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About Will from England: You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife

Huffington Post (36,926) by Will from England
Huh, whether or not that "article" is true (I hope it isn't, because I really don't need that image in my head), that's really too much into detail. If it's fake, then the person who wrote it has some serious and spent way too much time thinking about this.

Webmaster: I can assure this article is not fake. If you go to the Huffington Post website, you can see a videoclip of this interview.
(Wednesday 12 December 2012; 9:47)
Leito (36,919) by Will from England
Yes, I think it does have the potential to get to #1 under the new rules. I think there is a Facebook campaign to get it to become her 19th #1, and considering the popularity it gets every year, I don't think it would be that hard to do.
(Saturday 8 December 2012; 1:15)
AIWFCIY at Jimmy Falon (36,897) by Will from England
What can I say? That was fantastic Mariah. I really loved this version (what is it, the 10th version she's done of the song?). People can cover the song as many times as they want, Mariah can still knock them out of the park whenever she sings it.
(Wednesday 5 December 2012; 10:09)
Mariah's "upper layer" (36,862) by Will from England
I'm sorry, I can't help but roll around with laughter as to how media outlets are writing/reporting about her assests. It's just too funny for words. The two articles for today left me in hysterics. It's clear that even the media aren't taking them too seriously and just having fun by finding ways to bring those two up at any point. On another note, is it just me or are they (somehow) bigger? People who say to Mariah to cover up: she'll decide when to cover up in her own time, because clearly no matter the weather, she'll have them there for everyone to talk about.
(Thursday 29 November 2012; 22:07)
Christmas tree lighting (36,842) by Will from England
After watching the videos posted on YouTube, I'm speechless. Whatever vocal problems/illness she had a while ago, are gone. She sounds great. Don't get me started on Christmas Time Is In The Air Again, that was a flawless performance and she didn't lip. She went for the big note, she hit the note, and she held it. Can't fault it in any way. Someone below mentioned her vocals at Morocco, well, they aren't here anymore.
(Wednesday 28 November 2012; 10:04)
Bob (36,746) by Will from England
Before I say anything, take another listen to the final few lines of "Petals" before you say that she just used him to climb the ladder. She did have some feelings for the man, as I said, regardless of what happened behind the scenes. We will never know what really happened, unless Mariah decides to write a book, but we can speculate it was bad enough from Mariah's point-of-view to still talk about it years later. I still stand by my original post saying that Mariah does owe Tommy and Sony for her career.
(Friday 16 November 2012; 0:29)
Geraldine (36,738) by Will from England
No, I don't think she would have made it with another company. Tommy ran the show during the 90s, Tommy was the one who invested in her, Tommy was the one who made sure her first album was a smash. So she does owe her success to Tommy and Sony, despite what went on behind the scenes and all that. If Mariah wanted to go down the thick RnB route that she really wanted, I doubt she would be the legend she is today, and known all over for her voice.
(Wednesday 14 November 2012; 23:00)
Licia (36,691) by Will from England
Exactly. And I hope it also shows lambs who were griping about JD a week ago, that even though it is with JD, it doesn't have the usual "y'all know who this is" and that he's capable of producing a good song which isn't a WBT part 100. It's like 100% all over again.
(Wednesday 7 November 2012; 16:49)
Bring It On Home (36,686) by Will from England
I love this song. Simple and lovely to listen to. Don't get me started on that note. Though, I do get the feeling that JD wasn't meant to leak it lol.
(Wednesday 7 November 2012; 12:25)
JD (36,647) by Will from England
I find it entertaining how the opinion of JD sways so very quickly. During MOAIA, the lambs were begging Mariah to get back with JD, and she did on the Christmas album. Now they're begging her not to work with him. Make up your minds already. I personally don't mind their songs together, I still think they're stand out tracks on whatever album she does.
