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About Special K from USA: Been ridin with Mariah since VOL. I have seen Mariah in concert numerous times and was blessed to have actually met her.

Re: iTunes (93,812) (93,832) by Special K from USA
I think it's a mixture of Mariah fans and casual fans who didn't buy the album during its original release. Millions of people right now have a lot of time on their hands and are bored spending time on iTunes. Those Mariah fans and casual fans probably noticed the album was discounted, listened to a few songs and decided to buy the album. Nobody is releasing new albums now. I can see how E=MC2 can hit number 1.
(Wednesday 29 April 2020; 02:03)
Emancipation anniversary (93,620) by Special K from USA
"See, I'm looking for a man that'll rub me slow
Make me sing real high when he goes down low
But see, it ain't just a physical thing
He's gotta treat me affectionately
And I gotta know he won't betray my trust
Just like every other [censored] does
Is this just an impossible dream, baby?
Too elusive to pursue
It's been such a sad and windy road for me
Just searchin' for the truth."

15 years ago that was Special K before she met her one and only. Damn, that song is pure fire.
(Tuesday 14 April 2020; 03:22)
Re: Clark sisters biopic (93,590) (93,600) by Special K from USA
I saw it. It was epic.
(Monday 13 April 2020; 01:50)
Re: Emancipation anniversary (93,594) (93,599) by Special K from USA
"I played the Emancipation Of Mimi all through (well not all through, I still skipped that crappy track 12 like I always do)." Whatever you sorry individual.
(Monday 13 April 2020; 01:49)
Re: FLAB snippet (93,595) (93,597) by Special K from USA
Mariah sang FLAB and I almost passed out. She sounded great to me. FLAB is my song. BTW, Happy birthday to my baby. I heard him laughing in the background and my heart slipped a beat.
(Monday 13 April 2020; 01:42)
FLAB (93,584) by Special K from USA
Mariah please sing FLAB at Joel Osteen's Easter services.
(Saturday 11 April 2020; 19:55)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey on 2005's iconic "The Emancipation of Mimi" (93,574) (93,578) by Special K from USA
No. Mimi's career was in the toilet. I think they took the sequencing of the album very seriously and spent alot of time on it. To beging the album with ILT and end it with FLAB was perfection.
(Saturday 11 April 2020; 13:39)
Re: Hero (93,563) (93,567) by Special K from USA
Hmmm, a little choppy to me but hey, I appreciate the fact that Mariah is singing live and looks great.
(Saturday 11 April 2020; 00:19)
Re: AIWFCIY hitting #1 (91,899) (91,911) by Special K from USA
"Some don't seem to understand the magnitude of AIWFCIY hitting #1, this is not your ordinary number one, this is an undeniable #1 that even those who don't like Mariah can't resist. And we are witnessing history in the making." Yes, you articulated my point better than me. The magnitude and importance of AIWFCIY hitting number 1 can't be overstated.

