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About Norman from USA: I've been a fan of Mariah's since I first heard Love Takes Time (I don't know how I initially missed Vision of Love), and I haven't looked back since.
Her music has been there for me in my darkest hours to help lift out of the depths of whatever I was going through at the time. She's my all time favorite female singer, even though I love many others.

It's funny to think of her music as a "friend", but it's always been there for me. I love her talent.

" As we drifted to another place and time
And the feeling was so heady and sublime
As I lost my heart to you
There in the dark
Underneath the stars"

Mariah's World: Glasgow (60,465) by Norman from USA
Looks like we got our wish of a fresh new do. That pic she posted on her IG right before that show is awesome. It reminds me of her hair during Glitter. Also, I'm liking the name change for the show. Mariah's World sounds much more appropriate. Because, no offense but, at the end of the day, no one really cares about her glam sqaud, right? I'm hoping that it's more of a documentary along the lines of Truth or Dare, instead of anything else any other celebrity has had on TV. Not to compare artists, of course, but just in sense of scope of pop culture impact and production. I hope everyone is well. Cheers.
(Wednesday 16 March 2016; 1:03)
Re: Ten years ago (59,825) (59,836) by Norman from USA
Oh Bill, you took me way back and painted a perfect picture of those early days (drifting to another place and time). And yes (all caps) the ATYNAF hair (exclamation). What a time it was. Thanks for that. Cheers.
(Thursday 18 February 2016; 9:51)
Re: MC3 (59,228) (59,242) by Norman from USA
Spot. On.
(Friday 22 January 2016; 9:44)
Re: I'm so surprised (58,907) (58,913) by Norman from USA
It's subjective, you know? It's ok not have liked so much. I think it was fun and had a lot of strong singles. Maybe not so much a cohesive album, but overall good.
(Wednesday 6 January 2016; 9:44)
Re: Underrated songs with chart potentials (58,890) (58,892) by Norman from USA
Mimi L, you're so spot on about "Side Effects". I can't say enough about that song. Actually, I think I talk about it a little too much, but it really is exceptional. So many great cuts on that album and, of course, they chose the wrong second single. Plus, all those promo spots she did on MTV for the album were amazing. Not to mention hilarious. Comedy is definitely her thing when she has good material. I still watch her and Snoop as Jack.
(Tuesday 5 January 2016; 12:30)
Will from the UK / mea culpa (58,878) by Norman from USA
I wanted apologize for going all Stan on you. Sometimes I forget he's in there when I come to MC on this board. I know it's meant to be a discussion and I should've asked what you meant before making assumptions and foaming at the mouth in my post. So much for staying above the fray. I should know better than to post things at 5 am with no sleep. That's why this one is at 4:15 am. On the bright side, rumor has it you were rolling in lols. Better than in the deep, eh? See what sleep deprivation does to me? They're not all gems. (There's a crucifixion brewing, I know it. And not the awful puns.) As far as the points you made: I totally understand what you and this_is_qhm were saying. I was just thinking that at the end of the day this is all music we love. It shouldn't be something people tear into one another over. I'm speaking to myself first. Cheers.
(Monday 4 January 2016; 13:21)
Will from the UK and Adele's success (58,790) by Norman from USA
All do respect to Adele's considerable accomplishments and well deserved accolades, but calling it a "once in a life time" thing, I believe, is a bit much. There's no question no one (all caps) comes close to her sheer selling power, or vocal ability (as far as her contemporaries go). You hit the nail on the head when you say that they're simple songs that don't try to be too clever, nor more than they are, and that's probably their biggest draw: they're relatable. And then, that's where you lose me. Since the launch of her first single in 1990, Mariah Carey has inspired more wannabe's to dare, no, to dream of having a voice like hers because she could, and can, sing her arse off. Full stop. It wasn't because she was selling millions of records, but because she was doing things with her voice that really only happens only once in a lifetime. Will, I know you love Mariah, and I'm not questioning that in anyway. I understand that you were simply replying to Randy's question. It's just that when you mentioned that Mariah's songs weren't easy to sing to in the car and implied that it must be a factor as to why her songs aren't as successful as Adele's, I took some issue with that (and a little about her writing, some of which I sort of agree with, but I'll write a separate unsolicited opinion post on that later). You don't sell 200 million records if no one finds you relatable or can't sing along to your songs badly, because everyone sings Mariah's songs badly. See American Idol (sans Kelly Clarkson, and even then). That's also not to suggest that Mariah shouldn't step up her game or that she's perfect, because clearly that's not the case. And don't get me wrong about Adele. I love her songs, I love her voice ever since 19. I wish her all the best. I will keep buying her music because I listen to her daily. Happy New Year
(Thursday 31 December 2015; 11:47)
Re: Best live vocals of the 7th Beacon show (58,549) (58,553) by Norman from USA
Thank you for the link to that clip. [censored] that beginning of JTTW is simply divine and giving me life (all caps, triple exclamation points). I can't stop listening to it. I've never been one to gush over a couple seconds of a sound-byte of a song, no matter how impressive a note may be (it doesn't make a full song, IMO). That said, this was a lot more than that, truly special and down right soul stirring. Chills. Merry Christmas everyone. And also with Bryan.
