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About Special K from USA:
Been ridin with Mariah since VOL. I have seen Mariah in concert numerous times and was blessed to have actually met her.
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Re: Mariah: queen of the redo (84,814) (84,842)
by Special K from USA
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I see no lies.
(Saturday 13 October 2018; 17:07)
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Re: AMA choreography (84,720) (84,725)
by Special K from USA
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Hmmm, I see you be checking my baby out. You know his choreography better than me, lol.
(Thursday 11 October 2018; 02:48)
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With You video (84,724)
by Special K from USA
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Well it's about damn time Mariah put out a good, well shot, well directed, classy music video. I love it. With You is starting to grow on me now. Oh boy.
(Thursday 11 October 2018; 02:44)
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Re: AMA choreography (84,675) (84,715)
by Special K from USA
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Excuse you ma'am. My baby had a vision and he reached out to an Emmy award winning choreographer to help him create that vision. To me Tanaka, not Brianka or Taneke or whatever else you sorry individuals refer to him as, is very talented and selfless.
(Thursday 11 October 2018; 00:40)
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Re: AMA / disgruntled fans sticking around (84,707) (84,713)
by Special K from USA
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Boy bye with that long ass post. No, seriously you are spot on.
(Thursday 11 October 2018; 00:28)
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Re: Mariah redefines "bare minimum" yet again (84,651) (84,667)
by Special K from USA
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That's right give my baby some credit.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 16:42)
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AMA performance (84,665)
by Special K from USA
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I just watched it on YouTube. Wow, visually stunning and the concept of the dancers coming up from underneath her dress was just absolutely fabulous. Great choreography. Hehe.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 16:38)
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Re: BT (84,607) (84,623)
by Special K from USA
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Oh my do I seem that thirsty?
(Tuesday 9 October 2018; 22:59)
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Re: Edward, Eric, Andrew and the MCA family (84,553) (84,606)
by Special K from USA
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I remember Jade and Mariah cheated on all of the written tests in Beauty School.
(Tuesday 9 October 2018; 18:00)
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Re: BT (84,567) (84,604)
by Special K from USA
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Hmmm, I wonder who that could be, lol? No, I love my husband to death. I just think Tanaka is so cute. Besides, my hubby loves to throw Gina Torres up in my face and talk about how fine he thinks she is.
(Tuesday 9 October 2018; 17:51)
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Re: BT (84,512) (84,547)
by Special K from USA
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One of them fanatic uncles is B. Deedre is one the loving aunties.
(Monday 8 October 2018; 17:28)
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Re: Nick Cannon’s mind games (84,526) (84,546)
by Special K from USA
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And at the end of the day Nick (in my opinion) still looks like a sad little puppy dog who is unhappy despite the fact that he filed for divorce and had another baby by another woman. I don't want them back together. Calm down.
(Monday 8 October 2018; 17:13)
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Re: Billboard Hot R&B Songs (84,473) (84,510)
by Special K from USA
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GTFO is a better song. Hopefully the plan is to promote both songs. I heard GTFO on the radio today.
(Sunday 7 October 2018; 21:36)
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Re: Nick Cannon’s mind games (84,486) (84,507)
by Special K from USA
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I'm not so sure that Nick is over Mariah. I don't think he will ever be. I mean yeah he has said many times it's over and he will never go back but maybe that's because he knows Mariah would never take him back. Sure, there is plenty he could say but I'm sure there is plenty Mariah can say too. Nick just looks like a sad little puppy dog since he and Mariah broke up. I truly hope he finds happiness.
(Sunday 7 October 2018; 18:42)
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Re: Single cover / lukewarm reception to With You (84,458) (84,465)
by Special K from USA
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Mariah has no business trying to sound like everybody else on the damn radio. Mariah is a music legend in the game. Legends aren't suppose to be releasing music that sounds like everybody else. Music legends are suppose to be innovative, thinking outside the box, being creative experimenting with the different sounds that puts them in a league of their own but managing to still maintain a balance of their signature, classic sound that made them superstars in the first place.
(Saturday 6 October 2018; 23:57)
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Re: Try again Mariah (84,364) (84,373)
by Special K from USA
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Yes, that song is way better.
(Friday 5 October 2018; 12:47)
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Try again Mariah (84,348)
by Special K from USA
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Really? I can't believe Mariah came out with an uninspired, recycled over 100 times, tired, layered vocal, weak as hell average song. With You has got to be the worst lead single ever. And Mariah's vocals, oh my goodness her vocals. I'll just leave it right there. I'm not even watching Mariah perform at the AMA's. I can't believe Epic records thought this song was so good that it had to be the first single. Really? Man, I am not even the looking forward to this album coming out. For those of you who was complaining about Mariah working with JD well I promise you I will be praying every day that the rest of the singles on that album are produced by JD.
(Friday 5 October 2018; 01:08)
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Re: With You (84,240) (84,245)
by Special K from USA
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Is the song about my baby? Yay. Team Tanaka.
(Wednesday 3 October 2018; 00:51)
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Re: "Fan" reactions (84,228) (84,244)
by Special K from USA
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Andrew you know your grouchy ass ain't going no where.
(Wednesday 3 October 2018; 00:50)
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Re: MC15 meaning (84,081) (84,085)
by Special K from USA
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Yes I agree girl. When E=MC2 came out I was still drunk on TEOM. Initially, I didn't pay attention to E=MC2 and thought it was just an okay album. Gurl, after a year of sobriety from the TEOM, I rediscovered E=MC2 and was able to really "listen" to that album and realized it really is a great album. Too bad fans like slept on E=MC2 for awhile.
(Friday 28 September 2018; 23:22)
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Re: Listening party (84,079) (84,084)
by Special K from USA
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I can see the video now. Mariah and my baby walking in the rain.
(Friday 28 September 2018; 23:09)
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Re: iHeart set (83,947) (83,959)
by Special K from USA
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I agree with Randy and Marissa posts. Yes, there were some parts that sounded bad but overall I thought it was a decent performance. The crowd seemed to enjoy it. For me it's like no matter what Mariah does her fans as a whole will never be satisfied. We tend to (and I am guilty of this too) focus way too much on the negative. Can we at least give her credit for performing six damn songs on tv? When was the last time sh$t happened? We all have different point of views and obviously we see things through different prisms. Mariah for the most part was singing live. GTFO was totally lipped but I give her kudos for singing Emotions live and ABMB was a good live vocal performance. So yeah, I enjoyed the performance and Mariah was not nervous, she was uncomfortable because she know good darn well her girdle was too damn tight.
(Sunday 23 September 2018; 15:44)
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Re: iHeart performance (83,945) (83,958)
by Special K from USA
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Girl leave my baby alone. I'm trying to figure out how I missed him.
(Sunday 23 September 2018; 15:26)
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Re: iHeart performance (83,940) (83,957)
by Special K from USA
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My baby was there? How did I miss that?
(Sunday 23 September 2018; 15:21)
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iHeart performance (83,938)
by Special K from USA
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Where was my baby?
(Saturday 22 September 2018; 23:52)
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