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About Lee TS from USA:

Re: Um (64,276) (64,280) by Lee TS from USA
I guess.
(Thursday 14 July 2016; 23:50)
Make It Happen (63,478) by Lee TS from USA
This song is so powerful. The lyrics never rang truer for me than the last 2 months, hence my absence. I want to be one of those lambs that can say she gave me some peace when no one was around. Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.
(Friday 17 June 2016; 0:39)
Re: Mariah's World (63,474) (63,477) by Lee TS from USA
Why is her makeup so harsh? Lol jk she's so beautiful. Flippant comments, gotta love them.
(Friday 17 June 2016; 0:34)
The ensembles dahling (62,746) by Lee TS from USA
I am so out of the loop forgive me. But is our diva being the most there can be? She is so feeling herself and the outfits are getting more boobier haha. She is definitely loving the new body and James must be too. Mariah and that kick though, like can we talk? Lol must be fun times for the lambily with all these fun promos etc. Let's hear it for the girl.
(Friday 27 May 2016; 17:39)
Article: Watch Mariah Carey's trailer for new documentary series (62,276) by Lee TS from USA
This is going to be amazing.
(Tuesday 17 May 2016; 7:51)
Hi all (61,969) by Lee TS from USA
I just wanted to stop by and say a quick hello. So much has happened and haven't been up to date with our lovely M. It seems like the tour went well and I only saw a brief clip of her doing some SA fun stuff with Demkids. Hi everyone.
(Tuesday 10 May 2016; 4:26)
Re: Rockefeller retrospective (61,152) (61,155) by Lee TS from USA
What a nice message. Very sweet.
(Friday 8 April 2016; 21:38)
Re: Pic (61,032) (61,033) by Lee TS from USA
My dear Marissa, what'd you expect from a 12 year old running M's social media? These people. What more can I say? I can't even know what to say.
(Monday 4 April 2016; 22:43)
Aw come on (61,019) by Lee TS from USA
She's literally perfection here. Like, whatever she is doing keep on doing it. She looks so happy, relaxed, and just radiant. How can you not love this woman? You know it's good when you press play and listening to it on the background, and not focusing on every possible bleak moment. And with Stella, like I said she's allowed one era and she better make good use of it. The only thing I kind of like about the whole "Russian dictator" thing is maybe she's a go getter who don't stop and won't stop until it happens. Mariah is definitely on fire right now and I'm loving it. The Elusive Chanteuse Show who? I kid. Imagine when she goes on the US Phoenix Songbird Tour with another #1 added to her repertoire. It'll be blazing.
(Monday 4 April 2016; 7:55)
Re: MC new pic (60,988) (60,999) by Lee TS from USA
She looks like a lady of the night and those men are waiting for their turn. I'm sorry but it looks cheap and wreaks of desperation. I mean, is that what they do in Sweden Mariah? Not cute. Not sexy. Just not. Ugh, why?
(Sunday 3 April 2016; 11:14)
Re: Tragic ending is imminent (60,968) (60,976) by Lee TS from USA
Actually no, her stylist/jeweler to the stars Wilfredo is no longer working with Mariah. He confirmed it on his IG responding to a comment about him leaving.
(Saturday 2 April 2016; 9:32)
Grandfathered (60,941) by Lee TS from USA
Since everyone are mentioning Mariah on TV shows, she was mentioned earlier in season 1 of the show where John Stamos' character said something along the lines of, "I've been hosting Mariah Carey's 40th birthday for 5 years now." Ouch lol.
(Thursday 31 March 2016; 11:09)
Re: Stella takes her antics up a notch (60,885) (60,889) by Lee TS from USA
Do you guys remember that one quote from Mariah on the Oprah After Show during the CB era, where she said she's been in the business longer than most of the people she worked with? Well, I like to think that Mariah is smarter and keen on what's going on. Especially, and I mean especially with the accounting side of things. I hope instill in her is that poor girl who's rug has been pulled off too many times, there is no room for negligence. It would be embarrassing for her to go broke at this stage of her career and I would blame Mariah for it. She needs to be like Oprah who signs every check, etc. Anyways, I hope Stella is really doing everything she can for Mariah in the name of good. It's pretty simple, if Mariah wins she wins.