(Thursday 1 November 2012; 22:56)
Mariah has been recycling (36,631) by Will from England
I like how she recycled some dresses for her mini concert in Macau. There's the gold number from Morocco, and the black dress from her recent American Idol promo picture. In fact, come to think of it, since Memoirs, she has been recycling dresses and re-using them for different looks. The Golden Globes dress for the AA tour anyone and Egypt show? The princess gown for her Formula 1 performance, which harks back to the Daydream tour? The whole black look with leather coat on the Today show, again a re-visit to the Daydream tour? I wonder why she's decided to do this now
(Tuesday 30 October 2012; 18:02)
More mature? (36,623) by Will from England
Her 18th #1 was "Touch My Body" which I love, but can hardly be called mature. Her next lead single was "Obsessed" which again I love, but it brought her back to primary school. "Oh Santa" took her back to high school with the cheer leading. And she released "Triumphant", which compared to her previous lead singles, is probably the most mature sounding lead single she has released post TEOM. Unlike the other lead singles, this one has meaning, has heart and has the ability to reach and touch someone, and maybe change that person's life. Mariah is not stupid, she hasn't survived 22 chart-topping years in the business by being stupid, so I say that before we lose hope (I really can't see what justification people have to lose any hope) for the new album, wait for it to be released before we judge it.
(Monday 29 October 2012; 9:30)
Massage (36,602) by Will from England
Wow, they really thought that story through, didn't they? 8-hour massage, I mean c'mon gossipers, think it through a bit before printing it.
(Thursday 25 October 2012; 10:24)
Instead of Greatest Hits (36,578) by Will from England
Why not create our own version of the "The Very Best Of" list, for the 2000s. Mine would be:
1) I Only Wanted
2) Never Too Far
3) Boy (I Need You)
4) Say Somethin'
5) Angels Cry
6) Sunflowers for Alfred Roy
7) Circles
8) Side Effects
9) Standing O
10) Triumphant (Vintage Throwback Mix)
11) Lead The Way
12) H.A.T.E.U
13) There Goes My Heart
14) I'm That Chick
15) Migrate
16) Reflections
17) I Wish You Well
I tried to use songs that non-fans would not know, rather than go with the usual suspects.
(Sunday 21 October 2012; 23:53)
The Beatles (36,549) by Will from England
Mariah did not start out her career by saying "I'm going to top Elvis and The Beatles." The fact that she got her 18 #1s was purely based upon her popularity at the time and her voice. It had nothing to do with chasing down artists that got more #1s than her. The fact that TMB went to #1, I think was a) yes, it was a catchy song and b) people were excited for E=MC2, especially after TEOM, therefore more people would have been inclined to buy it. Mariah is not chasing The Beatles, nor will she ever try to. That has never been, nor will it ever be, the main driving force behind her albums (and if you disagree, I challenge you to find me evidence to show that she's after their record, then I may change my tune). The only way she will ever top their record is if we support the singles that she releases, regardless of how we feel about it. This is no longer the 90s, so she won't be getting #1s as if there were no tomorrow, nor will she get them if she continues to sound like the 90s (unless of course the songs bring a sound that is refreshing to what is being played). We also have to remember that this industry is anti-ageing, so Mariah will be finding it harder for radio stations to play the songs. If we like it, support it, request it, along with good promo from the company as well as good videos etc., then there is a better chance for her to come closer to their record. Doing shows like Idol is good publicity for her, it reminds the public who she is and what she's achieved.
(Friday 19 October 2012; 20:32)
New album (36,548) by Will from England
To be perfectly honest, I think I'll wait and see what Mariah and Terius come up with. Be thankful that he isn't producing the whole album. And besides, the song may not even make it onto the album, so don't get all freaked out about it. And to be fair, we have no idea how many songs Mariah has actually finished, or got in the works, or who else she has worked with, apart from the people she has had tweet pics with. We know that there is a ballad finished which B Scott was raving about, so hopefully we'll be hearing that along with some point. This album isn't even finished, yet people are already not liking it simply because of Triumphant (which I still love) and who she is working with. Well, that has successful sales all over it. If we want the album to be a stellar seller, then people's attitudes over whom Mariah works with have to change slightly, and approach it with an open mind. Yes, she may be running a road that she's run down before, but I think the record speaks for itself, as to how well she knows that road and what works. She isn't an idiot and may have learned from the flaws in Memoirs. Also, we know that this album will be an R&B album (if the latest column is to be believed, along with the fact that she herself has mentioned this), so as far as I'm concerned, there's no point in pleading for a different sound, when her mind is already made up, and was made up long before all of this. Let's wait for the whole album to be released before we hate it.
