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About Special K from USA: Been ridin with Mariah since VOL. I have seen Mariah in concert numerous times and was blessed to have actually met her.

Re: "Glitter" (85,937) (85,941) by Special K from USA
I haven't listened to A No, No yet. Waiting for the album to drop. I feel you regarding With You. That song is boring as hell and I am sorry but those vocals, ugh.
(Thursday 15 November 2018; 03:47)
Re: New album (85,934) (85,940) by Special K from USA
Amen to that.
(Thursday 15 November 2018; 03:26)
Re: GMA appearance 11/19 (85,851) (85,859) by Special K from USA
Those fans must be from the UK.
(Monday 12 November 2018; 19:25)
Re: Caution album (85,829) (85,858) by Special K from USA
Sugaplum? Special K will be respectful and just leave that right there.
(Monday 12 November 2018; 19:24)
Re: Caution album (85,811) (85,824) by Special K from USA
Many of us have been predicting Mariah is going to drop another album. Keep up.
(Sunday 11 November 2018; 13:46)
Re: The Mariah Experience (85,781) (85,800) by Special K from USA
You know I remember when Mariah did a record signing release of Rainbow at Tower records in California. I didn't go but I know fans that actually began lining up the night before and slept outside.
(Saturday 10 November 2018; 17:39)
Re: Poor Rainbow, record rankings (85,782) (85,799) by Special K from USA
You need to windmill fight CB's 1% vote on the EF ranking list. I kidd, I kidd. Hmm let's see, oh well no surprise Butterfly is number one. Boom.
(Saturday 10 November 2018; 17:34)
Re: Mariah Carey giving advice on The Voice (85,707) (85,744) by Special K from USA
You know Dee when Mariah does a really good job at something we fans sometimes don't know how to relax and just "enjoy" the moment.
(Friday 9 November 2018; 03:00)
Re: A No No No (85,563) (85,579) by Special K from USA
I think Mariah's gonna release another album. It will drop on New Years Eve at midnight. Boom. Lambs across the nation will fall out. Weaves and wigs will be snatched but trust mine will be in tack.
(Saturday 3 November 2018; 04:54)
Re: A No No (85,361) (85,371) by Special K from USA
They might as well leak the whole album then on November 16th, drop an entirely different album. Now that would be epic.
(Sunday 28 October 2018; 00:24)
Re: Mariah in Manila (85,350) (85,359) by Special K from USA
I think Mariah is touring too much. When was the last time Mariah has actually had a decent long break from touring and doing Vegas shows? Many fans forgot that she toured with Lionel Richie also.
(Saturday 27 October 2018; 16:30)
No Cali concert dates? (85,357) by Special K from USA
Now see Mariah done extra pissed me off. How in the hell is she not going to have any concert dates in Cali? We show her much love in Cali. Mariah usually do about four shows in California and they usually all sell out. Excuse me but this is absolutely unacceptable ma'am. I don't want to have to go to Roc Nation and catch a case.
(Saturday 27 October 2018; 16:19)
Re: "Music Box" title track (85,322) (85,356) by Special K from USA
Oh how I wish I played Music Box at my wedding.
(Saturday 27 October 2018; 16:11)
Re: Mariah Carey dragged into Da Brat's bankruptcy case (85,234) (85,259) by Special K from USA
Awe hell to the no.
(Wednesday 24 October 2018; 21:07)
Re: Caution World Tour (85,195) (85,208) by Special K from USA
I'm flying to the UK to personally slap your ass with my Mariah Carey inspired ponytail. Bangs and all.
(Tuesday 23 October 2018; 00:51)
Re: Caution World Tour (85,191) (85,197) by Special K from USA
You know you wrong for that.
(Monday 22 October 2018; 20:07)
Re: Big news (85,186) (85,196) by Special K from USA
Now that is hella funny. You probably lip synch better that Mariah anyways.
(Monday 22 October 2018; 20:04)
Big news (85,167) by Special K from USA
Mariah just posted on Twitter that there will be big news announced tomorrow. Oh boy.
(Sunday 21 October 2018; 18:37)
Re: The Distance (85,154) (85,166) by Special K from USA
I am hooked on The Distance. I think we need rehab.
(Sunday 21 October 2018; 17:06)
I'm in heaven (85,165) by Special K from USA
I was able to finally listen to The Distance. Wow, I am on cloud nine right now. I can't express how much I love this song. Now, this is the classic, contemporary Mariah Carey song I have been waiting for. I can't get enough. I am so happy that Ty Dolla $ign is on this song. He is perfect. I get it. Now I get the strategy of releasing GFTO, With You, and The Distance in that sequence. Ok. Well cheers to Mariah and her team for doing something creative and different. I am now officially hyped to buy this album. They really need to push The Distance. That song has the potential to be a huge hit.
(Sunday 21 October 2018; 17:05)
Re: Roc Nation (85,086) (85,093) by Special K from USA
Yes it does make sense and I think it's a great idea. Loving this Caution era.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 12:37)
Roc Nation (85,057) by Special K from USA
Hmmm, with the releasing a preview of The Distance, I'm starting to think that Roc Nation's focus is more so album driven. They want a monster hit album more so than a number one single if that makes sense.
(Thursday 18 October 2018; 20:04)
Re: Album title (84,992) (84,995) by Special K from USA
Excuse you ma'am. Butterfly is and I am not laughing.
(Wednesday 17 October 2018; 18:07)
Well then stop reading Andrew's damn posts (84,867) by Special K from USA
Look all y'all whiney bitch ass folks who are complaining about Andrew need get the baby bibs from around your necks and chill. You know how Andrew is. Andrew ain't gonna change for nobody and he shouldn't. Let him do him and you continue to do you. If you don't like him then why in the hell do you continue to read his freaking posts? It's not like dude is hiding or in disguise when he posts. Andrew use the same damn name and he always has a picture of his damn face so what the hell? It's weird to me. You complaining about dude but read his posts and then make him a subject matter? That shit is hella funky funny. Look, Andrew gets on my nerves sometimes too. I do feel he can be racially incentive at times but there are times when I do agree with him. Straight up, if you don't like Andrew, then stop reading his damn posts.
(Sunday 14 October 2018; 20:17)
BET Soul (84,866) by Special K from USA
Saw GTFO music video twice today on the BET Soul music channel today. I hope they really do push both songs. Mariah is simply gorgeous. She ain't go nothing on me but she is beautiful. Hehe.
(Sunday 14 October 2018; 19:57)


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