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About darrian liu from taiwan:

Re: Sleeping on matresses with 5 girls? (74,682) (74,694) by darrian liu from taiwan
Nice, I like people with vivid imaginations.
(Sunday 23 April 2017; 15:30)
Dear Stella (74,668) by darrian liu from taiwan
Stop. Just stop.
(Saturday 22 April 2017; 16:05)
Re: Mariah and piano (74,576) (74,587) by darrian liu from taiwan
Or, if Mariah isn't down for playing while singing live (I would love for her performances to be like that though), she could just sing with Big Jim on the piano or a guitarist with an acoustic guitar, no other instruments needed. It could be a really down-to-earth, organic, yet brilliant performance. It would allow her voice to play around more and lipping would be nearly impossible. I want an era with AcousticRiah.
(Thursday 20 April 2017; 11:25)
Re: What's up, toots? (74,567) (74,574) by darrian liu from taiwan
I can't Andrew, I can't. I aspire to be on your level of pettiness.
(Wednesday 19 April 2017; 16:31)
Letting people write songs for Mariah (74,530) by darrian liu from taiwan
I would be okay with it, but I don't think it would happen. I think Mariah is very hands-on with her creative process and the most she'd do is the regular co-writing session. I just think she needs new collaborators, because I'm getting tired of JD producing almost everything she releases. She needs fresh collabs. Write something with Sia, that's a must. Collab with Daft Punk and The Weeknd (both combined., on their own they're good but imo there's something different when they both join forces). Beyonce and Gaga are definitely nice collabs, but I think Solange would be even better than her sister in the Mariah collab, as well as Bruno. If she doesn't want to collab, then just record and produce everything by herself, no other producers (definitely no Stella). Record with a guitarist or a pianist and make one whole album showcasing the singer-songwriter side of her. I think it would be a good one.
(Sunday 16 April 2017; 12:34)
Mariah and R&B (74,461) by darrian liu from taiwan
Mariah needs a new direction. I say go with Daft Punk. Her signature R&B/Pop/Hip-hop sound would go together so well with Daft Punk's sound. They're still churning out hits that are actually good and they're much, much better than that basic ass, tired, repetitive duo The Chainsmokers. I've grown to dislike The Chainsmokers's songs so much, I'm mad at myself for suggesting Mariah to collab with them a few months ago.
(Thursday 13 April 2017; 09:57)
Re: Mariah Carey featuring Mariah Carey (74,449) (74,459) by darrian liu from taiwan
This video is gonna be the death of me. At the last minute I think I died and went to heaven where the choir of angels is replaced by dozens of Mariahs from different eras.
(Thursday 13 April 2017; 05:50)
The breakup and new music (74,328) by darrian liu from taiwan
Lol. I didn't even blink looking at the breakup news. We all knew this is all just a made-up dream (well, not exactly a dream but y'all get what I mean). What had me shook to the core is the Epic Records pact and the new music announcement. Now Mimi better serve up some fresh, inspired music because my giddiness and excitement level are through the roof and I literally can't wait for the new album. .
(Monday 10 April 2017; 16:34)
Re: American Idol producers attack Mariah (74,112) (74,118) by darrian liu from taiwan
Maybe you should learn the art of letting go [...] man, this story is tired as hell.
(Monday 3 April 2017; 14:18)
Re: The Art of Letting Go (74,064) (74,090) by darrian liu from taiwan
Tbh if Mariah wants to, she can just re-release YDKWTD. The song is that timeless. It won't sound dated at all. The song sounds fresh, it gets people going, and if we wanna follow the Stella plan, it can serve as a perfect soundtrack for the Manaka breakup ala I Don't, only a million times better (nobody here seriously thinks they're for real right?). Go shoot an amazing, fun video that looks classy, do good performances and promote the hell out of it. The song screams "top 10 hit" to me, just like All My Life and Ribbon. Come to think of it, she could probably release Ribbon now and get a decent hit out of it, just do a little tweaking here and there to make it sound more current (not that it sounds dated), and promote the song properly. Seriously. YDKWTD and Ribbon are a million times better than Infinity and I Don't.
(Saturday 1 April 2017; 13:07)
Re: Mariah and Busta (73,966) (73,973) by darrian liu from taiwan
I heard the snippet, and thought it could be the hit of the summer. She gotta hurry up, this song sounds fire.
(Monday 27 March 2017; 06:51)
Happy anniversary to our Mariah (73,972) by darrian liu from taiwan
Happy, happy anniversary to you dahling. How old are you again? 29? Here's to you finding real happiness, genuine friends (not you Stelly), inspiration and love. Wishing you all the best Mariah.
(Monday 27 March 2017; 06:48)
I Don't remix (73,960) by darrian liu from taiwan
Okay what the [censored] Mariah. I thought you couldn't make a remix worse than the atrocity that is Why You Mad. This remix is so uninspired and doesn't make any sense. I'm just gonna pretend this remix doesn't exist and push it away from my memory. Mariah, take a few years off, fire Stella and her gang, go on some vacation with your kids and start to be inspired again. There's no way you can be inspired by all the plastic currently surrounding you and your life.