(Saturday 19 December 2015; 14:17)
Re: Okay then (58,008) (58,035) by Norman from USA
Hey Todd, I believe the comments were aimed at Adam after he replied to your initial post. You never mentioned antidepressants. Cheers.
(Friday 27 November 2015; 11:16)
Re: Oh the insanity (57,673) (57,684) by Norman from USA
Andrew, I'm all for you sharing your opinions, even if I strongly disagree with them. That said, this bulimic fangirling thing you've got going where you love her to death one sec, and then can't stand the sight of her the next is just too much. All in moderation. You've raised some good points, but it's difficult to take them seriously when the rest of your post comes off like a tantrum. Just saying.
(Saturday 7 November 2015; 9:17)
Re: Macau (57,543) (57,544) by Norman from USA
(Wednesday 28 October 2015; 22:35)
Re: First time JD worked with Mariah (57,119) (57,121) by Norman from USA
Bill, dude , hehe no apologies, please. I was just saying. I laughed after I read your reply, because as I read it, I literally uttered "no, no, no", when you were apologizing as if you you could actually hear me. (Yep, I'm that daft sometimes.) I know it wasn't full on mea culpa, but still. Red Light Special, though, that just oozed sexy. OK, back to Mariah.
(Monday 5 October 2015; 23:50)
Re: First time JD worked with Mariah (57,115) (57,116) by Norman from USA
Hey, Bill. I happen to love the original Never Forget You just as it was produced by Babyface. Granted, it's all subjective. Besides, I'm not sure if you were talking about his production style as a whole, or only on this song. Either way I would disagree. I actually wish they'd worked together a couple more times, especially when you consider how great they sound together. Is his production style dramatic and tend to lean heavily on the romantic/sexual undertones? For damn sure. But there's a line, and the man doesn't* even straddle it, IMO, of course. (* Unless it's Unbreak My Heart on repeat for the millionth time. That's [caps] when things get real. Lol.) Just saying, though. Hope all is well.
(Monday 5 October 2015; 13:07)
Re: The silent lambs are rhapsodizing (57,049) (57,054) by Norman from USA
Glad to see you posting again, Edward. And very timely posts, I might add.
(Friday 2 October 2015; 11:31)
Re: Sam Smith (56,911) (56,917) by Norman from USA
Seriously, Sam. You know you're not the only one.
(Sunday 27 September 2015; 7:07)
Re: Shade (56,812) (56,826) by Norman from USA
I totally agree, Bill. I think this_is_qhm wrote a pretty spot on post about it. The subject matter as a whole is irksome and lacks any sense creativity or purpose with respect to Mariah or how their fellow posters.
(Tuesday 22 September 2015; 5:10)
Say Somethin' (56,387) by Norman from USA
I just had to. I have to ask if it's really that difficult to skip someone's post you know who's opinions you regularly dislike? Because If you're constantly commenting on them, it seems a little less their problem than yours if you can't leave it alone.
I've stayed away from commenting on here because I find that the board too often devolves from actual Mariah themed topics to full on personal attacks over the most trivial of perceived slights. It then turns into a non-ending snark competition over who can be the worst mean girl reenactor. It's craziness. I don't know how Eric keeps his sanity.
Travon, this whole pro America (and Mariah) and thinly veiled anti UK/Europe passive aggressive thing really took the cake, IMO. Dislike Andrew and his posts all you want. There's no need for flag waving in front of fellow lambs.
Mariah 24/7/365. Am I reaching for the stars?
