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About Will from England: You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife

Randy (37,872) by Will from England
Not really sure I'd agree with that "I want MC to come out with a song that everyone, not just lambs, support". The general public seem to be responding to the song. Let's take the UK for instance. The song has been doing very well on the iTunes Chart which for Mariah, unless it's a Christmas song, is unusual. Especially when it's been very consistent and remaining in the 20s on that chart without nearly any promotion. Now I have to believe that it's not just the lambs who are supporting that song alone, since when it is, it drops down the charts very quickly and doesn't hang around for very long. The song debuted at 24 on Billboard, and that at least tells me that it's got a strong sales, along with the radio play naturally, especially when it's still high on the iTunes US charts. Non-lambs I think are responding to the song. This doesn't feel like Obsessed or anything like that this time. People are noticing the song.
(Thursday 16 May 2013; 1:03)
Edward (37,870) by Will from England
I think that article is just a lot of hot air. So one channel hasn't played the song on the day that article was published. And? Looking at the numbers, I'd say that the song is doing ok a week after the mass radio deal, without that one radio station. The article says "several believe that Billboard is being dishonest in charting the song based on those pay-per-play deals", and I'd like to know exactly how many people counts as "several". This article is just using Mariah to make their point, when they could have used any other artist who have made these deals. Had #Beautiful not been a big a hit as it was, I highly doubt that article would have been written, or if it had, as I mentioned above, another name would have been used. I'm afraid I can't speak on the single prices. You were also spot on about the Elton John reference and Mariah trying to remain as current as possible.
(Thursday 16 May 2013; 0:43)
Number 24 (37,865) by Will from England
Yay, for a good debut on Billboard. It's a good starting point for the song, despite limited promo and going only off by radio play (congrats for the #1 on that chart) and sales alone. She, hopefully, will be performing the song on Idol, plus GMA next week, it should go up in the charts. Less songs to jump over to #1. I never expected a number 1 debut.
(Wednesday 15 May 2013; 20:59)
"Killer surprise duet" (37,837) by Will from England
This is what Ryan said on American Idol, in reference to Adam Lambert appearing next week. Could he be Mariah's duet partner for #Beautiful?
(Sunday 12 May 2013; 14:12)
The lack of a storyline (37,797) by Will from England
Personally, that didn't bother me at all. And in all fairness, the same argument could be applied to say VOL, Emotions, TGIFY, OSD or Fantasy or indeed IBLYLT. Not all of the videos will have a deep storyline/concept. Some will just be Mariah, having fun in a field and a barn filled with crystal chandeliers. That's my two cents anyway.
(Friday 10 May 2013; 18:57)
The video (37,785) by Will from England
I liked the simplicity of the video. It fits really well with what the song is about and yeah, I kinda expected Mariah to be herself in the video and why not? Her body rocks, she's going to show it off and be proud of it. She's lost a lot of weight since the Australian shows and now she's ready to do what she does best. I love it.
(Friday 10 May 2013; 15:44)
#Beautiful (37,731) by Will from England
At first, I couldn't get my head round the beat. But now, I'm obsessed with this song. I thought it was a nice balance between the two: 1 verse each and the chorus. People who say that it was too short, it's actually the same length as WBT (give or take a second), although it doesn't have the belting at the end. The only reason why it seems short is because Miguel is on the track, and to be honest, I love his part on the song. This song was made to be a duet, not a solo song. And it works beautifully. It's just an easy song to listen to, despite it having a very simple concept lyrically, and the melody just raises it to another level and is so catchy. It ends where it needs to end, and leaves you just wanting to hit the replay button. And considering how well it is doing on the iTunes charts, plus the positive critical reviews, it seems to be a very good step in the right direction.
(Monday 6 May 2013; 23:52)
jaker20 (37,693) by Will from England
Do you have any idea how that could backfire spectacularly for Mariah if she was fired? People would not take her seriously anymore. It would give bloggers more cannon fodder to blast her with more negative press and degrade her image and reputation. Mariah does not need that, especially with a new album on the way, and I'm suspecting why she reacted with lawyers when the rumours about JLo began to circulate. Along with that, Nicki would have a field day with that (if her twitter is anything to go by). Ok, maybe she is above Idol, but the show has done one good thing and that is put her back in the public's eye, and increasing interest in her again. The feud with Nicki, whether it be real or fake, has changed the public's opinion of her that maybe she isn't this horrible diva who cares only about herself. On more articles about the feud, I've noticed that people are siding with Mariah, whether they like her or not. The press has begun to turn against Nicki which is working to Mariah's favour. So you can say what you want about the show, it's helped to get Mariah back the publicity she needs. And as for the "real music", why don't we wait for tomorrow to see what Mariah has been working on?
