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About Special K from USA:
Been ridin with Mariah since VOL. I have seen Mariah in concert numerous times and was blessed to have actually met her.
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Re: Have lunch with Mariah's former manager (88,493) (88,494)
by Special K from USA
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Oops my bad. Maybe you should come to the US and slap me with a Mariah inspired ponytail. Get it together Special K, get it together.
(Tuesday 12 March 2019; 00:28)
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Re: Have lunch with Mariah's former manager (88,484) (88,488)
by Special K from USA
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Webmaster, I promise you I am coming to Norway and slap you with my Mariah inspired ponytail for posting this.
(Monday 11 March 2019; 23:49)
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Re: Eternally optimistic (88,423) (88,433)
by Special K from USA
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So I guess all of those black folks that were born and raised in London who identify as British are white just like you? You guys are the same race? Now that is laughable or just plain ignorant.
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 14:40)
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Re: Eternally optimistic (88,422) (88,432)
by Special K from USA
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No Randy, I want you to love me the way a newborn baby loves his mother's breast milk. I kidd, I kidd. The introspective, deep lyrically content, mature Mariah never left. We see glimeses of her with songs like Cry, Langushing, Portrait, FTR. I do believe Mariah is gonna bless us with another Butterfly, Music Box, type of album. It's hard for me believe that Mariah didn't write more songs like Portrait for Caution. Maybe they just didn't make the album. So yes, continue to be eternally optimistic.
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 14:28)
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Re: Eternally optimistic (88,376) (88,417)
by Special K from USA
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You should rename your post "Eternally frustrated".
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 00:59)
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No No video (88,416)
by Special K from USA
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That video is dope. The best Mariah Carey video ever because my baby is in it.
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 00:48)
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Re: Eternally optimistic (88,413) (88,415)
by Special K from USA
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FYI being British is not a race. That is your ethnic background, culture. Get it together Andrew.
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 00:44)
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Re: A No No feat. Stefflon Don (88,357) (88,367)
by Special K from USA
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Awe you tripping. Stefflon Don is on her way to blowing up here in the US. I believe she is from the UK. It would have been cool to see Missy, Lil Kim, or Cardi B on the remix but Stefflon Don in my opinion is dope and she is starting to catch on fire.
(Thursday 7 March 2019; 18:37)
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Re: A No No - Cardi B (88,348) (88,351)
by Special K from USA
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Man forget Cardi B. I'm just happy the ponytail is back. Can I get a amen for the ponytail?
(Thursday 7 March 2019; 03:28)
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Re: Glitter (88,275) (88,290)
by Special K from USA
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Like I said before, Glitter is the last powerhouse vocal album that we will ever hear from Mariah again.
(Sunday 3 March 2019; 20:32)
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Re: Caution in Houston (88,265) (88,289)
by Special K from USA
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Did you see my baby? Oh by the way I am so happy you finally got to see Mariah in concert.
(Sunday 3 March 2019; 20:31)
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Re: Maroon 5's half-time show (87,877) (87,894)
by Special K from USA
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Oh please like anyone with half a damn brain would ask Mariah to perform at the Superbowl half time show. Boy bye with that mess. Lay off the yak. We Mariah fans have alot nerve dragging Maroon 5 when Mariah gave the ultimate worst performance in history at the Rocking New Years Eve show.
(Tuesday 5 February 2019; 05:29)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey to perform in Saudi on Thursday (87,742) (87,755)
by Special K from USA
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Really? Now that is an extra hell to the " no, no".
(Monday 28 January 2019; 20:06)
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Re: New found appreciation for IDWC (87,685) (87,695)
by Special K from USA
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Someday brings back so many memories. I remember being in either in 7th or 8th grade listening to that song over and over again. Somebody was the song that started my journey in becoming a true Mariah Carey fan. I had liked VOL and LTT, like a casual Mariah fan but when I heard Someday, I really started to pay more attention to Mariah and became fascinated by her watching the video on TV. Then bam, I realized my mom actually had the Mariah Carey album (cassette) so I stole it from her.
(Thursday 24 January 2019; 19:25)
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Re: With You update (87,678) (87,694)
by Special K from USA
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I didn't know FLAB hit number 1 on the Adult R&B contemporary chart.
(Thursday 24 January 2019; 19:02)
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Re: Mariah sues personal assistant (87,615) (87,626)
by Special K from USA
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Yeah I am thinking maybe she was videotaped snorting cocaine or something passed out butt ass naked. Who knows. Being video taped having sex wouldn't be so bad. Maybe she was having threesomes with the dancers? Or maybe even Stella. I surely wouldn't be mad at that as long as my baby is up in there, lol. If Mariah is a freak, then hey she's a freak. Ain't nothing wrong with that. Never believed she was "Mary Poppins" as much as she tries to convince us that she was. Trust, a video gonna surface. What a hot, stanky, mess. The only person Mariah can blame is Mariah.
(Saturday 19 January 2019; 01:07)
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Re: R. Kelly (87,540) (87,544)
by Special K from USA
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That was a good interview but Nick is shady as hell.
