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About Lila from United States: I love Mariah
I love to travel, dance, and eat.

Happy New Year (80,178) by Lila from United States
Happy New Year to everyone. I hope everyone accomplishes their goals and fulfills their desires. And I think M did well performing.
(Monday 1 January 2018; 06:25)
Re: Setlist (80,122) (80,136) by Lila from United States
Now, all I can envision are emotional drunks sliding down walls to sit on the floor, while blubbering and drunk dialing friends to thank them for XYZ deed(s). The friends don't know what the hell is going on, of course.
(Saturday 30 December 2017; 03:05)
Happy Christmas (80,078) by Lila from United States
To you and yours, every single one of you.
(Monday 25 December 2017; 14:05)
Re: Bodyguard beating a fan (79,985) (80,000) by Lila from United States
That sounds awful. Hopefully you reported them or if it ever happens again you do. If it's so serious and important for XYZ artist to be set a part from the public, a reasonable way should be found to do so, that doesn't include harassing innocent people. I've passed concert venues before and seen tour buses parked outside them; however, the buses will be set away from where the public normally enters and exits, surrounded by a couple of layers of barrier gates and with paths leading into the venue. That's a viable option. I can understand that so many people gathered together can get out hand, even if they don't mean to, but there should be proactive steps taken to prevent that, not reactive.
(Friday 22 December 2017; 13:44)
Re: London show article (79,819) (79,823) by Lila from United States
Unless they said it in a joking manner, they're just making stuff up. M and Mary have never had rivalry or beef. In fact, I can't recall Mary having either with anyone. She's always so nice. I love her.
(Tuesday 12 December 2017; 16:27)
Re: Beacon Theater, December 4 (79,660) (79,667) by Lila from United States
It's so great to read you saying this. It's definitely great to see a turn around in her behavior and demeanor. I hope she keeps it up. Life's too short for a bunch of nonsense.
(Tuesday 5 December 2017; 17:50)
Re: Beacon / first show (79,622) (79,635) by Lila from United States
She did look good and I agree if it's working for her then I'm happy for her. I've noticed that many yo-yo dieters, at the end of their rope, tend to go for weight loss surgery as a final resort. Weight loss is mentally challenging for anyone but I also think there's a portion of people where it's extra hard and they need the extra help. Watching all of these weight loss surgeries over the years it always seems like there's a lot of emotion and psychology underlying it all.
(Monday 4 December 2017; 14:58)
Re: Lila have you been living under a rock? (79,626) (79,633) by Lila from United States
Making a fool of yourself jumping to conclusions that have nothing to do with someone's post is called receipts these days? I didn't know. Thanks for the notice. Not surprised to see the age old bitter reference. Always an easy go to. Nice to see it's still alive and kicking.
(Monday 4 December 2017; 14:11)
Re: Lila have you been living under a rock? (79,623) (79,630) by Lila from United States
Nowhere in my post did I say that Mariah doesn't work. It can't even be implied or inferred. That's something you 100% made up in your mind. I know exactly what Mariah did last year professionally and that still doesn't refute the fact that she also spent 2016 doing a lot of vacationing (not that my post was knocking her for that, anyway) or that every year she goes on vacation and if she were so in a hurry to see the world would dedicate some of those trips to it regardless of their so-called people oriented occupation. Mariah as a private person is a laugh as of three years ago. If she were seeing the world privately it would make zero sense for her to say that she hasn't seen the world due to work. A man or woman saying that they haven't seen the world due to work obligations is not a run of the mill quote or blurb.
(Monday 4 December 2017; 05:42)
Re: Why do some lambs talk about a comeback? (79,609) (79,615) by Lila from United States
Personally, I don't think it's sad at all because Mariah not seeing the world due to work is untruthful of her to say, at this point. Mariah has gone on vacation every year for years now. On average it's 2-3 times (that we usually know of, anyway): Aspen gets one slot, the other 1-2 are dedicated to an island. Last year, every time we blinked, she was off to vacation on Packer's yacht or stay at one of his stupid hotel casinos. If she ever used these opportunities to go somewhere other than the expensive side of an island or seaside city, she could've seen more of the world, uninterrupted, by now. I don't think she's that pressed to. I do agree that it would be nice for her to take some time to just be a mom and I always find it disconcerting that she references the twins as being her best friends. Downtime could be good for her if she used the time to improve herself. She could just be mom, get some hobbies, make some adult friends, etc. However, I don't think she wants to. Otherwise, she would've done so by now. I think Mariah acknowledges things about herself and her life but it doesn't mean she actually wants to or is ready to change it. A little while ago she admitted publicly to low self esteem during an interview, not that most didn't already know. Yet, something tells me she hasn't done anything to actually rectify it. That I find sad.
