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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

Re: Regina George in a lamb's clothing(56,966) (56,971) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yeah, supposedly I'm the big bad wolf around here a.k.a. the all-purpose bully. Meanwhile, Madonna is having a historical whitewashing revival in every other post, two pages deep. The same woman who at one point said Mariah wasn't particularly bright (probably for turning down an appearance in her desperate coffee table "Sex" book ) and that she would commit suicide if she were Mariah Carey. (I'm paraphrasing, but whatever.) [censored] Well, that was a lie. I don't wonder at all. [censored] Sadly, it never fails. Here is the clip with the reference quote from Madonna: "I'd rather kill myself than be Mariah Carey." This is the person you decide to bring on this board as an example of, well, hell if I know. But I'm the one who's the bully, right? Right.
(Tuesday 29 September 2015; 11:28)
Re: Regina George in a lamb's clothing (56,956) (56,962) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This made me laugh out loud. I'm even more amused at the 25 likes. You're like the Donald Trump of MCA. Impressive. You've got my vote (in spirit).
(Tuesday 29 September 2015; 1:11)
Re: MC and JD on Twitter (56,953) (56,959) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Bill, you say that like it's a bad thing. The true art of shade requires a lot of quick wit, class and intelligence. Being rude and crass is not being shady. That's just being rude and crass. Anybody can be a bitch. But it takes skill to be as ice cold as Mariah can be without detection by the casual observer. Also, being a genuinely sweet person as Mariah actually is doesn't mean she can't be petty or give as good as she gets. She's human, things people say and do to her get to her just like they get to anyone else and sometimes it comes out whether she likes it or not. She's a real person and I don't expect her to be perfect all the time, or anytime really. There are worse character flaws one could cultivate than occasional shadiness. At least she has a sense of humour about it. Some people could stand to be a little less uptight about things. It's so funny to me how people don't take Mariah seriously when it actually matters the most to her and then turn right around and give her hell when she's clearly joking. Come on.
(Tuesday 29 September 2015; 0:38)
Article: Startup execs were more of a "diva" than Mariah at shoot (56,954) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This whole article is gold. Especially the part where Alan Taylor says that Mariah is a "Game of Thrones" fan. That will never be not-funny. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. I hope that during Mariah's next talkshow couch session we get to hear some of the BTS stories from this Game of War shoot. I'm sure it's all epicly hilarious.
(Monday 28 September 2015; 23:01)
Re: MC and JD on Twitter (56,936) (56,952) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So, 5 hours after MC's tweet Jermaine basically copied her message: "It's like that y'all." And not an hour ago Mariah tweeted this: "Winter vibes in Aspen" with this picture. There's a Klingon proverb that goes: "Revenge is a dish best served cold." I love MiMi so much for this. Hahahaha.
(Monday 28 September 2015; 21:56)
Re: MC and JD on Twitter (56,928) (56,936) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm excellent at reading situations and behaviour, I do it on the daily in my own life. That's a talent of mine, not everybody has that. People in general fascinate me and being a Lamb I've honed in on Mariah's ticks, quirks and idiosyncrasies over the years. Really, it's like reading the lyrics to her songs. Some of them are pretty generic and nondescript while others are extremely personal and specific. Only a real Lamb would know the difference so I understand the confusion some of you struggle with who will never get it. Instead you will grab onto frivolous, baseless gossip that makes no sense coming from a supposed fan. Like when some idiots were going around saying how Mariah told French fans in a van she was unhappy at Sony and with LA Reid when she was in Paris recently. Complete fabrications and I already debunked that ridiculous claim and even if I hadn't, who later spoke at Mariah's Hollywood Walk Of Fame star ceremony? LA Reid, that's who. I didn't see Jermaine Dupri anywhere, why wasn't he there giving a speech or even in the audience? He's been around significantly longer than anyone of her major collaborators except Brett Ratner and yet he was ghost. It couldn't possibly be that he went out of his way to disrespect her work ethic, musical legacy, success and intelligence on more than one occasion unprovoked, could it? I'm amazed at having to spell it out for people, fans or not, who should already be in the know as often as they frequent and post on a Mariah Carey message board. I mean, are you being deliberately obtuse? That then begs the question, why? Either way, it ain't a good look sis.
(Monday 28 September 2015; 17:49)
Mariah saw Aladdin on Broadway (56,929) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
James Monroe Iglehart (such poetry in name, no?) just posted this picture and captioned it on his Instagram: "So this just happened. The beautiful butterfly herself. The very sweet Miss Mariah Carey came to visit us at Aladdin." Could this be another inkling of MC's own Broadway ambitions? I would die. Just die.
