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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

Re: Melody & Mistletoe (56,659) (56,677) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Stalk the set B? Like, Hello, you can be in the damn thing you know, paid and everything. They're gonna need extras and crew. You lucky bastard tbh. Report back whatever happens and make sure you represent the Lambily. Say hi from MCA if you get a chance, tell her to put something in the Christmas movie for us, a Lamb Easter egg.
(Wednesday 16 September 2015; 8:08)
Time to be heroes, guys (56,636) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I absolutely love this Game of War take on Hero. Gives the song a whole new meaning kinda. A lot more firece than anyone would have imagined just a year ago. Wonder who she's playing since she's obviously not a real life Dragon Slayer. Well, as far as we know, right? Kate was supposed to be portraying Athena but whatever. M looks amazingly fabulous, the camera just loves her. Anyway, it's always great to see Mariah venture into new territories, quite literally this time, re-imagine her classics and mess around with her image. Honestly, "Camp Mariah" is the most genius thing ever. Keep 'em coming MiMi.
(Monday 14 September 2015; 23:11)
Re: Dial M for Miscellaneous (56,603) (56,608) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Hey Eric, when in [sic] wrote 1. "The Daydream Shades (as in plural)" I was deliberately going for a double entendre. I was referencing Daydream because that's when she started wearing sunglasses, shades, and that's also when we learned she was a practitioner of the art of shade through her response to being dissed by Madonna. So the plural "s" in shades wasn't a typo. I appreciate that you actually read our posts to the point where you sometimes correct spelling and grammar but occasionally the meaning and point of what I wrote originally gets lost. I'd rather you keep all, and not just some, of the minor mistakes you think I make if you can stand it. Or maybe make a note or exclamation? For the record, I have no issue with whatever you censure, that's your prerogative as Webmaster. God bless.
(Saturday 12 September 2015; 5:55)
Dial M for Miscellaneous (56,603) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah has so many musical calling cards but has also acquired a whole bunch of very symbolic ones through her many album eras that have become a part of her signature brand.
1.The Daydream shade. Classic moment.
2. Barely there Rainbow-Glitter cleavage-dresses.
3. The stilleto and platform heels which, along with her dresses, find themselves frequently in water for one reason or another. No one knows exactly why but scientists are conducting studies at NASA so that one day our grandchildren may finally know the truth.
4.The Heartbreaker jeans. But really, Mariah has always been very much about her denim. That's the one staple in her wardrobe that doesn't really have an entry date.
5.The world's most casual wearer of diamonds. The charmbracelet butterfly ring. You may kiss it if your lips are free from Mariah slander.
6. The #1s called Lambs. A most uniquely formed fandom. The only one of it's kind as it is literally an extension of Mariah's immidiate inner circle.
7. Bianca, she who needs no introduction. The emancipation of BiBi: coming soon.
8. AniMariah the cartoon and 3D version of MC that is forever immortalised on film. I would love to hear her speak and see her go on little adventurers. *hint hint*
9. Queen and originator (as always) of personalised gear, be it blinged out mics, pink road cases, bejewelled ear pieces or initialed walk-in closet and pool floor designs.
10. Fritz quadrata a.k.a. Mariah's font. Enough said. When will anyone, ever?
(Friday 11 September 2015; 19:53)
E=MC's Cup? (56,600) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The tabloid press is obviously being instructed to spread as many false stories about Mariah's boobs, and body over all, as possible because THTB can't stand how well she is doing or how good she looks doing it. The desperation is delicious and I just love how M is completely unbothered. Come on Donna. She's the shit and she knows it. And if you didn't know, I just told you.
(Friday 11 September 2015; 15:28)
Ellen has judging AI as one of her worst decisions (56,566) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So Ellen DeGeneres was on Howard Stern's radio show and had nothing but superlatives to say about her time on American Idol.
Howard: "Did you hate judging 'American Idol'?"
Ellen: "Yes. That's one of the worst decisions I've made." Robin: "Why did you want to do it in the first place?"
Ellen: "As a fan of the shows, it doesn't matter that I sing or I know anything about pitch or anything, I'm like everybody else at home. It's 'American Idol.' So I thought I'm gonna represent those people at home that have opinions, but then I just thought, like Howard says, I can't break this person's heart. Let somebody else do that."
Ain't it funny how Mariah kinda started a trend in exposing the false Idols of reality competitions? When will your lesser faves?