(Sunday 3 December 2017; 08:16)
Re: An upper respiratory infection (79,565) (79,570) by Lila from United States
I don't either but my explore page updates with a lot of Mariah related posts that other fans have put on their accounts and that unfortunately involves seeing his palpably thirsty, wannabe face sometimes.
(Monday 27 November 2017; 03:30)
Re: An upper respiratory infection (79,562) (79,563) by Lila from United States
The one Mariah posted is from 2012. The other pic the poster is referring to is the one For Hire posted of himself and Mariah on his own account from last year’s Thanksgiving, where he’s as usual looking like a fan that caught her while she was out and about. Glad Mariah chose a nice throwback and in my opinion she looked great that year.
(Sunday 26 November 2017; 14:15)
Re: Roc Nation (79,492) (79,515) by Lila from United States
My stance at this point is that I'm not counting the eggs before they've hatched.
(Wednesday 22 November 2017; 15:40)
Re: Canceled shows (79,452) (79,457) by Lila from United States
Maybe. I haven't yet ruled out her having had that surgery. So, if that's the case I hope it's nothing too bad. That surgery's side effects can be a doozy for some people. Or maybe she's just not up to promoting due to the mental space she's in right now. She did look sad in that recent interview.
(Thursday 16 November 2017; 12:50)
Re: Canceled shows (79,449) (79,450) by Lila from United States
Whatever’s wrong, I just hope she gets better.
(Thursday 16 November 2017; 00:51)
Re: Eye rolls, eye rolls everywhere (79,405) (79,411) by Lila from United States
The only typical nonsense and irrelevant posts is that which you constantly leak out. I didn't skirt around your point. I acknowledged your point for exactly what it is: a whiny and entitled piece of crap. Mariah interacts with white people all the damn time. She employees them, she's friends with them, she dates them, she marries them, she sleeps with them. That's a hell of a lot of involvement with white people for her to think they're inferior. Yet because she doesn't perform with any white people, she's racist? That is the most stupid thing to even think let alone share with others. What's rich is that the majority of white entertainers will never go on to perform with a person or persons of color in their entire lives but they will never be thought of as racist for this. You are right about my thinking your post has merit, though. [censored] You can take your faux victimization and shove it. Bye [censored].
(Monday 13 November 2017; 00:59)
Eye rolls, eye rolls everywhere (79,403) by Lila from United States
Mariah's team of employees throughout her entire career have always been majority white. Up until Nick, the men she's dated have been white or white adjacent. The only unambiguous person of color she's dated is Nick. Off stage, where Mariah spends the majority of her time, she's surrounded by majority white people most of the time as her Black friends have their own lives and can't stick around 24/7. You'd think that would be enough for her whiny white fans but their own racism won't allow for her to be around any Black people or people of color, for any reason without feeling slighted.
(Sunday 12 November 2017; 02:23)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey's boy toy is running - and ruining - her life (79,374) (79,383) by Lila from United States
I think that's because most don't believe it.
(Saturday 11 November 2017; 01:16)
Re: TMZ (79,375) (79,382) by Lila from United States
I've read your posts before, I know where you stand, and I've agreed with them all. Ultimately, it is just a waiting game. As for the twins, I'd hope that Mariah's taken them back to NYC for a while. Nick is in NYC and he's moved the taping of WNO back to NYC for this season. Do some family stuff or something, chill out. But who knows.
(Saturday 11 November 2017; 01:14)
Re: TMZ (79,337) (79,343) by Lila from United States
Yes, he's trying to embarrass her. I also think he's trying to extort money. That still doesn't inherently mean that Mariah's actions wouldn't be construed as sexual assault by a judge or anyone else just because his motives for coming forward aren't pure. These two things are not mutually exclusive. Maybe it's just me but I felt that this draft was about reading between the lines. This isn't Mariah was just dressed inappropriately. This is Mariah forced her employee to view her naked body by wearing a see-through and open negligee - emphasis on see through and open - although, he had no desire to hence his offer to come back later, which she turned down, forcing the employee into an uncomfortable situation. While that's not on the level of raping someone, it could still be viewed as a violation and who knows how many other uncomfortable situations this guy is going to come with, even if he is exaggerating. A judge could say no she did not sexually harass you but I can't be too quick to throw out the opposite outcome occurring either as you just never know. I do agree that Mariah will survive this.