(Monday 28 September 2015; 3:52)
MC & JD on Twitter (56,928) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
JD (sub)tweeted out his horoscope a couple of days ago which started out like this: "Happiness may be as elusive as a butterfly now, but it's clear. More for Libra." Mariah just tweeted at Jermaine a few hours ago: "It's like that y'all" plus a picture of the lyrics: "Cause it's my night. No stress, no fights. I'm leaving it all behind. No tears, no time to cry. Just making the most of life." Now, this exchange does not come across very conducive to any more collaborations between these two. I don't know, but I could be right. I guess only time will tell. I made sure to double checked the dates this time Eric.
(Monday 28 September 2015; 2:08)
Re: MC and JB are #1 on Jordanian iTunes with AIWFCIY (56,920) (56,927) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Oops. My bad. Surprised it actually got posted considering. But it's all good, right?
(Monday 28 September 2015; 1:43)
Re: One Direction (56,910) (56,921) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
OK, the thing is, 1D have had the Infinity symbol as part of their brand for a while. Neclaces of paper airplanes and the infinity directioner is available everywhere as merch. So it's not that out of the blue that they would have a song with that name. But that doesn't mean that the 1D connection to Mariah is irrelevant, it certainly isn't. If anything MiMi is having a good laugh at all of it. Like everything I like these days, it's so meta.
(Sunday 27 September 2015; 20:48)
MC and JB are #1 on Jordanian iTunes with AIWFCIY (56,920) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Which is remarkable since it's only September and Jordan a majority muslim country. But I guess that sort of makes sense in a roundabout way since Christmas isn't really a holiday they celebrate. How cool is that? Look. True transcendence. Hopefully it's a sign of peace with all that's going on in the region that things will ultimately be all right. God bless. [Webmaster: It's the Jordanian iTunes top 100 list of 11 January 2015. The top 100 of today can be found here.]
(Sunday 27 September 2015; 19:30)
Re: Fifth Harmony's Dinah is a better Lamb than I (56,875) (56,884) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Hey Eric, what happened to the rest of the post? Did it look like that when you got it? [Webmaster: Yes it did.]
(Friday 25 September 2015; 13:17)
Fifth Harmony's Dinah is a better Lamb than I (56,875) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Because on Twitter she answered this fan question: "If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?"
Answer: "You can't do that to me."
(Thursday 24 September 2015; 23:15)
Re: Queen Bitch (56,869) (56,874) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Aww Gretchen, I'm not that fragile. You can Shade me any old time, my derma is very thick tbh. The only way to truly get under my skin is by deliberately spreading or supporting malicious lies, misinformation and slander about Mariah. That's a pet peeve of mine in general. But I do appreciate the disclaimer none the less and thankfully I'm not the only one reporting for duty in the Lamb Guard. We all do our part, yourself included. Good luck on the casting couch for Melody & Mistletoe btw. Yours truly, Regina George.
(Thursday 24 September 2015; 22:14)
Article: "Fantasy" 20 years later (56,872) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Wow, look at Entertainment Tonight doing the job of RollingStone, Billboard, The Grammy's etc. They are taking thorough too, actually tracking down John Norris and Da Brat for new quotables. I'm impressed since most media outlet's staff are all about shortcuts and secondhand reporting. But not ET, who are also responsible for a recent new classic: 1988 Mariah Carey hair, from the now infamous HWOF event. Very nice to see that there are actually still some people around M who have remained consistent and loyal no matter where the wind blows. All of this was just to reiterate how Fantasy is another genius of MC's and so I guess all that's left to say is Happy Anniversary Hip-Pop and R.I.P.ODB Free the clown, directed by Mariah Carey.
(Thursday 24 September 2015; 21:16)
Re: WoolPac (56,836) by Carlos from Brazil (56,868) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Sometimes I honestly enter the messageboard only to be amazed by one of your amazing comments Baby darling. You're winning lambs inside the lambly. Lol." Carlos, that really means a lot because you basically affirmed my core intent for posting on MCA word for word. I'm here to empower and embolden my fellow lambs with as much ammunition to defend Mariah, and the Lambily at large, as intelligently as possible. If I entertain some of you while doing it, it's only a byproduct of my particular brand of humour. So thank you awfully for the feedback Carlos, it's very appreciated. End self-aggrandizing spiel (well, for this post anyway).
(Thursday 24 September 2015; 20:13)
WoolPac's first Red Carpet moment at The Tribeca F (56,832) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah and James first time out together at an industry event at The Tribeca Filmfestival. Here's the clip.
ET: Date night tonight, are you supporting your man? (?)
MC: Exactly (), it's fun.
ET: You guys look incredible together.
MC: Oh, thank you.
