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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

B, the Lambily doesn't do infighting, we only fight goats, not each other (54,343) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
1:30 MC: OK, let's discuss this, I don't even know why you don't know who the goats are, you've never heard me discuss the goats? Can I film you about this? (RM: Yes.) MC: What's up like, why don't, in your mind, like who are the goats? If there's lambs and goats, who do you think the goats are? (RM: Sleepy time.) MC: Well who? RM: Who are the goats? MC: What do you think? If there's lambs and there's goats, who do you think are the lambs? RM: Well of course we know who our lambs are. (MC: Okay.) RM: But, who are the goats, as in...? MC: Listen, if you had to make just one guess, what do you think a goat is versus a lamb? (RM: *laughs*) MC: What do you think? Well, Lambily, who are "the goats"? And no, we don't mean the greatest of all timers. This is a rhetorical question by the way. Learn to discern the difference between a lamb and them other irregularities. And if you don't know, now you know. This PSA was brought to you by PinkYetLavender. Take heed.
(Monday 8 June 2015; 8:28)
The Daily Mail's "Mail Online reporter" suffers geographic indecisions (54,327) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
How do these people stay in business when some of their reporters can't even accurately report that Mariah was arriving at the Peninsula Hotel in freaking Paris France. Why would she be checking in to a hotel in Tribeca when she has an exclusive triplex home there? And since when is changing into an evening dress in the evening to attend a dinner with a cotourier friend seen as something radical? The whole point of journalism is to report things that actually happened, whether it be world political events or what is goes on in the entertainment industry. And who is the "Mail Online reporter" who wrote it BTW? Why is their name not divulged like it was when Rebecca Hard interviewed Mariah and published an excellent article not a month ago for the same Daily Mail? It's not even about the weird but benign Tribeca, NY swap for Paris, it's just indicative of the bigger issue. The press aren't held accountable enough for what they print about people. There is took much emphasis put on hearsay as a source. Leonardo DiCaprio is suing a French tabloid for a story even the editor admits is made up out if thin air but is still surprised to be sued over. Maybe if more celebrities came together and sued various publications regularly they would think twice about what they are willing to print and report without fact checking. Not a class action lawsuit, I mean every week one or a few of them sues a different publication until the press gets the hint. My 2ยข.
(Sunday 7 June 2015; 16:13)
Top 10 things from MC's Buzzfeed piece (54,319) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
1. The updated "I don't know her" gif.
2. What, so far, has been your favorite career moment? MC: Wow, I've been blessed and had so many moments. It definitely has to do with the Lambilys. My fans have made all my career moments special for me. They are the ones that have gotten me through every single thing, good times and bad, they are who I go to and lean on. I am very thankful for that.
3. Going to Starbucks for a cup of chai. Dahling of course, who doesn't?
6.4. Do you have a personal favorite off your #1 to Infinity album? MC: Hmmm, a friend of mine told me last night that his favorite song was "My All", and I have had lot of people tell me that's their favorite song. And that song is based on a real moment, I wrote in the album credits for #1 to Infinity that was the first time I fell in love with love, and it's true. I went to Puerto Rico and had moments, they weren't severe moments, but they were moments for me, Miss Goody Two-Shoes, and out came "My All". But, I am not going to claim it as my favorite because I love "Fantasy", as well as the newer songs "We Belong Together" and "Touch My Body".
4. Which Plastic (from Mean Girls) would you want as your BFF? MC: "Regina George, you have to be on her good side. Honestly, I would just want to be her; she's the best." So, basically M wants to be me.
6. Is there an artist that you'd like to collaborate with whom you haven't worked with yet? MC: I want to collaborate with me because I've done so many collaborations that after a certain point unless you're really working with a certain caliber of an artist, there's no point to collaborate. It just becomes, "Oh, let's throw these two people together", and that's what I feel is wrong with some of the collaborations that happen today and, dare I say, I helped paved the way for some of these little collaborations that happened today.
7. So this is a new chapter for you, what do you want to accomplish next? MC: "I have so many dreams that I haven't yet realized. I would say that there is a lot of things in the acting world that I want to do. And I am so grateful to people like Lee Daniels, and even Brett Ratner, for having fun, working with me, and pushing me to limits where I definitely would not have wanted to go. There are a lot things I have on the horizon that I'm going to be doing: acting, singing, even writing for movies. I think I'd even like to score a movie, I don't know why that hasn't happened yet, clearly someone isn't on their game." Yay, score for Orchestra-Riah, about damn time.