(Friday 10 November 2017; 02:26)
Re: TMZ (79,302) (79,320) by Lila from United States
I didn't even think of that but you are so right. Many people will definitely believe this and this is just more sh.t to pile on her already piss poor public image. Then to make it worse this is coming on the heels of not only Harvey Weinstein but her lil' friend Brett Ratner. Horrible timing. However, I also think this nonsense is the chickens partially (who knows why else they're about to throw out) coming home to roost on Mariah's lack of boundaries between the professional and personal. Case in point, her wearing lingerie in mixed company. Whether this guy is lying or not or exaggerating the truth, we all know that Mariah likes to walk around in lingerie, it doesn't always matter who is around. He's definitely basing his accusations in reality, which is a point in his favor. This could be construed as sexual harassment by a judge. Sexual harrassment is a huge grey area. What one person defines as sexual harassment another might not consider to be so. What one party might be thinking is innocent on their part, another could think to be lewd and uncomfortable. That's why you have to be so careful what you say and do. Mariah can say that she's innocent but it'll be her word against his. If a judge ruled in his favor (should it make it that far and even if she's innocent) it'll look bad. If she settles out of court, the court of public opinion could still very well deem her guilty. It could very well be a lose-lose.
(Thursday 9 November 2017; 00:09)
Re: TMZ (79,290) (79,296) by Lila from United States
I wouldn't be shocked or surprised of any scenario any of these people would come up with when Mariah lets them go. She loves to open herself up to vulnerability and attack. Inviting these unqualified for the job people into her life has done nothing but create an environment of entitlement. When entitled people are told that the gravy train has ended, it always goes horribly. They will always resort to making you look like the bad guy anyway they can.
(Wednesday 8 November 2017; 14:22)
Re: Stella / robbery (79,286) (79,295) by Lila from United States
I was thinking along those same lines. My thought was that we don't know these people's family dynamic. Their throwing shade could really just be about trying to secure their spot in the pack versus either of them truly caring about any wrong Stella did. I wouldn't put it past them.
(Wednesday 8 November 2017; 14:03)
Re: I wouldn't hold my breath (79,254) (79,266) by Lila from United States
I don't think they've forgotten. I think they're being obtuse on purpose. After being in this fanbase for so long, you learn that that's the way it goes. Everything is anyone else's fault but Mariah's but for that to be so they make any and every excuse for anything Mariah does wrong. Then, when the opportunity arises to attack someone that's not Mariah, they pounce. They will lay in wait. The people in Mariah's life who some fans claimed to have liked will turn on them even without any evidence that the person wronged Mariah in any way. I'm sure there are fans who claimed to like Stella and was singing her praises who shall now go onto act like she's gum under their shoes.
(Tuesday 7 November 2017; 12:16)
Re: Article: Now what for music's ditsy-est diva? (79,239) (79,243) by Lila from United States
The never ending racism. Mariah hasn't done one thing in her life that shows her as wanting to be anything near to a "black gangster". Which, please explain because I'm quite ignorant on this front. How, exactly, is her having rappers on her soundtrack and loving rap/hip hop equal to Mariah wanting to be a "black gangster"? Also, how does rap/hip hop automatically make someone a "black gangster"? Mariah doesn't have to do anything to "try" to be black because she already is by way of her black daddy though that probably bothers you so you ignore it but a "black gangster"? Hmmm, I can't see how. Maybe you meant she needs to stop trying to be a white gangster and stop making friends with stupid wannabe white gangster women who encourage her to run with every stupid white gangster thought in her mind like publicly shaking down billionaires for millions of dollars that she was never entitled to. Now, there's a thought.
Oh, and you and anyone else can miss me with any round about posts about how your comments weren't racist when they are instead of admitting you want to make your racist comments you just can't handle being called out for it.
(Monday 6 November 2017; 12:46)


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