(Sunday 30 August 2015; 13:03)
Stacey challenge (54,724) by Norman from USA
Hey there Stacey, you made it a little difficult by keeping the holiday songs off limits for this challenge, because it's like she was born to sing that holiday staple. And I don't mean the one she wrote, which is, of course, amazing. OK. Top 5 lyrics:
1. Underneath The Stars
2. The Roof
3. Looking In
4. Side Effects
5. Betcha Gon' Know
Top 5 vocals:
1. Anytime You Need a Friend (C&C remix) - I mean, this is just epic in every single way. She freestyle scats on this thing (exclamation point) Seriously.
2. Never Forget You - One of two Babyface collaborations.
3. So Blessed - She has such a rich tone in this.
4. I Am Free - An elegant piano driven gospel inspired song with light pop flourishes. She soars and takes you with her - goosebumps and all.
5. Butterfly (SNL) - I was really tempted to leave this in the songwriting category, but I think it's just as equally powerful with the vocals, especially in this live performance. It's pretty much all falsetto, you know? Talk about level of difficultly.
These are all in random order, btw. This list would deffo change if the #1's and the holiday songs could be included, but I guess this makes it more fun. Cheers.
(Friday 19 June 2015; 8:04)
Pure Imagination (53,176) by Norman from USA
I had one of my crazy Mariah dreams this morning. It had to do with her BBMA performance. It was a video playing on giant monitors and she got in a limo. You could only see her when the street lights shined through the window as the limo drove on, but it was her through the years changing hair/clothing styles. She started off by singing really low (like in a man's register) and I didn't hear what she was singing because it didn't sound like Emotions. Then I realized it was Side Effects without YJ. It was all her very mellow and sorta torch song, then it turned. She was suddenly on stage and live. The song turned into this uptempo gut-wrenching pop song. And she was on stage solo, almost just a silhouette in a black, sleeveless, sequined dress, her hair in an uncharacteristically curly up-do. The screen around the stage projecting the one side of her face that was lit as she sang. She shinned, soared, and left it all on the stage. I didn't know what to make of this version of the song because I love the original so much, but I was in a trance. Her appearance confused me, but everything else had me in awe. I woke up right then practically clapping and with tears in my eyes. I still get emotional thinking about it. Here's hoping Mariah had an amazing Mother's day. And Happy Mother's Day to all of you it applies to.
(Monday 11 May 2015; 7:30)
Andrew (52,721) by Norman from USA
Unless you decide to step away of your own accord or the webmaster blocks you from the site, it's not up anyone else to vote up or down on whether you should keep posting. It's not that deep. If Mariah can survive 2001-2002, we can certainly make it through this message board. So go on then, off your arse we go like a good lad. The sooner you get to it, the sooner everyone can tell you to sod off, even if they don't always understand you're oftentimes just taking the piss. But at least we'll have some kind of balance. Sound good? Cheers.
(Saturday 2 May 2015; 13:16)
Nostalgia era on MCA (52,483) by Norman from USA
Remember that? Seems like only a few days ago. Our voice just isn't the same anymore. I miss that era.
(Tuesday 28 April 2015; 18:22)
Edward re: Tattoo Club (52,202) by Norman from USA
If you'd be so kind, I'd love a copy of that. It's always been one of my favorites. My email is There's no "g" missing there, btw. justsayinb. Thank you in advance. I've been wondering when you were going to show up.
(Saturday 25 April 2015; 11:20)
Lee re: Dance rehearsal (52,174) by Norman from USA
Thanks for posting that link. It's interesting to see nappytabs doing the choreography. They're about the right pace and style. Looking good.
(Friday 24 April 2015; 11:04)
Happy birthday Todd (52,172) by Norman from USA
Enjoy your day, hopefully celebrate with friends and family, and enjoy the nostalgia (exclamation). I know that Anytime You Need a Friend, and Never Too Far Away always get me as well. Best wishes. Cheers (exclamation).
(Friday 24 April 2015; 10:54)
Jake / disc 1 and 2 (51,960) by Norman from USA
Jake you beat me to it. I think you hit the nail on the head. As much as I'd love for there to be more songs than the ones than have already been mentioned in the press release, I believe that they're simply splitting the songs into two discs like they did for the remixes album. I'd love to be wrong. Maybe we'll have some other sort of surprise. Stranger things have happened. Cheers.
(Friday 17 April 2015; 11:52)


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