8. All the Bianca mentions of possible cameo appearances and such. These things make me happy.
9. What is one thing that a true diva could not live without? MC: I guess a smart remark every now and then, a good sip of water.
10. Going to Starbucks for a cup of chai. Dahling.
(Sunday 7 June 2015; 15:13)
Shawn just tweeted this out (54,245) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Shawn: "Total lie. This isn't about help, it's about $. He is/has not been around for literally years. Broke, old and sad. Pray for him." And he's a man of the law. Thank you Shawn. I'm going to pray for Mariah and those she loves and who love her back. We wish all the haters well, old and new, may you be eternally blessed inspite of what evil dwells in you so that whatever demons have made a home on you will be cast away so God can grant you peace. We're still here Mariah.
(Friday 5 June 2015; 23:22)
Re: Bad blood response (54,209) by RJJ12 from USA (54,214) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm great but I'll be better, thank you for asking. How are you yourself? TBH I find your response puzzling RJJ12. Are you saying Mariah would be wrong to voice her own defense if she actually went on record and addressed some of the vile and completely untrue things her enemies like to concoct and spread? I find her recent candor extremely refreshing, much like I did when her true persona emerged during the Butterfly era the first time. There are reasons she doesn't speak on a lot of things and it has little or nothing at all to do with whether or not she could find the time to do so. That clip from her time in hell with Satan, a.k.a. AI, only illustrates how right I am. Just like she's been letting little things slip in interviews, on stage and in lyrics this past year, that she would usually have been a lot more diplomatic about. That is the whole unfortunate point of my: Bad Blood posts. Mariah obviously can't be as candid as she would like about certain things for political and other reasons but I'm not bound by any of her constraints so I can. And I will.
(Friday 5 June 2015; 7:49)
MC is the highest grossing female solo live act right now according to Billboard (54,202) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
#8 on Billboard's current boxscore:
1. Venue: The Colosseum at Caesars Palace
2. City, State: Las Vegas, Nev.
3. Dates: May 6, 9-10, 16-17, 20, 23-24, 2015
4. Gross: $4,595,125 30,936 /32,597 8 / 4
5. Ticket Prices: $250, $175, $140, $55
6. Concert Promoter: AEG Live/Caesars Entertainment
7. Residences are M's forte it seems. I still want one in London at the O2 or Wembley Arena. Team Mariah needs to make this happen. But like everything else, someone is bound to steal that idea so I deleted the most potent content (as always). Sorry, no JLoing is gonna come from my posts. Team Mariah needs to consult with us international Lambassadors every once in a while. Some of us have excellent advise that makes dollars and sense. Creatively on the other hand, Mariah's instincts are on point. I wouldn't waste a second of my precious time on someone I constantly felt wasn't up to my standards like some of these stupid haters would have us believe. I wish Mariah would designate a live chat every quarter or so for lambs to leave suggestions to her directly without going through a middleman. It'll probably never happen but still, one can dream.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 21:59)
#1 To Infinity concert clips from May 23rd 2015 (54,199) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah sounds amazing. I really hope she has invested in recording and documenting her live performances through the years. And shout out to Bianca wherever you are. Now, there is someone whose return would actually be a legitimate comeback.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 20:03)
Bad blood: origin (54,198) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Why are these malicious, slanderous and libelous rumours being spread since at least 2011 (read 1996)? Who all directly benefit from Mariah being mired in bad press? When do these stories tend to surface? How are they told: through which mediums and platforms? What is the endgame? How can Mariah reverse this damaging narrative without landing in legal trouble or looking like she "doth protest too much" a.k.a. defending herself? Where are her friends in the industry to speak up for her or corroborate her claims and what has happened to those who have? For every question, two more rear their ugly heads and the answers are even more prolific. The answer to all the questions is very simple. Tommy Mottola is the source of the outbreak. Mariah is patient Zero and morons who lack any discernment spread the virus like the zombies they are by flapping their gums. Meanwhile parasitic individuals latch onto the host bodies, copy DNA and ride the disease that is Mariah-Harteritis to great success.
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 19:42)
Mariah doesn't take her drugs and alcohol seriously sometimes (54,167) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
If anything, she should be drinking more. These sips and splashes are so MOR and why not try opium for a change? Mariah's writing would surely benefit greatly from it too and then maybe finally she could actually claim she's a singer songwriter with a straight face. All true artists must suffer beyond life's usual strife and also actively cultivate substance abuse issues. Take up smoking again will you? At least give it a good old college try before you quit again. Winners struck with it you know? I mean, those humidifiers she sleeps with and decks her dressing room with should be spraying alcohol into the air constantly so she never has to deal with any sober moments at all. It's anecdotally proven to be creatively conducive by many rockstars. What about an IV drip for effeciancy? We need to think outside of the Music Box because she's such an amateur sometimes, it is embarrassing how lightly she takes drugs and alcohol. It's almost like she's not an alcoholic, drug addict or even smoker. How can she expect to get respect for her artistry if she's just some regular moderate drinker on the low?
