Five Foot Two is everything Mariah's World wasn't |

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Five Foot Two is everything Mariah's World wasn't

When I was watching Lady Gaga's documentary Gaga: Five Foot Two I couldn't help but think, "This is what Mariah's World should have been like." They are both seen as divas and documentaries are supposed to break down that barrier to reveal the person behind the image, but only Gaga's succeeded on that front.

Gaga managed to make us see her as Stefani Germanotta and as the vulnerable, lonely, strong, talented woman she is within an hour and 40 minutes. Mariah failed to do that in eight 45-minute episodes.

The Mariah's World docuseries gave us some insight into her life and behind-the-scenes access to what went down on her tour, but the fans were kept at a distance. She never let her guard down or let the fans fully in. Mariah looked glamorous all the time; we never saw her looking bad or being properly upset, so it was just fake, glossy and pushed her fabulous image further.

It was basically a promo. It was impossible to relate to her, whereas Gaga made a connection within the first five minutes after she talked to the camera about her low tolerance for "bulls***" with men, while cooking food, and wearing casual clothes and messy hair and make-up.

We saw her lows as well as highs and witnessed some incredibly personal things that made the audience feel sorry for her, such as her receiving treatment for chronic pain, revealing how lonely and tired she is, and having a phone call with a friend who is battling cancer. I'm not afraid to say I had tears in my eyes a couple of times.

Both documentaries took place when they were going through broken engagements: Gaga to Taylor Kinney and Mariah to James Packer, and the way they were handled really proves my point.

Mariah symbolically takes her engagement ring off in the series finale and tells her manager Stella she can't go through with it, but it's all quite vague. Also, by the time Mariah calls off her engagement to James, she is basically with dancer Bryan Tanaka, who she had been flirting with for much of the series.

With Gaga, she tells the cameras she is having problems with Taylor, then months later she cries about how lonely she is and how her fame has impacted her relationships, and we watch her reaction when she receives flowers from Taylor on the morning of the Super Bowl. We know by this point that she has a new man, Christian Carino, but he isn't included in the footage.

Mariah's World felt like a car crash because it didn't really give the fans what they wanted and was basically a vanity project, whereas Gaga was honest, unpolished, laid bare, and stripped down to who she really is. It's why her documentary is more of a success.


musshu1981 from spain wrote:
At the end of the day both [reality series] are bs to me. Like you said, Mariah [focused hers] into a promo, everything looking perfect. And Gaga focused [more [on how] lonely she feels, but at the end, the show, the Superball flowers and [censored] when she [was] seeing some else already but she was [feeling] lonely but that [wasn't] in the show. All [on] tv is like movies, fiction, everything, every detail is made up to get impressions. Some will get your impressions and some will get mine. I'm not into [reality series] at all so I dont give a... [It's] true that I would like to see Mariah as a regular person but we see her [as a] product, her diva character, the singer, she'd being building this all her career, she [doesn't] share her [real] intimacy, she never did, she just [acts] for the rest of the world, being Mariah Carey, Mimi or whatever role she wants to play but never herself [because] if she gives that to all of us she [won't] have anything left, close your eyes, listen to her music and you can see how Mariah feels and thinks. It's fine to me with the reality [series] and all this bs as she still [releases] new music, people.
(Wednesday 27 September 2017; 11:06)
90sMariah from SG wrote:
I watched Gaga's docu last weekend and it was cringe with the amount of crying and showing of emotion because there are cameras present. She made people around her feel uncomfortable - even her producer/friend Mark Ronson. There's one scene in particular where she went to visit her grandma to tell her she made her deceased aunt a song. Of course, as usual, Gaga was already crying while playing her grandma the song and she kept waiting for her grandma to cry too, but she didn't. She couldn't. Gaga's grandma (mom of her aunt Joanne) even advised her to "not to feel maudlin about Joanne's memory, because she passed on a long time ago".
(Wednesday 27 September 2017; 14:11)

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