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About Special K from USA: Been ridin with Mariah since VOL. I have seen Mariah in concert numerous times and was blessed to have actually met her.

Wow (89,433) by Special K from USA
Wow, that is really all I have to say is wow. Yes, the vocals were pitchy and overall just ok but that performance as a whole and wow that speech, whoa that speech was iconic. You can tell by the smiles on everyone's face in the audience that they really love them some Mariah Carey.
(Thursday 2 May 2019; 23:05)
Re: Mariah's memoir (89,318) (89,320) by Special K from USA
Yeah, Mimi can read us all she want too but she best be serving us some tea with this memoir instead of flat diet coke.
(Friday 26 April 2019; 00:23)
Re: Mariah's memoir (89,311) (89,316) by Special K from USA
Yes, I am the chick wearing fur blue Kangol hat.
(Thursday 25 April 2019; 21:30)
Re: Mariah's memoir (89,310) (89,314) by Special K from USA
Yes chica I want all of the tea with extra sugar.
(Thursday 25 April 2019; 21:24)
Re: Mariah's memoir (89,278) (89,302) by Special K from USA
I wanna hear about her sex life. Did she bang Eminem for real? Did something really happen between those two? Why did she and Nick break up? Is it true that Luis Miguel wanted to marry her and she didn't want to marry him? Is it true that Sophia Vergara confronted her and accused her of stealing Luis away from her? Lol. Did she really date Christian Monzon? I hope so because he fine as hell. I really want Mariah to be honest and set the record straight about the decline in her voice. Giving us more details or insight into what was really going on during the Glitter era would be cool. I would like Mariah to shed some light on why her and Morgan had a falling out. If it's not too traumatizing, speak about the miscarriage she had. It would also be cool if she talked about encounters, relationships, friendships with other celebrities. Good and bad. I done heard Mariah, Tiny, and Da Brat had some fun filled drunken nights together. If this is a true memoir, Mimi need to tell it all. Just kidding because I don't know if that would be a good thing. I just hope we don't find out that Mariah suffered some type of childhood trauma like physical or sexual abuse.
(Thursday 25 April 2019; 02:54)
Re: Mariah, the voice, Carey (89,289) (89,301) by Special K from USA
AB, your post was spot on. Honestly, I said what said just to get folks fired up in here, lol. We have debated this before numerous times on this board. Me personally I think it's a great topic to discuss. I have always loved Whitney's voice but I "fell in love" with Mariah's voice. Yes, like others have said, Whitney had bombastic power, control, and knew how to command a stage. I also loved how Whitney showcased confidence in her voice when she would do impromptu runs at the drop of a hat. When it comes to Mariah though, her voice is a freak of nature. The range and versatility alone is out of this world. Whitney couldn't match Mariah's vocal prowess. Whitney couldn't match the different tones that Mariah was able to showcase in her voice. Mariah's tones can be joyful, serious, sad, and down right dark, and haunting. Whitney couldn't do dark and haunting. Mariah Carey doesn't have to showcase bombastic power all of the time to have a hit. To a certain degree Whitney did. Again, that speaks to the versatility and range in Mariah's voice. So yes I agree with you, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to who is the GOAT between Mariah and Whitney, however one thing we all can definitely agree on is that there will never be another Whitney Houston and no matter how many minions Mariah has, there will never, ever, be in life, ever, another Mariah Carey.
(Thursday 25 April 2019; 02:08)
Re: Whitney Houston (89,272) (89,281) by Special K from USA
When I think of Whitney Houston the first thing that comes to mind is "Greatest Voice of All Time". Sorry, but if you match those two up against each other during their vocal peak, Whitney wins. Yes, said it.
