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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

Re: Can't Say No snippet (57,950) (57,970) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Hey Tevin. Here you go lamb, just scroll down to November 22. It's a great site for Mariah media/audio, bookmark it and enjoy.
(Wednesday 25 November 2015; 10:13)
Re: A little response (57,947) (57,955) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Woah. Your response kinda threw me for a loop. I don't know what I was expecting but I'd never really considered that the language barrier would have made Mariah's music inaccessible to the working class in Mexico and more popular with the upper middle class. That's almost the polar opposite of what her brand is: positive, universal and accessible. Initially I was most shocked about her never having performed in concert in Mexico but that sorta made sense once I reread your post and got the real tea on how she hasn't connected with the masses over there. I guess her connection to Luis Miguel didn't translate to expanding her popularity in Mexico any more than it did for him in the Anglo-American market. I wonder why she wasn't ever properly promoted in Mexico when it's so close to America? Japan is a lot farther away both culturally, linguistically and geographically yet she is the biggest selling foreign act in Japanese recording history. Anyway, Gracias for the breakdown Lamb. Me gusta.
(Tuesday 24 November 2015; 15:27)
M's Secret Skin (57,952) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yay According to People Magazine's lates issue, Mariah's gonna gift us with her secret skin lotion and it's soon or she wouldn't be talking about it already. I'm so excited because I have such sensitive skin and she's bound to cater to my demographic. Come through MACQueen, Beauty Icon, Style Innovator and Emullient Entrepreneur. Are you guys so excited? These things make me really really happy.
(Tuesday 24 November 2015; 10:33)
Article: SoundTreks: Glitter (57,948) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Hack journalism at it's most vile. Ugh, there is always someone ready to come for Mariah to save their lesser irrelevant and fake faves. This whole write-up is just an excuse to plant negative stories, whitewash lies and perpetuate stereotypes that are as far away from the truth about Mariah as you can get. Jennifer Lopez' dirty hands in the forcible pilfering of the Firecracker sample from Loverboy and other shenanigans sabotaged Glitter. Everybody in the industry know what happened. Like why did his editor even approve of a review on a film/soundtrack 14 years late? You couldn't wait a few weeks for A Christmas Melody to analyse a musical film Mariah actually directed, starred and co produced? Benny Medina, is that you? So many rhetorical questions and yet so few unanswered
(Tuesday 24 November 2015; 1:03)
Re: MiMi's international promo game (57,923) (57,933) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Hey davifdf, what is the state of Mariah's impact on the Mexican market and media in your personal opinion? Do people know her only for dating Luis Miguel and does radio play only the Spanish versions of her songs from the 90's like Heroe, El Amor Que Soñé and Mi Todo? I only ask because I can't research it on account of not being a Spanish speaker. Also, you have a great grasp of the English language so I trust whatever you have to offer by way of observations and opinion is gonna be interesting at the very least and legible. The same goes for anyone of you lambs who have any knowledge or experience of being fans of Mariah's in a non-Anglo context. Let's see if there is something to be discovered that would be to Team Mariah's benefit.
(Monday 23 November 2015; 2:21)
Re: DJ Suss One in French interview on Mariah (57,916) (57,929) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Oops. I forgot to post the link to the DJ Suss1 interview. Well, I like to be as accurate and thorough as possible so here goes.
(Sunday 22 November 2015; 23:08)
Can't Say No (57,921) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I just hope she got to produce her vocals and write her topline and lyrics. This collaboration is super interesting as it will tell us in what direction her sound is evolving so the more involved in it she is, the better. MIAMTEC, Infinity, Why You Mad, Can't Say No. Maybe it'll even get a remix that ends up on the next album output. I'm assuming there's a video in the works because hello, have you seen her lately? *Rick Ross grunts*
(Sunday 22 November 2015; 12:58)
DJ Suss One in French interview on Mariah (57,916) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The interviewer was trying a little too hard to paint MC as capricious of all things diva but Suss shut it down like nothing. Here's the transcript:
Public.FR: I wanted to know, you collaborate with Mariah Carey. Rumor has it that she's really capricious ( da [censored], since when?). You know her personally so I wanted to know is she a "real diva" in real life or is she cool?
DJ Suss1: I mean, no. First of all, she's the cool, one of the coolest people you'll ever meet in the history of the human race.
Public.FR: Really?
DJ Suss1: Yeah. Of course she has her diva-ish ways, not meaning her personality though, her personality, she's one of the coolest people. But of course you know, she's gonna have hair done. When I say "diva", I mean her swag is on point.
