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About Special K from USA: Been ridin with Mariah since VOL. I have seen Mariah in concert numerous times and was blessed to have actually met her.

Re: Andrew gone (87,411) (87,437) by Special K from USA
Oh my goodness why are you dissing my song? I love Boy I Need You.
(Saturday 5 January 2019; 21:31)
Re: With You (87,429) (87,436) by Special K from USA
I have always said WY is boring as hell but it does get played on those R&B stations that play no Hip Hop. Me personally I think it's a good thing that Mariah is having some success in the R&B Urban Contemporoary market. We tend to forget she is pushing 50. That market is really the only market that will play her music. What's interesting is that BET Soul is playing the music video GTFO way more than the WY video.
(Saturday 5 January 2019; 21:29)
Re: Mariah's "Christmas" climbs to No. 3 on Billboard (87,348) (87,358) by Special K from USA
Amen to that.
(Tuesday 1 January 2019; 15:31)
Re: Andrew gone (87,340) (87,357) by Special K from USA
I pray Mariah never, ever, never, ever, ever, in life, ever, has an Andrew in her life. Edward there are plenty of posters up in here that aren't "Yassss Queens" who make great points without spewing vulgar negativity and attacking other fans who opinions may differ so you can chill with that mess. Throughout the years I have seen many "Andrews" come and go on this messageboard. Anyone remember Maria from the UK? Lol. Me personally, I hope he does come back. I just like reading the drama he starts. Y'all just need to learn how to check his ass. I think B does a great job doing that. Shout out to B.
(Tuesday 1 January 2019; 15:30)
Re: Christmas (87,303) (87,356) by Special K from USA
Yay, I am so happy for you Mara. Yes, I met Mariah at a meet and great during the Charmbracelet tour. I also had a very brief encounter with her during TAOM tour in Oakland thanks to a buddy. Mara, girl, let me tell you something. Mariah is drop dead beautiful. At least she was back then. That flawless skin and those big brown beautiful bambi eyes will take your breath away. Mariah was very friendly and when she made direct eye contact with me I swear my heart skipped a beat. I actually asked her to sign my Butterfly CD and she did without hesitation. Mariah asked me what my name was. I told her and she was like, "That is a beautiful name. I have never heard that name before." I almost died again. I didn't have a sad story to tell her. I wasn't crying like some other fans were. I just told her that I was a true fan and thanked her for bringing me joy through her music. Mariah grabbed my hand and thanked me. For a brief 5 seconds it was like it was just me and her in the room. She was so sweet. I couldn't have had a better experience. Girl don't stress out about what to wear. As long as your comfortable and look good you will be fine. Let us know how it goes.
(Tuesday 1 January 2019; 14:58)
Merry Christmas (87,236) by Special K from USA
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.
(Wednesday 26 December 2018; 14:55)
Re: Chanel 5 "documentary" (87,227) (87,235) by Special K from USA
Interesting how those three snakes failed to mention and discuss why they have a very estranged relationship with Mariah in the present and the producers epic failure to highlight those reasons. Morgan Carey makes me get dry heaves. Seriously. It's like play your role. You are supposed to be the big brotha and protect your sister. You straight up put your sister on blast, call her a witch, take every opportunity you have conducting interviews trash talking your sister but oh now you in this so called documentary acting like you want nothing but the best for your sister with them fake tears. Boy bye with that sh$t. Whatever issues he and Mariah had that caused them to have a falling out was between them two, Morgan "knives in the back big brotha" Carey" needs his ass kicked. I remember watching him on Inside Edition saying he had to move to Italy because he was afraid of Mariah's fans. What a punk. The other two aren't even worth my time to talk sh$t about.
(Wednesday 26 December 2018; 14:54)
Re: Goodbye (86,906) (86,928) by Special K from USA
Oh are we doing this again Andrew? Boy bye. For now that is. You're such an attention tool. Get over yourself and grow a pair.
(Friday 7 December 2018; 14:02)
Re: Top R&B albums - back to back #1s (86,875) (86,886) by Special K from USA
That is crazy. I'm happy for Merry Christmas but then it's like okay, more folks would rather buy an album from Mariah that's more than 20 years old than an album she just released?
(Wednesday 5 December 2018; 15:16)
Re: 8th Grade (86,870) (86,885) by Special K from USA
Yes I love 8th Grade.
(Wednesday 5 December 2018; 15:10)
Re: 8th Grade (86,860) (86,869) by Special K from USA
Whatever. No just kidding. If Terna likes it, then I like it. Not.
(Wednesday 5 December 2018; 01:21)
RJ112 (86,868) by Special K from USA
I posted a new pic just for you. To be honest I won't lie my hubby thinks Bryan looks like a little boy. He said I come home to a 16 ounce Tbone steak every night while Mariah goes home to a 2 ounce sirloin. Usually we get into it about me crushing on Dwayne Johnson while he throws Gina Torres up my face.
(Wednesday 5 December 2018; 01:17)
Re: I feel ashamed (86,782) (86,798) by Special K from USA
Hmm mmm, don't think for one second Licia I don't see your little slick ass comments against my baby. I already have to fly to the UK and Nigeria to slap folks with my Mariah inspired pony tail then I'm gonna drive to San Jose which ain't too far from me. It's getting too expensive for me to come to Houston so I will just kiss a picture of my baby and dedicate that picture to your ass.
(Monday 3 December 2018; 03:50)
Re: TJ (86,787) (86,793) by Special K from USA
I actually agree. I know Mariah loves her kids and she is very proud of them but it's like she is puts them on "display" and they have to perform way too much for me. It's like "lights, camera, action". As a mother it doesn't sit well with me either but at the same time I don't want to judge.