(Thursday 4 June 2015; 8:08)
Infinity video (alternative version) (54,098) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This version is my current favourite with all the symbolism of the smudged 8 lipstick on the mirror and her bling jewely. She has never looked more beautiful and that is amazing in itself. Some of you are still not up to speed about the point of this song and videos because you're too caught up in chart positions. But that's okay because M is stealth like that. Not really, but let's pretend she is. It's freaking hilarious tbh. All is fair.
(Wednesday 3 June 2015; 5:47)
Bad blood: Can you still count them on one hand like Mariah JLo? (54,055) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
2. We all know that classic Mariah line like the back of our own hands don't we? She started saying it back in the Butterfly era when she finality left Tommy and found herself wrongfully mired in rumours of promiscuity. Thanks a lot Valentine, good looking out. Meanwhile, Tommy plucked JLo out of obscurity and proceeded to groom her in Mariah's true image quite literally. Signed her onto Sony despite her less than silky vocals and threw everything that that would stick Mariah had fought tooth and nail nearly a decade to get at her. From her wardrobe and styling to her merger of Hip-Pop with Puffy, Cory Rooney, The Trackmasters etc. But dear old Tommy didn't stop there, no, he had JLo mock Mariah's very commendable choice of not being promiscuous by copying the statement she had made her own like Mariah is apt to do. When promoting On The 6 and several years subsequently JLo could be heard saying the exact same phrase almost verbatim. Coincidence right? Don't make me laugh. This was yet another way to screw with Mariah on a psychological level and both Tommy and JLo did it with that specific intent. It doesn't matter if JLo was being truthful at the time. It was the very fact that Tommy and she must have discussed his intimate life with Mariah and decided it was to their advantage if she was made painfully aware of it through mockery. No one can tell me any different. Passive-agressive 101.
(Tuesday 2 June 2015; 17:08)
Happily divorced: looking for Dreamlover love match (54,041) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah is officially single according to her profile yawl.
Here she is, MC1ToInfinity in all her glory. Don't you just love her? For those of you who remain confused, this version of the Infinity video is more or less M making it known she isn't playing around. I'm dying right now tbh because this whole thing takes major ovaries and I applaude her for letting her intentions be known. It's freaking Days Of Our Lives at this point. The pure unadultered drama of it all is gonna be the end of me. I would pay good money to see the look on his face the first time he sees it. I really would.
Relationship: Divorced
Have kids: Yes, and they live at home (2)
Wants kids: I'll tell you later
Ethnicity: Black / African descent, Latino / Hispanic, White / Caucasian
Body type: Curvy
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Faith: Christian / other
Smoke: No way
Drink: Social drinker (go ahead M, drink your wine )
"I Believe In Infinity"
(Tuesday 2 June 2015; 13:42)
Re: L.A. Reid (53,966) by Otti from Belgium (54,005) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Wow. Beautifully stated Otti. Some people really don't have the capacity to discern between realtalk and backtalk. Somehow they always manage to back the ones who backtalk Mariah. I wonder why that is. Nah, I really don't wonder, but let's pretend I do. L.A. Reid is clearly on Team Mariah or he wouldn't have signed her on to the record label. Already there is an album out and another bearing up for rerelease. He did the same thing when she was looking for a new home in 2002. So anything he says in that context should be viewed in good light because he has proven hat he believes in her artistry when others have written her off. It's not complicated in the least. JD has personal issues with L.A. Reid and it's not right for him to use Mariah to express any frustrations or unresolved feelings he might still harbour towards his former boss. Fingers crossed that it's all a big joke because I hate to think MC has this many disloyal people around her or that the anti-Mariah agenda is this effective. It pisses me off that I even have to mangle my own sense of logic and common sense to keep from believing the nonsense Mariah has to endure on the daily. I can't imagine what it must be like to be the target of all this baseless hate and pure evil intentions that someone of her status attracts simply by existing. Anybody who says Mariah is weak, lazy, ditzy etc. is stupid. This woman has the strength of 10 Samsons, the patience of a pearl, the heart of an angel and the mind of a believer.