(Sunday 13 January 2019; 16:53)
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Re: R. Kelly (87,517) (87,520)
by Special K from USA
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I love how Nick let's it be known straight up he worked with R Kelly. Jay Z and R Kelly had a huge fall out. When they went on tour together R Kelly had a diva fit and left the stage. That tour was canceled. Wow, straight up the Best of Both World's CD is off the chain. Freaking trash bucket R Kelly.
(Wednesday 9 January 2019; 02:50)
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Re: R. Kelly (87,489) (87,502)
by Special K from USA
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"Trash ass". I love it. You know I hate to admit it but I was a huge R. Kelly fan. I gave him a pass about Aaliyah because like you, me and Aaliyah were about the same age so I really didn't care. I never watched the video tape so when Kells was found not guilty of the child pornography charges I just figured "oh well" and still continued to buy his music, etc. I just feel so bad that I supported this man and was seriously a true fan. I got to be honest, I am going through R Kelly withdrawals. I have almost all of his albums. Sorry but alot his songs are good memories for me. It's like I really can't listen to Chocalate Factory no more? Not even Stop Into the 90's or A Woman Scorned? How about the remix to Gotham City? What about the R double album? All those dang hits. I know I sound past pathetic about some trash bucket creep. With that said I promise you I will no longer support R Kelly. I am so sorry that it took me this damn long to realize the truth.
(Tuesday 8 January 2019; 04:14)
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Caution returns to Number One (87,498)
by Special K from USA
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According to Billboard, Caution has returned back to the number one spot on the R&B album chart.
(Tuesday 8 January 2019; 01:35)
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Randy (87,492)
by Special K from USA
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Randy, my brotha from another mother my post wasn't directed towards you. Please believe me I know you prefer those deep, emotional, introspective, personal songs that have lyrical content that is timeless. Well, nurse on Potriat for awhile. No I am seriously just kidding. Mariah would have more of those type of songs if she would stop writing with 50 people. Or, maybe she is writing and recording those type of songs however they are not making it on the album. You never know. I highly doubt that Portriat was the only song she wrote that has powerful lyrical content. As for Caution, I am not a huge fan of the album. I've stated previously that the album is missing exactly those type of songs that you are talking about. I wish it featured more songs like a Joy Ride, FLAB, Cry, For The Record, and Languishing. What's funny is that even though I am not a huge fan of the album, I know and can admit that it is a damn good album. Does that make any sense?
(Monday 7 January 2019; 19:37)
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Re: With You (87,443) (87,450)
by Special K from USA
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It's crazy huh? It's a testament to Mariah's longevity in the game. You know I was at the mall over the weekend. I walked into one store and they were playing ABMB. Then I walk into another store and they were blasting Dreamlover. As I am walking around passing other stores I hear of course AIWFC. Then I walk into Rue 21 and they playing TMB. On the way home while listening to the radio I hear Fantasy and WY (first time I heard WY on the radio). I can't think of any other artist who has a catalog like Mariah's. My 8 year old son came home from school one day singing Hero. Yes, I said Hero. He told me they sing Hero in his music class. Oh damn, guess his music teacher prefers Mariah over Adele.
(Sunday 6 January 2019; 14:48)
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Re: With You (87,442) (87,449)
by Special K from USA
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28 plus years and you're still hoping? Well damn that is alot of hope. Well you just keep on keeping on with that hope. Thumbs up. I love Adele. I really do but her albums as a whole are boring as hell to me. You say most people prefer Adele. Hmmm, ok. How about we take it back and compare Mariah to Adele during Mariah's prime. So let's go back to, let's say 93-98. Yeah, 20 plus years ago. Would we be saying "most" people prefer Adele over Mariah? Ah hell to the no you wouldn't. So, name me an artist that has been in the game for almost 30 years that is still releasing albums that most people would prefer over Adele in the present? Hmmm. Well me personally I don't think most people prefer Adele now. I'm sure Ariana Grande would slap you two times with her ponytail and Mickey Mouse ears for saying that. Then Taylor Swift would be in all her feelings and probably write a song about what you said.
(Sunday 6 January 2019; 14:27)
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Re: With You (87,400) (87,439)
by Special K from USA
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Randy, what is wrong with celebrating the fact Mariah is having some success on the Urban AC chart? This woman is dang near 50 years old. Come on. Aren't the expectations of having a hit single on the Pop charts just a bit too high? Mariah should be compared to her contemporaries. Folks like Toni Braxton, Maxwell, and Mary who all rule the Urban AC charts. Long As I Live by TB did hit number one however for WY to reach number eight isn't bad. Caution is a critically acclaimed album and so far, it does have a hit Urban R&B AC single. To me Mariah has managed to pull her music career out of the gutter and lifted it to curb.
(Saturday 5 January 2019; 21:59)
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Re: Mariah's opinion (87,428) (87,438)
by Special K from USA
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If she laid off the drank, drank. I think her voice would be in better shape.
(Saturday 5 January 2019; 21:33)
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