(Tuesday 23 April 2019; 19:51)
Re: How are singles chosen? (89,081) (89,086) by Special K from USA
I have heard rumors that Mariah actually wanted Migrate as the first single however the decision was made to go with TMB. Mariah performed Migrate on SNL and on her BET special "The Relativity of Mariah". There was a huge buzz about Migrate that surpassed TMB. Also keep in mind that T Pain was huge at that time. When E=MC2 was released the digital sales of Migrate surpassed TMB and the song even charted on the Billboard charts at number 92. Mariah said on a Radio 1 interview that she wanted Migrate released as a single. Speaking of T Pain he even said during an interview that he was shocked the record company went with Bye Bye and he hoped they gave Migrate a shot. Mariah said what she said on the Perez Hilton interview because she took what he said personally about Migrate making it sound like her career was going to bomb again if Migrate was the second single. Now regarding LA Reid. He actually wanted Say Something as the first single to be released from TEOM but Benny Medina convinced him to go with It's Like That. Bottom line Migrate should have been the second single released period. There was a huge buzz about that song. The timing was right. What a missed opportunity.
(Wednesday 10 April 2019; 13:06)
Re: Through The Rain, Hero, or Can't Take That Away (89,054) (89,066) by Special K from USA
Baby, for me it's Hero, TTR, then CTTA. Hero speaks to my mind, body, and soul. That song for me is everything and in my humble opinion it's one of Mariah's best lyrically written songs. Still to this day if I am going through something I will play Hero. TTR is a great song. Again very well written lyrics with substance/depth accompanied by a great music video that had a real story line. Miss those days. CTTA is just way too corny for me and please don't let me get started on that video.
(Monday 8 April 2019; 20:10)
Re: One thing Mariah does that pisses me off (89,039) (89,051) by Special K from USA
I don't know if Mariah is actually "hating" on her work or just giving excuses as to why Glitter and Charmbracelet didn't do well commercially. To me Charmbracelet did very well considering the fact that the album had no commercial hit singles and Mariah's career was in the tank. Mariah did say on TRL recently that she didn't give Glitter no love because it almost killed her. I'm generalizing, those weren't her exact words but she basically was saying the Glitter era was very painful for her and for years it was hard for her to pay attention to that album which I as a die hard fan understand. Give Mariah a little credit. She is now actually performing songs from that album. Regarding fans hating Bye Bye. I think we diehards were just utterly disappointed that song was the second single. There were so many songs on E=MC2 that had potential to be great hits and it would have been nice to break the formula of first single mid tempo song then follow up with a ballad. We diehards just feel that Migrate and OOC were better singles. Those songs were different, out of the box for Mariah. LA Reid wanted to play it safe instead of taking chance.
(Sunday 7 April 2019; 22:22)
Re: Mariah Carey taps Shawni for second "A No No" remix (89,043) (89,050) by Special K from USA
Why do I have a feeling that at the end of this subway ride Missy and LiL Kim are gonna jump on board? Hmmm. Now wouldn't that be cray, cray?
(Sunday 7 April 2019; 21:25)
Re: New remix (89,016) (89,024) by Special K from USA
Shawni's version is better. Why do I have a feeling that the remix featuring Shawni was done before the remix featuring Stefflon Don. Ain't no way Mariah reshot scenes with Shawni for the video. Why not just put both SD and Shawni on the track together? Whack ass record company decisions. Like how is SD supposed to feel? I guess she can continue to shot and wine with Sean Paul, lol. That song is my favorite at that moment. Anyways, don't matter who you put on track the song ain't going no where. That's too bad because the video is visually stunning and different.
(Saturday 6 April 2019; 01:35)
Re: R&B (88,891) (88,892) by Special K from USA
Add a head roll.
(Friday 29 March 2019; 12:38)
Re: Final verdict (88,885) (88,890) by Special K from USA
Excuse you sir. On the Emotions album there is plenty of tone "timbre" in Mariah's voice. Songs like Make It Happen, So Blessed, Can't Let Go, To Be Around, but especially LYTTEOT and The Wind, the tone is strong. What emerges in Mariah's voice on the Emotions album is the actual emotion, mood, personality, and intense jarring vocals. You don't hear that in the debut album. Maybe, just maybe in VOL you do. Anyways I agree with Bill regarding Emotions. Definitely top 3 vocal album.