(Thursday 10 September 2015; 8:37)
Rare I Still Believe (Together Remix) (56,553) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I've never heard this remix before and it's brilliant. Krayzie Bone and Mariah are Magical together. Like, when will your lesser faves ever have so many amazing unreleased tracks 25 years into their career? These things make me so happy.
(Wednesday 9 September 2015; 16:16)
Why You Mad? choreography (56,548) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I could have with I'd already posted this the second it was uploaded a few weeks ago but whatever, here it is. Thanks for the reminder Warrior Butterfly
(Wednesday 9 September 2015; 14:35)
WDYM? Justin Bieber's first Billboard Hot 100 #1 (56,543) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Congratulations JB, you have officially arrived. And it's a hot shot debut too. Despite his established global popularity and unprecedented success in sales, the BB Hot #1 has been his most elusive achievement. He has a long way to go before he is anywhere near Mariah's or her fellow legends level but it's a good start. Also, What Do You Mean? is actually a pretty good song, meaning not just a bunch of words thrown together haphazardly. It reminds me a lot, lyrically, of YDNWTD from MIAMTEC. God bless, much love.
(Wednesday 9 September 2015; 8:52)
Little Lambs wishing MCPH happy 13th anniversary (56,516) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
On a much lighter note. Do Philippino schools actually have Mariah Carey in their official syllabus or something? These things make me smile.
(Monday 7 September 2015; 21:38)
Re: Mariah's theme (56,457) (56,514) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Your post comes off as a desperate attempt to distract from the indisputable points I made about strange men, having nothing but negative things to say about one of the most beautiful women alive and how she should change her body to their specific, yet contradictory, liking. As far as we know, you are (hopefully) also complete strangers to her which makes it creepy to be honest. People with possible personality disorders who obsess over the cutting and slicing of a female's body who doesn't even know you exist? I'd be scared to label you and your lot. How you turned that into gay bashing I will thankfully never know. But whatever keeps you up at night is fine by me.
(Monday 7 September 2015; 21:24)
Re: The body: no filter (56,504) (56,512) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
You're a lousy liar making such statements without even taking the time to fabricate false proof. FYI, using Instagram filters on occasion is not photoshopping. No woman in their right mind would post unflattering pictures of themselves of their own volition. We pick and chose, delete the ones we don't like and keep the good ones. A filter is just a fun feature on most modern devises. You obviously haven't ever been introduced to one going by what you let roam your mind and then post for all our displeasure. But make no mistake Andrew, you are a valuable im-poster because as long as there are lurkers and unnamed members liking your posts in kegion and ignoring the obvious Lamb posts, your very presence proves how deep seated the vendetta against Mariah still is. But thanks to you and your email buddies Team Mariah has never been more hip to the scheme. Keep up the good work.
(Monday 7 September 2015; 20:55)
Mariah the beautiful (56,496) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
As usual I'm going against the grain but, much like James, I like Mariah just the way she is now. I can't remember a time where she didn't exude health and good habits, now or any other time. She's lost about 171 pounds a.k.a. 78 kilos, of a dumbbell, this past year and it shows in her entire deportment. She's gained a significant amount of smile muscles instead and looks extremely relaxed and carefree on top of being plain beautiful. She can finally carry Dembabies in her arms and play with them freely after that nasty fall on the #Beautiful remix video-shoot that changed her whole life trajectory with the multiple injuries she suffered through and is still recovering from as far as we know. It was a blessing in disguise because it's helped expose the people who don't wish her well and brought her true champions out. I love how confident she is in her own body no matter what size she is and how little value she places in looks when it comes to who she counts as friends or admires as artists etc. Fun fact: I haven't personally owned a scale since 2006 because Mariah said she didn't. Thanks MiMi. I'd rather buy her new album, whenever it comes out, with the money. Or treat a friend to dinner for no particular reason. I also like a good boot so I indulge accordingly. But that's just me. Anybody who believes in Mariah when everybody else doubts her and sees all the good that radiates out of her when the detractors are busy finding flaws is A-OK in my book. So shootout to all of you (a.k.a. Lambs) who are in that category. With that said: Go WoolPac go. As you were.
(Sunday 6 September 2015; 16:51)
M with Bono and The Edge in back stage pic (56,479) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"At the opening night of the U2 European tour." She looks amazing and the other two look pretty good too for a couple of Rockstars. It looks like they were posing for at least two different cameras though. lmfao. These things make me happy.