ET: So Anne Hathaway, the star of the movie (The Intern ) just said that she is so excited that you are here.
MC: Oh, really? We love her.
ET: She's such a huge fan of yours and said when she was younger, she had a mechanical reindeer which she called "Charmbracelet" after your album.
MC: Oh my, that is too cute. Come on, we love her. I gotta go inside and watch the movie. The Lambily is such an eclectic bunch you never know when one is gonna out themselves with some random hilarious story.
I really love my people. Muah and shout out to WoolPac who looked amaze together. MiMi is glowing, thanks James.
(Tuesday 22 September 2015; 10:42)
Re: Andrew [censored] (56,821) (56,831) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Why do you lambs give Andrew [censored] any energy? Ignore him." Ty, you realise the irony of your post, right? Call me crazy but I love shit like this. It's very meta.
(Tuesday 22 September 2015; 10:40)
JB, student at The Mariah Carey Institute Of Shade (56,792) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This story from last week continuously has me in stitches. There are already "I don't know him" gifs and everything. No disrespect to Shawn Mendes since he's obviously very talented but this is all very funny to me. And Justin follows him now so in the end Shawn actually benefited from all of this "controversy" because more people know about both him and his music now. "Justin Bieber throws serious shade at Shawn Mendes in radio interview. " Watch. Justin Bieber has obviously been studying at the Mariah Carey's Institue Of Shade, because he pulled the old "I don't know her" (or him, in this case) when asked about fellow Canadian pop star Shawn Mendes in a recent radio interview. The host asked if he had any advice for his younger rival and the "What Do You Mean?" superstar seemingly drew a blank. "Who's Shawn Mendes?" he asked his entourage. The DJ then awkwardly listed Shawn's credentials. "He's on Island, he's from Southern Ontario, he's 17 years old, he has a song called 'Stitches' that's doing ok at pop radio." Justin's response? "Nice. Good for him." Cold. Even if he isn't familiar with teen's music, the new face (and abs) of Calvin Klein would at least recognize his name. After all, Shawn's debut LP Handwritten debuted at number one on the Billboard - something Journals failed to achieve. Watch up top. Is this shade or has Justin really not listened to the radio or been online for the last year? Let us know below, or by hitting us up on Facebook and Twitter.
(Monday 21 September 2015; 8:08)
Re: Like golden petals scattering (56,776) (56,783) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It might be too late to backtrack now. I have a reputation to uphold you know? Besides, I got an inspired title right after I posted, I'm just figuring out the format. I was always going to do this, just needed Andrew to post something like he did the other day about Petals. It's been established that he has plenty of Yes men and supporters so it's not like a David vs Goliat situation here. This stuff is fun for me. It ain't all deep cuts.
(Sunday 20 September 2015; 21:47)
Re: Like golden petals scattering (50,086) (56,765) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This post of dear Andrew from February 15th of this year has 15 likes: "The media has 'turned' against Mariah." The bleatings of the lambs continue. Almost every message on this board about why things aren't going well for Mariah is about *other* people doing things *to* poor, perfect Mariah. This is delusion wrapped in a fantasy designed to profligate the idea that Mariah is a victim (cross fingers for new victim song). The media is going to vilify anyone caught out for faking, especially if it's in such a public way and especially if it's by someone who has acted like a stuck-up diva for ten years in re: attitude and tardiness. Why would they give her a break? She controls her own career, she has cast off anyone who could have provided direction over the past decade and she arrogantly thinks she can do this (which she has done several times) when she is on top as if she belongs there of her own accord, pity everyone who worked to get her there. The problem? It's not Nick, it's not Tommy, it's not Luis, it's not the media, it's not Ariana, it's not Nicki. It's Mariah. Her decisions, her attitude, her unprofessionalism, her arrogance, her amateurism. Stop blaming everyone else. NB I can predict the future, wait, hark, can you hear: "You're so mean. Why do you even come here. You're this pathetic label I'm recycling." It's the bloody truth. The media print what they think the public will buy. If it can buy Mariah being a joke it's because she acts like one. She not a star anymore. Grammy? They understandably didn't want the association." Andrew is a joke and his sycophants are obviously not here to support Mariah. Just look at his own contradictory statements: "Petals (56,727) by Andrew from UK" on September 17th. He doesn't even remember what he posts as long as it's derogatory towards Mariah or any of us LAMBS. He doesn't care to keep any continuity in his own posts. I've rarely seen such blatant and complete lack of integrity. But that's also why I hope Andrew stays for a long long long time because that would amuse me in ways I can't begin to explain. I could very easily, make this a weekly event because unlike Andrew, my memory is elephantine. Once I have a good zingy title there really won't be a reason not to. So don't anybody scare him or his friends off just yet, I need him here to provide fresh material.
