Saturday 2 June 2007

The Alfred Roy Cancer Fund

It's that time of the year again, ARCF 2007 commencement. As many of you know, and for those of you that don't, the ARCF, or the Alfred Roy Cancer Fund has been running year after year for the last three years raising money to make an annual mass donation to the American Cancer Society in Alfred Roy's, Mariah's late father's, name.

Last year I mentioned it was to be the last year of the fund, however I recently lost my uncle to cancer a few weeks ago and decided we needed one more year. This year, however, will not be like the previous ones, as I have pretty much auctioned off all of my Mariah merchandise and anything worth owning, so there will probably be no auctions, plus they were way too expensive to keep running. Basically this is purely a "donate if you can" year, our last hurrah before the closing of the fund, any amount of money we can raise will be a plus.

Last year we did not send Mariah a fundbook, this year I will be including last year's as well as this year's donors and we will send our messages on to Mariah. We have raised to date over $2,000 for cancer research and hopefully this will be a good year. Visit the site for more information if you're interested in helping at all.

(Jae through e-mail)

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