(Friday 4 September 2015; 23:57)
Mariah's birthday tweet at Beyonce (56,470) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Happy Bday to you beautiful Beyonce. Here's to another great year."
(Friday 4 September 2015; 18:36)
Mariah's theme (56,452) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The Boobologists on this board crack me up with their useless theories formed without any firsthand, or secondhand knowledge for that matter. When is the last time any of you had the pleasure of handling a woman's breasts without the authorities being alerted? Stick to what you know (which is nothing unless you're talking about dicks) when expounding on Mariah's body over which you have no jurisdiction by the way. The sexism some of you male posters engage in is pretty sickening. It's beyond Mariah bashing at this point. The bodyshaming needs to stop. I don't come here to have my femininity insulted by proxy as you attack everything about Mariah Carey that was God given. Mariah is clearly proud to be a woman and always has been. She is beautiful in all her feminine form. When you nitpick and even go so far as lie and fabricate about her body it shows signs of pathology. This board is not the ideal place to deal with whatever ails you since you're obviously not Lambs. I would tell you to listen to Hero, AYNAF, MIH, VOL, CTTA, I Wish You Well, Infinity etc but I'm pretty sure that'd be like throwing holy water on demons and might do more harm than good. May God bless you all and deliver you from your tormentors.
(Thursday 3 September 2015; 23:46)
Re: Negativity (56,420) (56,427) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The Duplicity. Even a lie aspires to be as truthful as possible. You fool no one but your own chain of fools. Your choice of boardname alone is an affront. I'm sure you have kept your options open. The Lambily wishes you well and hope you find a more agreeable forum, like Nathan Morris' Facebook page.
(Tuesday 1 September 2015; 22:05)
A couple of requests for the new MCA (56,355) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
1. I really miss the search function. Is that coming back at some point? MCArchives was so great with the unique news scroll with all the Mariah stories going back to the 90's.
2. Is there a possibility for there to be cursors between the news stories like we have for the message posts? That would be brilliant.
3. And the member index is no more?
Eric, will you please let us know if and when you have settled on what the template MCA's new brand is gonna be/ ook like? I just thought I might speak up since we got the discography section back only because you didn't realise it's part of the MCA brand and very much appreciated. Maybe I'm too late with my observations but I just thought they would magically reappear in some form. Either way I will make due. For your consideration.
(Friday 28 August 2015; 19:47)
I want a bombastic rhapsody (56,321) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
An unapologetically melodic explosion that breaks every rule and preconceived notion of what "works" on radio. Give me an 18 minute song that defies genres. It's a pity I can't fully flesh out the real ideas on account of these ubiquitous eaves droppers ready to JLo every good damn post. Some of you luckily don't have to worry about that. Most of the stuff I think up I can't post because they've never been done on the grand scale or executed as well as Mariah would end up doing them. In that regard, James Packer is right on the money: Mariah Carey is a musical genius. I wonder sometimes if she even realises how little she's tapped into her full potential. I'm of the school of thought that she could fly solo a lot more than she's let herself. I'd like to hear Mariah as she is without the direct input of other musicians, producers, executives etc. What would her music sound like in an emergency situation, where she had to rely completely on just her own agency? I contend her only real competition these days is herself. So I say cut out the middleman. Sistas are doing it for themselves, I hope some of that independence rubs off on you from working with Diane. But I'm gonna leave this up just for the hell of it and hope Team Mariah sees it before the shadow people do.
(Thursday 27 August 2015; 0:34)
The new Mariah Carey: the standard (56,307) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
That phrase's underlying meaning is the word: standard. Mariah is the measuring stick one uses when aiming for the pinnacle of any musical achievement. Ergo, many artists, male and female, will find themselves being compared to her often as part of their marketing. Just being mentioned in the same sentence lends them an aire of instant relevance that might otherwise take years and a lot of hard work to gain on their own. Yet we have music executives claiming she's in need of a comeback. Where exactly does she need to come back from? She's already set the bar so high it's doubtful we'll see anyone match her in our lifetime let alone create their own stadard by which every new artist is held up to. But you want her to raise it? Her biggest flops eclipse entire career's of those who followed her and her peers. All this was to say how funny I find it that not a day goes by where a singer is deemed the new Mariah but Mariah herself is forever doomed to comeback mode even though she's never gone anywhere. In fact, she's never been more prolific or adventurous in her career choices as she is now. Music, acting, touring, directing, writing, producing. There seems to be no limit to what she has planned just in this next year. I feel sorry for other fandoms when I see how spoiled the Lambily really is. We've never had to deal with a Mariah truly out of commission or lacking substance in the projects she releases. She's a freaking workhorse and I just realised how greatful I am to be a lamb at this time in history. God bless you and yours Mimi. You are appreciated. Viva Infinity.
