Friday 2 December 2011

Mariah's ex releasing a book about their "relationship"

Damizza, Mariah and Randy Jackson
"Yes. Mariah and I dated. It was hell." Yup. That's a quote from Mariah Carey's old producer/ex-BF Damizza, who's releasing a book about her on December 14. In the book, Damizza plans to "come clean about his dating relationship with Mariah, J-LO stealing Mariah's music, and Mariah using Facebook's lawyers to serve him a new confidentiality agreement".

We have a feeling Nick Cannon is not going to be happy about this. I think Nick Cannon is a brilliant person that does not get enough credit. And this is old business. So, lil' homie step back, that's with my respect.

My name is Damion Young. I'm an alcoholic. And I have to stop lying. Yes. Mariah and I dated. It was hell. Everybody in this industry saw what I did for Mariah. And for what I did, or said, I have no apologies. If you think for 1 second I'm afraid of Facebooks' lawyer, that Mariah is hiding behind, you are crazy.

Sweetheart, are you afraid I might say something that would end your career? Wielding a confidentiality clause that I had drafted for your protection from J.Lo, who was stealing your records through Sony? OK, "Let's be real." I would have done that a long time ago. If this was personal. But, like Nick said, "Hey, this is entertainment."

I'm sick of the lawyers. I'm sick of lying to make people happy and tell them what they want to hear. That's not what I'm about. I am a real person. And you, are hiding behind a lawyer because you feel too guilty to pick up the phone and say "I'm sorry, I really did put you through hell." The truth isn't always popular... but, it's always the truth.

This book was never about money. It was never about exploiting and snitching on all the artists I put on or assisted in their time of need. This book was the most sanitized version of my story I could give, without hurting any one's feelings. Mariah read the chapter. She offered "Suggestions to make it better". Being a nice guy and a loyal friend I obliged. And in return I got a new confidentiality agreement that not only was retroactive, but, she could name her price if she felt offended.

I'm offended. Be a real person. Come out of the glass box. If you have something to say or if anyone in this industry has something to say to say. I ain't never been too hard to find. Feel me?

(Perez Hilton)

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