Public.FR: Yeah, yeah. Everything has to be on point. Everyday.
DJ Suss1: Shoes, hair, "the look". Yeah, but her personality?
Public.FR: *nods*
DJ Suss1: One of the sweetest, most humble, most incredible, most loving people that you'll ever meet. Nuff said.
(Sunday 22 November 2015; 4:16)
Lauren Murray's WBT on UK X Factor week 4 (57,915) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I got distracted from posting this nice rendition of We Belong Together. She started out a bit like a non-event but she went off in the climax and saved the performance. Uneven talent but I can sense the potential for a great future if she works hard.
(Sunday 22 November 2015; 1:52)
Re: The art of letting ish go (57,912) (57,914) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Oh please, the only relevant MiMi on this board is Mariah. I don't acknowledge anyone on this board who unapolagetically tried to pass off obvious lies about Mariah as the truth no matter their pick of Mariah related moniker. And don't blame me for your own choice in taking what I wrote as a very general note to the board so personal. If you wanna keep talking about Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, and her non-connection to Mariah, go right ahead. After all, this is a general messageboard. We should start swaping our favorite recipes for vegetarian casseroles too then. So then what exactly draws you to this site when you just said you think I am an "obsessed Mariah freak"? BTW, That only explains my presence, not yours. I love how I'm the freak for wanting the conversations and discussions to be centred on Mariah on a freaking Mariah Carey messageboard. But I guess a hit dog will always holler. If I'm so wrong and you're so right Giovanni, then why didn't you just keep doing what you were doing? You could have just ignored me like I have been ignoring you for all this time. Why are you so Thirsty for my attention? Please, I beg you don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question. And go on about Adele if that's whatever is gonna make you happy. See, I can relate because I love Mariah Carey in a very similar way. Some electively uninformed people have been known to twist that into me being an obsessed freak but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you Giovanni?
(Sunday 22 November 2015; 1:35)
Re: The art of letting ish go (57,897) (57,902) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"So just because this is a Mariah Carey messageboard we can't post about other music artists? Baby please get out of 'Dreamville' and come back to earth. You get weirder and weirder with each post. Adele is here to stay so get over it." I'm surprised you can admit that this is a Mariah Carey messageboard. So kudos to you. But, the only one of us that gets weirder and weirder is you Giovanni. What kind of person goes on a messageboard, catering to one very specific artist's fandom, only to engage in incessant talks and promo about a completely different performers and thinks that fans of the artist whom the messageboard is about won't be find it peculiar? Why is this suddenly Adele Central and us lambs are just supposed to be all wolly and warm about it? Don't make me laugh. Goodbye from the inside.
(Saturday 21 November 2015; 21:02)
All I Want For Christmas book (57,892) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This is such a smart move. I can see all of her original Christmas songs being made into children's picture books eventually. Oh Santa in particular but even the ballads and hymns. It's a great Christmas gift to young and old, festive, educational and it'll feel brand new every year just like it's mother song. I wish for the next edition they'll put music to it. But maybe Mariah's saving that for her Hallmark card designing endeavour. Also, take note of the the fact that Mariah Carey is the only name billed as author.
(Friday 20 November 2015; 22:08)
The art of letting "Can't Let Go" go (57,891) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The irony of this never ending tepid Mariah link to a song title. Doesn't Adele have fansites online? I thought everybody loved her. You'd think she was some underrated groundbreaking artist struggling to get her mixtape heard the way some of you go on and on about her. Let me go on and talk about Mariah ad nauseum. That should go over well, right guys?
(Friday 20 November 2015; 21:51)
Re: Latin press (57,816) (57,846) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Darling Nikki, of course you would be one of the ones who actually reads and interprets the written word as it was meant. You might as well have read my mind with your breakdown of my initial Latin press post. So thanks lamb. About MiMi's networth of $520M or whatever, that's just a rough estimate of how much money she'd have at her disposal today, if she liquidated all her assets all in one go: properties, art, publishing, fine jewlery, masters, vehicles, awards, brands etc. The same goes for anyone's networth. From the average Joe to James Packer. It's the same reason why you always insure your posseions in as high a price range as possible because every little thing you buy and put in your house adds up. That way you don't screw yourself out of getting back whatever amount it would take to restore your property to it's full value after a flood, fire or natural disasters. And when it comes to the 90's? That was Mariah Carey's decade, we all know it. Madonna didn't even manage a single #1 album that entire time. Ask Billboard. So People magazine was blatantly wrong. But what else is new? The press at large are always trying to make Mariah's success and ecliptic impact seem less than it was and still is. It's time us lambily started calling our individual country's press out when they get Mariah wrong. It's obviously been affecting her marketability negatively that her brand is being watered down for the benefit of Madonna, JLo and the like. If you're not a lamb that obviously wrong apply to you.