(Wednesday 26 August 2015; 18:58)
Mariah, the poster child for anti-smoking? (56,185) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
She really is. She used to be a smoker until that time she lost her voice at 18 and swore to God if she got it back she'd never smoke again. And the rest is musical history. Imagine the taglines: I quit smoking and gained a five octave range. Stellar, built-in marketing. Remember this? MC: That's right Usher, don't be blowing no smoke in my face [censored]. Also, she could front throat lozenges and tea (from Starbucks of course). Anyway, I applaude Mariah for telling off the smokers in the audience the other night in Israel since it's not only her whose voice is sensitive to cigarette smoke on stage. Maryann, Trey and Teka probably appreciate her speaking up for them too. Not to mention all the nonsmoking civilians in the 12,000+ crowd. Good looking out MiMi. Keep the Lambily alive.
(Friday 21 August 2015; 17:43)
Pinoy kids singing Infinity in music class (56,116) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This reminds me of elementary school when the teacher had us listen to, translate and sing the lyrics of songs like MJ's Who Is It? for English class and so I just thought this was too cute to leave alone. "I was yours, internally, there's an end to Infinity. To Infinity-eee-eee-eee." When will your lesser faves?
(Monday 17 August 2015; 17:13)
Re: Pregnant vocals (56,095) (56,112) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Never underestimate a mother's love and that goes both ways since Mariah and her mother Patricia would be singing together on an album as a first time at the same time she was carrying two miracle babies. Not to mention how Christmas is her Season D'être as well as an excuse to sing and write Gospel songs. Mariah was alone a lot during her pregnancy. I'm sure the reprieve from the constant barrage of strange germs and viruses also did her good. Plus her voice, writing talent and musicality is all a devine gift from God. If she was ever going to sound like an angel, Oh Come All Ye Faithful was it. She's anointed and her faith is that of a mustard seed. That's how come her music does so well in places like Japan, The Middle East or wherever because it transcends ingrained culture, language, politics and creed. That's the true mark of a great artist and singer-songwriter IMO. These things make me proud to be a lamb. God Bless.
(Monday 17 August 2015; 14:18)
Re: Why you mad? Um, because of this (56,017) (56,026) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Not disappointing? Look I don't want the webmaster to savage me again, because I know he hates doing it, but the remix is an unadulterated mess. It's a joke. Is there a market for this? Do lambs like this music now? It's bad. It's awful. And I think most people know it. I genuinely think less of the the other artists for taking part. It is honestly the worst thing MC has ever released. Ever. Full stop/period. It makes the original sound like an Oscar winner. What's the point of it? Throwing salt into the wound of the original. It's just awful. There are bad MC songs that we all wonder about. And then there is this. Serious questions have to be asked about what the fantasy she is doing." Andrew, you should consider applying for a job at Rolling Stone Magazine, Billboard and other such publications. You could use all your posts on MCA in your submission portfolio. I'm sure you will find great success in doing so and I'm not even kidding. We could use someone like you on the inside fighting for Mariah. My 2¢.
(Friday 14 August 2015; 8:55)
Re: Megan Trainor (56,002) (56,015) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Add Keith Urban to that list Tevin. Ironic isn't it? Meanwhile Mariah who actually sings more live the longer she is in the business and sounds absolutely magnificent doing it because she has taken exceptional care of her instrument and has great vocal techniques is always the one the media trolls falsely uses as example of someone who supposedly can't sing anymore. If singing were an Olympic event she would have had 7 Gold medals for her every vocal peak by now. Who else has been singing on her octave levels for 25 years and has an opera singer for a mother to boot? This is why Mariah needs to be a mentor to other musicians and it's a crime she was robbed of that on her AI stint. Perhaps she was overqualified considering who they let on the judge's panel. Mariah should seriously entertain the idea of teaching proper voice care and professional singing at Juilliard or Carnegie Mellon at some point. Or maybe a docu-series of 10 episodes on PBS, MTV, VH1, BET or HBO and a book. I'm sure Patricia could coauthor as she too has demonstrated brilliant preservation of her voice on Come All Ye Faithful. My 2¢.
(Friday 14 August 2015; 0:47)


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