(Sunday 20 September 2015; 1:34)
Bad Blood: The hijacking of The Elusive Chanteuse (56,756) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So I'm online, minding Mariah's business, right? And what do I come across but some broadband moron hijacking The Elusive Chanteuse moniker for their own, often times, lesser fave? I wouldn't have made much of it except it wasn't the first time I'd seen it and not even the same performer. But I'm nothing if not a faux scientist so of course I set out to prove myself wrong. I think you all know where this is going but long story short I found not one, not two, but countless instances of bloggers, "journalists", random posters etc misappropriating "The Elusive Chanteuse" phrase to: in no particular order; JLo (in Spanish), Nelly Furtado, Rihanna and Janet Jackson (real? and true?), Lana Del Rey, Jennifer Hudson, Britney, Alanis Morisette, Jennifer Lawrence, Beyonce and Sia (both many several times over), Ariana Grande (in Portuguese no less), Taylor Swift, Leona Lewis, Vonda Shepard, Nicki Minaj, Xtina, Estelle, Leighton Meester, Madonna, even RuPaul and Buffy The Vampire Slayer were like: Bitch, don't forget about us, we're elusive chanteuses too. Hollah. I didn't even include some singers and actresses (WTF) because I hadn't even ever heard of them before. It's so irksome that one troll couldn't even use the masculine form (chanteur) for MJ in their hurry to dilute Mariah's newest alias. Why do people do this? I thought MIAMTEC was a flop album, yet here goes literally everybody you can Google being called the elusive chanteuse. Wasn't the album title mocked to high heavens and Mariah lambasted for it? Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse is part of MC's legacy as much as Music Box, Daydream, Butterfly is but it would have been The Art Of Letting Go if some idiot goat hadn't leaked it. In the end it didn't matter one way or another because shameless people are determined to steal from Mariah in broad daylight even her signature idiosyncratic song and album titles. Why is Mariah's hard work and intellectual properties seen as communal wealth and whose camps are behind the charge? That is a rhetorical question BTW. My 2¢.
(Saturday 19 September 2015; 14:22)
Random: the album Butterfly (56,735) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So this past Monday I was rushing through a mall and suddenly I hear Ouside playing inside an Oasis store. That meant someone had probably played the whole album because it's such an obscure fan favorite. I didn't even have time to really take it in since I was in a hurry and kinda forgot all about it until just now. I need to track down the Lamb who is responsible for playing Butterfly in its anniversary week and seduce him/her into being my friend. I guess this is me manifesting my master plan. Yeah, Lamb-dencity is low in Sweden at least in my experience and to be fair I have fairly high personal standards for who passes. But I have faith in this Oasis person. Pretty random, ey?
(Friday 18 September 2015; 12:12)
Article: Mariah in 1990: critics loved her, thought she was white (56,711) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I have a theory: The more (white bigoted) people who find out she isn't white and the more control over her own image she gained where she would beam with pride over her mixed heritage, especially the African-American part, the more likely they are to shun her. Mariah was always an R&B, Gospel and Soul-singer-songwriter, as most black artists are. It's only some people's perception of her that has changed and flip-flopped. Just look at her Grammy Awards 16 years apart: Best new Artist and Pop Vocal for Vision Of Love. VOL is a Gospel/R&B/Soul record. That's just a fact. It's not Pop. Pop is just another euphemism for what appeals to the greater white audience. And then came the Grammy drought, to the point where she was snubbed entirely in 1996 after delivering two massive diamond albums, Daydream in particular with its record breaking Billboard chart successes. Never mind how the stellar Butterfly was ignored even though it was clearly her best musical effort. Fast forward to 2006 and she finally gets to add three Grammies to her first two and they are all in the R&B category. It literally took 16 years for her to even be recognised and awarded by her genre peers. That's very strange no matter how you look at it for an artist of Mariah's calibre. You would think she hadn't done anything significant between her debut and TEOM. MIAMTEC was a #1 album on the R&B charts because that's her base. She will always do well there. So when certain posters go on and on about how Mariah needs to switch musical genres and work with people who have nothing to do with black music, when she's been an R&B artist her whole life, I find it interesting. Very interesting. My 2¢.
(Thursday 17 September 2015; 6:27)
Mariah's welcome to Game Of War Offices (56,678) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
You wouldn't know the difference between these professional gamers and computer programmers from the Lambily at large judging from that uproarious and enthusiastic welcome and I just love that. It bodes well for the future. I wonder if she's played GoW herself yet? Like, what's her username: #1Hero? Yeah, that's probably it, very inconspicuous.
(Wednesday 16 September 2015; 8:18)


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