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About Special K from USA:
Been ridin with Mariah since VOL. I have seen Mariah in concert numerous times and was blessed to have actually met her.
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Re: Selected Target stores only (86,507) (86,516)
by Special K from USA
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You miss the crazy Mariah? Ok I am coming to San Jose to slap you with my Mariah inspired pony tail. You get the 10 foot long slap.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 00:59)
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Re: Mariah sales (86,511) (86,514)
by Special K from USA
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Wow ok Edward so I guess only ghetto hood people listen to Hip Hop. 75 % of Hip Hop consumers are white folks. Facts. I don't understand why folks are saying Mariah is a wanna be ghetto hood person. Half of y'all probably never been to a real ghetto and believe it or not, not ever damn body in the ghetto listens to Hip Hop. So Edward, do you feel the same way about Ariana Grande, Thaila, Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, or any other artist that incorporates Hip Hop into their music? The way some of y'all talk you would think Mariah got a damn grill in her mouth.
(Monday 26 November 2018; 00:40)
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Re: Mariah sales (86,475) (86,482)
by Special K from USA
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I'm talking about the disconnect between Mariah and her die hard fans. The majority of us die hards knew Caution was coming out. Caution should have easily sold over 100,000 with just die hard fans buying it.
(Saturday 24 November 2018; 23:38)
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Re: Selected Target stores only (86,472) (86,481)
by Special K from USA
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I didn't mean any disrespect towards Cher. We love Cher.
(Saturday 24 November 2018; 23:29)
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Re: Selected Target stores only (86,454) (86,465)
by Special K from USA
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Man I hate to be kill joy but I'm hearing Caution only sold 50,000 copies in the first week. That's exceeding expectations? Really? No that is hella bleak. Then you have fans buying and streaming multiple times so even them numbers are inflated. Dang, Janet Jackson and Cher were able to sell over 100,000 in their first week. Don't get me wrong I think this role out has been nothing short of perfection and the album reviews are glowing however there is huge disconnect between Mariah and alot of people who say that they are her fans when it comes buying her albums. If Cher, who is dang near 100 years old, can pull 100-130,000 in first week sales then dang it Mariah should be able to do so as well.
(Saturday 24 November 2018; 14:42)
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Re: Selected Target stores only (86,435) (86,442)
by Special K from USA
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Honestly though who is still buying physical cd's? The last physical CD I bought period from any artist was MOAIA. My niece, who is 17 years old, told me yesterday during Thanksgiving dinner that she loves The Distance and A No, No. I told her the Caution album was 7 bucks at Target, was she gonna buy it? My niece laughed out hella loud and was like, "Auntie, I have never bought a physical CD. If I buy music, and that's if I buy it, I download it off of iTunes, Spotify, or Amazon. That's why I always have to have my phone with me so I can listen to my music." Then I asked her how did she find out about those songs? She told me they popped up on her YouTube account because she has listened to other Mariah Carey songs like WBT and ABMB. My niece said she may buy Caution off of iTunes because her favorite singer Kehlani said on Twitter it was the sh$t and Mariah responded by thanking her. Go figure. I guess what I am trying to say the days of music fans rushing out to the store to buy an album are long gone. It's all about streaming and buying albums off of iTunes, Amazon, etc because it's easy access and so convenient. What drives Mariah's album sales are strong singles. Sorry but WY ain't it. Hopefully now that there is a buzz about A No, No remix with Lil Kim and Cardi B, Caution will sell more than the disappointing numbers I am hearing about so far.
(Friday 23 November 2018; 18:55)
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Re: Body of work (86,371) (86,392)
by Special K from USA
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"With You is beautiful and memorable." Really Andrew? That song blah, blah, blah. Mariah got about twenty With You's in her catalog.
(Thursday 22 November 2018; 00:20)
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Re: A lengthy meditation on the album (86,356) (86,391)
by Special K from USA
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I 100% agree with you Bill. After listening to this album for the second time today, I feel like Mariah was very purposeful in writing songs that were fun and bit raunchy. Why? Because MC Wilhelmina Holla is having alot of fun and probably sex with my baby right now as we speak. Anyways, the MIAM album Mimi was crying, camouflaging her tears, her man was fading and his sorry ass didn't know what to do. Sorry sucka didn't know if he wanted to stay or leave but in the end he made like meterorite and bounced. Mariah asked for one more try but he was too busy making babies with other woman. Haha. Honestly, the jury is still out for me regarding the Caution album as a whole. I get Mariah wanted to put out a fun record but damn she could have had at least two more powerful ballads on that joint. I need a Joyride or a FLAB. Anyone notice there is no gospel track? No remake? Mariah really went left on this project but I ain't mad her.