(Friday 29 March 2019; 11:26)
Re: The Emancipation of Mimi > E=MC2 (88,854) (88,864) by Special K from USA
Oh no you didn't. Dove you is about to start World War III up in this piece, lol.
(Thursday 28 March 2019; 18:28)
Re: MIAMTEC and Caution (88,839) (88,863) by Special K from USA
I'm sorry Stacey and Randy. When you look at the lists there are a lot of similarities. Stacey girl, I have to admit I was a little surprised to see TEOM in your top 3.
(Thursday 28 March 2019; 18:26)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey turns either 49 or 50 today (88,844) (88,858) by Special K from USA
I wouldn't be surprised if Mariah is 52.
(Thursday 28 March 2019; 13:43)
Re: MIAMTEC and Caution (88,811) (88,833) by Special K from USA
I am 37 years old. Here is my list.

1. Butterfly (best damn Mariah Carey album ever)
2. Music Box
3. Emotions
5. CB
6. E=MC2 (now this album can shoot up the charts anytime trading places with Emotions)
7. Mariah Carey
8. MIAM (I like this album. Cry, Faded, YDKWTD, Money, Camouflage, Meteorite, Your Mine Eternal, Beautiful are excellent songs. You tripping Randy but I still got love for you.)
9. Glitter
10. Caution (IDK, not a huge fan but something about this album keeps pulling me back to keep my mind open)
11. MOAIA (Standing O is the bomb)
12. Rainbow
13. Merry Christmas (I only listen to it during Christmas)
14. Daydream (yes, for me it's a huge snooze fest but shout out to Melt Away)
(Wednesday 27 March 2019; 20:03)
Re: Does anyone here even stream music? (88,695) (88,701) by Special K from USA
I'm 37 years young and I can't believe they still sell physical CD's. .
(Tuesday 19 March 2019; 21:28)
"A No No remix" is fake news (88,638) by Special K from USA
Why are they calling this a remix? Ain't nothing "remixed" about this song. All they did was copy and paste Stefflon's 16 bars. Really it should be called A No No featuring Stefflon Don. I love Stefflon Don. She a nasty girl, lol. I prefer her over Cardi B anyday. Cardi can't even rap. She whack as hell.
(Friday 15 March 2019; 23:52)
Re: Stefflon Don (88,594) (88,605) by Special K from USA
Hmm, mmm we should roll your ass off this board for posting fake news.
(Thursday 14 March 2019; 23:40)
Re: Vegas final show this leg 2/21/19 M&G (long) (88,575) (88,604) by Special K from USA
Mara, words cannot express how much I appreciate you sharing your story. I am truly sorry about the passing of your mother. After reading this post twice, I am convinced that your mother knew her journey on this earth was not complete until you actually met Mariah. I am so happy that you had a wonderful experience meeting Mariah. I can't even imagine the roller coaster ride of emotions that you are going through. Keep your head up and please continue to bless this board with your positive vibe. Remember, "And I know eventually we'll be together, one sweet day."
(Thursday 14 March 2019; 23:38)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,510) (88,514) by Special K from USA
Hmm, mmm. Ok. So how does that apply to us Americans who absolutely love the song?
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 18:58)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,504) (88,506) by Special K from USA
Why would someone not like a song because they had to wait years to hear it? Doesn't make sense to me. It's really not that deep. I love EFA. Me personally I think both songs, EFA and Do You Think Of Me, should have been on Music Box.
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 11:58)
Re: Original Music Box track listing (88,502) (88,505) by Special K from USA
Oh no did you say you don't like MB the song? Girl that song means the world to me. When I listen to MB I almost cry happy tears because it reminds me of my husband. Mariah's voice is so powerful but yet controlled. Those lyrics take me to a happy, mystical, place of love, peace, happiness really appreciating Mr. Special K.
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 11:47)


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