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After a cameo appearance in 1999's "The bachelor", it was time for Mariah to play the leading part in a movie. There were already plans for this movie in 1999, then it was called "All that glitters", but fans had to wait until September 20, 2001 to see the movie "Glitter". Based loosely on Mariah's own life, it tells the story of a mixed-race woman who is abandoned by her white father and taken from her black mother to be raised by foster parents. After years of hardship she finds fame and fortune as a 1980s pop star, then goes looking for her mother.

Mariah about the movie: "It's in the early 80's, in the club scene of that time. I play a singer, Billie, who's half-breed, from a white father and a black mother. Billie grows up in a foster home, because her mother abandonned her. Later on she meets a DJ and becomes a star in just one night. The point is, that all this time she waits for her mother to return. As you can see, this is far away from my reality, because I couldn't have a closest relationship with my own mother. When she's not with me, she calls like every 5 minutes."

The reviews "Glitter" received were devastating and the movie did very poorly in theaters, In most countries it wasn't even released. In the USA it premiered only in 1,196 theaters and was the 11th highest-grossing movie over the weekend with $5M. It was originally scheduled to open over Labor Day weekend, but the film was pushed back three weeks when Mariah checked into a hospital for emotional stress.

Mariah looks back at that period "as something that had to happen in my life. That time period was so blown out of proportion. That movie and that soundtrack - which had some really good songs that hopefully one day I'll get to redo - the fact it came out on September 11, people need to remember. How can we expect anything from that? I was a scapegoat in a lot of ways for talk show hosts who wanted to get away from the real stuff going on in the world. We all have to go through our tests to see how strong we are and come out on the other side."

video from Australia (0891)
CDP 31921 / CVT 31921
collection Eric de Ridder

recommended for mature audiences 15 years and over
low level violence, low level coarse language

video from Brazil (2466)
CT 0528
"legendado" version (subtitels)
collection Mikael Mansur Martinelli
video from Brazil (2254)
CT 0529
"dublado" version (dub)
collection Kleber Vicente Ferreira
video from the Czech Republic (2211)
the Czech title is "Stat se hvezdou"
collection Martin Vacir
video from Europe (2496)
no catalogue number
promo, all tracks are repeated 4 times
collection Kerry Scrimshaw

1. Trailer
2. Film clips
3. Loverboy remix (video)
4. Never too far (video)
5. Loverboy (video)

video from France (1310)
comes with three pictures from the movie
collection Eric de Ridder
video from Germany (1812)
subtitle: "Glitter Glanz eines Stars"
collection Luc Baumgartner
video from the Netherlands (1636)
BSC 31921
collection Eric de Ridder
video from the Netherlands (2316)
CVT 31921
collection Rob Fredie

This video is for rent only.

video from the Philippines (1903)
no catalogue number
collection Eric de Ridder
video from Poland (1316)
collection Grzegorz Rosinski
video from Poland (2288)
collection Eric de Ridder

The cover is slightly different from item 1316.

video from Russia (2603)
no catalogue number
collection Marco Hendriks
video from South-Korea (2558)
collection Soyeon Park
video from Spain (3466)
collection Pablo Solares
video from Taiwan (1653)
no catalogue number
collection Eric de Ridder

This video is for rent only.

video from Thailand (2186)
subtitle: "Fun Thor Kor Pen Dow"
collection Gunn

This video is Thai spoken and for rental only.

video from the UK (1783)
C907 3512
collection Lucie Hagelaar
video from the USA (1861)
no catalogue number
collection Maggie Walsh

This promo is called "The Midnight Madness Reel" and it seems to be an instore video. It has a few scenes from the movie, some behind-the-scenes footage, the Loverboy and Never Too Far video and advertisements for Glitter. Each clip is shown several times.

video from the USA (2780)
no catalogue number
collection Marcin Blaszczyk

On this video is trailer "A" (2:12) of the movie.

video from the USA (0930)
collection Eric de Ridder
DVD from Australia (0820)
collector's edition
collection Eric de Ridder

recommended for mature audiences 15 years and over
low level violence, low level coarse language