(Sunday 5 May 2013; 12:31)
Is it really? (37,676) by Will from England
Is it really called '#Beautiful'? I thought that was just for the twitter trend. Hmm. Ok. I was not expecting that to actually stick and be the title of the song. As long as they lyrics don't go "cause you're hashtag beautiful" then I'm cool with it. And the single art? I'll be honest, I thought that was just for the promo, to get the excitement up to another level. Well it wouldn't be the first time she's used a video still for the single cover art (AC, UOMF, ABMB, WYB anyone?). Although arguably, the fan made for it (with just the silver butterfly on it) looked a bit better, but hey, that's Mariah.
(Friday 3 May 2013; 20:49)
Beautiful (37,620) by Will from England
Well, it's now official. In less than two weeks, we'll have ourselves a new Mariah song and I really cannot wait now for this. Lambs are going crazy on Twitter.
(Friday 26 April 2013; 1:53)
A duet is coming, whether you like it or not (37,619) by Will from England
And I'm so excited by it. I don't care if it's a duet or a feature or whatever: it's a new Mariah song, and that just makes me jump for joy at the thought of hearing new material, especially with the way her voice has sounded recently (if Almost Home was any indication vocally). Also, her appearance on GMA makes me very happy. When she was on for TEOM and E=MC2, she got her highest sales. Not so much with the Today Show (CB and MOAIA). So I've got every finger crossed in the hopes that this trend continues on (high sales that is). She in the public's eye, people are talking about her, she's got the exposure she needs, with the added bonus of being able to change some people's opinion of her. People have been reminded of why she is Mariah Carey, and I think she's got the ball in her court now. All she needs now is a great lead single that takes off, a strong album, vocally strong performances, proper promo and she should be good for this album.
(Thursday 25 April 2013; 23:09)
New song out soon? (37,591) by Will from England
Mariah tweeted that she's off to mix her new single. So in Mariah Time, I expect it to be officially announced in 2-3 months lol. But seriously, I'm very excited by this. Because that hopefully means that her album may or may not be released in May.
(Friday 19 April 2013; 12:01)
Video/cleavage shots (37,364) by Will from England
I love it. Especially the last part for several reasons; the first being that when she sings "when you hear the sound of the trumpets louder than ever before", it almost looks like as if she's about to be bowled over by the wind machine (either that or 10000 trumpets played at exactly the same time); the second being that they timed some of the shots from the film to go with the beat (hitting the forehead, winking and sneezing into the ground) so I thought that was a nice touch; and then the final part: when they make it seem as if all the characters are belting out the final "home" at the same time (lead by the Wicked Witch). So I think the video is clever in its own way, by making it seem like as if it really is part of the music video, and just not random pretty scenes that they threw in. As for the cleavage, I think Mariah's been pretty conservative in her choices. Come to think of it, I think this is only time throughout AI where she has on purposely shown them or that they have been the centre piece. Other times they've been hidden away quite nicely. At least it's not the Golden Globes dress.
(Saturday 9 March 2013; 22:55)
Soundtrack album (37,362) by Will from England
It's not that strange. Adele's "Skyfall" isn't included on the official soundtrack album and was just the single version and look how successful it was without it being on there. I've also taken a look at the soundtrack and it's just the instrumentals, which is exactly what I thought it would be. Would I be right in saying that the way a soundtrack album is handled is different to a regular studio album? Unless the movie is a musical, in which case it is not, then only the instrumentals would be on the album, but no vocally sung songs. The same went for Skyfall's soundtrack album. They're mainly made up of the background music. Therefore, the main soundtrack song would be released separately from the album, since no other songs are going to be released from the main album. Mariah has only done one main soundtrack song (As far as I'm aware. I'm excluding "Where Are You Christmas?" and "Glitter". "WAYC?" because she did not sing it and 'Glitter because in essence, it was a musical movi,e so it was inevitable that there would be vocals on the album.) in her career, so we've never had this before.
(Saturday 9 March 2013; 22:35)
Almost Home released too soon? / management (37,296) by Will from England
Did anyone else hear Mariah on Ryan's radio show? It sounded almost as if she wasn't expecting Almost Home to be released this soon. She said something like "the next thing I knew it was being leaked and the video hasn't been finished being edited". She also mentioned that Randy hasn't heard what she's done so far, which makes me question how really involved he's been with the record. Hm. I'm not going to even give that apathetic comment more attention than it's worth.