(Thursday 22 November 2018; 00:15)
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Re: A No No feat. Cardi B and Li'l Kim (86,291) (86,343)
by Special K from USA
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I say not only feature Lil Kim and Cardi B, but add another wow factor. I think folks would absolutely loose it if she also had Ariana Grande and Camila Cabello sing added lyrics to that track. Camila Cabello should sing in Spanish.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 05:01)
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Re: Mariah at New Years festivities (86,316) (86,339)
by Special K from USA
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Hilton, make it happen, lol. Love reading your posts.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 03:18)
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Re: A lengthy meditation on the album (86,328) (86,337)
by Special K from USA
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Spot on. Love this post Ribbon.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 03:14)
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Re: A lengthy meditation on the album (86,306) (86,335)
by Special K from USA
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Hmm, mmm. I actually agree with some points. I think Mariah like many other artists do sacrifice their artistry in varying degrees throughout the years. Times change. This ain't the 90's. Music evolves just like career artists do with the changing times but at the of the day I believe Mariah's integrity is in tact. With that said, it amazes me how folks think they know who the "real" Mariah Carey is. To me your expressing your own conflicting, self doubting insecurity baggage onto Mariah. You want her to be something she is not and that within itself is tragic coming from a fan. For the past 20 plus years Mariah has expressed over and over again how she had to fight the powers that be that wanted her to portray an image that she simply was not. I would think we as fans, especially us fans who have been there since the 90's would know that but most importantly accept that. I believe Mariah is very much in tune to who she is what she is about and has no problem expressing every facet of her being. I believe Caution is exactly the type of album that Mariah with her heart, body, and soul wanted to put out. Wake the hell up. Mariah is a very conflicted insecure person and that is okay. Aren't we all at times? Mariah is corny as hell. Loves Hello Kitty, Rainbows, and butterflies. Mariah is a freaky sex pot kitten. Mariah is a huge fan of hip hop. Mariah is bi racial. Mariah has a huge heart and there are many untold stories of her generosity. The problem is that there are certain folks/fans that will never, ever, in life accept the fact that Mariah is no longer the image they want her to be. Which is the innocent looking white girl running around in the corn fields with pigtails. When are y'all gonna learn you was fooled during those years?
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 02:49)
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Re: Why torture yourself? (86,326) (86,333)
by Special K from USA
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Amen to that.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 01:33)
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Re: Caution next single should be? (86,227) (86,270)
by Special K from USA
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She has got to do a mini movie for Giving Me Life.
(Tuesday 20 November 2018; 00:23)
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Re: Giving Me Life (86,204) (86,256)
by Special K from USA
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The first time I heard it I was shook.
(Monday 19 November 2018; 23:01)
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Re: The other 6 songs (86,201) (86,255)
by Special K from USA
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We fans in the MCA community are all over the place when it comes to what songs people love on Caution. Actually I think that is a good thing. Consensus among all sometimes can be boring. It's like all the lambs are just falling in line, lol. I must say I am not really feeling Caution or OMG.
(Monday 19 November 2018; 22:57)
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Giving Me Life (86,198)
by Special K from USA
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Wooooo. Wow. Whoa. This song is on a whole another level. I can't even know what to say. That song is straight boss, genius. And then she got Slick Rick, the Hip Hop God on that joint. Oh my goodness. This is my song straight up. Mariah has got to do an epic, and I mean epic video for this song.
(Sunday 18 November 2018; 23:01)
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Re: Fallon (86,125) (86,159)
by Special K from USA
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Yeah I noticed that too about Ty Dolla.
(Sunday 18 November 2018; 00:36)
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Terna (86,157)
by Special K from USA
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Hmm, mmm, Terna, your ass thought I was gonna let you slide with your little slick shady comment. After I get off of my Glitter high trust I will be coming to Nigeria to slap you with my Mariah inspired pony tail, bangs and all. I'm playing To The Floor right now as I type brah.
(Sunday 18 November 2018; 00:33)
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Re: Caution: Randy's review (86,100) (86,117)
by Special K from USA
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Randy you know I love like a fat kid loves cake but after reading your review, I know now that I am really going to love Caution after I get off of this Glitter high.
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 16:08)
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Re: Fallon (86,101) (86,115)
by Special K from USA
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First of all Wilhelmina was pissing me off when she didn't seem over joyed with excitement that the Glitter album is number one. I'll let her slide on that but yes I really enjoyed the performance. Mariah for the most part was singing live and sounded decent. She looks really happy. The Distance is still my fav so far.
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 16:03)
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Re: Glitter #1 (86,094) (86,112)
by Special K from USA
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I agree. Someone should tell Wilhelmina to release that track. #justiceforloverboy
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 15:55)
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Caution (86,068)
by Special K from USA
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Still on a Glitter high.
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 00:25)
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Re: Glitter #1 (85,976) (85,989)
by Special K from USA
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I know Caution dropping but man a sister has to really soak in and enjoy the fact that the damn Glitter soundtrack is number one. Me and some fellow fans are popping bottles and enjoying All My Life as I type. I feel like I am in a dream. This album was crucified, ridiculed, laughed at and dang near demonized. Virgin records dropped Mariah quicker than a New York minute. I am sorry but it feels so good to see Glitter get it's just due. Ok I am done. I think. Maybe Charmbracelet is next? Hmmm.
(Friday 16 November 2018; 01:13)
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Glitter #1 (85,976)
by Special K from USA
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Wow, I am almost in tears right. I remember when Glitter came out and everyone, including fans dragged the album to pieces. I used to fight so hard for the Glitter. I would get knocked out but get right back up telling everyone how great this album was. I am in heaven right. Never Too Far gets me every time. Glitter is the last, and I mean the last, great, slap you in your face vocal powerhouse album we will ever get from Mariah. Oh my goodness I need some tissue.
(Thursday 15 November 2018; 21:03)
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