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About Andrew from London, UK:

Article: Water your thoughts: leave Mariah alone (88,516) by Andrew from London, UK
"Society needs to stop pitting women against each other"? What a load of crap. Women pit themselves against other women for women are generally jealous and bitchy as a gender. Mariah has done it galore, many times over. Society needs to stop intersectional victimisation. As far as I can see, Mariah Carey, Ariana Grande, et al., are not victims. They are the products of a society that rewards talent based upon merit.
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 21:01)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,465) (88,500) by Andrew from London, UK
Everything Fades Away: the amazing, stirring, perfect ending to the European Music Box release. For the rest of the world, a lifetime of jealousy buttered with "It's an old track tacked on" / "It's boring" / "It doesn't go with the rest of the album" bitterness. Well, we know that you know that we know that you know. (Get the point? No? I'll get to it.) EFA is amazing, stirring and perfect. Yours is the equivalent sentiment of having someone else come first place whilst spouting with lip pouting: "Well, I didn't even wanna win the stupid thing, anyway."
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 02:38)
Re: Boasty (88,485) (88,487) by Andrew from London, UK
Jade genuinely looks like Mariah Carey in person. And the husband probably did get a few eyes from her - he genuinely looks like he'd be her type. Haha, sorry Jadakiss.
(Monday 11 March 2019; 21:45)
Re: Have lunch with Mariah's former manager (88,484) (88,486) by Andrew from London, UK
Madame Troll-features, were that true and a lunch with Stella Bollocks was on offer, I am not sure which would garner more money: the money for the lunch, the money for the poison and the fee for having the chef slip it in her meal or the money for the wild horses that would have to drag me there.
(Monday 11 March 2019; 21:44)
Re: Boasty (88,466) (88,471) by Andrew from London, UK
Jadakiss. Where you been all my life? How was the Crimbo concert?
(Sunday 10 March 2019; 23:46)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,465) (88,470) by Andrew from London, UK
Agree with everything you said. And Music Box is not complete without Everything Fades Away. It is the best ending track to a Mariah album. Ezcdpt for Looking in. Oh and Outside. Wait, FLAB. Ah, I can't do this. What s the best Mariah ending track? For me it's a haunting one. One that makes you feel so touched by her you go back to track one and start again. So, Looking In. It's the locked in a dark room almost contemplating if living is worth it song to which everyone who likes Mariah probably relates. Looking In.
(Sunday 10 March 2019; 23:45)
Re: Caution (88,444) (88,461) by Andrew from London, UK
"It's not a bad album." Perhaps. But, Toddus, would you call it a "great one"?
(Sunday 10 March 2019; 13:15)
Re: 80 minutes late (88,459) (88,460) by Andrew from London, UK
To be fair, the many times I have seem Mariah she has always been reasonably on time. Lateness intentional lateness, is obnoxious, however. When she was booed and she asked Stella "Are they booing me?" and could not understand why was priceless.
(Sunday 10 March 2019; 13:12)
Caution (88,441) by Andrew from London, UK
So today was the first day I listened to thr whole Caution album in the car whilst stuck in traffic tryinf to cross the river. I have to say I have come around to the thinking that it is, as it stands, the best version of what it could be. Or wants to be. I can understand why it is so critically lauded. It's not the album anyone wanted. But it is the best version of what it wants to be. I shan't listen to it much more, however. Except for With You. That song is really classy.
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 23:43)
Re: Eternally optimistic (88,433) (88,440) by Andrew from London, UK
If I call someone a Jamaican twit, what sayeth you? On many levels this could be debated. Let us move on.
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 23:40)
Re: Michael Jackson (88,426) (88,439) by Andrew from London, UK
Michael Jackson is innocent. Inability to prove guilt = innocence, no matter what hyper sensitive moral reactionist world people may want to force you to live in. Same goes for Mariah. Show me irrefutable evidence and then I will condemn. It's all hearsay. I mist remind myself of that often. It's so easy to fall into the virtue signalling trap.
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 23:09)
Re: Eternally optimistic (88,415) (88,423) by Andrew from London, UK
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 02:02)
Re: Eternally optimistic (88,412) (88,413) by Andrew from London, UK
Once more, for Eric's sake, you said you were taking a break, you didn't. You said you didn't read my messages, you do. You claim to be a nice person but you insult my looks and call me a "British" whatever which is racist. If this ever get by Eric, and I hope that it does, because why should I take it and nobody else, why are you still here? And why should I put up with sleights against my looks and my race when I have been an ickle angel?
(Friday 8 March 2019; 23:36)
Re: A No No video (88,384) (88,389) by Andrew from London, UK
In my one post that sent the usuals into a vengeful frenzy once more I wrote, "The videos are cinematically alright but boring in content and will not attract different demographics." And that seems to be the sentiment about this video here. So I don't lie. A No No is actually visually quite stunning - it is better than the other videos. But it is actually only a glamour photo shoot for Mariah's boobs again. A story line could have been good for this. We pay so much to see her in concert that an extra five quid whacked on to go towards videos would probably meet no resistance.
(Friday 8 March 2019; 14:53)
Re: The singles this era (88,363) (88,373) by Andrew from London, UK
Lying is not from insanity, it is from narcissistic or borderline personality disorder. So enjoy your break (ever the trendsetter am I), stand up straight, always wear a clean shirt, never ever forget your eye moisturiser and no matter what happens, always, always swallow your meds.
(Friday 8 March 2019; 00:02)
Re: The singles this era (88,346) (88,354) by Andrew from London, UK
"Whilst moisturising my slender physique." Was meinst du, da? Lmao funny as.
(Thursday 7 March 2019; 10:10)
Re: The singles this era (88,324) (88,333) by Andrew from London, UK
Come on, let's all pop our honesty hats on for a day. Is anyone really surprised that the rollout of Caution was a mess? With every disappointment comes a rewriting of the narrative by the usual suspects to state that actually, nuh-uh, it was always how it was meant to be and, in that, it was, thus, a total success. The album itself is what nobody asked for musically but got anyway. The videos are cinematically alright but boring in content and will not attract different demographics. The so-called "dropping" of the singles was sporadic and without the necessary fanfare. And now there's a Caution Tour which is showcasing songs that were never going to translate well to the live stage. Except for With You. That song is actually brilliant. I didn't take to it at first, and I still think the lyrics could be a lot more mature in places. But I still listen to that song every day and find myself singing it randomly through the weeks. But it is and was never enough to save a project that is pretty underwhelming, no matter how "cohesive" the "body of work" is - which, whilst objectively true, doesn't really matter in the long run if nobody but the critics like it. There's always a next time and perhaps on the next album Mariah will finally move on from repeating the same mistakes. But before everyone takes off their honesty hats, how likely do you think that actually will be?
(Wednesday 6 March 2019; 15:36)
Till the end of time (88,267) by Andrew from London, UK
As Mariah is so topical at the moment with her set list, and so loose with what is live and what is not, how about TTEOT with Martyn on the screen?
(Sunday 3 March 2019; 00:41)
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