(Tuesday 29 March 2016; 0:48)
Re: Mariah's World (60,869) (60,875) by Lee TS from USA
It's shaping a lot to look like a trashy reality show. It's going to be heavily edited, I can see Mariah going, "No dahling I can't with this angle and the abusive lighting, press delete, edit, edit it out." I hope we get to see the real Mariah. I don't know, whatever makes her happy I guess.
(Monday 28 March 2016; 14:25)
Mishka bear (60,858) by Lee TS from USA
Mariah's bff is going to be the next it girl if Stella has her way about it. Here she is versus the it girl of the moment. Just for laughs. Anyways, I hope Stella Jenner knows how to throw a good party for our girl Mariah today. Keep it festive.
(Sunday 27 March 2016; 16:49)
It's a special occasion (60,849) by Lee TS from USA
Happy anniversary to the fabulous Mariah.
(Sunday 27 March 2016; 11:12)
Don't hope it's frail (60,843) by Lee TS from USA
This has got to be the best WYB performance yet. Amazing.
(Sunday 27 March 2016; 6:06)
Re: Stella IG (60,837) (60,840) by Lee TS from USA
Mariah checks Stella and puts her in her place. Ok, lol a bit of an exaggeration dahlings. Let's hope all works out well in the end. Remember Stella, if Mariah doesn't get her 19th #1 off the next record you're getting the heave-ho. I kid.
(Sunday 27 March 2016; 0:20)
Re: Another rant (60,744) (60,750) by Lee TS from USA
I agree with everything Marissa had to say about Stella's girls. I feel horrible for judging but I like the little one too, she looks adorable and sweet versus the older girl. In my mind, the younger one probably stays behind a lot and plays with Demkids. Perfect. But with the older girl Mishka, she's living life in the fast lane and is no bueno. With the Drew Barrymore comparison, I almost half expected Mishka to be living it up next to Mariah in the club in Vegas at the wrap party. The thing is, this is a false reality for Mishka and could really mess her up when Mariah decides to fire Stella. Mariah goes through managers like she does nannies. But whatever, it's Stella's job to raise her kids. Anyways, Stella is allowed one era so she has a lot to prove. I'm at a point if you can't beat them, join 'em. So let's hope Stella is doing everything she can for Mariah to keep her job. And the docu-series was initially called Mariah's Squad, I mean, who did you expect to be in her crew when Mariah's eternally 12? Oops.
(Wednesday 23 March 2016; 1:29)
Re: Brussels (60,722) (60,723) by Lee TS from USA
I hope they cancel.
(Tuesday 22 March 2016; 10:34)
More Page Six drama (60,682) by Lee TS from USA
I hope this isn't true, this is crazy. It sounds almost scary and threatening. Oh dear. The only person recognizable from her entourage nowadays is Kristofer. If he leaves too, oh no. Ok a bit dramatic.
(Monday 21 March 2016; 5:24)
Re: Magazine photo (60,580) (60,589) by Lee TS from USA
You only like the photo because it reminds you of DFAU. I can't with the shoes, for some reason when she wears prints it reminds me of old lady chic. And they did something to her nose, it looks weird.
(Saturday 19 March 2016; 5:15)
Re: New album title (60,579) (60,588) by Lee TS from USA
One world titles, hmmm, I'm gonna go with "Sunlight" lol.
(Saturday 19 March 2016; 4:39)
Concert question (60,571) by Lee TS from USA
Is there no big screen to watch Mariah on? If so, I feel bad for the lambs in the "I see you up there" sections. Diva's not ready for her close up lol.
(Friday 18 March 2016; 23:57)
Mariah's World on Nightline (60,546) by Lee TS from USA
Very exciting. I hope she gives a good show. The docu-series has to coincide with a new album release or else why bother?
(Friday 18 March 2016; 9:44)


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