(Monday 1 June 2015; 16:51)
Re: Baby (53,946) by Mimi L. (53,965) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"With all due respect, I would like to place the same question in front of you, why are you so offended that J.D. (who is currently not even working with her) made one comment that is not even getting any press time really but yet you seemed to have forgotten how bad L.A. 's comments sounded and it's still churning out articles with variations of his quotes. What matters more here? J.D. 's comment which didn't even cause any damage really or her current label boss (someone she thought will revive her or 'save' her) completely debunking any hope of MC getting another hit (when MC really wants one)? Isn't L.A. just fueling the same fire that Mariah is done for good? Whereas if someone even takes J.D.'s comment seriously, they'll just be like 'oh but we always knew MC is a diva and is always fashionably late." Meanwhile, you just made a post about a "secret album" you want Mariah to drop: New album (53, 929) by Mimi L. from. Because that's what an artist who is lazy and sometimes not serious about her career would do in the midst of a residency and promotion of a new song and compilation album. Yup, Mariah is such a slacker but you yourself are looking forward to a full album just one year after her last studio album dropped, probably based on her previous unparalleled work ethic? Does that sound as loopy to you as it does to me? Ersatz logic at it's finest. I don't know but I could be right.
(Sunday 31 May 2015; 18:57)
Could this all be subterfuge? (53,935) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's just very odd to me once I consider the sources. Next thing you know Trey Lorenz, Mary Ann and B. Scott are going on Facebook, Twitter and blogs blasting Mariah. At this point noone seems exempt. It feels almost coordinated tbh, the attacks on Mariah's work ethic as they make no sense at all even tangentially. So, if it's blatant lies then why? Maybe it's just me wishful thinking that Team Mariah is that bold in strategy but that is the only way this makes a lick of sense. Is this a twisted version of if you can't beat 'em, join 'em meets reverse psychology? One can only hope. Whatever the case M shouldn't have to deal with this anti-Mariah open season from the press, friends or fans. Like everything else, I guess well know soon enough what's what.
(Sunday 31 May 2015; 6:11)
Rampant sexism at its finest: the anti-Mariah agenda (53,928) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So JD who was being interviewed with his young male protégé Shad Moss a.k.a. Bow Wow out of nowhere says Mariah Carey, the #1 best selling artist of her generation, period, who has amassed over a $500 million dollar net worth and runs a minor empire 24/7 is essentially not serious enough about her career? Never mind that she's a hands on mother who priorities her children before anything else but still gives her fans new music and projects to look forward to 25 years in the game. Letting a man's word be taken as gospel simply because he's a man is so disgustingly sexist, not to mention idiotic. You would never hear him say anything remotely similar about Usher or Shad Moss because he knows they automatically get the benefit of the doubt as males, especially once his own dire situation is scrutinised. So all of you out here spreading this ridiculous idea that Mariah's lazy and doesn't care about her saving grace, when everything points to the exact opposite, are some of the most easily manipulated people I'be ever seen. I bet you're the types that vote against your own interests in every election then go aground bragging about how you're so informed. I can't express enough how disappointed I am in Jermaine Dupri. No wonder M has such a hard time trusting when even someone who's presumably been her friend for 20 years thinks nothing of sabotaging a moment that should be nothing but celebratory. There's a clear anti-Mariah agenda at work here. Another goat bites the grass.
(Sunday 31 May 2015; 3:38)
Merry Christmas album revamped (53,903) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
As a film soundtrack? Marc Shaiman is the obvious choice for collaborator but what about Shania Twain? She's such a sweetheart and musical talent on her own. Fingers crossed that MC can see the genius of that move and make it happen. I mean, the movie is greenlit, no? I hope it's semi-animated like all of my favorithe Disney flicks like Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Mary Poppins or a full on musical like The Sound Of Music or My Fair Lady. I have a hard time seeing an original full animation adapted to the stage if the characters aren't mostly human. And it would have to be done with Broadway in mind because why the hell not? Also, a popular stage production has legs and built-in longevity. It could easily be translated into Swedish etc and done on an international scale. These things make me happy yawl.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 16:27)
Bad blood: Do you know how long JLo has been screwing with Mariah? (53,901) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
1. Let's talk about: Do you know where you're going to? (The theme from Mahogany.) Mariah included her stellar rendition of it on the original #1's in 1998 only for JLo to copy her a few months later On The 6 in 1999. Of all the songs to cover in the world and include on your first album both you, your producer and the record company boss settle on a song the top artist at your label just recorded and intended to release as a commercial single? Yeah, that's pretty standard in places like Hell. Jennifer "I'm Real" Lopez, Cory Rooney and Tommy Mottola are all going you know where. I remember going to the record store at the mall near my HS campus to listen to new music and having already purchased #1's I found it an odd coincidence that Jennifer Lopez had the same cover song on her album as Mariah as vocally weak as her version is. I know better now, there is no such thing as coincidence. This is my first post on the history of [censored] Mariah has had to endure in her unparalleled 25 years in the music industry.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 16:00)
Do as JD says, not as JD does (53,881) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I wrote a whole spiel but I deleted it because I couldn't figure out if that sexist diatribe was supposed to serious or a joke. I mean, since when does an intelligent woman with a net worth of over $500 million take anyone's advise that starts with: Sometimes Mariah doesn't take her career seriously? We love JD but he has no business giving anybody career advise other than as the cautionary tale his own decisions have made of him. Meanwhile, wake me up when Barbra takes JLo up on those free vocal lessons.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 1:34)
Songwriters Hall Of Fame (53,824) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
More than the sure to be elusive induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, an imminent SHOF honour would actually make more sense where Mariah is concerned. The SHOF academy obviously see her as someone other than a "songwriters friend" as her only entry in their entire database is through the Whitney Houston duet When You Believe., written by Babyface and Stephen Schwartz.