(Tuesday 17 November 2015; 0:34)
Re: "If We" / "Glitter" (57,833) (57,837) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
But don't you already have it? Besides, M said she owns the master rights to it. Meaning, it's probably not part of any of her record deals and therefore not tied to either IDJ or Sony. Ugh, I had to delete a whole paragraph because I might accidentally have speculated myself into legalities that wouldn't be entirely in Mariah's favour. Other than that, I agree, Glitter is an underrated album and it's partly because it's not available almost anywhere anymore. I bet Mariah has plans for it though. *cough* Broadway musical. *cough*
(Monday 16 November 2015; 12:30)
Re: Article: How much is Mariah Carey really worth? (57,806) (57,812) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
May, even though I was hoping for responses from the usually silent 1/3 of MCA's visitors from Spain, but also it's diaspora, I nonetheless appreciate your post. I'm only puzzled at why you included Brazil, which as far as I know is not a Spanish speaking country, when I specifically asked about the Latin/Spanish press because of Latina magazine's blatant misinformation and misrepresentation of Mariah. In any case, I welcome anyone from any non-English speaking country to respond to my call. In Sweden, I'm used to reading false gossip stories directly translated from the Anglo press and minor facts wrong about her but at least no one would be dumb enough to write that her income is mainly from endorsements. She's known for her voice and music here, no matter what else people think, at least that is never belittled. I just thought it was/is an interesting topic. Obviously you did too, hense your quick response, no?
(Saturday 14 November 2015; 22:42)
Re: Love story (57,780) (57,795) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Love Story could be about anyone, anyone but Thirsty. E=MC2 was pre-Nickelodeon. He hijacked that song knowing it was probably all about Derek Jeter. What kind of man who is truly in love would do that? He's a clown. It's almost as ludicrous as James Packer trying to claim any of the MIAMTEC songs as his and Mariah's. He would never.
(Saturday 14 November 2015; 2:59)
Article: How much is Mariah Carey really worth? (57,794) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Martian Carey's networth is almost exclusively derived from her songwriting, production and singing career. To claim it's from endorsement deals makes her sound like she's no better than JLo. This is why Latinos should refrain from claiming Mariah. This Latina article is an entire mess from start to finish with the most basic information just pulled from their butts. It's like the writer (if you can call them that) went out of their way to be as wrong as possible. This shit has Benny Medina written all over it, but you didn't hear it from me. I know this site has a rather large Spanish eyeball percentage and even though most of you never post, I'd like to know how common it is for the Latin/Spanish press to get Mariah so wrong. Hablo Español¿.
(Saturday 14 November 2015; 2:25)
Re: "Thirsty" (57,778) (57,793) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I don't know why people think an absentee husband (who works like a Jamaican) is going to manage being a decent father to two toddlers. Children that young are more or less synonymous with whomever is their primary caregiver, in most cases that is the mother, i.e. Mariah. Why would he be more involved in the kids lives now that they are living lives so separate he isn't even privvy to their changing living arrangements? James Packer is probably around the kids more than any other male, apart from in-house employees. Certainly a lot more than Thirsty. For children that young, actual physical presence is what counts as they form memories that in turn will inform who they will grow into as full human beings. We only have to look to Mariah's own childhood to see how the absence of a male father (figure) can be problematic later on. I think Mariah is very conscious of who she brings around her children, especially as her significant other. I'm glad she has seemingly found a true partner in her life. She was just so obviously lonely in yet another loveless marriage on top of being the only real parent to baby-children for so long. It's showing in her whole deportment that she's been energised by the drastic changes in her personal and professional life this past year. I love when she is a confident go-getter and loves herself. That's how we got Butterfly. All the haters, who used to suck the life out of her with negativity, seem to have been weeded out one and left her room to breathe for the first time in much too long. We love this because when Mariah believes in herself, she's literally unstoppable. And I can't wait.
