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About Jono from USA:
Celebrating the greatest artist to ever exist.
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Re: Caution tour sold out in Chicago (88,511) (88,513)
by Jono from USA
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The show was fantastic. Loved having giant screens showing graphics which gave Mariah an updated look; very much like Caution. Besides a few moments where the backing track kicked in, which only us lambs can really notice, she sounded and looked great. Loved hearing these songs live that I didn't think I'd ever be able to - AYNAF, YDKWTD, and Last Night A DJ Saved My Life. It seemed like the audience was split half and half between casual fans and diehards, which could explain the lesser engagement during the Caution moments. What a fantastic experience, and the overall sentiment as everyone was leaving the theatre was "wow she was great".
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 18:53)
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Caution Chicago (88,480)
by Jono from USA
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Hey lambs, who else is going to the concert? Super excited - first time seeing her since the 2010 Angels Advocate Tour. That was also my first ever concert; coincidentally in the same venue as well. I'm so excited to hear so many of these songs.
(Monday 11 March 2019; 17:59)
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Caution tour start time (88,438)
by Jono from USA
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Hey lambs, will be going to the Chicago date and super excited. Curious if anyone on here that has already been to one of the shows, what time did Mariah actually come on?
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 20:06)
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AIWFCIY #7 (86,970)
by Jono from USA
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The song has officially reached a new peak on the Hot 100, and we still have two weeks (and a little under three tracking weeks) until Christmas. Anything after this is a bonus. Truly incredible, congrats MC on this everlasting gem.
(Monday 10 December 2018; 21:51)
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Re: Mariah sales (86,514) (86,528)
by Jono from USA
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Say it louder for the people in the back.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 05:03)
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Re: Mariah sales (86,473) (86,493)
by Jono from USA
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I've given up on sales/chart positions when it comes to Mariah. She's already achieved everything, there's nothing left for her to prove. The only reason why I'd care about sales is so that the record company can stay afloat and keep supporting acts like Mariah. I'm not obsessed about her "getting her 19th #1" because honestly what difference would that make? The only reason why I'd want her to release good singles is so that the general public, and not just the Mariah fans, discover her brilliance. If TEOM had not happened, I wouldn't have become a Mariah fan. At this stage in her career I'm judging solely on the work, and Caution is her best album in 13 years.
(Sunday 25 November 2018; 07:36)
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Genius interview (86,051)
by Jono from USA
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Here is the full interview. Best interview of hers in a long time. The hour flew by. And even though the interviewer went deeper with album cuts and fan favorites, it still felt like they were only able to touch on maybe 20% of her work. That's how astonishingly huge this woman's catalog is. .Listen, I would watch an hour long Genius interview for each one of her albums.
(Friday 16 November 2018; 21:19)
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Caution review (86,039)
by Jono from USA
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I already love this album. The production is so different from what Mariah has done in a while - easily her most redefining sound since TEOM. Since 2005 I felt like she has been trying to replicate the sound of the album without much success. Caution seems like a new direction for her while still retaining what makes her Mariah. This is how R&B sounds like in 2018 and I am here for it.
(Friday 16 November 2018; 18:28)
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Caution era (86,000)
by Jono from USA
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Is officially upon us. M and her team have done a fantastic job with the promo. Remember, her last studio album's promo consisted of her on snap story riding the L train in an evening gown. I am so proud of her and the great body of works she continues to put out. She has outlasted her peers, and is looking radiant. Happy listening everybody.
(Friday 16 November 2018; 06:50)
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A No No impact (85,559)
by Jono from USA
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The song on her YouTube channel already has a 260k views in 36 hours as of typing this. In comparison, GTFO has 333k in 1 month, and With You has 532k after 3 weeks. Granted those two have separate music videos, but the songs weren't taking off like A No No has. Mariah needs to pull a Shake It Off and demand this be the next single because the response has been overwhelmingly positive. This song has the legs to actually carry/promote the album for a few weeks, before the general public flocks to her Christmas songs and forget about Caution come December.
(Friday 2 November 2018; 20:58)
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Mariah and Skrillex (85,049)
by Jono from USA
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I never thought I'd see these two names on the same song but yet hear we are - "The Distance" is fire.
(Thursday 18 October 2018; 18:26)
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Mariah and Busta (84,969)
by Jono from USA
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Remember this being previewed over a year ago? Long shot but I'm hoping this is also on the album. It's got the vibe and attitude to match the album cover and title.
(Tuesday 16 October 2018; 21:16)
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Caution album cover (84,966)
by Jono from USA
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Yes mama.
(Tuesday 16 October 2018; 21:02)
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Golden Globes (80,308)
by Jono from USA
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It was so nice seeing Mariah at an awards show again. She looked absolutely radiant and stunning.