(Friday 29 May 2015; 0:02)
Dahling (53,777) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada (53,816) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Even if I rarely encounter lambsb IRL I've never really dealt with people who dislike her music or her persona. And I could never fall for some guy who didn't appreciate her importance in my life. Same with MJ, it's a basic litmus test for me that trumps any other affiliations one might otherwise go by like religiosity or political views. They matter, of course, but some people change their politics and faiths like Twitter changes its trending topics. It's easy to lie about who you voted for in the last election or pretend like you are an aware citizen and a spiritual person when you are as snowed-in and ungodly as they come IRL. But there are tell tale things about you that never change and they show up in the art you enjoy in your day to day life. That is too hard to fake beyond 6 weeks. The same goes for certain films. But I don't judge any books by its lover in the same way though. Do I make any sense to you? All of this was to say that the biggest cultural impact Mariah has had on my close friends through me has been the gradual insertion of the term: dahling. They don't even know that it's a Mariahism because I've also been a grand fan of AbFab since the 90's. I'll never tell.
(Thursday 28 May 2015; 13:14)
MC calling in to "Kyle & Jackie O" and "Fitzy & Wippa" Aussie radio shows (53,807) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
As always, M is showing mad love to the Lambily and Olivia Newton-John. Also she casually broke the news of the Merry Christmas re-release later this year. The Infinity MV is on the way and it might be just hours until we get to see it. I'm excited, these things make me happy.
(Thursday 28 May 2015; 2:31)
Mariah on the Dan & Max radio show (53,791) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Dry wit and all. Cute little cameo and nice banter. These things make me happy.
(Wednesday 27 May 2015; 11:34)
Re: How much was Damizza paid? (53,737) by HeatSeek (53,773) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
And who's paying/incentivising him? Surely he doesn't think he has a chance in all the seven hells to get back in to the fold. I feel like the whole thing is a setup and unfortunately any number of fingerprints could be on this, or it could even be a "group effort" so to speak. Next thing you know he's been hired to produce some no-talent goat herder. Otherwise, he could just sue them for slander and defamation or whatever, if he was somehow "misled"? Like stand in your shit every once in a while. Somehow I doubt he will sue though. Meanwhile, Mariah is laying in a litter of fanmail but we are to believe a former confidant/bff/loverboy of her's couldn't get a message through to her if he really needed to? No, he had to relay whatever "misquoted" messages he needed telegrammed all over these e-streets to a known tabloid. Oh, okay, that makes a lot of sense. All this is basically cockblocking tbh. Also, I greatly enjoy your pseudonym.
(Tuesday 26 May 2015; 10:09)
Re: Damizza by B (53,772) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Poor man he's obsessed. Mariah leaves them stressed. I don't believe they were intimate. They were friends. His timelines don't even match up. Fool. I hope Mariah throws some epic shade his way." B, I read the manuscript of the never-will-be-prospect whenever it came out and it was mired in innuendo. The truth shouldn't be that convoluted an affair. I mean, does he even like the water? Another day another clown. We've all seen how personable M can be, I'm sure a lot of guys read more into her playful nature than they really have a right to. Just like how flirty she was with Michael Strahan when I doubt very much she's even remotely into him at all. But beyond the apparent attention whoring meets smear campaign, am I the only one who sees this as a way to sabotage Mariah's chances of attracting a good calibre male? In the urban dictionary I think the term is better put: "cockblocking". It's very cruel.
(Tuesday 26 May 2015; 8:40)


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