(Friday 19 October 2012; 20:20)
Desiree (36,522) by Will from England
Dahling, your message didn't get onto the messageboard by your computer simply shutting down. Unless of course it can click "submit" and "I agree to the doodaa" as well as check and re-submit, whilst shutting down then that's quite a feat for your computer to do! Your message even starts with "My Top 12", how can anyone interpret that in any other way?
(Monday 15 October 2012; 11:22)
Congrats (36,489) by Will from England
Congratulations to Mariah for getting her 16th #1 on the Dance charts with Triumphant. See, it may not be breaking records on the Hot 100, but it's still adding to her collection of many #1s now.
(Friday 12 October 2012; 18:38)
Desiree from USA (36,465) by Will from England
Really? I've never viewed Whitney as the person who helped Mariah get to where she is. How has she? Her first album came out in 1985, only 5 years before Mariah came onto the scene. So it's not like she was such a huge influence in Mariah's early life, for her to follow her kind of music. If there wasn't a Whitney, and thank God there was, then I think there would still be a Mariah Carey.
(Tuesday 9 October 2012; 22:28)
Edward/publicity stunt? No (36,425) by Will from England
I think she only says it because she wants to emphasize the point that she does not consider herself a singer first, as she has always done. She categorizes her song writing and producer above that. Singing is what she's known for, but she wants to highlight that she's more than just a singer, especially with a show like American Idol, showing that she's bringing more things to the table rather than just saying "I stand there and sing Hero." Especially with Nicki on the table, who does write and produce her own stuff, Mariah doesn't want to feel as if Nicki is better than she is (which of course, we all know isn't true) and has more to bring to the show. To me, it's a warped version of "anything you can do, I've been doing for longer and can do it better". And this isn't a publicity stunt. Why? Let me explain. Why would anyone, in any job, agree to publicly humiliate and degrade themselves, just to get better ratings for a show? No one, no matter how much you're getting paid. It makes no sense at all for this to be a stunt. Remember in 2010 when Bruno dropped down butt naked onto Eminem at some award show? That's a stunt. This isn't. Nicki still has an marketing image to keep for her to remain viable in the industry and something like this (as it has done) has destroyed the barbie doll image and shown her for who she is behind the cameras: a disrespecting brat. If this was a stunt, then Nicki was an idiot to agree to it and deserves all the backlash she gets.
(Friday 5 October 2012; 14:03)
The feud is good for Mariah? (36,414) by Will from England
I think this could have a positive spin on it from Mariah's point of view. Reading some of the articles (many of them), it would seem that the general public is on Mariah's side. People who are not fans of her type of music are speaking out and supporting Mariah. Because, for once, there is an actual video of the incident in question, and not something generated by the rumor mills, which could easily be fabricated and twisted to make Mariah look bad. In this case, we have a clear idea of what is going on behind the cameras. True, it isn't the whole picture, but none the less, it's an idea. People are, once again, being reminded of what Mariah stands for as an artist, along with her talent and longevity, compared to Nicki. Whatever you say about Mariah being on Idol, in the long run, especially with an album on the way, this could play to her advantage in a massive way. She's getting the recognition she deserves.
(Thursday 4 October 2012; 9:06)
Dem babies dancing to new MC music? (36,361) by Will from England
Very cute! But on another note, is that new Mariah music that they're dancing to? The voice sounds very Mariah, plus, it would make sense since the music was muffled/covered over.
(Monday 24 September 2012; 16:05)
Anytime You Need A Friend sung (36,316) by Will from England
Finally, a song that hasn't been sung since the dawn of time! And it really shows off Mariah's writing skills. Hero and WBT were slightly predictable (congrats to Joe for making it seem like an easy song to sing!) to be featured, but I was delighted to see that this song was chosen to be sung. Hope it inspires Mariah to sing it again.
(Sunday 9 September 2012; 20:29)
Dani (36,315) by Will from England
Unless there is any official announcement from Mariah or Mariah's team, I would treat all new music info with some caution. With MOAIA, someone posted a supposed track list on wikipedia and of course, it was false. Let's wait and see.
(Sunday 9 September 2012; 11:20)
Congrats (36,288) by Will from England
Congrats to the UK lambs for getting Triumphant to number one on the Urban chart. Not as much as complete flop then.
(Thursday 6 September 2012; 22:25)


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