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About "MariahHater" from Hell:

Mariah, be healthy and well gracefully (101,754) by "MariahHater" from Hell
So sad to hear Celine to have SPS. Lambs are truly lucky to have Mariah be all over. She is now the only thriving survivor of the pack.
(Thursday 8 December 2022; 14:55)
Songs that will continue to be timeless (101,718) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Aside from many Mariah songs, what others do you consider as a classic? Webmaster, I know this is a Mariah board but just for appreciation for other artists to break the ice while waiting for Mariah's chart reign extension.

Mine is First Love by Hikaru Utada, A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton and Someday by Nina. Filipino lambs, me lookin at chu.
(Thursday 1 December 2022; 19:49)
QOC (101,717) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Everytime I see this header, I laugh out loud. Sounds like "cock". C'mon this didn't prosper and everybody is entitled on how they are gonna be a fan whether toxic or non toxic. At the end of the day, it's her success that drives us happy. Here's to another week at Numbah 1 for our eternal Christmas Song of All Time.
(Thursday 1 December 2022; 19:42)
this is a reply to message 101,714
QOC (101,655) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Making Christmas as a money hog. I get but please review thy morals. Everybody needs money but not to the extent of monetizing the season. Is AIWFCIY not enough earning for her? It's so sad that she keeps on running her mouth that she embodies the true spirit of Christmas but I guess it's a different spirit after all.
(Monday 21 November 2022; 07:52)
this is a reply to message 101,651
Mega broken records (101,635) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Funny how times have changed from very strict rules to a stream dominated era. If Mariah's radio plays from before equated into streaming, hers must be 20x more than her current totals. Unfair as well for those who bought CDs and burned it to death for playing and wasting electricity. Billboard should really up their equivalents on physical records era.
(Monday 14 November 2022; 08:50)
Lil Durk (101,634) by "MariahHater" from Hell
If Mimi opts to have a new Christmas tune, she should already have teasers but I think it's more of the children book than new music. She bangs us with new tunes by 2023. Aside from The Rarities, she hasn't graced us yet with another album for almost 5 years (2018 - 2023).
(Monday 14 November 2022; 07:36)
this is a reply to message 101,629
In honor of "It's Time" (101,633) by "MariahHater" from Hell
You missed out "This Christmas" by Mr Donny.
(Monday 14 November 2022; 07:27)
this is a reply to message 101,632
Mimi makes it look good (101,631) by "MariahHater" from Hell
I would love to see her in jeans, Low cut body dresses and more in casual/street wear. She is one really good looking woman.
(Sunday 13 November 2022; 06:04)
Concert in Saudi Arabia (101,547) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Painful, isn't it? As if accepting the fact like a terminal illness.
(Wednesday 26 October 2022; 02:19)
this is a reply to message 101,545
Concert in Saudi Arabia (101,544) by "MariahHater" from Hell
She is clearly struggling. I'm moved to tears by her performance as she holds on to dear life. We don't know what is going on with her voice and what she ia doing to get a hold of whatever notes left in her chords. As if she pushes whatever ounce of power she have to give a performance. It reminds me of Whitney's live tour in Milano, 2010, where she was about to sing I Will Always Love You. People respected and admired her courage to sing even though she cannot anymore. Not to be critical, but compassionate. Honestly, I want to see hear her in full beast mode but yeah I guess we can only stick with the 00s and good ol albums to hear her pristine. Lastly, she seems to be masking the truth on her performing capabilities by her antics, sad truth but I really pity her. Imagine a runner having their legs cut off? That's her and the voice.
(Tuesday 25 October 2022; 17:38)
this is a reply to message 101,543
Re: Honey/Heartbreaker mashup (101,378) (101,382) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Honey and HB are on the same rein even as lead singles from their parent albums. Very Mariah formula.

Its Like That to Migrate
Cruise Control to Shake it Off
Petals to Outside

That is why Caution is highly rated as it sounded something she hasn't done before excluding Portrait ala Petals. Mariah is in newer form. FILAC, The Roof 2022 have creative depth.
(Saturday 1 October 2022; 18:18)
LA Reid executive producer on new album (101,329) by "MariahHater" from Hell
I read some news that LA is going to executive produce MC's new album. I'm not gonna expect much but just hoping for new music before she reaches 60 and chant her songs.