DVD special features:
Original Widescreen presentation
Audio commentary by director Vondie Curtis-Hall
"Never too far" music video performed by Mariah Carey
"Loverboy" music video performed by Mariah Carey
Talent profiles
Original movie trailer
Bonus movie trailer
Picture disc

DVD from Brazil (1309)
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Menus interativos e animados
Formato de tela: widescreen
Legendas: Português, Espanhol, Inglês, Chinês, Coreano e Tailandês
Idiomas: Inglês 5.1 (Dolby digital), Espanhol e Português 2-canais (Dolby surround)
Comentário do diretor
Trailers de cinema
2 Videoclips
Seleçâo de cenas

DVD from Canada (3492)
called "Victoire"
collection Judith Dos Santos

DVD special features:
Digitally mastered audio & anamorphic video
Widescreen and full screen presentations
Audio English 5.1 (Dolby digital) French
Subtitles English, French
Two music videos from Mariah Carey
Director's commentary
Theatrical trailers
Interactive menus
Scene selections

DVD from China (2822)
ISRC CN-005-07-0041-0/V.J9
collection Jay New

DVD special features:
Digitally mastered audio & anamorphic video
Audio English 5.1 (Dolby digital)
Audio Chinese 2.0 (Dolby digital)
Subtitles English, Chinese
Theatrical trailers
Interactive menus
Scene selections

DVD from China (0889)
ISRC CN-E25-01-668-01/V.Z6
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Digitally mastered audio & anamorphic video
Widescreen and full screen presentations
Audio English 5.1 (Dolby digital) French
Subtitles English, French
Two music videos from Mariah Carey
Director's commentary
Theatrical trailers
Interactive menus
Scene selections

DVD from Croatia (2479)
collection Adriana Ajredini

DVD special features:
Najava filma
Najave filmova "Center Stage" i "Charlie's Angels"
Komentar redatelja
Glazbeni video spotovi "Never Too Far" i "Loverboy"
Animirani izbornici

DVD from France (1977)
limited edition
collection Yoann Ignacel

DVD special features:
Menus animés
Films annonces
Clips musicaux: "Never too far" et "Loverboy"
Commentaire audio du réalisateur

DVD from France (3450)
collection Raïd Zaraket

DVD special features:
Menus animés
Films annonces
Clips musicaux: "Never too far" et "Loverboy"
Commentaire audio du réalisateur

DVD from France (2875)
collection Marco Hendriks

DVD special features:
Menus animés
Films annonces
Clips musicaux: "Never too far" et "Loverboy"
Commentaire audio du réalisateur

DVD from France (0976)
comes with three pictures from the movie
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Menus animés
Films annonces
Clips musicaux: "Never too far" et "Loverboy"
Commentaire audio du réalisateur

DVD from France (2847)
DFS 31921
collection Marco Hendriks

DVD special features:
Bande-annonce cinéma
Bande-annonce promo: "Dance ta vie"
Clips vidéo: "Never too far" et "Loverboy"
Commentaires durant toute la durée du film par le réalisateur
Filmographies des acteurs et de l'équipe du tournage

DVD from Germany (1829)
subtitle: "Glanz eines Stars"
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Filmografien: Schauspieler, Regisseur
Animierte Menüs

DVD from Germany (2210)
subtitle: "Glanz eines Stars"
for rental ("Mit Vermietrecht")
collection Philipp Wälchli

DVD special features:
Filmografien: Schauspieler, Regisseur
Animierte Menüs

DVD from the Hungary (1100)
99100 / 31921
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Audiokommentár a rendezö közremüködésével

DVD from the Indonesia (1318)
collection Immer Pieter Martin Simanungkalit

DVD special features:
Digitally mastered audio and anamorphic video
Widescreen presentations
Two music videos from Mariah Carey
Director's commentary
Theatrical trailers
Interactive menus
Scene selections

DVD from Italy (1561)
DC 36720
subtitle: "Quando nasce una star"
collection Alberto Amoretti

DVD special features:
Various trailers
Never too far & Loverboy videos
Director comment
Filmographies and biographies of director and cast
Animated menu