I don't have expectations of Mariah hitting number 1 again. For some reason my post wasn't posted in it's entirety so it may appear I do have those expectstions. I was totally joking about Mariah collaborating with a K Pop artist. Thankfully MusicJfan got the sarcasm. With that said Adam, my goodness have ye little faith? It is certainly possible that Mariah can hit number 1 again. I still don't think we have seen the best of her yet.
(Monday 23 December 2019; 06:25)
AIWFCIY hitting #1 (91,893) by Special K from USA
You know we as fans really have to sit back, acknowledge, and cherish this moment of AIWFCIY hitting number one on the Billboard charts. It's just insane regarding how many records Mariah has broken with this song hitting number one. This is truly a history making moment that we are experiencing in real time as fans. Mariah is going to tie the Beatles record of 20 number ones hits and will eventually break it with 21 number one hits. All she got to do is collaborate with one of them K Pop artists.
(Sunday 22 December 2019; 15:10)
Re: Who hasn't MC collaborated / revisit previous collab (91,884) (91,889) by Special K from USA
Mariah better not do nothing else with Justin Timberlake. I have lost all respect for that dude. JT is a selfish opportunist that can't sing anyways. Remember, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis had him add some vocals on Yours however JT's record label wouldn't release it because they felt Mariah's career was in the tank at the time. Also, the way JT left Janet Jackson hanging, fending for herself after their Superbowl performance fiasco "Boob Gate" was selfish and a slap in the face to Janet. Don't let me get started on the way he disrespected Prince during his recent Superbowl performance. Now, I would love to see Mariah collaborate with Max Martin. I also think Sarah Carpenter would be an awesome collaboration as well. I saw Sarah sing GTFO and she said not only was GTFO the best Mariah Carey song period she felt it was the best song ever. Interesting. Sean Paul is another person I would love too see a collaboration with however the number one singer I would love to see Mariah collaborate with would be Maxwell. Honorable mentions Sam Smith and Tasha Cobbs. Mariah need to catch the spirit.
(Sunday 22 December 2019; 14:43)
Mariah (91,878) by Special K from USA
Is it me or is Mariah's face just glowing with beauty perfection. Damn she looks good.
(Sunday 22 December 2019; 02:18)
Re: Please (91,868) (91,876) by Special K from USA
I never said you called Mariah a devil or a witch and in the past. She has verbally given Wally and Tommy credit. Simple facts.
(Sunday 22 December 2019; 01:57)
Re: Please (91,834) (91,854) by Special K from USA
I'm still trying to figure out why some fans feel Mariah doesn't give Walter A and Tommy M credit? The money in their bank accounts say different.
(Saturday 21 December 2019; 14:00)
Re: Walter A. gets really candid (91,839) (91,853) by Special K from USA
Trust, WAL, some of your posts get on my last gosh darn nerves but I got your back on this. Walter A. does climb out of his cave every Christmas speaking about Mariah. Out of all of these artists he has worked with, he rarely speaks about them. At least no where near as much as he talks about Mariah. When Mariah was having all of those issues during the Glitter era did Walter's bald headed ass reach out and least check on her? When Mariah was getting crucified by the press and folks were saying her career was over where the hell was Walter? I don't recall seeing him defend Mariah or say anything positive about her however I did see Diane Warren, Jimmy Jam/Terry Lewis, David Foster, Babyface, Jernaine Dupri, P.Diddy, and others defend Mariah. Out of all these artists, some who are well known song writers themselves that don't publicly give him credit that he has worked with, the main artist he always got to name check is Mariah. Yes, Walter A is a successful song writer/producer but he is also a pompous tool that is still riding on Mariah's tits despite all of the other artists that he has had success with.
(Saturday 21 December 2019; 13:51)
Re: Merry Christmas (91,645) (91,646) by Special K from USA
"And I am rather certain that Tanaka makes her feel confident as he seems to be a nice guy who genuinely cares about her for the human being and not only the global superstar she is." That's right dang it. I see no lies in this statement. Thank you for giving my baby some credit. Team Tanaka.
(Sunday 15 December 2019; 15:12)
Re: Grammys (91,377) (91,380) by Special K from USA
Caution might get some nominations in the R&B categories. If she does, some people will still be in the "kill joy" mood and crap all over it because the R&B catagories don't mean anything to them.
(Sunday 17 November 2019; 21:40)
Re: Memoirs by Andy (91,320) (91,323) by Special K from USA
It's going to be a hot, nasty mess that will make Mariah look like a fool. I can't believe Mariah is letting Andy's nasty gutter hands touch this project. Dude is the king of reality tv show slimy to the max drama. His platform is just plain messy. I hope and pray I am wrong and everything turns wonderful.
(Friday 8 November 2019; 22:13)
Re: Stop what you're doing and praise me (91,290) (91,303) by Special K from USA
Happy birthday. You can be the queen of MCA today then I will take my crown back tomorrow. Just playing but I hope you seriously enjoy your day. I will listen to CB today in your honor.
(Wednesday 6 November 2019; 23:56)
Re: St John the Divine (91,271) (91,281) by Special K from USA
You know I you despite the fact that you get on my nerves sometimes. I'm listening to your favorite song right now, To The Floor.
(Tuesday 5 November 2019; 20:38)
Re: St John the Divine (91,252) (91,267) by Special K from USA
Well, Special K agrees that Terna is crazy and Edward's sarcasm is straight whack.
(Tuesday 5 November 2019; 00:46)
Re: St John the Divine (91,240) (91,266) by Special K from USA
Oh my goodness somebody get me some popcorn and a coke zero.
(Tuesday 5 November 2019; 00:38)
Re: Legends Ball (91,105) (91,110) by Special K from USA
Baby, you forgot the humidifiers wasn't working right.
(Monday 21 October 2019; 00:13)
Re: Legends Ball (91,097) (91,109) by Special K from USA
Even the early 2000's Mariah would have given it the old college try.
(Monday 21 October 2019; 00:03)
Re: Legends Ball (91,085) (91,095) by Special K from USA
Ah no ma'am you were spot on in your original post. Mariah was scared. During that time TEOM was on fire. She should have taken the mic and let spirit move her ass instead of worrying about being perfect.
(Saturday 19 October 2019; 20:41)


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