fully distance herself from the horrible and tacky past few years, including that failed engagement, but she wouldn't be her without keeping some remnant of stupid around. Hence, the pet and the ring still making appearances. Also, I doubt she will because I highly doubt that there's any sentiment attached to the ring. She most likely sees it as being like any other cocktail ring she owns and always has.
(Tuesday 16 January 2018; 01:06)
Re: Merch (80,401) (80,405) by Lila from United States
I agree but then I long ago came to the conclusion that no new music was coming when all that flip flopping was going on. As long as she's not embarrassing herself with crap like dog walking apps and her ideas add to her brand versus taking away, I've nothing against it. The "tea" themed merchandise at least makes sense and many people think it's cute. So, I'll let her live.
(Saturday 13 January 2018; 02:16)
Re: New Mariah (80,359) (80,374) by Lila from United States
My apologies Mimi L. I wasn't trying to say that you believed it or said it.
(Thursday 11 January 2018; 02:47)
Re: New Mariah (80,363) (80,368) by Lila from United States
In my eyes the after party was the equivalent of that restaurant outing after the Vanity Fair event. She didn't take him with her to that either, her supposed boyfriend, but she went to a restaurant to be seen with him. After parties are fun, I'm sure, but they are not the actual red carpet event in my eyes. That's a disconnect. It doesn't make logical sense that a person would be so comfortable taking a supposed significant other on pap strolls, this other person eating up the attention and looking to have no problem with the spotlight, and yet when it comes to legitimate events that person is relegated to the background like every other hanger on that she's taken with her to events past and present. Wait, I forgot: except to help her up and down stairs and to the car like a pet. In my opinion he's just a lesser extent of the dead weight she likes to carry around regardless. For me, there are just too many disconnects that I can't see him having any clout big enough to have made Mariah kick Stella to the curb. And again, logically, what could he and Stella have really disagreed over? He always seemed just fine cheesing at the paps, as if he'd hit the lotto, while trying to grasp the hand of a sloshed looking Mariah. He gets paid to do absolutely nothing the same as Stella got paid to do nothing. I too hated the pictures of them at the after party. It looked off to me. He's, as always, lathering on forced affection and, as always, Mariah never looks like she's actually here for it. She just stood there with the same plastic Barbie-like smile on her face.
(Wednesday 10 January 2018; 20:03)
Re: New Mariah (80,340) (80,353) by Lila from United States
I'm still dumbfounded by how these made up stories about how he got rid of Stella have grown legs. All of it is nothing but highly vague nonsense, with absolutely no logical reasoning behind them, made up by fans who stan them as a couple and will glob onto any little tidbit or make up anything to prove that they're a real couple. With Mariah's penchant for taking staff on personal holidays and never being caught dead with him on the red carpets of anything high profile despite calling him her boyfriend yet being willing to do low brow crap, it's hard for them to prove it so they resort to twisting anything. I think if anyone was finally able to cut through Mariah's train wreck it was Patti LaBelle who said that she told Mariah she had some not so good people around her. Not to mention, whatever shady nonsense went down with that theft/security mishap that couldn't be explained away.
(Wednesday 10 January 2018; 03:56)
Golden Globes (80,307) by Lila from United States
She looked good (not my choice of dress by it was good enough). She was open and lucid. I'm not bothered one way or another about the loss. I'm just glad this was another good moment.
(Monday 8 January 2018; 04:24)
Re: Marian presenting at Globes (80,264) (80,268) by Lila from United States
This is nice and yes let's hope for a great dress. I'm still holding out hope that she'll wear something amazing by Ellie Saab to a red carpet event one of these days.
(Saturday 6 January 2018; 01:27)


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