(Monday 3 December 2018; 01:23)
Re: Why Mariah Carey is getting mom shamed (86,763) (86,767) by Special K from USA
Girl I thought you knew, ghetto wanna be hood folks don't use seat belts.
(Sunday 2 December 2018; 16:11)
Re: 8th Grade (86,755) (86,766) by Special K from USA
Don't get an Aaliyah vibe from 8th Grade. That song and those lyrics are so Mariah and she even said in an interview that the song is about a boy she liked In the 8th grade. Timberland beats/tracks are so universal. He has worked with so many artists from different genres of music, however you can always tell his signature producer sound. I believe Mariah and Timberland have worked together previously on other songs, however those songs didn't make certain albums. 8th Grade is way superior than OMG in my opinion but I have noticed that a lot fans love that song so I won't knock it unless Terna likes it.
(Sunday 2 December 2018; 16:04)
Caution (86,725) by Special K from USA
It took me awhile but Caution has really grown on me. The album really takes off from tracks 3-10. Still really not feeling OMG but Caution is even starting to grow on me. At the end of the day Mariah really did put out a good album. For me I still feel it could have used perhaps more ballads. Portrait (what a beautiful song, almost made me cry) isn't enough but overall this album is a good album. I see why Caution has gotten so many positive reviews. Is it me or has anyone noticed all of the media spin positivity love Mariah has been getting? Caution may not sell well however it appears that Mariah's positive image is selling very well and that is a beautiful thing.
(Saturday 1 December 2018; 18:04)
8th Grade (86,724) by Special K from USA
Wow 8th Grade is my new jam. This song is a mid tempo ballad. The infectious finger snap accompanied with the harp like plucking sound and those Timberland beats complement and enhance Mariah's voice. I love the way Timberland broke it down at the end of the song bouncing his beats against Mariah's high notes. Reminds me of a call and response cadence. 8th Grade is one of the best produced songs on Caution. I hope they release it to radio. Mariah and Timberland need to work on more songs together. It's all about the 8th Grade.
(Saturday 1 December 2018; 17:54)
Re: Caution: a track a day (2 of 7) (86,599) (86,602) by Special K from USA
I absolutely love this song. It's my To The Floor and it's way better than Caution and OMG.
(Wednesday 28 November 2018; 02:08)
Re: Lil Kim (86,559) (86,560) by Special K from USA
Looks like Missy responded to Jermaine. LiL Kim already acting like she's in charge.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 22:51)
Re: Lil Kim (86,537) (86,550) by Special K from USA
Missy need to be on the track. Mariah and Missy recently have been giving each other kudos on Twitter.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 16:14)
Re: Lil Kim (86,531) (86,546) by Special K from USA
What chica that song is the bomb. I always bust out laughing when Mariah starts singing, " Isaid no". You be killing me talking trash about Crapfinity. Lol.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 15:35)
Re: Lil Kim (86,533) (86,545) by Special K from USA
DJ Sasquatch? Girl you almost made spit out my expensive Star bucks coffee. He do have a funny looking head and face. Lol. I thought JD was listed as an additional producer on A, No No.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 15:31)
Re: Mariah sales (86,532) (86,544) by Special K from USA
I am praying right now as we speak that she wears a grill in the video.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 15:27)
Re: Mariah sales (86,524) (86,543) by Special K from USA
Lol, I have been a fan of Mariah's since 1992. Trust, I get her fan base was divided and alot of fans jumped ship when she switched up her image and went more urban, oops, excuse me "ghetto". Edward, I see you totally don't get what I am trying to say but that's ok. Interesting to me how you view Hip Hop and wearing braids as totally a ghetto hood thing but hey that's ok. As an African/Cuban American raised in a middle class family growing up listening to Hip Hop and wearing braids I didn't realize I was a wanna be ghetto hood chick looking for a pass. My African American mother would straight pass out holding her heart like she was in an episode of Sanford and Son. Hearing my parents cuss every once in awhile (trust my Cuban father cussed way more) and certain family members/friends having nick names like Fingers and Ghost I guess was ghetto as hell. I guess being ghetto would also apply to my Italian/Irish husband whose nick name is Money. Yes, everybody in his family calls him Money. I betta get my mother in law on the phone and tell her she is a wanna be ghetto hood chick. See folks like me and Mariah aren't trying to get a ghetto pass. Wearing braids, listening to Hip Hop, etc, is what we "ghetto hood folks" see as apart of our culture. So, is our culture ghetto? Is it urban? Hmmm. I happen to think Mariah looks absolutely stunning when she wears her hair in braids and I wish she would wear her hair in its natural "nappy ghetto" state more often. Ok now I am being sarcastic. Honestly Edward it's all good and I am sure that there are plenty of folks who agree with you but you know I don't give sh$t. Lol. Your still one of my favorites "OG's" in the MCA. We been rocking on this board for a long time together.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 15:21)


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