(Sunday 26 March 2017; 15:23)
Re: Hypocrisy, here I come (73,853) (73,871) by darrian liu from taiwan
Hmm, I agree that the Divas Live ad lib moment was a lost opportunity, but the Got to Be Real duet was really out of Mariah's control. Patti is a dramatic soprano, which is known for their gargantuan size especially in their head voice and belts. There are even instances where she demonstrated that her head voice and belts still clearly audible without mic on live performances, even with the audience cheering. Mariah is a light lyric coloratura soprano, known for a girly bright tone, with a small volume but tons of agility and flexibility. Moreover, when they harmonized, Patti was using a very loud G#5 belt, while Mariah was using her whistle. Obviously Patti would drown out her voice even more.
(Wednesday 22 March 2017; 23:41)
Re: All I Want for Christmas Is (73,830) (73,845) by darrian liu from taiwan
I really wished Mariah would've chosen Disney Pixar to produce and make the movie. Every Pixar movie ever made is so beautiful and meaningful (I always bawl my eyes out on their movies, especially Inside Out and Up), plus their movies are known to have a wide appeal from children to adults. Mariah would get a guaranteed critical and commercial hit if she goes with Pixar to do the movie.
(Wednesday 22 March 2017; 05:59)
Re: Drake shades Jlo - should have had Mariah sing it (73,818) (73,821) by darrian liu from taiwan
I have no idea about this "Jlo" thing. Is it the one you eat as dessert?
(Tuesday 21 March 2017; 09:32)
Re: Wasted songs (73,744) (73,754) by darrian liu from taiwan
Ugh Andrew, stop this. I'm already frustrated with Mariah and her team being stupidly oblivious about You Don't Know What To Do and Cruise Control's hit potential. You just made it worse. Now I wanna make a petition to slap some sense into Mariah and make her promote and re-release the hell out of either one of them
(Saturday 18 March 2017; 09:59)
Re: Celine Dion vs Mariah Carey (73,639) (73,640) by darrian liu from taiwan
Mariah's talent is undeniable. Celine is extremely talented, but Mariah, imo, is that rare artist in pop music that oozes musicality. Even at her worst vocal era (2014-now), she still exhibits so much musicianship. Who else couldn't forget that amazing freestyle she did in Beacon, Christmas in New York? She doesn't play any instruments on stage, but at her best times, she is more than capable of using her voice like an instrument. At her worst Mariah could sound like a sad American Idol reject, or the funny failed auditions from X-Factor. One thing she lacks is consistency, especially now that her vocals seem to be at its worst. Celine has consistency in spades. It's because Celine truly knows how to take care of her voice nicely and has maintained her technique over the years.
(Tuesday 14 March 2017; 16:02)
Celine's Beauty and the Beast (73,604) by darrian liu from taiwan
After I heard her song in the new Beauty and the Beast, I couldn't help but imagine if Mariah sings another song for Disney. Almost Home was amazing in every way (I still cry while listening to it). If she trains her voice to be able to nail those big Broadway belts again (it doesn't have to be of ridiculous heights like in her prime, just the mid notes like from B4-D5, it's not like her notes are bad there but her vibrato is noticeably absent), she would do amazingly with a Disney song.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 14:15)
Re: Mariah's legacy (73,598) (73,602) by darrian liu from taiwan
Barbra and Celine are incredibly reverred in the industry and the public. Both of their voices are in better shapes than Mariah. Have you guys heard Celine's How Does a Moment Last Forever from Beauty and the Beast? Her vocals are super clear, crystalline, and effortless. Compare that to the vocals of I Don't. I Don't's studio vocal is the worst vocal performance Mariah has ever done in studio. I understand that Mariah has nodules. But if she took serious care of her voice, she would sound incredible. If she took her vocal training seriously, she would sound amazing.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 13:15)
Re: Mariah signing to Parkwood Ent. (73,480) (73,515) by darrian liu from taiwan
Seriously? If that's true, that's super great news. I hope when she signs with Parkwood Beyonce could tell Mariah to ditch Stella and her rats.
(Friday 10 March 2017; 22:32)
Re: This eye popping selfie (73,379) (73,384) by darrian liu from taiwan
What? That selfie is gorgeous. The angle could be fixed a little but damn she's a beauty.
(Monday 6 March 2017; 10:31)
Tuning out (73,274) by darrian liu from taiwan
That's it. I'm not gonna care about Mariah's career moves, unless it's music and important events-related, at least until Stella and her whole circus goes away. So tired of the drama, the cringy "relationship" pics, the messy decisions. Gonna play Glitter on repeat now.
(Wednesday 1 March 2017; 8:14)
Re: I don't think we'll ever get another full album (73,240) (73,242) by darrian liu from taiwan
I would've preferred the other way around. Yes, the industry has become more single-driven, but singles tend to be dumbed down (especially in mainstream pop music) and only making singles would waste Mariah's talent. Albums allow Mariah to explore more of her music, experiment with new sounds, and make music she truly loves. Not saying that singles can't be a way to explore new sounds, but it's harder to do so with singles. At this point I don't have any hope left for another hit and I'm fine with it. All I want is for Mariah to regain respect from the public and make critically acclaimed music. If Beyonce can do it, Mariah can absolutely do it too.
(Tuesday 28 February 2017; 13:55)
Re: Dubai (73,118) (73,125) by darrian liu from taiwan
But one problem were her belts. I notice that some of belts above B4/C5 were either non-existent or really quite strained and chesty. With more practice, she would be fine, considering how in SSFT she could belt D5s and Eb5s with minimum effort.
(Saturday 25 February 2017; 11:31)


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