Also, I'm wishing for a toned down performance even once in my lifetime this era, non glammed. Just pure acoustic. Mariah in her dusters and the [piano].
(Monday 26 September 2022; 09:10)
Global Citizen - Welcome back MC (101,311) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Watched the reherasals and the live performance. You can really see the confidence she has. Key notes are her finger waves., if she does, she is live, if she is naughty or quirky on stage then its pre-recorded.
(Sunday 25 September 2022; 02:40)
Re: You and I (100,661) (100,663) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Add up, "With You I'm Born Again", Live 8 performance - part when Paul McCartney asked her to sing. Missed those times when she wasn't worried if she can hit the next note to sing.

Those 98s to 06s performances are raw, raspy but oozing with grace and confidence
(Wednesday 6 July 2022; 07:56)
Non crediting for BER (100,603) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Hmm. Based on Latto's latest tweet, I can infer that Mariah purposely did not let herself be credited but pushed the original on better heights. What a humble diva.
(Tuesday 28 June 2022; 06:21)
Runway on streaming (100,571) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Hey guys. Runway is now available on streaming worldwide. I loved how it sounded fresh and I mean one of the best tracks from Caution. I wish 8th Grade was sung during her E=MC2 vocals. It would be more magical.
(Saturday 25 June 2022; 01:00)
Re: AIWFCIY (100,387) (100,389) by "MariahHater" from Hell
He wants money. Period.
(Sunday 5 June 2022; 02:38)
Re: Why I want another #1 (100,330) (100,331) by "MariahHater" from Hell
I couldn't agree more. People love to shred a successful person to pieces. They give flowers to people who they "deemed" deserving. Impact wise. I don't know any long lasting song from Taylor Swift. She got her props because of my generation. Once you go swiftie you're cool.

Maybe lambs have special ears because they know how to discern genius. Lol. No shade to others but nobody does create music anymore like how she build her music. Even Somewhat Loved is a genius. Listen to it, be mindful and just don't mind the overproduction by Jimmy J and Terry L.
(Friday 27 May 2022; 10:33)
Re: Mariah Carey (100,324) (100,325) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Yeah but as a young lamb it is "moment" to witness in my lifetime the magic of having her to be so globally revered once again. Even once only, hear her new stuff on radio, people talk about "Have you heard of that new Mariah track, she is on fire." A kid can dream.
(Thursday 26 May 2022; 06:24)
Re: MC x Cardi B (100,322) (100,323) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Been seeing a lot of predictions from Nostra on Twitter. Is it the reason why Mariah is silent? I like her better like this than teasing with mediocre output. Based on observation, if she is tweeting studio pics, most of the time they are not her best but when she is very mum and has no social media presence, she is brewing a perfect storm. Rooting for this era. Another TEOM era please oh Lord.
(Tuesday 24 May 2022; 02:57)
Re: Big Energy (100,313) (100,314) by "MariahHater" from Hell
I can't really say as I haven't lived long enough to witness her real glory days. Last organic hit I knew was TMB then nothing more. Envious of lambs who got to live out her 90s era. I know it will never eclipse it at this time of her career but hopefully in my lifetime I can see, feel, hear her be back on top. Will it ever be crossed out of my bucket list? Only God and Mariah's perseverance knows.
(Saturday 21 May 2022; 04:29)
The Roof (When I Feel the Need) (100,310) by "MariahHater" from Hell
Mariah, if you are on this board. Move the glass please. We need the track on streaming or digital download.
(Wednesday 18 May 2022; 18:25)
Re: Big Energy (100,308) (100,309) by "MariahHater" from Hell
I hope they release the video. The song is still stable on streams other countries. Maybe they're waiting for it to die down then release for a further push.

But anyway, looking forward to an enjoyable new music from her aside from Christmas music. She is more than that.
(Wednesday 18 May 2022; 18:24)
Big Energy (100,306) by "MariahHater" from Hell
I think what Mariah has is her pride. She doesn't want her 20th no. 1 hit to be a feature as it looks like a desperate attempt to match or get ahead of The Beatles. Maybe she's preserving her "tainted legacy" that is why she doesn't jump into the wagon of BE.
(Wednesday 18 May 2022; 06:24)
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