(Friday 13 November 2015; 21:01)
Da Brat spills da tea on WoolPac co-habitation (57,775) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I know her real name is Shawntae Harris but whatever. Da Brat was on a Dish Nation the other day after TMZ broke the news of MiMi's new living arrangements with James. To refrain from putting words in her mouth I'll just post the episode she was on and let her speak (for herself or not ). She did a good job of not sensationalising a perfectly normal progression in a serious adult relationship. And why would Thirsty be entitled to privileged information about Mariah's love life anymore anyway, wasn't he the one who checked out of their marriage both literally and figuratively? I only pray that James is a truly spiritual man, unlike some of them other irregularities we've seen weasel themselves into her life through boldfaced lies. So I guess Thanksgiving will be their first official holiday together. Very symbolic. I also fully expect a joint WoolPac effort for this years Christmas card. I don't care if it's considered in poor taste. It's not their fault Thirsty is sabotaging the expediency of the very divorce he put in motion for his own personal (monetary) gain. So go ahead MIMi and James, congratulations on your continued happiness.
(Thursday 12 November 2015; 22:38)
Keeping lambs close and your Andrews closer (57,713) (57,721) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mohd Syafali Izwan from Malaysia: "He is just so annoying. Always talk the same issue. Can you just enjoy her music and the voice? Even though she is lip sync but still it is her voice. What is your problem? We all here want to enjoy the music by MC, why you always talk about her voice over and over again? Get a life." I thanked your post because I agree with you in spirit. But on principal it's another matter. You see, Andrew's and his hater ilks delusions are the only certain way we can be confident we are truly sane and fair. His very presense proves we are not living in an oxygen-deficient bubble (unlike him). Believe it or not, he makes us look good. His commentary is so extreme that it allows those who are even just slightly yielding in their hate to go under the radar as "moderate" posters when in reality, in analysing their text, they are just as bad as he is. It's basic politics. Banning him would negate the fact that he's just the figurehead for the anti-Mariah legion to look like they are reasonable, compared to him. There is at least 1 very active poster looking to usurp him at any given moment. Just let the moderator censor him when needed. All of this was just for me to say, let's keep Andrew for as long as he likes.
(Monday 9 November 2015; 21:47)
Hello? (57,720) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The charlatan is the epitome caricature of a Mariah-hater. It's hilarious how he will jump in front of a bullet for every other human being on the planet (bar lambs) to put Mariah down. I mean, all I said was that Adele and MiMi are both true singers and not lipsynching machines, like other lessers we know, for him to selfcombust for days and days in rant after rant. He's gone so far as defending imaginary people since I never named any names. To him it doesn't matter who they are, as long as he can pit them against Mariah. This amuses me on 7 different channels. It's also very interesting to note which posters address this ridiculousness and which never do (except for that other charlatan trying to fool us with their 180° turnaround). Sip that tea, slooow.
(Monday 9 November 2015; 21:10)
Mariah Carey is a selfmade woman (57,666) (57,675) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah's success has never and will never be contingent upon a man. The only thing a man can do for her is get out of her way and not drag her down. From Ben, Tommy and Walter to Morgan, Nickelodeon and JD, Mariah has shown consistent knowledge of that. It's beyond time to let go of any sexist notions that she isn't completely self sufficient as a woman on all counts. The monologues some of you have churning in your heads is scary at times. Seriously. From when are you people?
(Saturday 7 November 2015; 0:21)
Tis the season in Europe too you know (57,672) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm willing to bet that MC doing the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is in stead of Rockefeller. I'd rather she directed that energy towards televising one of the Beacon shows on ABC, BET or Fox anyway. Hell, make it a Hallmark tradition. They're already partnering with her for A Christmas Melody and the sponsoring of The Beacon residency this year. Why not expand it to a yearly Christmas variety show on the actual network? Plus, I wouldn't mind a surprise televised concert appearance or two in Europe to promote all her Christmas projects before or after the Beacon shows. Come on Connie, make it happen Team Mariah. Don't forget about us Euro-Lambs. We've never ever had you over for Christmas. These things make me.
(Friday 6 November 2015; 19:09)
Re: Paradox of the charts (57,657) (57,661) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah is always going to be a diva by the original and true definition. She's a very talented singer, no? So that's a weak reason to stop supporting her artistry. On top of that, her personality and sense of humour lends itself naturally to parodying the demanding diva trope. It shouldn't take a genius to know the difference, but I digress. Whatever happened to: I don't like XYZ's music, therefore I am not a fan? Why is there such a reluctance to let go of Mariah once you've fallen out of like with her? I can't think of any other artist, people claim to dislike their very essence, yet they can't seem to stop obsessing over. What has Mariah ever said or done musically or privately that garners that kind of response? It's utter bullshit.
(Friday 6 November 2015; 3:10)


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