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About Haiji Toro from USA:
• I have been a fan/lamb of her music since "Vision of Love" (Apollo). • Favorite Mariah song is "Love Takes Time". I love the live version. • Favorite Mariah album is Butterfly. I was 16 and in a tough time in my life. The song "Outside" had a great impact in my life. It opened my eyes to life. It felt relieving to hear words I've already known so well, and someone actually understood how I felt. Overall, the entire album is flawless, in my opinion. • Favorite Mariah movie gotta be Glitter. I'm an 80's baby, so no diss, but I'm used to the corny dialogue and inexperienced acting. That movie definitely gave me a throwback vibe. It was very entertaining though and the soundtrack is very underrated.
•I'm Colombian & Palestinian, raised in the USA. •I think I'm Mariah when in the shower. •Spiritual, one of those "I love everyone", type of guy.
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Free Mariah (62,639)
by Haiji Toro from USA
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Ok I might get backlash about this but whatever. I read these posts on this messageboard on a daily base and I actually agree with everyone to an extent. You all make sense but I think coming off a bit wrong. I do agree Mariah is well overdue on winning these awards and recognition but it does seem like these awards coincide with the artist's relevance (music or sympathy lol) or maybe a send off from the industry. Maybe they figure Mariah's not either of those things. Think about it, JLo is always in the news with positive reviews, doing Vegas, give her an award (ratings), Celine is doing Vegas, the audience sympathizes with her, she's adored, give her an award (ratings), Britney is doing Vegas, maybe doing new music, maybe no hope for her musically, who knows, she's finally likeable, first performance at an awards show in a while, give her an award (ratings). Now Mariah, as deserving as always, not making new music, not really likeable, continuously being sabotaged by the industry since Tommy's Sony (powerful company, powerful man), maybe it's a conspiracy, who knows? Research the music industry from the beginning of history. Three major top labels controlling music and the artists (Sony, Warner Bros. and Universal). Then research the fight between Prince and Warner Bros. There's so much more to these stories than what we're made to believe. These companies own TMZ, they already know their targets. Check to see if TMZ ever said anything nice about Prince. Btw, kinda off topic, ever looked at Prince's 1999 album upside down?
(Tuesday 24 May 2016; 18:06)
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Re: TMZ video (62,529) (62,544)
by Haiji Toro from USA
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I thought the same. I caught the kisses on the cheek as well. I'm sorry but if I'm gonna marry someone, I would probably be a bit more affectionate than that. I'm not saying to show pda all over town, but come on, she used to be all over Nick 24/7. Something must be going on behind the scenes. Behind "her" scenes, not "theirs". I smell something fishy here. Smells like tween spirit with a side of Bulochfish.
(Monday 23 May 2016; 4:49)
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TMZ once again (62,543)
by Haiji Toro from USA
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What is going on here? I'm confused.
(Monday 23 May 2016; 4:38)
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Re: Bryan is not a love interest, he's gay(62,489) (62,490)
by Haiji Toro from USA
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What makes those dancers gay or bi? So does that mean all construction workers are straight? Mmhh interesting. Why wouldn't a backup dancer be good for her though? Is it because he's not a billionaire? What if there's more chemistry with the dancer? She already acts younger than her age, why not be with someone at her mental level?
(Saturday 21 May 2016; 22:22)
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