DVD from Japan (2253)
picture disc
collection Kerry Scrimshaw
DVD from Japan (1027)
picture disc
collection Eric de Ridder
DVD from the Netherlands (0868)
DNS 31921
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Bioscoop trailer
Promotie trailer: "Centre stage"
Video clips: "Never too far" en "Loverboy" (7 min.)
Commentaar tijdens de film door de regisseur
Filmografieën van cast en crew

DVD from the Netherlands (1578)
DNR 31921
collection Kees Mouwen

DVD special features:
Bioscoop trailer
Promotie trailer: "Centre stage"
Video clips: "Never too far" en "Loverboy" (7 min.)
Commentaar tijdens de film door de regisseur
Filmografieën van cast en crew

This version for rent only has a different picture disc.

DVD from Norway (2283)
1114231 / 31921
collection Rob Fredie

DVD special features:
Trailer: "center stage"
Music video: "Never too far"
Music video: "Loverboy"
Director's commentaries
Animated menus

DVD from Poland (1317)
collection Wojciech Sichniewicz

DVD special features:
Video clips: "Never too far", "Loverboy (Remix)"
Audio commentary by director Vondie Curtis-Hall
Animated menus
Talent profiles
2 Movie trailers

DVD from Portugal (1043)
D4 31921 / 01499
subtitle: "O Brilho de Uma Estrela"
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Original movie trailer
Bonus movie trailer
"Never too far" music video performed by Mariah Carey
"Loverboy" music video performed by Mariah Carey
Audio commentary by director Vondie Curtis-Hall
Talent profiles
Animated menus
Picture disc

DVD from South Korea (2091)
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Digitally mastered audio & anamorphic video
Widescreen and full screen presentation
Two music videos from Mariah Carey
Director's commentary
Theatrical trailers
Animated menus

DVD from Spain (1030)
D4 31921 / 01499
subtitle: "Todo lo que brilla"
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Trailer de cine
Trailer promocional de "El ritmo del éxito"
Videos musicales: "Never too far" y "Loverboy"
Comentarion del Director
Filmografias del Director, Mariah Carey, Eric Benet y Max Beesley
Menús animados

DVD from Sweden (1460)
1108931 / 31921
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Trailer: "center stage"
Music video: "Never too far"
Music video: "Loverboy"
Director's commentaries
Animated menus

DVD from Taiwan (1668)
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Digitally mastered audio & anamorphic video
Widescreen presentations
Two music videos from Mariah Carey
Director's commentary
Theatrical trailers
Interactive menus
Scene selections

DVD from Taiwan (1955)
CTD 2210
collection Rob Fredie

DVD special features:
Digitally mastered audio & anamorphic video
Widescreen presentations
Two music videos from Mariah Carey
Director's commentary
Theatrical trailers
Interactive menus
Scene selections

DVD from the UK (0890)
CDR 31921
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Director's commentary
Two music videos

DVD from the UK (1808)
collection Lucie Hagelaar

DVD special features:
Director's commentary
Two music videos

DVD from the USA (0265)
comes sometimes with a free necklace
collection Eric de Ridder

DVD special features:
Digitally mastered audio & anamorphic video
Widescreen and full screen presentations
Audio English 5.1 (Dolby digital) French
Subtitles English, French
Two music videos from Mariah Carey
Director's commentary
Theatrical trailers
Interactive menus
Scene selections

video CD from China (1197)
2 CD set
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from Hong Kong (0819)
2 CD set
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from Indonesia (1209)
CTHEV 03570402
2 CD set, comes in a box
with Indonesian subtitles
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from Malaysia (1702)
2 CD set
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from Malaysia (2757)
no catalogue number
double CD
collection Marcel Trupia
video CD from the Philippines (1482)
no catalogue number
2 CD set
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from Singapore (1308)
2 CD set
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from Taiwan (1647)
2 CD set
collection Eric de Ridder
video CD from Taiwan (2242)
CTV 2123
2 CD set, picture discs
collection Eric de Ridder
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