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About Will from England: You can follow me on twitter: @MCsavedmylife

Oh please, people (36,280) by Will from England
Ok, so Mariah had a bad vocal moment. What's new about that? She had rehearsed in the rain, and got a cold from that. Did she cancel? No. Did she lip the whole thing? No. Did she try and put on the best show that she could? Yes. I think she did the right thing and waited till Rick Ross' verse had somewhat finished before making a grand entrance, otherwise she would have just been standing there, doing nothing and really looking like a featured artist then. She made sure that she was the center of attention by only having herself on the middle stage, and left the other two out of the way. Look, her voice hasn't gone. True, it isn't what it used to be, but again, what's new about that? She did fantastic live versions of IWTKWLI, her Christmas album showed off her belting range, something that she thought she couldn't do (as she said during an interview about WDTBRFM?) and are people already forgetting the first mini concert that she did, only a couple of months ago? Yes, it's less reliable than it once was, but give her a break. Like H.A.T.E.U, Triumphant is a difficult song to sing like, because of all the changes she has to do (from belting to whisper), but hopefully she's learnt and will adapt, like she has done with her other songs. If she has to lip certain parts, then it would be because there is no other way to do it. Mariah herself said during TAOM tour, that her songs are difficult to sing. Let's cut her a break here, shall we?
(Thursday 6 September 2012; 16:54)
Be nice or leave sign (36,186) by Will from England
Wasn't there a photo of Mariah holding that sign up? I think it needs to be re-instated, since it's clear some fans have forgotten this. I find it sad how some fans feel the need to think that their argument is the only right one, and no one else is right, or word what they're saying in such a way, that it's easily misinterpreted by those who are reading, then feel attacked when they're called out on it. MDJ tried to have the comments section for a while, but that ended because the fans just couldn't be nice to each other (that's my understanding of why it stopped, do correct me if I'm wrong). I'd hate to see that happen here (true, it's been here over a longer period of time, but still). Eric has created a wonderful, respected site where fans from everywhere can come and discuss all things Mariah, not to argue and insult each other. So please, don't drag this out and cause any more embarrassment than there already is (not directed at anyone in particular). Be nice, or leave.
(Tuesday 28 August 2012; 18:50)
Message board/Triumphant/music video (36,099) by Will from England
Firsf of all, love the new layout! Nice to see faces with names now (will get a picture up ASAP). Had some time to think about the song over the past couple of weeks and (someone mentioned it below I think) I think she released it, just because she wanted people to hear it, not to get a hit with it. Her history shows that all the songs that mean something to her (ie very close, personal lyrics) don't do well on the charts. They never have. Triumphant is a song that she more or less dedicated to Nick when he was ill and further dedicated the video to him (since he boxes). If you guys remember her GMA interview, she hinted that she was planning to release something special. Whether this song was what she was talking about I don't know, but I think she wanted to release it for some special reason. There is no logic in releasing a song, when the album is half a year away. Which makes me think that she isn't looking for a hit, she's looking to hep inspire someone who may be feeling down in the dumps. So ease off the song and see what it's really about.
(Friday 24 August 2012; 1:15)
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