(Monday 8 January 2018; 05:17)
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One Sweet Day tied (78,171)
by Jono from USA
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Mariah and Boyz II Men are now joined by three other artists in sharing the Hot 100 Record. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I am thankful Taylor Swift released her music when she did, because her early numbers all but guarantee Mariah/Boyz II Men can still co-share the record.
(Monday 28 August 2017; 21:00)
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Unforgettable remix (78,090)
by Jono from USA
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I had already loved the original track, so to hear that Mariah was joining forces (and maybe taking matters in to her own hands to save her #1 record ) made me ecstatic. And she delivers. Both the remix and acoustic remix are great; however because of the intentional Weeknd-like vocal effects, I think the remix version works better. So for those of us who still care about her OSD record, we have both this remix and Taylor Swift's new song to support this Friday.
(Thursday 24 August 2017; 20:02)
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Mariah Pride (76,332)
by Jono from USA
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Cute, and it makes sense, but once again Mariah & Co are behind schedule. All orders wouldn't ship until July, and by then Pride month and most Pride marches are over. Also was hoping for a little variation/re-imagining of the iconic Rainbow cover, but for those of us who weren't old enough at the time get to cop some Rainbow era merch. 
(Thursday 15 June 2017; 20:24)
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Article: Mariah-Bruno Mars mashups are taking over the internet (75,742)
by Jono from USA
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The Emotions/That's What I Like mashup is incredible. Pow.
(Thursday 25 May 2017; 23:51)
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Re: Martyn who? He is not the only victim (75,698) (75,741)
by Jono from USA
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Delete your account.
(Thursday 25 May 2017; 23:49)
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Rest in peace, Martyn (75,655)
by Jono from USA
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(Wednesday 24 May 2017; 16:24)
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Re: Hard out here (74,913) (74,919)
by Jono from USA
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The difference is Mariah's commercial success completely dwarfs Mary J Blige's. So people are always going to compare to the height of her popularity. Same goes for the voice, there's no secret that she possessed one of the greatest voices to ever exist. It's the unbelievably high standards that Mariah has to deal with, whereas other artists do not.
(Tuesday 2 May 2017; 20:00)
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One Sweet Day reigns supreme (74,726)
by Jono from USA
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In some records news, Kendrick Lamar's "Humble" dethroned Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You" today, ending its 12 week stint at No.1. Considering its massive numbers, it had a potential run at Mariah's all time record, but (for now) it remains safe. It's truly incredible what One Sweet Day was able to do. It's been over two decades and no one has been able to beat it, not even Mariah herself. Quite amazing.
(Monday 24 April 2017; 23:50)
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New album (74,355)
by Jono from USA
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If, and that's a big if, there is a new album coming out later this year, it will have to be well planned and executed. No more delays and pushbacks. Especially now in this social media generation, you have to build and capitalize on hype in a much shorter time period. Even delaying something by more than a couple of weeks will kill any momentum. So what I would much rather Mariah do is to make sure everything is set in place, and to not give an exact release date until she is absolutely sure she can deliver. I need a TEOM rollout style, but upgraded to match the current times. That era was absolutely fire because not only was the material hot, but the preparation and execution was on point. She needs to surround herself with people who understand the music marketing and how it functions in today's society. That being said, I am always looking forward to new Mariah music.
(Monday 10 April 2017; 23:47)
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Article: Mariah Carey's "new deal" is her old deal, reiterated (74,354)
by Jono from USA
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"She has a great voice. She's never recorded an album that shows off that voice properly. She needs a real producer, real songs, real arrangements. She has to surprise the world by showing she's [a] vocalist, and not just a pin up who can hit a high note." I was on board with this article until here. It's clear that this supposed journalist didn't do their research. All of her albums have always showcased the many layers and timbres to her voice. She did not adopt a sexy image until 1997 Butterfly. The world knows that she has an incredible voice, because that's what made her famous. The issue has been her recent material, which is subpar by her astronomical standards, as well as her bad performances that have made headline news. It's clear this supposed journalist is angry about the way the manager treated them, but taking it out on Mariah with lies is not the way to retaliate.
(Monday 10 April 2017; 23:39)
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Re: Ridiculously bad videos (74,197) (74,213)
by Jono from USA
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Completely agree, the quality of her music videos have gone downhill. Look at videos like It's Like That and We Belong Together. There's almost a cinematic quality to them, and the decision to make them a two part story was brilliant. Her James Bond themed Honey is still one of her best videos to date. My All exemplifies Mariah's timeless and effortless sensuality. Touch My Body was playful. Heartbreaker is campy and iconic. Even Fantasy managed to capture the sweet summer nostalgia. Now you just get kind of sad, tacky videos that only show her writhing around barely clothed. Mariah is obviously still gorgeous and hot, but she has to know that less is more. I'm hoping for her next solo project that she brings back that element of sophistication and fun.
(Thursday 6 April 2017; 20:34)
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