(Saturday 23 February 2013; 18:13)
jaker20 (37,264) by Will from England
Jeez, the single isn't even out two days and you're already calling it a flop? Wow, you're the abasador of positivity, aren't you? All the reviews that I've read indicate that a lot if people live the song, along with the general public opinion loving the song. Lets wait for he promotion wheel start along with the video be release before calling it a flop.
(Thursday 21 February 2013; 14:07)
Almost Home (37,240) by Will from England
Yes! Yes! Yes! I love it. The vocals are beyond on point. She's found a new confidence in her voice and mid-range. And I think Tony Bennett has something to do with it. Do you remember when she was recording WDTBRFM, she wasn't sure if she could belt at the end, but was surprised she could. And since then, she's just belted out songs like she's not done for a very long time. I've listened several times and still can't think of a song it sounds like and I really like that. Means that she's leaving the rut she was in as well as leaving her "creative safe place". Working with Stargate has just reinforced this fact. 10/10
(Tuesday 19 February 2013; 11:06)
Matthew from USA / vocal layering / belting at the end (37,215) by Will from England
Not really. I think it's just because she's using a high part of her voice (something like HATEU) and just stacked it with multiple layers. She's not belting those words. As for the belting itself, as I started off with, I can't really hear any screeching at all, I think it's just your headphones lol. I like the vocal layering personally, I think it adds some depth to the sound. Since she usually belts out at the end of a song, she doesn't really say the words clearly, as she's just elongating words and adding extra vocals for the climax. If she were to release the ending to say ABMB (assuming that we'd never heard it before), I'd say that most people would have trouble understanding what she's belting out at the end, since it's very much out of context. Once the full song has been released, I'm sure people will understand.
(Sunday 17 February 2013; 11:31)
Almost Home snippet (37,204) by Will from England
I've been slayed. That's all you need to say about it.
(Saturday 16 February 2013; 22:10)
Mariah's nose (37,197) by Will from England
Ok, look, you all know I love Mariah. But what is up with her nose in that picture (where she is on the set of "Almost Home"), is that just bad lighting or what? It looks like Janet Jackson's nose has been placed on that photo. Compare it to the banner one, it's just become thinner, pointed and smaller. Is it just me?
(Friday 15 February 2013; 23:02)
George Golden / Almost Home (37,169) by Will from England
Ask and you shall receive lol. I'm very excited by this now. The 19th couldn't come any sooner. So with Disney, IDJ and Mariah's team working out the promotional tour, surely that could only mean good things, right?
(Wednesday 6 February 2013; 19:41)
Hope Street (37,114) by Will from England
What an interesting title, if it is a confirmed song title. In terms of song names, as far as I'm concerned, it's up there with The Roof and Petals, as in song titles that make you wonder what on earth they could be about. Very excited by this news.
(Monday 21 January 2013; 15:49)
PJW and Paul (37,097) by Will from England
Think about the majority of photoshoots she has done for magazines, album covers, single covers, TV interviews etc. One thing they have in common? They all feature her right side (the only exception being the cover of Emotions). Even the candid shots on the dem babies website feature nothing else. I think it's the culmination of having someone say "your left side doesn't look right" (or something to that effect), and then having all your photos done on the right, may have just enforced that. Even some of her hair styles are done so her right side is shown. Can anyone think of any time when she was willingly videoed/photographed from the left? Red carpet moments don't count.
(Wednesday 16 January 2013; 21:44)
Bill/AI songs (36,976) by Will from England
Yeah, I had one of those moments a while ago. I was listening to UTS on my ear phones, and after she does the "sho do doom do do", and there are those high whistle notes in the background? I never realised that they actually continue on for quite a while after that. Never heard them before. I'm always hearing these small vocal moments in her songs, that weren't obvious to me on first listening. Like Languishing, someone here mentioned those extra lines she barely whispers in the background and I had never heard them and just brought the song to a whole new level. I'm loving the songs that she has cleared for AI, would love to some of them sing Prisoner or AIYM. She's included some gems really.
(Monday 17 December 2012; 11:44)
Number 19 (36,944) by Will from England
After seeing it rise up the charts (Hot 100), I'm more inclined to believe that AIWFCIY could be her 19th #1. That song has everything going for it: radio play, sales and video play. There is no reason why it wouldn't go to number 1 at all. And the great thing about it? There's always next year to try again to get it to the top spot, now that the rules have changed.
(Thursday 13 December 2012; 20:34)


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